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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

yar please girls have no match with boys....if in case in time of war she crash landed in enemy territory or ejected there what will happen next u know well....pdf vatern think it from ur mind
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Well the lady under discussion reminds me of someone whom i've worked with.The women working class of Pakistan need a special thanks and words of praise for their services in every field.In my opinion they should be called as the "Mujahidas" of our nation.

The commitment ,dedication and determination towards their work and the passion to progress with in their own field of interest is just exceptional.As compared to us guys ,they have to prove a lot.Even the smallest of the mistakes are taken seriously....(especially in our society).....and people have got ample time to point their fingers at them.They just don't count the struggle and the effort that a Mujahida had to put in to reach there.

Being a doctor,pilot & engineer etc doesn't come that easy.You have to prove yourself to be there.And it's not a part time job as well. Having being blessed with such a talent and surviving in our society……living and working and progressing with in such a conservative society is not less that an achievement with in itself. The least I can do is to salute or pay tribute for their services to our nation.

On the other hand calling them something like ,”these women are mards” .What I feel is derogatory and disrecpectful.
It only indicates that somewhere in our mind, we were considering them as weaklings but they have quite surprised us. Woman can be a woman (taking about my experience) and still can outperform you, if you lack the skills that you must develop and the determination and love towards your profession that you must have to progress. The competition thing exists between professionals but the competition between different genders is just a time waste…..and a false ego booster; as if it’s the only thing what we are good at.

If a woman has sacrificed a part of her life for her job and for her nation and she's progressing in her field. Then it's equal to Jihad. It's nothing soft by any stretch of imagination. I must say that the family support system does play a deciding role here.

Then again role assignment is another thing. You may choose a role that she likes and is close to her nature. That in fact facilitates her in doing her job, that is to serve her nation.

I wish her and the likes of her the best of luck in their future endeavors.
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Yeah, probably just Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) over VAs in their own territory.

But it's ironic that though Muslims are considered more conservative, their women are allowed to fly fighter jets unlike the IAF which has debarred Indian women from flying fighters, relegating them to choppers and transport aircraft only.

I think it's high time the IAF changes its rules. But the main issues dogging the IAF are:

> What would happen to them if they are shot down over enemy territory.
> Family problems including maternity leaves meaning less flying hours.
> Monthly periods. You can't be wearing a g-suit during these periods! That means grounding every month for a week at least!!

I wonder how the PAF is coping with these issues?

Wrt the IAF and female fighter pilots. The IAF have done extensive analysis into this topic and have found the costs just don't justify it. It costs the IAF $1-1.4MN USD to train a fighter jock from basic to OCU to SQD service. Female fighter pilots, it was found, would more than likely be leaving operational service to have children which and may never return to front line service. It was found it would be illegal to disallow IAF female pilots from having children during their service. Females can and do fly anything else in the IAF's inventory from Cheatah LUHs right up to the IL-76/78 and will be flying the giant C-17s in the future too.

In the S.Asian context it is just a bit premature to expect all career women to chose their service/career over starting a family.

I don't know how the PAF is getting around this issue.
from BBC urdu







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I am so astonished to see various people saying this attempt as unislamic and blind adaptation of values of West.
Although for the spread of Islam both Men and women has given up their lives in past history.

The customer in the background, is a also an international fame now.

PAF is getting around this issue with American orders. :usflag:

Only place in Pakistan, where American orders dosn't work, is the armed forces... for the rest i do not object, applying your prophecy.

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