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Pakistan Failed state?

jab ho jayega then we will talk.

You could have earned in Pakistan too.
Sure you could. If you ask me i will love to go and live in Pakistan with my family and relative if someone offer me same package in there. There are talented people in Pakistan who are earning more than me in Pakistan. may be i was lazy and useless there who did work hard in western countries because had no other options. People here do all sort of low jobs but they feel shy doing same jobs in their own country. I feel more peace and joy in Pakistan when i live with my family, relative and cousins. happiness don't require luxury. People are happy in load shedding..watch the happy index of pakistan

Pakistanis happier than Indians and Americans: survey - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistanis happier than Indians, says UN report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistan ranked 16th happiest country in the world, reveals Happy Planet Index - The Lahore Times
Benazir support program is nothing but an organized effort to turn people into baggers. There is a Chinese proverb that translates something like: dont give them fish, teach them to catch fish. With this 'Benazir' crap program, we are only creating an army of nikammey and haram khour and in return we are asking for votes. Compared to that, Dr Amjad Saqib's NGO 'Akhuwat' is doing a great job by distributing interest-free loans and helping people to start their own businesses. Over 95% loans are returned back and many who benefited from those loans initially are now donors of 'Akhuwat', subhanAllah.
But this money is for widows and other women like that.How can they work?and you know the condition of women rights in our country when they stay out of house for a long time what the society says
We people in abroad are double standard people.
Yeah, Indians pretending to be Pakistanis to denigrate Pakistan.

This condition is worthy of psychological analysis (or pisskological analysis in your case, since this term that some of your countrymen came up with applies so well here) ... The need for an Indian to pretend he/she/it is Pakistani and bash Pakistan ... Probably tied to some deep rooted inferiority complex that your depraved and damaged subconcious is trying to reconcile with by demonizing Pakistan.
Hey, at least Pakistanis go abroad for better employment opportunities vs Indians (men and women) trying to escape being raped by by their fellow countrymen.

Therefore, the hierarchy of needs theory would suggest that Pakistan is better at meeting the basic needs of her citizens than India.
Sure you could. If you ask me i will love to go and live in Pakistan with my family and relative if someone offer me same package in there. There are talented people in Pakistan who are earning more than me in Pakistan. may be i was lazy and useless there who did work hard in western countries because had no other options. People here do all sort of low jobs but they feel shy doing same jobs in their own country. I feel more peace and joy in Pakistan when i live with my family, relative and cousins. happiness don't require luxury. People are happy in load shedding..watch the happy index of pakistan

Pakistanis happier than Indians and Americans: survey - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistanis happier than Indians, says UN report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistan ranked 16th happiest country in the world, reveals Happy Planet Index - The Lahore Times

Thread is about Pakistan, not India, Saudi Arab or Nepal. We should not make any country as the criteria to compare developments and call us we are developed than XYZ country.

It is like A figure among Cyphers. :)

They send all money they earned and save in western countries back home. Did you brought all your relatives with you in Germany? I bet most of them are living good life in Pakistan because of you

They simply advise me that don't return :)
Its really sad to see that some senior members including some elite ranks holders have this habit of self-bashing and self pity that you will never hear anything positive from them for Pakistan, Pakistani or for Muslims. They are very much like Hasan nisar who only wish to see everything from one angle which is negative angle. I am all for constructive criticism but just too much self hate or self-pity just demoralize a nation


If ignorance could be rewarded with BADGES of Disgrace---you would be in line for one----. People like Hasan Nisar have the courage and audacity to stand in front of the rich and the powerful and speak up about the wrong that is being done----.

Young man---your growth level is still at that point where you call a discussion or a difference of opinion with a 'negative angle', and using words like 'self bashing' and self pity' as if it is outrageous and ridiculous----.

Progressive people talk and address about the issues they have---people with character and honor talk and discuss about issues of daily living.

Since when did the ordinary took a stand for any thing----since when did those who cared for none started caring for the weak and the meek----.

Disgusting people like you want to talk down of those warring on the frontlines---trying to show the people the light to take a stand for their rights and demand for what they deserve what is rightfully theirs and confront the criminals looting and plundering the nation.

It truly is amazing to see that how lost and ignorant the young men of the nation of Pakistan are----.

If ignorance could be rewarded with BADGES of Disgrace---you would be in line for one----. People like Hasan Nisar have the courage and audacity to stand in front of the rich and the powerful and speak up about the wrong that is being done----.

Young man---your growth level is still at that point where you call a discussion or a difference of opinion with a 'negative angle', and using words like 'self bashing' and self pity' as if it is outrageous and ridiculous----.

Progressive people talk and address about the issues they have---people with character and honor talk and discuss about issues of daily living.

Since when did the ordinary took a stand for any thing----since when did those who cared for none started caring for the weak and the meek----.

Disgusting people like you want to talk down of those warring on the frontlines---trying to show the people the light to take a stand for their rights and demand for what they deserve what is rightfully theirs and confront the criminals looting and plundering the nation.

It truly is amazing to see that how lost and ignorant the young men of the nation of Pakistan are----.

excellent! :victory1:
One can only speculate about the political motives for inventing an incoherent concept like “state failure.” It gave Western states (most notably the US superpower) much more flexibility to intervene where they wanted to: you don’t have to respect state sovereignty if there is no state. After the end of the Cold War, there was less hesitation to intervene because of the disappearance of the threat of Soviet retaliation.

“State failure” was even more useful as justification for the US to operate with a free hand internationally in the “War on Terror” after 9/11.
These political motives are perfectly understandable, but they don’t justify shoddy analysis using such an undefinable concept.

It’s time to declare “failed state” a “failed concept.”
But this money is for widows and other women like that.How can they work?and you know the condition of women rights in our country when they stay out of house for a long time what the society says
This money is not restricted to widows or women. Government is using this money to bribe the voters and has obtained desirable results too. Marvi Memon is the incharge of this program and she has successfuly used tax payers money to win election in GB for PML(N).

Secondly, a large percentage of people benefiting or benefitted from 'Akhuwat' interest-free loan program was females who are now running their small to medium sized businesses and earning halal income for themselves and their families. Situation for females in Pakistan is not that bad as it is presented by foreign NGOs.
Will people please note @Shan-e-ibrahim is a Indian and he has succeeded in doing what he wanted to derail the thread. Ignore him.

@syedali73 The reality is every government uses state structures to leverage votes. PIA is used to as a employment agency, ditto KEC, ditto all the other state industries. Have you ever seen the number of PIA employees? Half of them are on the payroll and don't even do anything. So BISP is just a extention of that but one differance at least the very poor get to bite the pie.

If you think that is unfair what about all the tax avoiders, the fake employees, the ghost school employees and all the graft that goes on in government? This $1 billion at least wil go toward some of the poor who will feed their children not some fat cats who will buy apartments in Dubai. If you ewant to raise your voice begin with first the fat cats who milch the country and blead it dry ...
Yeah, Indians pretending to be Pakistanis to denigrate Pakistan.

This condition is worthy of psychological analysis (or pisskological analysis in your case, since this term that some of your countrymen came up with applies so well here) ... The need for an Indian to pretend he/she/it is Pakistani and bash Pakistan ... Probably tied to some deep rooted inferiority complex that your depraved and damaged subconcious is trying to reconcile with by demonizing Pakistan.

How does that matter to some one living abroad , standing in the line of green card or blue card, whether one is Indian or Pakistani. I have never seen Pakistani pretending as Indian or Indian pretending as Pakistani, unless until he or she is from elite intelligence agencies like RAW or ISI :)

Well coming to your statement regarding me demonizing Pakistan, we FYI. I have not done corruption in Pakistan, I have not looted Pakistan, I have not used Pakistani resources for free, I have never shot any kid going to school in Pakistan. Alhamdollillah I have not been involved in any crime which defames Pakistan. I have not rigged in elections and the list is vast.

How the hell I am demonizing Pakistan? o_O
Thread is about Pakistan, not India, Saudi Arab or Nepal. We should not make any country as the criteria to compare developments and call us we are developed than XYZ country.
We absolutely should perform comparisons. Measurments of 'success, failure, prosperity, happiness' etc tends to be relative, in one way or another. What factors need to be accounted for to measure success vs failure? Are these factors given the same weight irrespective of the nation/society being observed? Once you determine and setup your factors, how do you make sense of the metrics you gather? On a scale of 1 to 100, is 60 a 'good score' or merely 'acceptable'?

Comparisons with similar systems using the same methodology, albeit with the chosen factors weighted according to the unique situation and dynamics of each system, allows for us to make sense of numbers trying to describe the state of our lives.

Take this attempt to calculate the 'happiness' of a people for example:

India is less happy than Pakistan, Palestine, says World Happiness Report. What's going on?

Pakistanis are much happier than Indians, so if 'failure' or 'failed state' needs to be defined via some combination of metrics, then this particular set of metrics suggests that, relative to Pakistan (and various other states ranked above India) it is India that is failing her people and therfore failing as a State.

If ignorance could be rewarded with BADGES of Disgrace---you would be in line for one----. People like Hasan Nisar have the courage and audacity to stand in front of the rich and the powerful and speak up about the wrong that is being done----.

Young man---your growth level is still at that point where you call a discussion or a difference of opinion with a 'negative angle', and using words like 'self bashing' and self pity' as if it is outrageous and ridiculous----.

Progressive people talk and address about the issues they have---people with character and honor talk and discuss about issues of daily living.

Since when did the ordinary took a stand for any thing----since when did those who cared for none started caring for the weak and the meek----.

Disgusting people like you want to talk down of those warring on the frontlines---trying to show the people the light to take a stand for their rights and demand for what they deserve what is rightfully theirs and confront the criminals looting and plundering the nation.

It truly is amazing to see that how lost and ignorant the young men of the nation of Pakistan are----.
Sorry but if finding just negativity in your society which we are all well aware of and constantly involve in self-hating and self pity.. make yourself zinda lash, exaggerate all negative stuffs in society make you intellectual then i feel sorry for such wisdom....



We absolutely should perform comparisons. Measurments of 'success, failure, prosperity, happiness' etc tends to be relative, in one way or another. What factors need to be accounted for to measure success vs failure? Are these factors given the same weight irrespective of the nation/society being observed? Once you determine and setup your factors, how do you make sense of the metrics you gather? On a scale of 1 to 100, is 60 a 'good score' or merely 'acceptable'?

Comparisons with similar systems using the same methodology, albeit with the chosen factors weighted according to the unique situation and dynamics of each system, allows for us to make sense of numbers trying to describe the state of our lives.

Take this attempt to calculate the 'happiness' of a people for example:

India is less happy than Pakistan, Palestine, says World Happiness Report. What's going on?

Pakistanis are much happier than Indians, so if 'failure' or 'failed state' needs to be defined via some combination of metrics, then this particular set of metrics suggests that, relative to Pakistan (and various other states ranked above India) it is India that is failing her people and therfore failing as a State.

You have world bank for that, to tell you how good and developed you are as per your criteria of economy, you have WHO to explain about health facilities and assist you in establishing good health institutions. The poverty line is decided by US which does not suit Pakistan's economy, the poverty line in India, or Australia is according to their economic standard.. How the hell you will compare who is developed?

It's not like that.

First you need to have your set of criteria, what you call poverty line and what you call development index.

If a country with high industrial growth in manufacturing is compared to Agricultural country with more food processing Industries. How are you going to compare?

The Comparison happens with Competition in mind in similar sectors.

The criteria of being happy may vary in different countries accordingly. In south Asia, even those who enjoy all the luxuries are not happy with the life , they want more. Will you call them Happy or Unhappy
How the hell I am demonizing Pakistan? o_O
I'll indulge you for a tad longer - your first comment on this thread was both derogatory towards Pakistan and those of us discussing the State of Pakistan (via various metrics, which in the case of this particular thread happened to be the BISP). You had nothing constructive to offer about the thread topic, the pros and cons of the BISP, whether the statistics presented were accurate or not, how to interpret said statistics. No, all you did (and this is why your damaged psyche pretending to be Pakistani fools very few of us) was regurgitate a canard many Indians throw around, about the 'Overseas Pakistani'.
Very successful state that's why OP left it and me too, and many on PDF who have posted above.. wow
I'll indulge you for a tad longer - your first comment on this thread was both derogatory towards Pakistan and those of us discussing the State of Pakistan (via various metrics, which in the case of this particular thread happened to be the BISP). You had nothing constructive to offer about the thread topic, the pros and cons of the BISP, whether the statistics presented were accurate or not, how to interpret said statistics. No, all you did (and this is why your damaged psyche pretending to be Pakistani fools very few of us) was regurgitate a canard many Indians throw around, about the 'Overseas Pakistani'.

I don't know which country you are in , as per the flags you are in Pak, and hence I wrote about managing own statistics, with you. :) But I am against those who leave country and then blabber all sort of fancy arguments on Pakistan.
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