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Pakistan Failed state?

Like you said it depends where you set the bar. If you set it high enough that Pakistan's falls short of that the pass mark I suspect so would 25% of the world. However for political reasons 'failed' is often used in particular by our neighbour which of course is gross since we all know how 100s of millions of them live in abject poverty.

No I am not a PPP supporter. The initiative is named after her and since she is dead it is not partisan anymore. What do you mean everything? Just the name of the scheme is Benezir that hardly means 'everything'.

@Shan-e-ibrahim Unlike you I have the decency of revealing my country of origin. You of course being a Ganga dweller hide behind Pakistani flag. On me leaving my country last time I checked there are millions more Indian's living abroad then Pakistani and more would leave if only they could afford the air tickets ...

* Just to clarify I am more inclined toward PTI so this is not my attempt at embelishing PPP. Like I said BISP is now non partisan and although named after late Benezir she has my respects. Let the dead lie in peace.

India should and must not be our scale to measure development in Pakistan. They have different priorities, we have different priorities. India is only a competitor in few sectors with different ambitions , if we also do exactly the same what they do, then success rate will be negative.
Very successful state that's why OP left it and me too, and many on PDF who have posted above.. wow
Beta you are sitting in Germany because of Pakistani passport. Your mother may be poor but that dont mean you will stop loving her because she is poor and cannot feed you..love is emotional connection and people leave their countries for many reasons but still have emotional connection back home
Beta you are sitting in Germany because of Pakistani passport. Your mother may be poor but that dont mean you will stop loving her because she is poor and cannot feed you..love is emotional connection and people leave their countries for many reasons but still have emotional connection back home

I understand your emotions. But I know you are a practical person.
I understand your emotions. But be practical.
Calling Pakistan a failure state is practical thing? lol Have some dignity and self respect if you are pakistani
and if you dont feel emotional connection with your country then it dont mean we all overseas Pakistani should bash our country because we left it for better education or for work to earn better for our families back home
Calling Pakistan a failure state is practical thing? lol Have some dignity and self respect if you are pakistani
and if you dont feel emotional connection with your country then it dont mean we all overseas Pakistani should bash our country because we left it for better education or for work to earn better for our families back home

He is Indian .....
These surveys mean nothing if you feel proud to be Pakistani and love Pakistan then what's others feel for your country become very much irrelevant . Afghanistan may be a failed state for world but if a Afghani feel proud to be afghan then opinions of world will not matter. World think most Indians are poor as one third of world poorest live in there then what? you will stop loving India
Calling Pakistan a failure state is practical thing? lol Have some dignity and self respect if you are pakistani
and if you dont feel emotional connection with your country then it dont mean we all overseas Pakistani should bash our country because we left it for better education or for work to earn better for our families back home

So you call it a successful state? How many in EU or UK or US leave to settle in Pakistan for better education, better job and etc.

These don't mean anything. I could easily set up a website and fudge the figures to create what I want. fragile index is not some physical object you test for stress using electronic devices. Fragile in this sense is entirely dependant on subjective speculation informed by partial opinion.

Most of these people are sat in USA or whatever and have no idea of the situation on the ground. What exactly is going to go fragile about Pakistan? Balochistan? FATA? Baloch make less than 2% of the population and FATA is less than 2% thus these regions will never destablise the other 96%.

If K-Pk or Sindh went all pear shaped that is a differant matter but I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon.

@Raja.Pakistani I have no idea why he does not use Indian flag but he just a troll and most members know he is Indian. Read post # 6 below.

Who do you people think is false flagging here?
So you call it a successful state? How many in EU or UK or US leave to settle in Pakistan for better education, better job and etc.
A better question would be, do the residents of US, UK, European Union leave their native countries in search of better prospects? Answer is yes, they do. Leaving one's country is no scale to measure success or failure of that particular country.
A better question would be, do the residents of US, UK, European Union leave their native countries in search of better prospects? Answer is yes, they do. Leaving one's country is no scale to measure success or failure of that particular country.

For Pakistanis it is.
Pakistan is not a failed state and it should carry on the way it is without any major shift in it's policies.

p.s. Jinnah was a big time failure though.
@Atanz I will get back to you on that other thread you have tagged me, as soon as possible. It's just that I am not getting much time to organize a thought.
So you call it a successful state? How many in EU or UK or US leave to settle in Pakistan.
I never said Pakistan is perfect country in this world but no country is perfect. If i love uk for certain reasons then i also love Pakistan for many reasons especially for social life in there. I know many white girls who married to Pakistani and living in Islamabad but I don't expect western to go and live in there. Our eastern and western culture is different, If people from developing or poor countries go in western countries then its mostly because of good education and economic reasons. Its not because they hate Pakistan and consider it failed state. by the way what is it which make a nation as failed nation?
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