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Pakistan Failed state?

I never said Pakistan is perfect country in this world but no country is perfect. If i love uk for certain reasons then i also love Pakistan for many reasons especially for social life in there. I know many white girls who married to Pakistani and living in Islamabad but I don't expect western to go and live in there. Our eastern and western culture is different, If people from developing or poor countries go in western countries then its mostly because of good education and economic reasons. Its not because they hate Pakistan and consider it failed state. bt the way what is it which make a nation as failed nation?

See, to be very honest. If a Pakistani sitting in a Pakistan argues this. Then I have no problem. But atleast not from those who have left their homeland.

You are also abroad and me too , and there is nothing hidden about daily discussion, and end dialogue , ''Pakistan ka toh Allah hi Hafiz hai''. We people in abroad are double standard people.
See, to be very honest. If a Pakistani sitting in a Pakistan argues this. Then I have no problem. But atleast not from those who have left their homeland.

You are also abroad and me too , and there is nothing hidden about daily discussion, and end dialogue , ''Pakistan ka toh Allah hi Hafiz hai''. We people in abroad are double standard people.
So leaving your country/people temporary mean you hate your country? You left your family back home? do you hate them ? lol where did you get this from? I was never involved in self-pity. I feel proud to associate with pakistan no matter where i live.. just talk about yorself
This may be your wish (ill) but nothing more than that.

Yesterday I spoke to my friend in lahore, and she said, '' Kon Pakistani rehna chahta hai yahan''. Sitting abroad in all the good facilities and saying Pakistan is not a failed state is itself an Insult to Pakistan!

We have no right to comment on situation in Pakistan, and especially those who are standing in the line to get Blue Card or the green one.

Protocol should b give the solution or shut up.

So leaving your country/people temporary mean you hate your country? You left your family back home? do you hate them ? lol where did you get this from? I was never involved in self-pity. I feel proud to associate with pakistan no matter where i live.. just talk about yorself

There is a difference between hating and calling it a successful, etc state, if not failed, while sitting abroad in all the luxuries.
There is a difference between hating and calling it a successful state, if not failed, while sitting abroad in all the luxuries.
You did not answer what is it which make a country as failed country? and will this failure is some permanent state?

luxuries life in abroad? lol

so you living a luxuries life in germany? what you do in there?
You did not answer what is it which make a country as failed country? and will this failure is some permanent state?

I am not going to mark our points here and embarrass Pakistan more. You know it very well and I know very well too. There is no point. At least not for us who are abroad.
I am not going to mark our points here and embarrass Pakistan more. You know it very well and I know very well too. There is no point. At least not for us who are abroad.
No, i dont know. you tell me what is failed state and whether this condition of failure is something permanent

secondly what you do in germany? What sort of luxurious life you are enjoying in there? How many servants you have in your palace ?
I am not going to mark our points here and embarrass Pakistan more. You know it very well and I know very well too. There is no point. At least not for us who are abroad.
You are not embararrasing Pakistan but yourself if you indeed are a Pakistani. If you were so much concerned about Pakistan, you would have not left her in the first place. Yes, everybody is in line to obtain green cards but this is human nature. However, it is not what country has given to you, it is what you are giving to your motherland.
No, i dont know. you tell me what is failed state and whether this condition of failure is something permanent

secondly what you do in germany? What sort of luxurious life you are enjoying in there? How many servants you have in your palace ?

24 hours water supply, 24 hours power supply

These two are sufficient enough and some thing very luxurious for middle income Pakistanis in Pakistan.

Okay? So let us not go into those details.

You are not embararrasing Pakistan but yourself if you indeed are a Pakistani. If you were so much concerned about Pakistan, you would have not left her in the first place. Yes, everybody is in line to obtain green cards but this is human nature. However, it is not what country has given to you, it is what you are giving to your motherland.

Pakistanis abroad are giving nothing to their mother land except for a few. let's be very honest. Many Pakistanis have compromised their country to get these cards. Let us not go into those details every one is aware of such facts.
24 hours water supply, 24 hours power supply

These two are sufficient enough and some thing very luxurious for middle income Pakistanis in Pakistan.

Okay? So let us not go into those details.
Your definition of luxury really amused me
You think all Pakistani cannot afford 24 hours water and shortage of power supply is recent phenomenon and it will not last forever so if you get these two things in Pakistan then it will not be a failed nation any more

Pakistanis abroad are giving nothing to their mother land except for a few. let's be very honest. Many Pakistanis have compromised their country to get these cards. Let us not go into those details every one is aware of such facts.
They send all money they earned and save in western countries back home. Did you brought all your relatives with you in Germany? I bet most of them are living good life in Pakistan because of you
These don't mean anything. I could easily set up a website and fudge the figures to create what I want. fragile index is not some physical object you test for stress using electronic devices. Fragile in this sense is entirely dependant on subjective speculation informed by partial opinion.

Most of these people are sat in USA or whatever and have no idea of the situation on the ground. What exactly is going to go fragile about Pakistan? Balochistan? FATA? Baloch make less than 2% of the population and FATA is less than 2% thus these regions will never destablise the other 96%.

If K-Pk or Sindh went all pear shaped that is a differant matter but I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon.

It's as credible as the WHO poverty statistics you post on every India related thread.
Your definition of luxury really amused me
You think all Pakistani cannot afford 24 hours water and shortage of power supply is recent phenomenon and it will not last forever so if you get these two things in Pakistan then it will not be a failed nation any more

jab ho jayega then we will talk.

They send all money they earned and save in western countries back home. Did you brought all your relatives with you in Germany? I bet most of them are living good life in Pakistan because of you

You could have earned in Pakistan too.
But these loans are for women.How can these women work and you know about the condition of women rights in our country
For Pakistanis it is.
Hey, at least Pakistanis go abroad for better employment opportunities vs Indians (men and women) trying to escape being raped by by their fellow countrymen.

Therefore, the hierarchy of needs theory would suggest that Pakistan is better at meeting the basic needs of her citizens than India.
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