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Pakistan Failed state?

Do I make myself clear ?
No, you don't. You just expose yourself for being an apologist for the demented and diseased mindset displayed by some of your fellow Indian trolls when you refuse to recognize and/or condemn their derogatory commentary and instead spout of sanctimonious poppycock about the 'skewed representation of your society' when Pakistanis respond to Indians making degenerate comments in kind.
You want to give examples of rape and violence etc etc.. you give example of your own society. Statistics say, those problems are 15 times more in Pakistan..
"Indians leaving their country to avoid violence and rape!"- That's what you said ? You better delete that.
Your inability to comprehend the context of a discussion, or the context certain comments were made in, is not my problem. Since you choose to not condemn the comments of your fellow Indian troll here, I see no obligation on my part to edit my comment in any way since it was a respond in kind to a 'skewed representation of Pakistani society'
Sorry but if finding just negativity in your society which we are all well aware of and constantly involve in self-hating and self pity.. make yourself zinda lash, exaggerate all negative stuffs in society make you intellectual then i feel sorry for such wisdom....





In the first video---he is not wrong about Iqbal---he is speaking the truth.

Allah created us in different ethnic groups and gave us different languages and different nations----.

Kid---you are listening with your ears---you do not have the ability to understand what he is saying yet----and it might never happen either.

Enjoy your life of living in ignorance.
It only sounds funny when you're a pisskologically damaged Indian troll. The argument being made on this thread about the BISP and its effect on Pakistanis is based on statistics from Pakistan, not statistics from the US, so how exactly does the the place of residence of someone discussing these statistics matter?

Wow, I knew I was embarrassing you by taking apart your ridiculous charade, but I didn't expect you to just come out and accept that you really are incapable of arguing the merits of the topic, and therefore resort to nonsense like 'overseas Pakistanis should not argue the positive aspects of Pakistan'. The question I raised proves everything - if the statistics related to a particular subject are obtained from Pakistan, then how does the place of residence of the individuals discussing said statistics impact the validity of the arguments being made, based on said statistics?

since as I assume you are currently living in Pakistan. I accept from your point of you that Pakistan is not failed and has provided YOU oppurtunity to work and build your carrier. But for some one who has left Pakistan for '' Better Opportunities and Better LIFE'' according to him, Pakistan lacks it and has failed to provide good opportunities. No matter what the domestic data says.

Of course, compared to Sweden Pakistan is a 'failed State', there is always room for improvement, but that is why I made the argument earlier that without some kind of a reference point (comparison to other countries if you will) these numbers trying to make sense of the state of a people are somewhat meaningless. So you contrast the data against similar systems to get a sense of the state of your particular system. This particular set of data (Happiness index) suggests that Pakistan is 'successful' in contrast to India, but 'failing' relative to Western European nations.

India is itself in doldrums, janab. Why you take such country as a reference point of measuring success. Their own people are leaving India, like Pakistanis do. What is the point in comparing yourself with India? I don't understand this.

Yes, if you really want to measure the infrastructural development, compare it with just for ex: Turkey, UAE, etc.. which have similar population and similar GDP. Then see where you lack.

In the first video---he is not wrong about Iqbal---he is speaking the truth.

Allah created us in different ethnic groups and gave us different languages and different nations----.

Kid---you are listening with your ears---you do not have the ability to understand what he is saying yet----and it might never happen either.

did you watched all his videos? It seem you also taking pleasure in self-hating? :D

Woo k rha tha k pakistani itne galeez hain k tub he teekh ho sakhtey hein k apne face acid se wash kar ak ahin..tu when you are going to wash your face with acid as per his recommendation ? lol I hate self hating rants of this man and its common Pakistani whom he generalise and insult and has nothing to do with political leaders..according to him we are all evil currupt loteerey dakoo uncivilised butcher insult to mankind

did you watched all his videos? It seem you also taking pleasure in self-hating? :D

Woo k rha tha k pakistani itne galeez hain k tub he teekh ho sakhtey hein k apne face acid se wash kar ak ahin..tu when you are going to wash your face with acid as per his recommendation ? lol I hate self hating rants of this man and its common Pakistani whom he generalise and insult and has nothing to do with political leaders..according to him we are all evil currupt loteerey dakoo uncivilised butcher insult to mankind

if I say , chullu bhar pani mei doob ja' does that literally mean ki drown in handful of water? Hadh hai :hitwall:
if I say , chullu bhar pani mei doob ja' does that literally mean ki drown in handful of water? Hadh hai :hitwall:
iss bundey ka kohee video utha k dekh loo agar iss k moun se ek be positive baat nikli tu muje a k bolna

had hoti ha..I know we have our weakness and constructive criticism is good to some extent as its wake up call for people but there is limit of exaggeration . he goes to extreme of negativity
No, you don't. You just expose yourself for being an apologist for the demented and diseased mindset displayed by some of your fellow Indian trolls when you refuse to recognize and/or condemn their derogatory commentary and instead spout of sanctimonious poppycock about the 'skewed representation of your society' when Pakistanis respond to Indians making degenerate comments in kind.

Your inability to comprehend the context of a discussion, or the context certain comments were made in, is not my problem. Since you choose to not condemn the comments of your fellow Indian troll here, I see no obligation on my part to edit my comment in any way since it was a respond in kind to a 'skewed representation of Pakistani society'

It's very simple. Probably you should go back to school to learn elementary logic. You don't come to a discussion table with skewed data. If you do, prepare to be challenged. Can't do that and you stand as a fool and a liar.

You lied through your teeth about Indian leaving India due to violence. Can you prove it ?

You know what the reality is ? This -
Over 4,000 Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan and Afghanistan granted Indian citizenship
iss bundey ka kohee video utha k dekh loo agar iss k moun se ek be positive baat nikli tu muje a k bolna

had hoti ha..I know we have our weakness and constructive criticism is good to some extent as its wake up call for people but there is limit of exaggeration . he goes to extreme of negativity

You should give him applause. That after so much frustration he chose to stay in Pakistan.
But for some one who has left Pakistan for '' Better Opportunities and Better LIFE'' according to him, Pakistan lacks it and has failed to provide good opportunities.
And do you apply that argument consistently to citizens of other States who have also left their nations for employment opportunities elsewhere, such as developed European States? Is there a particular percentage or absolute number that, when crossed, would constitute an issue in terms of the 'state of the State'?
No matter what the domestic data says.
Without credible data you're just spouting off unsubstantiated opinions, and your comment here is quite insightful about your mindset. Not only do you dismiss arguments made by 'overseas Pakistanis' for no valid reason, you're also dismissing the data that allows for a relatively objective analysis of the state of a system. What's the equivalent of a Madrassa in India that would cultivate such poor intellect? A Swami Center or something?
India is itself in doldrums, janab. Why you take such country as a reference point of measuring success. Their own people are leaving India, like Pakistanis do. What is the point in comparing yourself with India? I don't understand this.
Its just a reference point, much like Sweden is. Both allow us to make sense of the data. We are not as bad as some nations (India) but we also need to improve significantly to get closer to other nations, like Sweden.
Yes, if you really want to measure the infrastructural development, compare it with just for ex: Turkey, UAE, etc.. which have similar population and similar GDP. Then see where you lack.
I'd rather just skip to Sweden and try and catch up to them.

It's very simple. Probably you should go back to school to learn elementary logic. You don't come to a discussion table with skewed data. If you do, prepare to be challenged. Can't do that and you stand as a fool and a liar.
Oh quit your histrionics and put a plug in it - you should probably stay away from posting on the forum when you start your period since you quite obviously are incapable of comprehending simple English explanations at this time of the month, let alone being able to comprehend the context of a discussion between two posters.

I need to validate nothing because I didn't try to prove anything (again, come back after a week when your time of the month is over and read the discussion again), and until you condemn and/or apologize for your fellow Indian trolls derogatory comments about Pakistan, you are nothing but an apologist for such diseased and demented mindsets, and I am under no obligation to prove anything to you or edit my comments, regardless of how many tears you shed and how much sanctimonious BS you spew.
And do you apply that argument consistently to citizens of other States who have also left their nations for employment opportunities elsewhere, such as developed European States? Is there a particular percentage or absolute number that, when crossed, would constitute an issue in terms of the 'state of the State'?

EU and USA have VRF system of travelling. They have united their economy. And inter EU one can work any where if he/she is from EU. They formulate policies together. If any country fails the responsible is whole of the EU.

Without credible data you're just spouting off unsubstantiated opinions, and your comment here is quite insightful about your mindset. Not only do you dismiss arguments made by 'overseas Pakistanis' for no valid reason, you're also dismissing the data that allows for a relatively objective analysis of the state of a system. What's the equivalent of a Madrassa in India that would cultivate such poor intellect? A Swami Center or something?
Its just a reference point, much like Sweden is. Both allow us to make sense of the data. We are not as bad as some nations (India) but we also need to improve significantly to get closer to other nations, like Sweden.

I'd rather just skip to Sweden and try and catch up to them.

I am not disqualifying domestic data and criteria for people who are in Pakistan. It's Valid for them and they have right to say whether Pakistan is failing or rising.

Those who have left Pakistan for ' Better Life' , for them Pakistan has failed already. Their action speaks louder than words. Going outside and saying Pakistan is rising. If Pakistan was rising why did you come out for Better life? This is my argument.

All Scandinavian countries can be good example, together, because then you have to see the population criteria also.

did you watched all his videos? It seem you also taking pleasure in self-hating? :D

Woo k rha tha k pakistani itne galeez hain k tub he teekh ho sakhtey hein k apne face acid se wash kar ak ahin..tu when you are going to wash your face with acid as per his recommendation ? lol I hate self hating rants of this man and its common Pakistani whom he generalise and insult and has nothing to do with political leaders..according to him we are all evil currupt loteerey dakoo uncivilised butcher insult to mankind


I saw his videos----all of them--and have seen them before---he not wrong in saying what he is stating----.

Pakistanis are one of the most perverse people---and it is reference to when they declare themselves to be the guardians of Islam.
Oh quit your histrionics and put a plug in it - you should probably stay away from posting on the forum when you start your period since you quite obviously are incapable of comprehending simple English explanations at this time of the month, let alone being able to comprehend the context of a discussion between two posters.
Ohh.. you vindictively pull out some phoney claim out of your rear and said, "Indians are leaving the country because of rape and violence" and then upon being countered, you say let it go. Why ? If what your are saying is the truth then back up your claim. Or else, what is it ? Figments of wild imagination and mental masturbation ?

I need to validate nothing because I didn't try to prove anything (again, come back after a week when your time of the month is over and read the discussion again), and until you condemn and/or apologize for your fellow Indian trolls derogatory comments about Pakistan, you are nothing but an apologist for such diseased and demented mindsets, and I am under no obligation to prove anything to you or edit my comments, regardless of how many tears you shed and how much sanctimonious BS you spew.

Apologetic, my foot.
Its really sad to see that some senior members including some elite ranks holders have this habit of self-bashing and self pity that you will never hear anything positive from them for Pakistan, Pakistani or for Muslims. They are very much like Hasan nisar who only wish to see everything from one angle which is negative angle. I am all for constructive criticism but just too much self hate or self-pity just demoralize a nation

Perhaps that nation is past trying to see the positive in. Because if a nation is unable to see its negativity and improve upon it and instead bring its positives as an EXCUSE.. then that nation essentially is doomed to repeat its ills from history. Pakistan is almost the primary entry for an Encyclopedia entry on the subject.

That is because.. simply.. the Pakistanis haven't died in the millions and have not starved to death at their own hands. Once that does happen can one start to talk positive about Pakistan.
The west is where it is today because they know the value of a full stomach by large and their intelligentsia learnt it the hard way.. the same cannot be said for Pakistan or many Arab states; which is why they will remain.. regardless of nuclear bombs or massive oil fields.. failed peoples.
EU and USA have VRF system of travelling. They have united their economy. And inter EU one can work any where if he/she is from EU. They formulate policies together.
They are still distinct nation states with distinct cultures and language. Ease of travel and employment within a certain group of countries is merely an easing of the paperwork involved - why would someone uproot their family (or just themselves) and move to a foreign land with a foreign language and culture and leave behind friends and family unless they believed that the move (and all the accompanying hardship) would be offset by the chance of a better experience (financial and/or life related) in another country?

So the question remains, do you apply that argument consistently and at what point does the flow of human capital out of a country pose an issue and why? Is said flow offset by the inflow of human capital from other States?
I am not disqualifying domestic data and criteria for people who are in Pakistan. It's Valid for them and they have right to say whether Pakistan is failing or rising.
No one here said that they were living off the BISP handouts in the US and very happy and successful, nor would I consider someone (living in Pakistan or outside without the need for BISP) credible were they to claim that 'Pakistanis receiving BISP are happy and prosperous. The data speaks for itself, but within the confines of what it measured. The OP did not offer opinions on whether those receiving the data were ecstatic and successful, he offered supporting data about the buying power of money provided under the BISP and how many people it impacted. Associated data that measures the attitudes of BISP recipients has not been provided or measured (as far as I know), but would be a logical next step. Again, whether scientifically gathered data is discussed by Pakistanis resident in Pakistan or living outside Pakistan is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the data not be misrepresented.
Those who have left Pakistan for ' Better Life' , for them Pakistan has failed already. Their action speaks louder than words. Going outside and saying Pakistan is rising. If Pakistan was rising why did you come out for Better life? This is my argument.
Then every single country in the world has failed their citizens, unless of course you wish to only apply this argument in the case of Pakistan, in which case you have to explain why you wish to restrict it just to Pakistan.
All Scandinavian countries can be good example, together, because then you have to see the population criteria also.
Sure, Pakistan should keep working on improving that 'Happiness Index ranking'.

Ohh.. you vindictively pull out some phoney claim out of your rear and said, "Indians are leaving the country because of rape and violence" and then upon being countered, you say let it go. Why ? If what your are saying is the truth then back up your claim. Or else, what is it ? Figments of wild imagination and mental masturbation ?
Actually I pulled it out of the rear of Shan-e-Hind. It was stuck up there along with his derogatory comments about Pakistan and Pakistanis.
Apologetic, my foot.
Damn, I threw that 'time of the month' comment out there without any clue whatsoever about your gender ... I am generalizing here, but isn't that phrase 'my foot' typically used by women?
Pakistan is not a failed state, yet.

However if PPP comes into power again , we might become one soon...
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