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Pakistan Failed state?

That is my point. The bad governance and mismanagement has led to financial crisis among households and now they are compensating it by giving money and all.
its like giving them drugs and let them sleep we need small units where 150-200 work even make hand made items so they earn money . bheekari na banao mulk ko
acha qoute mujhy kiya th na ? main samjha apko kisi ne kaha imran ne apko ban karaya hai :partay::partay::partay::partay:
aap mujhay ban nahi kara saktay, ap tau meray pdf buddy hain dushman nahi.
Apnay aisa kuch kiya may apko choroon gee nahi.
A failed state can have a program named after her dead PM, it proves nothing.
Pakistan is not a failed state because it has functioning and alive institutions (parliament, judiciary, free press, more or less fair election commission)... and most importantly a sizable middle class that can manage to keep the center of gravity of the boat stable.
Distinct nations working together to build their economy. And keep their citizens happy :) And that's why we south Asians go to these countries with better system and better life. They do not come to settle in Pakistan.

My argument is according to the current situation. The system in Pakistan has failed.
You still haven't answered the question, "So the question remains, do you apply that argument consistently and at what point does the flow of human capital out of a country pose an issue and why? Is said flow offset by the inflow of human capital from other States?"

[quoteSee title, and he is asking, whether Pakistan is a failed state or rising.[/quote]
See content of OP's post, the question he posed is within the context of the OP. I understand that some Indian's get a stiffy when they see the words 'failed' and 'Pakistan' mentioned together, but it's not an excuse for not reading the actual post that the thread is based on.

Only the relevant part is, people want to immigrate, because the system has failed to provide opportunities to them.
The only relevant part is that none of your comments so far are relevant to the discussion - the discussion is over the BISP program in Pakistan and how it helps (or not) the vulnerable sections of Pakistani society. What are your views on that?
Imran bahi, apko baad may bata doo geen. Theek hai. Kisi aur thread may. Theek hai.
okzzzz ab is thread ka kya kareen ?:o: we can have a benazeer income support card also ? that money we will use to buy cigarettes you may don't know gold leaf cost 130 rupees these days :lol:
You still haven't answered the question, "So the question remains, do you apply that argument consistently and at what point does the flow of human capital out of a country pose an issue and why? Is said flow offset by the inflow of human capital from other States?"

See content of OP's post, the question he posed is within the context of the OP. I understand that some Indian's get a stiffy when they see the words 'failed' and 'Pakistan' mentioned together, but it's not an excuse for not reading the actual post that the thread is based on.

The only relevant part is that none of your comments so far are relevant to the discussion - the discussion is over the BISP program in Pakistan and how it helps (or not) the vulnerable sections of Pakistani society. What are your views on that?

The flow of capital from abroad into Pakistan could have been done through our companies having station in abroad if government had managed to develop industries in Pakistan. And that was one time Investment. How many MNC's we have abroad which could have tripled the flow of capital into Pakistan? We would have worked for our companies and in collaboration or JVC with foreign firm for ToT. But there is lack of common sense.

We are more than 60% youth and Government is NOT utilizing this, This is a total FAILURE!!

Some people here were making India bench mark. The Indians have initiated with their industrial development to give opportunities to their youth. But where we are after one year?

Coming up policies like BISP, is like putting shadow over the mistakes of Past. Who is responsible for the current situation where now government needs to feed Millions. This is if not failure then what is it?

allah tuba to kis ne karaya ban apko phir????/

@ Hyperion ne. usko isne indian troll bola tha, or naswar khany wala truck driver. :P
@Shamain Nice to see you. You made some great points. I opened this thread to destroy the title by giving insight to various aspects of Pakistan. Of course thanks to Shan this thread has now gone to the point of no recovery so I won't bother with No.2 etc.

Notwithstanding the self serving claims of 'failed state' Pakistan is no where near a 'failed state'. The definition itself is subjective however the state as a structure is intact. Absolute sanction in the form of 600,000 man military is intact and other state structures are operating.

The example of BISP income support shows this because this can only happen within a stable structure. Over $1 billion is paid out annually to 40 million poor across the length and breadth of the country. This itself blows any such notions of 'failed state' because it shows that the state can still institute systems to take care of it's millions of vulnerable.

In a failed state those millions would being killed or starving. I know for a fact that along the system some money is being lost or used wrongly. There are probably some claimants who do not deserve it. However these type of schemes in fact involve resource redistribution. The rich, the well connected already milch the state by getting their children jobs in plum positions of government or juicy contracts.

When the poor have no stake in the state that is exactly when a state begins to 'fail' because that group feels left out and has no interest in perpetuating a order that shows no sympathy or concern. How do you know you belong to a family? You know because when you are in trouble they help you. They care for you and show concern. That is what binds you to your family.

A state can have all the guns and tanks but if it does not enjoy the support of loyalty of the citizens it will remain weak and liable to collapse at the slightest provocation. BISP shows to the ordinary poor that they belong to a country that cares. That little BISP card is proof of that we the collective called Pakistan care for our weak.

That I salute. I take pride in that my poor countrymen are recieving some money that reminds them of our collective concern for their welfare. In short Pakistan Zindanad is not just a slogan. Millions of transactions are made on those BISP debit cards and the Rs1,500 is recieved in the hand of poor.

As the poor claimant walks away that is expression of "Pakistan Zindabad". I for one take enormous pride in that. BISP debit card is manifestation of our duty to our weak and poor. That makes us great.

Edit: BISP more than our nuclear weapons, our much vaunted F-16s, Thunder Jets, our ballistic or cruise missiles, our elite SSG prove that Pakistan is strong and functioning because it shows it cares for it's weak. In fact this shows we as a society are strong.
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@Shamain Nice to see you. You made some great points. I opened this thread to destroy the title by giving insight to various aspects of Pakistan. Of course thanks to Shan this thread has now gone to the point of no recovery so I won't bother with No.2 etc.

The example of BISP income support shows this because this can only happen within a stable structure. Over $1 billion is paid out annually to 40 million poor across the length and breadth of the country. This itself blows any such notions of 'failed state' because it shows that the state can still institute systems to take care of it's millions of vulnerable.

In a failed state those millions would being killed or starving.

Edit: BISP more than our nuclear weapons, our much vaunted F-16s, Thunder Jets, our ballistic or cruise missiles, our elite SSG prove that Pakistan is strong and functioning because it shows it cares for it's weak. In fact this shows we as a society are strong.

So bringing so many million people to the state of poor financial condition is a success of this stable system where after every decade army comes out a barrack?

And now putting shadow over the past mistakes through BISP. But they will not create opportunities of jobs for these people. SubhanAllah!
What ? Fabricating data ? And then screaming waving your hands above your head ? Show me the data, which justifies your comment that Indians are leaving the country due to rape and violence.
What 'data' (if you can even comprehend what the term means' did I provide to you in this discussion?

I didn't fabricate any 'data' - you're fabricating this entire issue to avoid condemning the depraved mindset of your fellow Indian troll Shan-e-Hind.
As a matter of fact it's other way around and I have already provided you with credible sources for that.
I never asked you for a source, nor did I make any claims. Fabricating a discussion with me on any kind of data and then claiming you offered a rebuttal is pretty out there.
You want to live in denial, it's your choice and none of my business, but don't you drag my society and demean it with false claims. I will make you eat your words.
I'm not retracting or editing anything and you haven't rebutted anything since there was nothing to rebut. Again, quit imagining having a discussion with me that never occurred.

You need to condemn and/or apologize for the derogatory comments of your fellow Indian troll, without that my comments remain and are completely justified in the context of the discussion I was having with Shan-e-Hind.
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