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Pakistan facilitated KSA-IRN thaw


Dec 1, 2016
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Credit must be given where it is due. The Imported govt has badly mismanaged the economy but this is a genuine big achievement!

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Friday claimed Pakistan had played a role in facilitating the dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“It is obvious that this [Saudi-Iran] agreement is a result of the mediation efforts of China and the constructive talks that took it facilitated and the two sides were able to resolve their differences,” Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told a weekly press briefing.

“We welcome this development. Pakistan like several other countries and friends of both Iran and Saudi Arabia played their part in facilitating the dialogue,” she added.

In this context, the spokesperson recalled that the first meeting of the two foreign ministers took place in Islamabad on the sidelines of an OIC meeting.

But we do not wish to take away credit from China in this latest agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia on normalisation of relations and congratulate them for their successful diplomatic efforts,” she said.

Ms Baloch said Pakistan commends China’s visionary leadership in coordinating this historic agreement.

“We believe that this diplomatic breakthrough will contribute to peace and stability in the region and beyond. We hope this normalisation would define a template for regional cooperation and harmony,” she remarked.

In reply to a question about a negative tweet by a PTI leader about Pakistan-China ties, she said that Islamabad’s relationship with Beijing is decades old.

“It is a relationship that has continued to grow in strength over the last several decades. We have been friends through good times and tough times, despite changing situation around us, international developments, and any domestic developments in Pakistan or in China. Both sides are committed to this relationship. One statement by some individual cannot in any way damage this relationship, because it is based on mutual trust, on mutual confidence and the support of the peoples of Pakistan and China, who have for generations supported Pakistan-China friendship,” she said.

Answering a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan has continued to call for peace in the region and security for all its friends, including Saudi Arabia.

“We hope that with this agreement and the normalisation of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, there will be progress on outstanding issues including any differences that they have on Yemen. We hope this would have peace dividends for the region including in Yemen,” she remarked.

When asked to comment on reports that China has demanded payments from Pakistan overdue on the Chinese independent power plants installed under the CPEC, she stressed that Pakistan and China were “all-weather strategic cooperative partners”.

She said China was a consistent, generous and steadfast friend that has stood by Pakistan for the last several decades. China came and invested in Pakistan’s power sector under CPEC when no foreign investor was ready to invest in the country.

“This investment resulted in economic development to the country and helped us in overcoming shortage and breakdowns. We are grateful to our Chinese friends for their consistent commitment to Pakistan, to CPEC and for investments in Pakistan. The claims that you have mentioned being made in the media have taken an inter-governmental conversation completely out of context by adding sensationalist jargon to it. Let me underline that Pakistan and China consult closely on all matters and find optimal win-win outcomes and we will continue to do that. The people of Pakistan are proud of our friendship with China, which has always come to Pakistan’s assistance when most needed, including in this difficult economic situation,” she said.

The spokesperson said Pakistan was deeply concerned at the world-wide increase in racism, xenophobia and violence motivated by Islamophobia, which is manifesting itself in negative profiling and stigmatisation of Muslims, vandalisation of Islamic symbols and holy sites, discriminatory laws and policies, ban on Hijab, and attacks on mosques. She said that Pakistan was also concerned about rising hate crime against Muslims including burning of the holy Quran in Europe.

“We call for fostering global dialogue to promote a culture of peace and tolerance and to raise awareness to combat Islamophobia.”

In this context, she also condemned the recent remarks made by a BJP leader and Deputy Chief Minister in Karnataka, K.S. Eshwarappa.

“These remarks are yet another manifestation of the rising Islamophobia in India. Pakistan is deeply concerned at the alarming rise in communal violence and hatred directed against Muslims in India, who are being systematically stigmatised and marginalised on account of their faith. We call on India to take immediate steps to ensure safety, security, and well-being of minorities and allow them to profess and practice their faith in peace.”

Credit must be given where it is due. The Imported govt has badly mismanaged the economy but this is a genuine big achievement!

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Friday claimed Pakistan had played a role in facilitating the dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“It is obvious that this [Saudi-Iran] agreement is a result of the mediation efforts of China and the constructive talks that took it facilitated and the two sides were able to resolve their differences,” Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told a weekly press briefing.

“We welcome this development. Pakistan like several other countries and friends of both Iran and Saudi Arabia played their part in facilitating the dialogue,” she added.

In this context, the spokesperson recalled that the first meeting of the two foreign ministers took place in Islamabad on the sidelines of an OIC meeting.

But we do not wish to take away credit from China in this latest agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia on normalisation of relations and congratulate them for their successful diplomatic efforts,” she said.

Ms Baloch said Pakistan commends China’s visionary leadership in coordinating this historic agreement.

“We believe that this diplomatic breakthrough will contribute to peace and stability in the region and beyond. We hope this normalisation would define a template for regional cooperation and harmony,” she remarked.

In reply to a question about a negative tweet by a PTI leader about Pakistan-China ties, she said that Islamabad’s relationship with Beijing is decades old.

“It is a relationship that has continued to grow in strength over the last several decades. We have been friends through good times and tough times, despite changing situation around us, international developments, and any domestic developments in Pakistan or in China. Both sides are committed to this relationship. One statement by some individual cannot in any way damage this relationship, because it is based on mutual trust, on mutual confidence and the support of the peoples of Pakistan and China, who have for generations supported Pakistan-China friendship,” she said.

Answering a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan has continued to call for peace in the region and security for all its friends, including Saudi Arabia.

“We hope that with this agreement and the normalisation of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, there will be progress on outstanding issues including any differences that they have on Yemen. We hope this would have peace dividends for the region including in Yemen,” she remarked.

When asked to comment on reports that China has demanded payments from Pakistan overdue on the Chinese independent power plants installed under the CPEC, she stressed that Pakistan and China were “all-weather strategic cooperative partners”.

She said China was a consistent, generous and steadfast friend that has stood by Pakistan for the last several decades. China came and invested in Pakistan’s power sector under CPEC when no foreign investor was ready to invest in the country.

“This investment resulted in economic development to the country and helped us in overcoming shortage and breakdowns. We are grateful to our Chinese friends for their consistent commitment to Pakistan, to CPEC and for investments in Pakistan. The claims that you have mentioned being made in the media have taken an inter-governmental conversation completely out of context by adding sensationalist jargon to it. Let me underline that Pakistan and China consult closely on all matters and find optimal win-win outcomes and we will continue to do that. The people of Pakistan are proud of our friendship with China, which has always come to Pakistan’s assistance when most needed, including in this difficult economic situation,” she said.

The spokesperson said Pakistan was deeply concerned at the world-wide increase in racism, xenophobia and violence motivated by Islamophobia, which is manifesting itself in negative profiling and stigmatisation of Muslims, vandalisation of Islamic symbols and holy sites, discriminatory laws and policies, ban on Hijab, and attacks on mosques. She said that Pakistan was also concerned about rising hate crime against Muslims including burning of the holy Quran in Europe.

“We call for fostering global dialogue to promote a culture of peace and tolerance and to raise awareness to combat Islamophobia.”

In this context, she also condemned the recent remarks made by a BJP leader and Deputy Chief Minister in Karnataka, K.S. Eshwarappa.

“These remarks are yet another manifestation of the rising Islamophobia in India. Pakistan is deeply concerned at the alarming rise in communal violence and hatred directed against Muslims in India, who are being systematically stigmatised and marginalised on account of their faith. We call on India to take immediate steps to ensure safety, security, and well-being of minorities and allow them to profess and practice their faith in peace.”

What a joke both saudi and iran do terrorism in Pakistan why should Pakistan bother about back stabbing satans like saudi and iran

Ali bhai,

Once KSA-IRI relations heal neither will have motivation to create terror strikes in Pak or anywhere else. The terror was a by product of their rivalry.

Credit must be given where it is due. The Imported govt has badly mismanaged the economy but this is a genuine big achievement!

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Friday claimed Pakistan had played a role in facilitating the dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“It is obvious that this [Saudi-Iran] agreement is a result of the mediation efforts of China and the constructive talks that took it facilitated and the two sides were able to resolve their differences,” Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told a weekly press briefing.

“We welcome this development. Pakistan like several other countries and friends of both Iran and Saudi Arabia played their part in facilitating the dialogue,” she added.

In this context, the spokesperson recalled that the first meeting of the two foreign ministers took place in Islamabad on the sidelines of an OIC meeting.

But we do not wish to take away credit from China in this latest agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia on normalisation of relations and congratulate them for their successful diplomatic efforts,” she said.

Ms Baloch said Pakistan commends China’s visionary leadership in coordinating this historic agreement.

“We believe that this diplomatic breakthrough will contribute to peace and stability in the region and beyond. We hope this normalisation would define a template for regional cooperation and harmony,” she remarked.

In reply to a question about a negative tweet by a PTI leader about Pakistan-China ties, she said that Islamabad’s relationship with Beijing is decades old.

“It is a relationship that has continued to grow in strength over the last several decades. We have been friends through good times and tough times, despite changing situation around us, international developments, and any domestic developments in Pakistan or in China. Both sides are committed to this relationship. One statement by some individual cannot in any way damage this relationship, because it is based on mutual trust, on mutual confidence and the support of the peoples of Pakistan and China, who have for generations supported Pakistan-China friendship,” she said.

Answering a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan has continued to call for peace in the region and security for all its friends, including Saudi Arabia.

“We hope that with this agreement and the normalisation of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, there will be progress on outstanding issues including any differences that they have on Yemen. We hope this would have peace dividends for the region including in Yemen,” she remarked.

When asked to comment on reports that China has demanded payments from Pakistan overdue on the Chinese independent power plants installed under the CPEC, she stressed that Pakistan and China were “all-weather strategic cooperative partners”.

She said China was a consistent, generous and steadfast friend that has stood by Pakistan for the last several decades. China came and invested in Pakistan’s power sector under CPEC when no foreign investor was ready to invest in the country.

“This investment resulted in economic development to the country and helped us in overcoming shortage and breakdowns. We are grateful to our Chinese friends for their consistent commitment to Pakistan, to CPEC and for investments in Pakistan. The claims that you have mentioned being made in the media have taken an inter-governmental conversation completely out of context by adding sensationalist jargon to it. Let me underline that Pakistan and China consult closely on all matters and find optimal win-win outcomes and we will continue to do that. The people of Pakistan are proud of our friendship with China, which has always come to Pakistan’s assistance when most needed, including in this difficult economic situation,” she said.

The spokesperson said Pakistan was deeply concerned at the world-wide increase in racism, xenophobia and violence motivated by Islamophobia, which is manifesting itself in negative profiling and stigmatisation of Muslims, vandalisation of Islamic symbols and holy sites, discriminatory laws and policies, ban on Hijab, and attacks on mosques. She said that Pakistan was also concerned about rising hate crime against Muslims including burning of the holy Quran in Europe.

“We call for fostering global dialogue to promote a culture of peace and tolerance and to raise awareness to combat Islamophobia.”

In this context, she also condemned the recent remarks made by a BJP leader and Deputy Chief Minister in Karnataka, K.S. Eshwarappa.

“These remarks are yet another manifestation of the rising Islamophobia in India. Pakistan is deeply concerned at the alarming rise in communal violence and hatred directed against Muslims in India, who are being systematically stigmatised and marginalised on account of their faith. We call on India to take immediate steps to ensure safety, security, and well-being of minorities and allow them to profess and practice their faith in peace.”

Pin drop silence from Saudi and Iran but these kunjars want recognition as kunjars. This givenment has done nothing.
The correct title could be 'Joe Biden facilitated KSA-IRN thaw'.
What a stupid POTUS!! In just two years, he had two mighty powers (China-Russia) align with each other in a 'no limits' partnership and managed two rival Mullahcracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia to improve ties!
Was Jamal khashoggi incident worth publicly threatening Saudi Arabia to become a 'pariah'? The incident happened under Trump presidency but he wisely ignored that and instead got a $100 billion arms deal from Saudi Arabia. Biden and his Ivory Tower Liberals don't know how in some cultures words like 'pariah' are perceived as insults. The Saudi Crown prince is an autocrat and he can do what we wants to do! He is not encumbered with long debates and domestic pressures. You insult him and he will remember that!
The correct title could be 'Joe Biden facilitated KSA-IRN thaw'.
What a stupid POTUS!! In just two years, he had two mighty powers (China-Russia) align with each other in a 'no limits' partnership and managed two rival Mullahcracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia to improve ties!
Was Jamal khashoggi incident worth publicly threatening Saudi Arabia to become a 'pariah'? The incident happened under Trump presidency but he wisely ignored that and instead got a $100 billion arms deal from Saudi Arabia. Biden and his Ivory Tower Liberals don't know how in some cultures words like 'pariah' are perceived as insults. The Saudi Crown prince is an autocrat and he can do what we wants to do! He is not encumbered with long debates and domestic pressures. You insult him and he will remember that!

Take this whole article with a bucket of salt.
That OIC meeting took place when IK was PM.

The OP is indian spokesperson of this **** gov.

The correct title could be 'Joe Biden facilitated KSA-IRN thaw'.
What a stupid POTUS!! In just two years, he had two mighty powers (China-Russia) align with each other in a 'no limits' partnership and managed two rival Mullahcracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia to improve ties!
Was Jamal khashoggi incident worth publicly threatening Saudi Arabia to become a 'pariah'? The incident happened under Trump presidency but he wisely ignored that and instead got a $100 billion arms deal from Saudi Arabia. Biden and his Ivory Tower Liberals don't know how in some cultures words like 'pariah' are perceived as insults. The Saudi Crown prince is an autocrat and he can do what we wants to do! He is not encumbered with long debates and domestic pressures. You insult him and he will remember that!

But apparently the American fanbois are not ready to accept that resolving ksa iran issue is the biggest achievement of China yet.
The OP is indian spokesperson of this **** gov.

But apparently the American fanbois are not ready to accept that resolving ksa iran issue is the biggest achievement of China yet.
China wants to stabilise and lower oil prices thats why they initiated it I guess
But apparently the American fanbois are not ready to accept that resolving ksa iran issue is the biggest achievement of China yet.

What are you talking about??!! The Mainstream media in America has been silent about the Iran-KSA deal because, just like the blowing up of the Nordstream Pipeline by America, which too was largely ignored, the Iran-KSA brokered by China is a huge embarrassment. But more independent channels in America have been talking about both the Nordstream blow up and the China-brokered Iran-KSA deal.

Imported govt? What garbage!! This is as Pakistani domestic as it gets! Maybe less hostility from Americans but that's about it. This forum is too much of a PTI fanboi to notice what is not being said and done by Imran Khan can be real. Pakistan probably did facilitate the talks between Iran-KSA because that's the pattern in Pakistan's politics for decades: Help Muslim countries when Pakistan can, and diffuse tensions between Muslim countries when Pakistan can. It doesn't matter who is in power in Pakistan. That's been the pattern. That's because Pakistan, rightly or wrongly, is a deeply Islamic ideological state. Pakistan even tried to help Iran and Iraq during their war in the 1980s. This has been in Pakistan's DNA!! There have been consistent, even if damaging, ways Pakistan has stood its ground based on principles because Pakistan is a truly ideological State. You guys may not know that despite American and Saudi pressure and Pakistan's close ties with Turkey, Pakistan still maintained ties with Bashar Assad's govt as the legit govt of Syria even if low key. Why so? What was Pakistan to gain from a $iss poor dying govt?? Nothing. But Pakistan had a principled stand on that and Pakistan stood by that!!
The correct title could be 'Joe Biden facilitated KSA-IRN thaw'.
What a stupid POTUS!! In just two years, he had two mighty powers (China-Russia) align with each other in a 'no limits' partnership and managed two rival Mullahcracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia to improve ties!
Was Jamal khashoggi incident worth publicly threatening Saudi Arabia to become a 'pariah'? The incident happened under Trump presidency but he wisely ignored that and instead got a $100 billion arms deal from Saudi Arabia. Biden and his Ivory Tower Liberals don't know how in some cultures words like 'pariah' are perceived as insults. The Saudi Crown prince is an autocrat and he can do what we wants to do! He is not encumbered with long debates and domestic pressures. You insult him and he will remember that!

It is so typical of Democrats and their mindset wrt to their foreign policy. If we keep aside their domestic politics, democrats create much more harm to their close friends than their rivals...Biden do not mind wasting billion-dollar money for Ukraine but they are panicked about the killing of a journalist by upsetting one of the ket allies cum US friend SA in the region...It is really a pathetic foreign policy for our current administration.
What are you talking about??!! The Mainstream media in America has been silent about the Iran-KSA deal because, just like the blowing up of the Nordstream Pipeline by America, which too was largely ignored, the Iran-KSA brokered by China is a huge embarrassment. But more independent channels in America have been talking about both the Nordstream blow up and the China-brokered Iran-KSA deal.

Imported govt? What garbage!! This is as Pakistani domestic as it gets! Maybe less hostility from Americans but that's about it. This forum is too much of a PTI fanboi to notice what is not being said and done by Imran Khan can be real. Pakistan probably did facilitate the talks between Iran-KSA because that's the pattern in Pakistan's politics for decades: Help Muslim countries when Pakistan can, and diffuse tensions between Muslim countries when Pakistan can. It doesn't matter who is in power in Pakistan. That's been the pattern. That's because Pakistan, rightly or wrongly, is a deeply Islamic ideological state. Pakistan even tried to help Iran and Iraq during their war in the 1980s. This has been in Pakistan's DNA!! There have been consistent, even if damaging, ways Pakistan has stood its ground based on principles because Pakistan is a truly ideological State. You guys may not know that despite American and Saudi pressure and Pakistan's close ties with Turkey, Pakistan still maintained ties with Bashar Assad's govt as the legit govt of Syria even if low key. Why so? What was Pakistan to gain from a $iss poor dying govt?? Nothing. But Pakistan had a principled stand on that and Pakistan stood by that!!

Lol pak can help the world but it can't help itself.
It is so typical of Democrats and their mindset wrt to their foreign policy. If we keep aside their domestic politics, democrats create much more harm to their close friends than their rivals...Biden do not mind wasting billion-dollar money for Ukraine but they are panicked about the killing of a journalist by upsetting one of the ket allies cum US friend SA in the region...It is really a pathetic foreign policy for our current administration.

And people need to understand: The world doesn't work as 'cut and dry' as people say. Countries often don't act based on self-interests. It is often the ruling class, which is, of course, made of leaders--human beings--who make policies. If the world was as rational as people say all too often, then robots would be the leaders! But that is not so and so often, especially in case of One-Man-Rule countries like Saudi Arabia, only one person can make big policy decisions with far reaching consequences. Insulting MBS was not going to be forgiven or forgotten. Stupid Biden should have seen what Trump did about Khasshogi but then we you are living in an Ivory Tower it is a different world you see--a distorted, false world.
Reality Check

Part of lies from Pakistan Government

They were not even invited for the gathering

- Turkey Shunned PDM representative to not visit them and told him to not come to Turkey
During their earth quake, told them not to show Shabaz's beggar face for political gains

- Saudia-China-Iran summit no one was invited from Pakistan

- Pakistan has no real status in world in current world politics

Yes we did sent few security guards to Qatar World Cup , State Bank of Pakistan stated they have not received the funds for that from Qatar unsure where the money was deposited.
  • No one knows where the 1-2 Billion USD Disappeared
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