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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

This is soooooooo confusing. Can anyone tell me how many F-16s we have in total? Is it 100? 80? 60? ?????????:hitwall:
Some high class facilities have been put in place for the new Vipers.


This is soooooooo confusing. Can anyone tell me how many F-16s we have in total? Is it 100? 80? 60? ?????????:hitwall:

Do you know did PAF start to hide the serial? To keep the total number of Vipers classified. ;)
A hint. There are more F-16s serving PAF than we know. ;)

This is soooooooo confusing. Can anyone tell me how many F-16s we have in total? Is it 100? 80? 60? ?????????:hitwall:

63 as of now (including the ones in various places for upgrades)

there are unconfirmed reports that we may get 14 more soon from EDA
Thank the Americans for building up jacobabad.. what was a barren desert FoB is now a full fledged MoB thanks to its ex-American tenants.
The same is with Shamsi..it can now serve as an alternate base.
Do you know did PAF start to hide the serial? To keep the total number of Vipers classified. ;)
A hint. There are more F-16s serving PAF than we know. ;)


Bhai jan, this is with PAFwallpapers only.
PAF is not hiding any serial No.s as whole inventory is available publicly with pictures and details of service, attached, at F-16.net. All videos regarding new Block-52's and pictures published in news were showing All clear Sr. No.s.
So Please don't create any myth.
Bhai jan, this is with PAFwallpapers only.
PAF is not hiding any serial No.s as whole inventory is available publicly with pictures and details of service, attached, at F-16.net. All videos regarding new Block-52's and pictures published in news were showing All clear Sr. No.s.
So Please don't create any myth.


I assume you know why they hid the serial number? That was done after Air Chief said that. I personally know the serial numbers, and have got pictures of Falcons with the serial numbers too. And I am not creating any myth, contact any senior in the Air Force or on the forum to know about it. :)

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