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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Really, what should we be proud of?, when these planes can't shoot down the drones, and ACM proudly says that our western borders are safe. Or that during floods the city was flooded to keep the base safe?

To be very honest, WARS are not dependent on Aircrafts like F16's.......You kill one drone they will bring two drones escorted with F16 , F15's or F18's.
If you want to stop the drone attacks, then try to win your diplomatic war......its the only solution to stop drones.

The PAF airchief has said that we will get j-10s when we have funds.

So for now...it's 63 F-16s...+ maybe the 12 more EDA ones.......and 150 JF-17s........and some ROSE Mirage Squadrons.

The PAF airchief has said that we will get j-10s when we have funds.

So for now...it's 63 F-16s...+ maybe the 12 more EDA ones.......and 150 JF-17s........and some ROSE Mirage Squadrons.

Seems the F-7PG has been sidelined in it's relation to the standard F-7P. On the contrary, it's a very agile and capable combat aircraft, also it was PAF's first BVR capable fighter.

6. Bombkapsel 90 (Stand off weapon)

that is interesting.. as the HAF did purchase the AGM-154C as part of the Peace Xenia IV deal.
Perhaps they choose another stand-off weapon instead.. as they did with the Iris-T.
Guys, pardon my ignorance, but why does the CFTs have so many removable panels on them. ?
Also the gadget on the intake, is it a laser designator.
Interesting to see the VIPs were flown with live AIM-9L rounds.

Guys, pardon my ignorance, but why does the CFTs have so many removable panels on them. ?
Also the gadget on the intake, is it a laser designator.
Interesting to see the VIPs were flown with live AIM-9L rounds.

The gadget is not a LD.. thats for sure.
that is interesting.. as the HAF did purchase the AGM-154C as part of the Peace Xenia IV deal.
Perhaps they choose another stand-off weapon instead.. as they did with the Iris-T.

No. They have a handful inventory of JSOW's but it wasn't in the hanger in the snap.
you can easily search their Falcons carrying AGM-154 on Google. ;)
I guessed that , but aren't those tanks full of fuel......what maintainence would be required within. ?


Plus to see if the fuel measuring circuitry is working or not. The principal of capacitance is used to measure fuel. The fuel is used as a dielectric in the circuit (In all fuel tanks not just CFTs)

Plus to see if the fuel measuring circuitry is working or not. The principal of capacitance is used to measure fuel. The fuel is used as a dielectric in the circuit (In all fuel tanks)

Yaar, there are some a dozen panels on the CFT alone, on the other hand, the main body has about half that number.


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