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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Although if the F-16s were quite useful for PAF then buying these planes in 2003 were much better and getting 50 Block-52s(25Cs and 25Ds) along with the 14 Block-15s were good. If we contract with U.S that they are going to provide 14+14 Block-15s along with the new ones in time with future parts supply without any sanctions then it will really boost the PAF and we may be able to upgrade these 59 Block-52 in Turkey from 2003 to 2010. Buying the new F-16s in 2003 would mean that the cost per plane would be $45 million per plane which makes the contract of the new planes to:$45 millionx50=$2.250 Billion or $2250 Million. Can you tell me the cost of the upgradation of the Block-15s in 2003?
You have a old habit (or fetish) of first disclosing the "chat pata" rumor and then hiding behind the yada yada sources and do some research even before disclosing your "super duper" news's.


when a/c are transferred new or upgraded, due to international rules, the serial no. of the supplying country is used and the original serial no. of the owner co as well as the flag etc are covered / taped up. there are no 'hidden' or 'ghost' F-16's flying around
Do you know did PAF start to hide the serial? To keep the total number of Vipers classified. ;)
A hint. There are more F-16s serving PAF than we know. ;)


I assume you know why they hid the serial number? That was done after Air Chief said that. I personally know the serial numbers, and have got pictures of Falcons with the serial numbers too. And I am not creating any myth, contact any senior in the Air Force or on the forum to know about it. :)

Please don't speculate. This is just the website policy because of the sensitivity of these pics. Serials aren't the only thing erased in them, there are 5/6 others things too. Most of the background detail is either removed or cropped too.

And as sir Fatman has said, there are no 'ghost' F-16's...so stop spreading this BS.
Addition of 70 F16 from Norway would be a great short term addition to Pakistan Airforce
If we can get these fighters from Norway with 5-8 Million range / plane

Also Pakistan should look into Transfering some technology knowledge from USA to Pakistan on these fighters
Addition of 70 F16 from Norway would be a great short term addition to Pakistan Airforce
If we can get these fighters from Norway with 5-8 Million range / plane

Also Pakistan should look into Transfering some technology knowledge from USA to Pakistan on these fighters

Buying old F-16s from many different countries sort of reminds me how we increased the number of Mirage iii/v in our inventory...:woot:
an old f-16 would cost at least 30-40 million to bring at the level enough to service for next 20 years..i dont think so we can get them for 6-8 million
JF-17 is better than F-16 Block 15 and 30. In fact, if we produce JF-17 at a cost of 15 million, we are looking to create jobs and experience in our aerospace sector. This is the pro side.

The reason why we are buying more F-16s is because of India's psychological problem. Indians generally have a bad perception about JF-17, and according to them, F-16 is a game changer. They express their concerns in the media...

Look at the first and last comparison they make lol:

We have seen this before:
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we should invest in R& D instead buying old improve JFT.

---------- Post added at 10:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 AM ----------

that will increase our self independency.
an old f-16 would cost at least 30-40 million to bring at the level enough to service for next 20 years..i dont think so we can get them for 6-8 million

Some of the norwegian F16s are already MLued. As such provided the air frame has life left in it and we get them for 15-20 million , it would be a good buy.
Some of the norwegian F16s are already MLued. As such provided the air frame has life left in it and we get them for 15-20 million , it would be a good buy.

that is the problem and the wet environment they exist under.
that is the problem and the wet environment they exist under.
Not only the wet environment but also the saltish-air that engine intakes since most of the flight time is over sea. I was looking at the pictures of an East-European operator's F-16 fleet and I could see how ill-maintained they were, even though being block 30/40
Although if the F-16s were quite useful for PAF then buying these planes in 2003 were much better and getting 50 Block-52s(25Cs and 25Ds) along with the 14 Block-15s were good. If we contract with U.S that they are going to provide 14+14 Block-15s along with the new ones in time with future parts supply without any sanctions then it will really boost the PAF and we may be able to upgrade these 59 Block-52 in Turkey from 2003 to 2010. Buying the new F-16s in 2003 would mean that the cost per plane would be $45 million per plane which makes the contract of the new planes to:$45 millionx50=$2.250 Billion or $2250 Million. Can you tell me the cost of the upgradation of the Block-15s in 2003? So do you think I am right.
Boosting air defence: F-16s replace Americans at Jacobabad airbase

Newly revamp*ed airbas*e to house close to three dozen aircra*ft.

By Zahid Gishkori

Published: February 19, 2012

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF), in a significant move, has equipped the newly renovated Jacobabad airbase with close to three dozen F-16s, including the advanced Block 52+ version of the aircraft.

Pakistan has spent over $3.75 billion on both the revamping of Jacobabad airbase and the acquisition of new planes, officials told The Express Tribune. The air force is in a better position to encounter any threats after acquiring the new F-16s which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, they added.

Defence analyst Lt General (retd) Talat Masood said this was a significant development especially as it had come months after the Americans had quit the airbase. Masood, however, warned of a shift in the strategic balance of the region, saying “India’s new aircraft deal with France would leave Pakistan far behind”. For all intents and purposes, he said, Pakistan should continue its cooperation with the US to enhance its defence capability. “Pakistan and the US are reciprocal when it comes to regional stability in South Asia,” he added.

India is all set to reach an agreement with France over the purchase of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) costing over $12 billion, making it the largest international defence deal by value in recent years, according to Indian media. Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani had formally announced the completion of Jacobabad Airbase on February 12. The Chief of Air Staff said that all American personnel, including the Training Support Team for the new F-16s, have left after training PAF pilots and other technical staff.

“The new F-16 Block 52 fleet will pave the way for establishing the balance of power in the region,” said General Kayani.

“This airbase is now the largest platform for modern aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons,” a senior PAF official told The Express Tribune. “It’s an outcome of years long cooperation between Pakistan and the US.”

Pakistan had purchased 18 new F-16 Block 52+ aircraft, while 14 used F-16s were supplied free of charge by the US. The US Training Support Team consisted of over 200 personnel, including staff to train PAF personnel on making the aircraft operational. PAF has also recruited over 4, 000 employees for the newly renovated strategic airbase which is located close to the western frontier bordering both Iran and Afghanistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2012.

Boosting air defence: F-16s replace Americans at Jacobabad airbase

Newly revamp*ed airbas*e to house close to three dozen aircra*ft.

By Zahid Gishkori

Published: February 19, 2012

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF), in a significant move, has equipped the newly renovated Jacobabad airbase with close to three dozen F-16s, including the advanced Block 52+ version of the aircraft.

Pakistan has spent over $3.75 billion on both the revamping of Jacobabad airbase and the acquisition of new planes, officials told The Express Tribune. The air force is in a better position to encounter any threats after acquiring the new F-16s which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, they added.

Defence analyst Lt General (retd) Talat Masood said this was a significant development especially as it had come months after the Americans had quit the airbase. Masood, however, warned of a shift in the strategic balance of the region, saying “India’s new aircraft deal with France would leave Pakistan far behind”. For all intents and purposes, he said, Pakistan should continue its cooperation with the US to enhance its defence capability. “Pakistan and the US are reciprocal when it comes to regional stability in South Asia,” he added.

India is all set to reach an agreement with France over the purchase of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) costing over $12 billion, making it the largest international defence deal by value in recent years, according to Indian media. Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani had formally announced the completion of Jacobabad Airbase on February 12. The Chief of Air Staff said that all American personnel, including the Training Support Team for the new F-16s, have left after training PAF pilots and other technical staff.

“The new F-16 Block 52 fleet will pave the way for establishing the balance of power in the region,” said General Kayani.

“This airbase is now the largest platform for modern aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons,” a senior PAF official told The Express Tribune. “It’s an outcome of years long cooperation between Pakistan and the US.”

Pakistan had purchased 18 new F-16 Block 52+ aircraft, while 14 used F-16s were supplied free of charge by the US. The US Training Support Team consisted of over 200 personnel, including staff to train PAF personnel on making the aircraft operational. PAF has also recruited over 4, 000 employees for the newly renovated strategic airbase which is located close to the western frontier bordering both Iran and Afghanistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2012.
If we are not to buy the Norway F16 7-15 Million per plane , the only other alternative would be to use that money and invest it in

a) Avionics
b) SAM
c) Training Simulators or plane engines

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