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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Both administrations no matter who wins we are ok. What you think the buying cost and upgradtion of Iraqi blk 52 along our blk 52s??? yes only benefit is time I agree on that

Unsure, these Viper pretty useless to Iraq, could be we offer 36 JF-17s to them with full logistics support in return. That way they still get to have fighters but not worry about lack of support and training.
Unsure, these Viper pretty useless to Iraq, could be we offer 36 JF-17s to them with full logistics support in return. That way they still get to have fighters but not worry about lack of support and training.
Not quite. They are flying them regularly and actually have their own IPs. Their maintenance will take a while. The JF-17s will not be as effective as their F-16s.
Not quite. They are flying them regularly and actually have their own IPs. Their maintenance will take a while. The JF-17s will not be as effective as their F-16s.

That is not what the news report says at all.
It will not only help Lockheed Martin, but Korea Aerospace Industries as well. Plus commonality with F-16s is very much guaranteed as per from what I've heard. I know someone personally who has evaluated the T-50, his background from Vipers.

Still the Red Hawk is a great design as well.
T50 and Red hawk in light fighter niche were good if we didn't have JF17.
JF17s compliment the F16s
If I am desion maker I will invite LM to open a line at Kamra with 5 - 7billions for 100+ jets is a big number also ask them to upgrade our current fleet including future upgardations we can achieve max what india failed in 10 billions bring LM at home

Would be amazing to see it happen but think Indian and US geopolitical viewpoints are too aligned currently, for this to work.
Should funds stop second hand F-16 A/B or C/D from USA ? I think there is more to it than just funds. Most of the A/B from boneyard would need MLU so help with jobs in LM.

Good point but can they be purchased as a stand-alone procurement or alongside buying new F-16 Vs? There has been very little official news on new/used F-16 plans from the PAF.
So the withdrawl of all contractor support is sensationilsm and you know better?
Yasser look up in the previous post, their IPs are no longer contracted personnel. From a maintenance perspective it'll be tough for them as they depended on contracted personnel. Yet they have been flying missions according to an IP over there.
Agreed but the next fighter induction should be 5 or 5.5 generation which is atleast a 8 to 10 years away. We need a stop gap solution to keep the numbers optimum to face rafael, mig 29 mki and mirrage 2000 threat. The easiest and cheapest solution is upgradation of f16s and 2 more squadrons.

Honestly People,
Let it Go! Train has left..no more F-16s. PAF had much better option/Game changing options available just like in 1981.

75 remain and will be retired as time goes on!
August 10, 1978

F-16 Fighting Falcon became first single-seat fighter to achieve accurate, unassisted delivery of laser-guided weapons.

Honestly People,
Let it Go! Train has left..no more F-16s. PAF had much better option/Game changing options available just like in 1981.

75 remain and will be retired as time goes on!
Tall Guy what are option PAF has other than vipers??
Tall Guy what are option PAF has other than vipers??
Block 3 followed by Azm. If a carrot is dangled then 16s post 2025 situation will be reevaluated depending on the success of the block 3 and progress of Azm
I asked Madam Messiach whether there was any chance of an intermediate buy and she said no. The KT said No and amother AVM said No. So it seems likely that tilp 2025 nothing is go8ng to come other than block3 and possibly 16s.
Block 3 followed by Azm. If a carrot is dangled then 16s post 2025 situation will be reevaluated depending on the success of the block 3 and progress of Azm
I asked Madam Messiach whether there was any chance of an intermediate buy and she said no. The KT said No and amother AVM said No. So it seems likely that tilp 2025 nothing is go8ng to come other than block3 and possibly 16s.

Where is the Madam these days she's MIA for months. :(
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