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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Block 3 followed by Azm. If a carrot is dangled then 16s post 2025 situation will be reevaluated depending on the success of the block 3 and progress of Azm
I asked Madam Messiach whether there was any chance of an intermediate buy and she said no. The KT said No and amother AVM said No. So it seems likely that tilp 2025 nothing is go8ng to come other than block3 and possibly 16s.

Thats the only logical and effecient way forward. PL15 and upgradation of f16s with AIM 120D should be the stop gap to counter anything India could throw at us.
Thats the only logical and effecient way forward. PL15 and upgradation of f16s with AIM 120D should be the stop gap to counter anything India could throw at us.

Would be possible to have PL-15 as a Ground to Air Missile System similar to how on Humvee they have the AIMs.
Would be possible to have PL-15 as a Ground to Air Missile System similar to how on Humvee they have the AIMs.
Theoratically possible yes. Practically not effecient and effective. These long range BVR have dual pulse rocket motors. The motor starts for a while then stopped and missile have to glide and then it starts for the second time at terminal stage.

In ground to air mode gliding will be difficult hence effeciency and effectiveness of missile will by much lower
Yasser look up in the previous post, their IPs are no longer contracted personnel. From a maintenance perspective it'll be tough for them as they depended on contracted personnel. Yet they have been flying missions according to an IP over there.

They have been flying drastically reduced missions, it's also a big question mark if how they conduct deep maintenence without LM support. The security angke is also there in terms of Iran getting it's hands oh the tech
Block 3 followed by Azm. If a carrot is dangled then 16s post 2025 situation will be reevaluated depending on the success of the block 3 and progress of Azm
I asked Madam Messiach whether there was any chance of an intermediate buy and she said no. The KT said No and amother AVM said No. So it seems likely that tilp 2025 nothing is go8ng to come other than block3 and possibly 16s.
But but...but we just inducted invisible J DASH aircrafts at Masroor.Please dont shatter dreams of Fan Boys and credibility of brats..:(
But but...but we just inducted invisible J DASH aircrafts at Masroor.Please dont shatter dreams of Fan Boys and credibility of brats..:(
At my age there aren't too many dreams left to occupy the night or day. This acquisition had never made any sense from the financial/strategic point of view but people have been so convinced one just holds back to see whether he is wrong. Khair! As always alhamdolillah I sleep well. The world on the other hand steps closer and closer to chaos.

This acquisition had never made any sense from the financial/strategic point of view but people have been so convinced one just holds back to see whether he is wrong.
And I was just enjoying the circus and comparison of nav lights:sarcastic:
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