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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Im a little confused. So we know the MLUs are upgraded, according to F-16.net, Jordan had upgraded all of their ADF's to MLU standard which would add the V9?
Adding to what @TheTallGuy has replied to you ... not all MLU's are equal ... with time ... more advanced upgrade options were made available ... PAF F-16 Block-15's are MLU Tape-5.
We have our own locally developed data link called Link17. How potent it is, Indian defence analysts have quoted it to be a big challenge and Swift Retort?
Navy making their own system with Turkey, so next step would be link these up.
Really good news shared by you on Navy data lin . What additional in it then link 17
This is an opinion by someone who seem to know his business. The question was which is better in SU30 vs. F-16 duel? I am trying to find out where i got this from, i will post the credits as soon as i get hold of them.

"Depends which variants you are talking about.

If you’re talking about a block 15 F-16A like the PAF or Thai AF early birds then this compares unfavorably to any Su-30.

If you’re talking about a USAF Block 52 F-16C with Link16 and the new APG-83 SABR or the Polish Block 60s or a UAE F-16E block 70 Desert Viper etc, then it compares favorably in many areas to any Su-30.

Then you have the different types and versions of the Su-30s. If you mean a watered down export version like the Su-30MKM or the Kazakh or Venezuelan birds then these are vanilla and don’t have the same capability baked into them than the much higher end MKIs or the Russian birds which are better again.

You also need to stipulate in which sense you mean “better”. If you mean in terms of dispatch reliability, spares support, acceleration, cost per hour to operate, engine life, airframe life, ITR, roll rate, ability to retain energy in a turning fight, the number of different weapons and weapon types, pods etc it can carry/mount, safety record etc then on any given day any F-16 beats any Su-30 by those metrics.

But if you mean in terms of STR, range, ability to point the nose in a slow speed AoA fight, dash speed with stores loaded, payload, ability to deploy from austere runways, EW capability etc. then any Su-30 handily beats any F-16 by those metrics.

I’m pretty sure you mean “Is IAF SU-30MKI better than PAF F-16?” If so then you have an Indian (?) nationalistic bias and you aren’t actually interested in which plane is better, but are asking as you want confirmation of why your (?) country is better. Ergo nothing I say about the planes will make any difference as you’ve already made your mind up. :)

What I will say is the IAF and PAF both have approximately similar pilot training (both very good -- I dont agree with this but let us move on) and the mentioned platforms are close enough in ability that any engagement will come down to the usual variables of any air combat these days. This means: who sees who first? Who has AWACS support? Who has jamming support or pods loaded? Load out on both aircraft, Support/force strength, Weather, Tactics, Tactical situation, Terrain, Fuel state, and Posture?

The Indian Flankers have a bigger payload and can dash faster with it and extend further without tanker support. They have a better radar and a better TWR/ECM suite. In a slow speed nose-pointing or tight turning fight they would have an advantage WVR, especially as they have HMCS and off-boresight missiles and the PAF Vipers don’t (they do have a few of the helmets on their latest Viper Cs but not the AIM-9X to really get the best out of it.)

The Pak Vipers are deadlier as they have slightly better, more reliable missiles (AMRAAM C) and are harder to hit BVR. In a high energy turning or vertical fight, they would have an advantage WVR after the first phase where the Flanker has bled some speed/energy off and the HMCS is less of a big advantage.

So there you go. Whoever sees who first will probably win. WVR they probably both die.

Which is better? Depends on the fight you want to have. If you want an ambush, snap missile shot and disengage, or if you want to put guided warheads on very specific foreheads with super pinpoint precision in an A2G mode then probably the F-16. If you want anything else, probably the Flanker.

It is worth bearing in mind both sides have tactics specifically designed to try to nullify the edges the other side have in certain respects. The two sides are close enough so that it will come down to the intangible things you can’t control.

My feeling is the PAF would counter the IAF Flanker threat with Block 2/3 Thunders instead and let their Vipers go after the MiGs/Mirages. The block 2/3 JF-17s are kinetically nowhere near their Vipers but have a much better AESA, longer range reach BVR and a deadlier HMCS and off-bore-sight capability than their F-16's. With the right jamming support and radar support they would be a more dangerous opponent with the right tactics for the IAF Flankers than the PAF Vipers."

The last paragraph is interesting and gives credibility to the "Growler" version being developed for JF-17 Block III!!!

This is an opinion by someone who seem to know his business. The question was which is better in SU30 vs. F-16 duel? I am trying to find out where i got this from, i will post the credits as soon as i get hold of them.

"Depends which variants you are talking about.

If you’re talking about a block 15 F-16A like the PAF or Thai AF early birds then this compares unfavorably to any Su-30.

If you’re talking about a USAF Block 52 F-16C with Link16 and the new APG-83 SABR or the Polish Block 60s or a UAE F-16E block 70 Desert Viper etc, then it compares favorably in many areas to any Su-30.

Then you have the different types and versions of the Su-30s. If you mean a watered down export version like the Su-30MKM or the Kazakh or Venezuelan birds then these are vanilla and don’t have the same capability baked into them than the much higher end MKIs or the Russian birds which are better again.

You also need to stipulate in which sense you mean “better”. If you mean in terms of dispatch reliability, spares support, acceleration, cost per hour to operate, engine life, airframe life, ITR, roll rate, ability to retain energy in a turning fight, the number of different weapons and weapon types, pods etc it can carry/mount, safety record etc then on any given day any F-16 beats any Su-30 by those metrics.

But if you mean in terms of STR, range, ability to point the nose in a slow speed AoA fight, dash speed with stores loaded, payload, ability to deploy from austere runways, EW capability etc. then any Su-30 handily beats any F-16 by those metrics.

I’m pretty sure you mean “Is IAF SU-30MKI better than PAF F-16?” If so then you have an Indian (?) nationalistic bias and you aren’t actually interested in which plane is better, but are asking as you want confirmation of why your (?) country is better. Ergo nothing I say about the planes will make any difference as you’ve already made your mind up. :)

What I will say is the IAF and PAF both have approximately similar pilot training (both very good -- I dont agree with this but let us move on) and the mentioned platforms are close enough in ability that any engagement will come down to the usual variables of any air combat these days. This means: who sees who first? Who has AWACS support? Who has jamming support or pods loaded? Load out on both aircraft, Support/force strength, Weather, Tactics, Tactical situation, Terrain, Fuel state, and Posture?

The Indian Flankers have a bigger payload and can dash faster with it and extend further without tanker support. They have a better radar and a better TWR/ECM suite. In a slow speed nose-pointing or tight turning fight they would have an advantage WVR, especially as they have HMCS and off-boresight missiles and the PAF Vipers don’t (they do have a few of the helmets on their latest Viper Cs but not the AIM-9X to really get the best out of it.)

The Pak Vipers are deadlier as they have slightly better, more reliable missiles (AMRAAM C) and are harder to hit BVR. In a high energy turning or vertical fight, they would have an advantage WVR after the first phase where the Flanker has bled some speed/energy off and the HMCS is less of a big advantage.

So there you go. Whoever sees who first will probably win. WVR they probably both die.

Which is better? Depends on the fight you want to have. If you want an ambush, snap missile shot and disengage, or if you want to put guided warheads on very specific foreheads with super pinpoint precision in an A2G mode then probably the F-16. If you want anything else, probably the Flanker.

It is worth bearing in mind both sides have tactics specifically designed to try to nullify the edges the other side have in certain respects. The two sides are close enough so that it will come down to the intangible things you can’t control.

My feeling is the PAF would counter the IAF Flanker threat with Block 2/3 Thunders instead and let their Vipers go after the MiGs/Mirages. The block 2/3 JF-17s are kinetically nowhere near their Vipers but have a much better AESA, longer range reach BVR and a deadlier HMCS and off-bore-sight capability than their F-16's. With the right jamming support and radar support they would be a more dangerous opponent with the right tactics for the IAF Flankers than the PAF Vipers."

The last paragraph is interesting and gives credibility to the "Growler" version being developed for JF-17 Block III!!!

Sums it up quite nicely. On the topic of HOB missiles, Pakistan should try to pursue a similar approach as the Thais did with their MLU birds. They got their Vipers armed with IRIS-T instead of AIM-9X and can use the JHMCS to make WVR just as deadly as any Flanker or Fulcrum out there.

This is an opinion by someone who seem to know his business. The question was which is better in SU30 vs. F-16 duel? I am trying to find out where i got this from, i will post the credits as soon as i get hold of them.

"Depends which variants you are talking about.

If you’re talking about a block 15 F-16A like the PAF or Thai AF early birds then this compares unfavorably to any Su-30.

If you’re talking about a USAF Block 52 F-16C with Link16 and the new APG-83 SABR or the Polish Block 60s or a UAE F-16E block 70 Desert Viper etc, then it compares favorably in many areas to any Su-30.

Then you have the different types and versions of the Su-30s. If you mean a watered down export version like the Su-30MKM or the Kazakh or Venezuelan birds then these are vanilla and don’t have the same capability baked into them than the much higher end MKIs or the Russian birds which are better again.

You also need to stipulate in which sense you mean “better”. If you mean in terms of dispatch reliability, spares support, acceleration, cost per hour to operate, engine life, airframe life, ITR, roll rate, ability to retain energy in a turning fight, the number of different weapons and weapon types, pods etc it can carry/mount, safety record etc then on any given day any F-16 beats any Su-30 by those metrics.

But if you mean in terms of STR, range, ability to point the nose in a slow speed AoA fight, dash speed with stores loaded, payload, ability to deploy from austere runways, EW capability etc. then any Su-30 handily beats any F-16 by those metrics.

I’m pretty sure you mean “Is IAF SU-30MKI better than PAF F-16?” If so then you have an Indian (?) nationalistic bias and you aren’t actually interested in which plane is better, but are asking as you want confirmation of why your (?) country is better. Ergo nothing I say about the planes will make any difference as you’ve already made your mind up. :)

What I will say is the IAF and PAF both have approximately similar pilot training (both very good -- I dont agree with this but let us move on) and the mentioned platforms are close enough in ability that any engagement will come down to the usual variables of any air combat these days. This means: who sees who first? Who has AWACS support? Who has jamming support or pods loaded? Load out on both aircraft, Support/force strength, Weather, Tactics, Tactical situation, Terrain, Fuel state, and Posture?

The Indian Flankers have a bigger payload and can dash faster with it and extend further without tanker support. They have a better radar and a better TWR/ECM suite. In a slow speed nose-pointing or tight turning fight they would have an advantage WVR, especially as they have HMCS and off-boresight missiles and the PAF Vipers don’t (they do have a few of the helmets on their latest Viper Cs but not the AIM-9X to really get the best out of it.)

The Pak Vipers are deadlier as they have slightly better, more reliable missiles (AMRAAM C) and are harder to hit BVR. In a high energy turning or vertical fight, they would have an advantage WVR after the first phase where the Flanker has bled some speed/energy off and the HMCS is less of a big advantage.

So there you go. Whoever sees who first will probably win. WVR they probably both die.

Which is better? Depends on the fight you want to have. If you want an ambush, snap missile shot and disengage, or if you want to put guided warheads on very specific foreheads with super pinpoint precision in an A2G mode then probably the F-16. If you want anything else, probably the Flanker.

It is worth bearing in mind both sides have tactics specifically designed to try to nullify the edges the other side have in certain respects. The two sides are close enough so that it will come down to the intangible things you can’t control.

My feeling is the PAF would counter the IAF Flanker threat with Block 2/3 Thunders instead and let their Vipers go after the MiGs/Mirages. The block 2/3 JF-17s are kinetically nowhere near their Vipers but have a much better AESA, longer range reach BVR and a deadlier HMCS and off-bore-sight capability than their F-16's. With the right jamming support and radar support they would be a more dangerous opponent with the right tactics for the IAF Flankers than the PAF Vipers."

The last paragraph is interesting and gives credibility to the "Growler" version being developed for JF-17 Block III!!!
Interesting post. Polish Block 52+ and UAE Block 60 are the correct variants.
Yes sir you are right. However, if PAF has to go forward then two things need to happen, our economy needs to get back on track and we need to balance our foreign policy.
Yes sir you are right. However, if PAF has to go forward then two things need to happen, our economy needs to get back on track and we need to balance our foreign policy.
The economy and foreign policy are linked as you have implied. To have a balanced foreign policy you need the economy to be strong. This makes you independent rather than a stooge to every Habeebi, Chow or McKenzie one can care to imagine.
The economy and foreign policy are linked as you have implied. To have a balanced foreign policy you need the economy to be strong. This makes you independent rather than a stooge to every Habeebi, Chow or McKenzie one can care to imagine.

Habibi, Chow, McKenzie!! Well Said Sir.
Answer to your Q. Highly unlikely it will be sold to Pakistan
Will meteor be sold to us before you ask about integration. If sold and if allowed it maybe easier to integrate it with JFT where we have the facility. The real question is the first one and the second one will be with PL15 do we need it?

I am surprised that you wrote such a long article---. I guess you had nothing much to do----:enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
You see that's the behaviour because of which @Windjammer left PDF..

He had nothing to do so he shared some thoughts,when you have nothing to do (which is actually how your whole day goes) you log in to PDF and start posting stupid comments like this..

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