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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

if f16s are available govt should bit the dust and go for one time big purchase..t129 and everything esle comes second, these windows dont open up again and again, however, only if it is subsidized(FMS) otherwise better to just get a less restrictive plateform..

a 2005-6 deal of 55 F16c/d with 36 new and 30 old would be great but i doubt USA will offer used EDA stock ones..their isnt much lobbying for used ones...as it more attractive for USA if another nations gets new ones..they even blocked the used ones to NATO alley Croatia to force them to buy new ones
Buy as many you can ..


I think that with the induction of F-35s these stored f-16s are some how loosing the probability of being put on US service again . So they might want to get rid of some . Its a win-win for both parties :D:D
Billions to Upgrade and Up-arm Pakistan’s F-16s


I think Pakistan still has option to buy 18 more F16 with full payment.
Correction : it is just monitoring nothing more. Option was there but funds being problem then.
As I have said, i remain very skeptical overall of news from this thread for anything news; focus needs to be if possible retrieve as many used units with upgrades to be followed; anything else may be bonus
Correction : it is just monitoring nothing more. Option was there but funds being problem then.
As I have said, i remain very skeptical overall of news from this thread for anything news; focus needs to be if possible retrieve as many used units with upgrades to be followed; anything else may be bonus

Sir your comments requested is it not possible for Pakistan to get the stored F16s from USA cheaply and then get them upgraded on available V upgrade package from USA along with some squadrons of already acquired ones.
after Afganistan peace accord, Pakistan will get remaining 18 F16 from CSF funds. Remember it is part of previous contract. 18+18 contract
Are we sure that the previous option of 18 hasn't lapsed yet ? My understanding is that it expired back in 2010/2012 time frame, give or take +/- couple of years.
Sir your comments requested is it not possible for Pakistan to get the stored F16s from USA cheaply and then get them upgraded on available V upgrade package from USA along with some squadrons of already acquired ones.
That is always the lowest cost factor but it all depends how much LM can gain in terms of work. Multiple options which Bilal had illuded to. Alternatively so many EU have surplus stock for sale as well.
Please everyone thinking the 18 +18 contract exists...update yourselves. The timeframe to exercise the option expired. It had a time line to it and that time is gone. The option no longer exists. This deal would be a new one all together.

That being said, the cheapest option for more F-16 is scooping up A/B that are being sold (example the ex-Jordanian airframes). Then would be retired US stock then surplus. The most expensive is newbuild E/F models. If PAF is really getting the blk 72 and the SABR upgrade, they should ztart by acquiring Jordan F-16s. This was previously blocked by US. Until that happens and th AH-1Z are released and/or the engines for mangusta areallowed to ve sold, I don't see this deal happening.
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