not irritating you & others here , but there's an off-topic question that comes often in mind w.r.t. recent indian announcement of getting rafael jets :-
1- Does P.a.f. actually realize the strategic need for acquiring an aircraft to counter indian rafaels ?
2- if yes , then which aircrafts (do you think) for P.a.F are available in reality and suitable for the said purpose ?
the post given below was stated by mr.Oscar :-
"Its fairly transactional, except in this case the relation is more like a person indebted giving it all up. This "giving" it all up is why there is strict security around the Block-52s that Pakistan has and its upgraded MLUs...down to retina scans.
From what I gathered, any attempt to let even an authorized person near the Block-52 triggers off an Alarm that probably has the US Defence Attaché ringing up the PAF and giving them a stern warning followed up by an investigation into the incident. All clearances have US personnel approval in it.
That is NOT to indicate that these aircraft are handicapped in their usage(which they can be against all enemies east or west of Pakistan save the US and its allies) , but a clear sign that whatever these aircraft carry is sophisticated and advanced enough to warrant it from falling into Chinese hands to be xerox'd."
jammer bro., does your opinion or information on the issue conform to it ?