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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

ya me tooo :guns: :usflag:
but its not a big deal for these birds only 18 aircrafts and they hav
took too much time to deliver those to PAF.

now we should focus on China,France and PAC to get aircrafts and weapons.America nomore wants good relations with us as he is ingaging strong relations to India.and i think it would also effect indo-russia relations.we can also go for russian weapons after indo-american relations.:azn:

atleast for fighter planes that is what i think,
we can still get something good from them like some UAV and naval equipment or some ammunition for our planes, these deals will help us with our indegenious programmes and wont be of much harm even if sanctioned!!

atleast for fighter planes that is what i think,
we can still get something good from them like some UAV and naval equipment or some ammunition for our planes, these deals will help us with our indegenious programmes and wont be of much harm even if sanctioned!!


if the news about the harpoon missiles and p3,is true then they will s*** up in every deal saying the same line
Don't mind him dear,

He's got a bit carried away with rage. Its never a pretty sight to see a sane human losing his perspective.

But lately, how the political events are unfolding in Pakistan, rage is what everybody is left with.

were is forums quailty man what kind of these posts looking like its BR of pakistan.
if the news about the harpoon missiles and p3,is true then they will s*** up in every deal saying the same line

i mean to say that pakistan may keep on looking for military hardware from US other then fighter planes, the reason being the lucrative option of soft loans and US military assistnce aid option. whether US will give these equipment to us or not is another point of debate,

Aslaam alakum ........i would like to say only one thing can u trust americans .well i dont think so. we can trust a dog but not USA we can trust a snake but not USA ,, americans has the betraying hobby to us,so how we can trust them now.I Don't understand :hitwall::undecided::no:
Aslaam alakum ........i would like to say only one thing can u trust americans .well i dont think so. we can trust a dog but not USA we can trust a snake but not USA ,, americans has the betraying hobby to us,so how we can trust them now.I Don't understand :hitwall::undecided::no:


About time the pakistanis learnt----it is not america that has a betraying habbit----it is pakistan that has a problem of being betrayed----falling into the same trap everytime and then blaming the others for our inconsistencies, puts us every single time in the same place where we were seen last.

How many times do we need to go throught he same process and end up with bitter feelings---our relationship with the u s peaks in the first 3---4 years---and after 6---8 years we are back to a divorce.

When we already know that beforehand getting into a relationship---then why not maximize your effort and get what you want in the first year to be delivered by the 3rd--4th year----rather than wait for 5 years and then start up the crying game one more time.

It is a shame that govt has let pakistan down one more time.

About time the pakistanis learnt----it is not america that has a betraying habbit----it is pakistan that has a problem of being betrayed----falling into the same trap everytime and then blaming the others for our inconsistencies, puts us every single time in the same place where we were seen last.

How many times do we need to go throught he same process and end up with bitter feelings---our relationship with the u s peaks in the first 3---4 years---and after 6---8 years we are back to a divorce.

When we already know that beforehand getting into a relationship---then why not maximize your effort and get what you want in the first year to be delivered by the 3rd--4th year----rather than wait for 5 years and then start up the crying game one more time.

It is a shame that govt has let pakistan down one more time.

You have really nice and cool head:coffee: .Love you and your comments.Its really an honor to have you in this forum :smitten:

You are all consciencious people over here---I don't know if there is any one pakistani here who doesnot have 'pakistan' imprinted and branded on their hearts---there is not a single soul here who doesnot want pakistan to be better---there is not a single pakistani soul here who is not pained at the hardships of our country.

If you are pained and you are concerned, then understand that the only way things can change is the way WE CAN CHANGE AND ADJUST OUR THINKINGS TO THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT on the run. The world is moving ahead at a warp speed---you and I should not be left behind to pickup our pieces---why should we---are we less talented than anyone else---are we less capable than other people around us---I believe not---how about you---what do you guys think---.

If you think that you are as good or better than your next door neighbour---then, one way to prove that is to show it in reality---by our actions, thinking and our reactions. But if our actions are strikes and arson, if our thinking that everyone is after us and our reaction is toget mad and angry at others for what they deem to see fit----then there are bigger personal issues of identity facing us than the sanctions by the united states of america.
Actually my assessment is that its our perspective that is "screwed up", and i mean seriously screwed up.

Whenever some religious news appears, we take it into Islamic perspective.
Whenever some regional news appears, we take it into anti-india, then anti america, then anti russia and blah blah perspective.

When are we going to learn to look at things from a neutral perspective. Things are happening ALL AROUND us ... if we don't take them from neutral perspective ... 99% of them are bound to appear against our cause.

USA is not against Pakistan, India is not against Pakistan ... they are in their OWN interest. They will do whats best for them. China is our friend as long as our goals are alligned. USA is with us for same reason ... against us for same ... and the sole reason being its own personal interest.

A dog is faithful till it gets food from its master ... and if we stop feeding it, it will find a new master. Its natural ... and this is how its supposed to be.

I don't mean to say that Right and Wrong don't exist, nor saying that principals of friendship and allegiance don't exist, just that personal survival comes first.

Pakistanis are too short sighted, too loose headed and too emotional ... we don't produce many philosophers of global respect because we cannot shed our narrow perspective to see things neutrally ... even our judges are biased ... our maulana's are biased ... even our family/bradary system is biased.

Last great philosopher was Iqbal ... and since then, we are living in DARKNESS.


You are all consciencious people over here---I don't know if there is any one pakistani here who doesnot have 'pakistan' imprinted and branded on their hearts---there is not a single soul here who doesnot want pakistan to be better---there is not a single pakistani soul here who is not pained at the hardships of our country.

If you are pained and you are concerned, then understand that the only way things can change is the way WE CAN CHANGE AND ADJUST OUR THINKINGS TO THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT on the run. The world is moving ahead at a warp speed---you and I should not be left behind to pickup our pieces---why should we---are we less talented than anyone else---are we less capable than other people around us---I believe not---how about you---what do you guys think---.

If you think that you are as good or better than your next door neighbour---then, one way to prove that is to show it in reality---by our actions, thinking and our reactions. But if our actions are strikes and arson, if our thinking that everyone is after us and our reaction is toget mad and angry at others for what they deem to see fit----then there are bigger personal issues of identity facing us than the sanctions by the united states of america.

right on spot,
sir i totally agree with you, if you keep on offering you head to your enemy it is not his fault to keep striking on it again and again,,
the relation between Pak-US ahve always been good weather friendship, or, if you can say, US ned based friendship. they are willing to give us there latest equipment when they are involved in the region. the Afghan-Soviet war is a classic example. US equipment were at our disposal and we even denied them to keep a check on whatare we getting and where are we spending it.
now for the cries and pain of being on the wrong track for decades, i guess it is high time to switch them. Pakistan is slowly geting on the right track on self-empoermen in military field. we have a fighter that can be taken to a level of latest in the world, our tanks are already considered the best in the region and still we are upgrading them to keep up with the pace of military procurement of the region. we are thankful involved in UAV and UCAV tech and that too see to be comming from non-US and indegenious sources. the shipbuilding sector in also gaining experience with Agostas and F22p.
for no on i think we must say good bye to US systems. for me the F16 blk52 should be among the last deal with US, atleast for main-stay platform. we can still try to be involved in some low-profile yet leathal equipments but no mare ships, planes and tanks from them!!

it is the time to wake-up and keeping in mind the latest development in the region, it may well be our last cahnce to do so,,

Brothers! The last F-16 deal was forced to our throat and PAF did good to get rid of bulk of it. Initially plan was for 55-75 planes but due to Earth quake deal was limited to 18 planes only. PAF did opted for F-16s just for weapons packages coming with it specially for AIM-120C with its 105 Km range.

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