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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

“In thrust we trust!” -- Bumper sticker
Sir Jee isn't that a male chauvenists statement:cheesy::thinktank: On a more serious note, I think it is safe to assume that the days of f16 and PAF are over. I dont think Uncle Sam or PAF have enough left in the bag to trust each other to buy and fly them.
with mirages retiring( and the days of f16 and PAF are over) in ur opinion then with no Western fighter in its inventory paf will appear 1 dimensional which is not a good place to be in i think
with mirages retiring( and the days of f16 and PAF are over) in ur opinion then with no Western fighter in its inventory paf will appear 1 dimensional which is not a good place to be in i think

how many western fighters are in russian or chinese inventory sir?
It's like a cartoon story - US uses these F16 as bait for the last 30 years - Pakistanis continue to fall for this ploy - the heck with F16's move on already - is there any past that you guys don't want to be stuck in??


It is an illussion that pakistani have been living under for the last 30 years----u s has never enticed pakistan to fall for the F16---it is the fools wearing the pakistani flags who have been kissing and licking the americans to get the F16's----.

How openly can a nation reject your offer of purchase----by putting sanctions on you---and you keep paying for those aircraft even after they sanctioned you----and you still kept on paying on it----and you still kept paying on it.

And now you come on this board and blame the flame for burning your wings---. I told you a couple of years ago---you are not the muse I knew from many a years ago----.

With this kind of post---how do you deserve to be in the 'THINK TANK'-----.

Someone needs to say---to heck with pakistani mentality and pakistani attitude----it is due to total screw ups by you pakistanis ---most of your parents that the nation is so fcuked up----.

The only thing you fools had to do was to kill Osama Bin Laden and all the foreigner arabs and chechens and uighars and uzbeks maybe not even 5000 of them.

You MORONS----you fools----you have totally destroyed your motherlands----for not doing anything against these harbingers of death and destruction in time----.

You people were waving the flags of islamic brotherhood---'hamaray islami bhai hein'----. My pakistani family are soulless people---people with no identity---people with no character---people who kiss the hems of the saudi 'tobe' rather than the flag of their nation---people looking for saudi fanatic and egyptians criminals to give them guidance----.

You people gave refuge knowingly or unknowingly to the---the murderers---the rejects of their nations---. The lunatics had no respect for their motherlands---how could they give a sh-it about something they did not have any allegiance to---.

You people had a blank cashier's check----you torched it to light the firewood---and now once again----you are back at your old games---'crying murder'. Blaming everyone else for your 'DEMISE".

It is an illussion that pakistani have been living under for the last 30 years----u s has never enticed pakistan to fall for the F16---it is the fools wearing the pakistani flags who have been kissing and licking the americans to get the F16's----.

How openly can a nation reject your offer of purchase----by putting sanctions on you---and you keep paying for those aircraft even after they sanctioned you----and you still kept on paying on it----and you still kept paying on it.

And now you come on this board and blame the flame for burning your wings---. I told you a couple of years ago---you are not the muse I knew from many a years ago----.

With this kind of post---how do you deserve to be in the 'THINK TANK'-----.

Someone needs to say---to heck with pakistani mentality and pakistani attitude----it is due to total screw ups by you pakistanis ---most of your parents that the nation is so fcuked up----.

The only thing you fools had to do was to kill Osama Bin Laden and all the foreigner arabs and chechens and uighars and uzbeks maybe not even 5000 of them.

You MORONS----you fools----you have totally destroyed your motherlands----for not doing anything against these harbingers of death and destruction in time----.

You people were waving the flags of islamic brotherhood---'hamaray islami bhai hein'----. My pakistani family are soulless people---people with no identity---people with no character---people who kiss the hems of the saudi 'tobe' rather than the flag of their nation---people looking for saudi fanatic and egyptians criminals to give them guidance----.

You people gave refuge knowingly or unknowingly to the---the murderers---the rejects of their nations---. The lunatics had no respect for their motherlands---how could they give a sh-it about something they did not have any allegiance to---.

You people had a blank cashier's check----you torched it to light the firewood---and now once again----you are back at your old games---'crying murder'. Blaming everyone else for your 'DEMISE".

Because he does not think in Black and white.. its not a simpleton's situation where you killed all those men and it would all be hunky dory.. Pakistanis would sit back and the US would join us in singing "Kumbaya" and every expat Pakistani in the US would get hugs and kisses on the streets of the big apple.
The F-16's were our choice.. and the US was initially DENYING us them..
Whatever the leadership choice, these are part of our inventory..and our focus is on them..
not how some old hand who left his nation long ago judges us on them.
You people... lol..yeah like I had a choice tomorrow to walk up to the Presidency and tell the guy to go screw himself.

THis isn't really a PAF F-16 but releated to F-16's in general.

1- Is this a bombing run, I doubt it is because there doesn't seem that a bomb is dropped, and then the kind way they expllode.

2- Is there a real bomb that can do stuff like this?

3- Do we have this kind of bomb?
Real bombs, meaning the kind use in real wars, very rarely have fires or as prominent flames unless they are specifically designed to produce fires. When you want to destroy or severely damage hardware, so degraded that the enemy either abandon it or would delay repairs, then concussive (shattering) force rather than fire is the way to go. Even if your target location have flammables such as POL stations or munitions, concussive force can disrupt their storage and render the area unsafe for long periods of time. Only when your intelligence about a particular target is sufficiently detailed as to the contents can you deliver specific munitions like napalm or cluster. Else general purpose concussive bombs will suffice. What you see is pure entertainment.
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Because he does not think in Black and white.. its not a simpleton's situation where you killed all those men and it would all be hunky dory.. Pakistanis would sit back and the US would join us in singing "Kumbaya" and every expat Pakistani in the US would get hugs and kisses on the streets of the big apple.
The F-16's were our choice.. and the US was initially DENYING us them..
Whatever the leadership choice, these are part of our inventory..and our focus is on them..
not how some old hand who left his nation long ago judges us on them.
You people... lol..yeah like I had a choice tomorrow to walk up to the Presidency and tell the guy to go screw himself.


You still haven't learnt anything but for sarcasm----you fool---it is for the integrity of the nation---it is for the integrity of the religion---it is for keeping the christian armies from entering a muslim land and waging a 'holy' war---you fool it is for keeping the sovereignty of the nation intact---it for acting like a nation first and foremost----it is for keeping the chaos and destruction away from your neighbors house so that when the fire spreads----it does not burn your house down either.

It is for preventing the deaths of millions of muslims by the marauding bands of christian soldier who would murder and rape you children and women and then kill you as well---.

So you would rather destroy the motherland than see me getting hugs and kisses on the foreign streets---that is a pathetic anology---.

Where do you go to learn these things---who teaches you this kind of stuff---.

All major problems have simple solutions to begin with-----now you would not know it if you had killed all those al qaeda criminals---when you had the chance---.

You are indeed a brilliant child of my motherland---what a dark future for my country of birth---it is like you saying---I did not remove this cancerous tumor in time because I did not know if it would stop the growth of cancer----.

The tragedy over here is that you people don't even feel and shame and embarrassment in writing this kind of stuff.

You don't have no control of the govt officials----but you as a group of young men, you can re-direct your focus and make it known amongst your peers to bring a change and change the way of thinking.

Stop this hateful act of cutting your nose to spite your face---.
You don't have no control of the govt officials----but you as a group of young men, you can re-direct your focus and make it known amongst your peers to bring a change and change the way of thinking.

Oh.. like you did at my age?
When it was much much easier?
Your points are like that of somebody at the twilight of their career that did not work out.
You think that nobody sees the things that you see..and nobody is trying to create that impetus for change.. and you are the only one with an answer...and if we dont listen to you..we are screwed.

Well here it is Monsieur.. It was YOUR generation that could have made the change, but you chose to **** it up.. not us.. You guys could have done all that you claim to talk about ..but you did not..and went off to make your own bucks in the land of the free..
Now its more harder to fix things.. and if we arent doing such a good job at it..its no thanks to you....
Trying to incite us by constant ridicule or sarcasm has little effect.. I dont give a rats arse to listen to some foul mouthed old coot who has nothing except insults and ridicule for me or my generation.. on any subject.. all the time.

You were around when they bought the F-16's.. were you sleeping or something?..did you as a group of young men, fail can re-direct your focus and make it known amongst your peers to bring a change and change the way of thinking.

You want to help us change? force us to change? then entice us by good advice and sound logic...repeatedly insulting us on each and every other thread in the same pattern is not going to do diddly squat.
during the 2 wars fought btw iaf and paf instead of having a huge numerical disadvantage our af shocked iaf this was no doubt due to better skills of our pilots but again they mainly fought with American fighter jets while India had soviet jets ( i m just assuming as i dnt know for sure my apologies if i m wrong)
how many western fighters are in russian or chinese inventory sir?
during the 2 wars fought btw iaf and paf instead of having a huge numerical disadvantage our af shocked iaf this was no doubt due to better skills of our pilots but again they mainly fought with American fighter jets while India had soviet jets ( i m just assuming as i dnt know for sure my apologies if i m wrong)
But now size gape is also decreased than before.
during the 2 wars fought btw iaf and paf instead of having a huge numerical disadvantage our af shocked iaf this was no doubt due to better skills of our pilots but again they mainly fought with American fighter jets while India had soviet jets ( i m just assuming as i dnt know for sure my apologies if i m wrong)

You are indeed wrong. IAF has the Mirage 2000 armed with Mica during Kargil War which forces PAF F-16 which were lack of any BVR mean to turn away everytime they encounter IAF Mirage 2000.
Is the F16 A USEFUL ASSET in the future even without USA on side.

I dont think any force can operate a fighter fleet if the ORIGINAL COUNTRY that supplied them is no longer on board and worse stil prehaps leaning to your potential advesary.

If pak usa relations continue to frefall then PAF have to order an alternative western jet if WESTERN technology is to remain in service post 2020...


You rely completely on chinease technology which is getting FAR BETTER NOW
You are indeed wrong. IAF has the Mirage 2000 armed with Mica during Kargil War which forces PAF F-16 which were lack of any BVR mean to turn away everytime they encounter IAF Mirage 2000.

M2Ks will get MICA only with the new upgrade, they only had Matra Super 530D missiles (hardly BVR capable), but the Russian fighters had different BVR missiles and that in high numbers and used at different types which gave a clear BVR advantage. PAF is closing this gap now with F16 MLU, B52s, JF 17 and J10 with SD 10.

Is the F16 A USEFUL ASSET in the future even without USA on side.

I dont think any force can operate a fighter fleet if the ORIGINAL COUNTRY that supplied them is no longer on board and worse stil prehaps leaning to your potential advesary.

If pak usa relations continue to frefall then PAF have to order an alternative western jet if WESTERN technology is to remain in service post 2020...


You rely completely on chinease technology which is getting FAR BETTER NOW

But changing the dependance from the US to China is not wise either. If a single quality issue comes up with SD 10 for example, all JF 17 and J10s would be useless in air combats, having the F16s and AIM 120 as an alternative then is a good point.
It doesn't matter if we talk about Pakistan or India (with the dependance on Russian arms and techs), as long as both countries can't develop all arms and techs indigenously, it is better to spread the risks and to have different alternatives!

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