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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

it's quite confusing , someone claims 36 and other one 18.
someone says 14 new f-16 coming , other says old ones.....
is there any reliable source.....
we have been in mess for more than 2 months now......
it's quite confusing , someone claims 36 and other one 18.
someone says 14 new f-16 coming , other says old ones.....
is there any reliable source.....
we have been in mess for more than 2 months now......

Yes it is. In short:

18 F-16 Block 52+ are CONFIRMED by PAF.
18 more F-16 Block 52+ are confirmed by officers of PAF but no official word from anyone.
14 F-16s are old ones.
Raptor, what do you mean?
I clearly mentioned that it has entered services in PAF on November 20th, 2010.

It was just the beauty of the newly built bird that I was posting.

By judging the picture you posted gave me the impression that F-16s (#10904) without Pakistan flag hasn't been delievered yet, which is why I want to clarify. Yes, it is really beautiful MLUs upgrading but with CFT is more better and muscle! ;) Sorry for the confusion, I apologize.
Aviation Art by Humza Tariq


ABDUR RAZZAQ SHOOTS DOWN AN ELINT AN-26 March 30, 1987: PAF F-16A flown by Wing Commander Abdur Razzaq shoots down an ELINT AN-26. The enemy aircraft crashed on the snow-clad mountains below.
confusion has been created by different fan boys. there is no confusion.
we have confirmed 63 f-16s including 18 C/D.

rest 18 are not going to be brought due to lack of funds and better alternatives..
14 are under discussion through the EDA, as we did paid for them in the past and US has in principal agreed to release them. Most likly they will be released when they get there f-35s i think..

but delivery of those and if possible additional EDA ones will depend upon our and there political game :)
The 14 EDA (used) F-16 Block-15s that we have already received are OCU's and by spec published in F-16.Net the OCU's are AMRAAM enabled.

Can anyone confirm that the ones that we have received and are already in use for few years ... are AMRAAM enabled? Or was that capability switched off when given to Pakistan?

Just a query ... would appreciate some input on it.
The 14 EDA (used) F-16 Block-15s that we have already received are OCU's and by spec published in F-16.Net the OCU's are AMRAAM enabled.

Can anyone confirm that the ones that we have received and are already in use for few years ... are AMRAAM enabled? Or was that capability switched off when given to Pakistan?

Just a query ... would appreciate some input on it.


The Block 52+ PAF operates are first air craft in PAF inventory capable of AMRAAM.
The MLU process enables older F-16s, Block 15, to be capable of operating AMRAAMs.
Quote of the Day
“Just as [my] missile left the rail the MiG [-21] executed a maximum G, tight turning, starboard break turn. He couldn't have seen me. Either his wingman called a break or his tail warning radar was working. I had an instantaneous plan view of him and he was really hauling... The missile couldn't handle it, exploding out of lethal range.”
-- Commander Randy Duke Cunningham, USN

F-16 carrying six MK-82 four AIM-9.

My guess is that, this picture is prior to the mission from a active squadron taking part in operation in South Waziristan.

Four Aim 9s for a Air to Ground role, and that too in South Waziristan?
Four Aim 9s for a Air to Ground role, and that too in South Waziristan?

these are combat ready F-16s, they always carry four Aim-9.
in any given air force there are several fighters on high alert at all times and so im guessing its one of them for PAF..
these are combat ready F-16s, they always carry four Aim-9.
in any given air force there are several fighters on high alert at all times and so im guessing its one of them for PAF..

You don't go around intercepting planes with six ground bombs under your wings. Too much weight and drag.

If it is going for a bombing mission in South Waziristan where there is no danger of aerial threat, then no need to carry 4 Aim 9s. I think the standard procedure of most of PAF F-16s was to carry two Aim9s, one on each of the wing tips.
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