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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

It has basically been a horrible deal for pakistan---but then again pakistan is stuck between a rock and a hard place for the upteenth time----only if they had remembered and lernt from their past---then maybe maybe---?????

Emphasis.. strict, bold and obsessive emphasis on this...The worst characteristic of our people. And its not because we are nice people.. we are just stupid.

Gleaned from another forum we are having issues with hung up bombs and malfunctioning missiles on our Falcons.
santro...advance apology if i misunderstood your post.

Your judgement is not finale. Because you take something not destined to your good end notes you brush it aside replace with "worst characteristic" and that is exactly the sort of judgment that jeopardize relations in broader sense among people of different thoughts. And exactly what MastanKhan says "only if they had remembered and lernt from their past", instead such people come up with their incompetence labelling other as stupid. Please mind the language member, this is a professional defence forum your might be flying high these days on this forum that does not give you free passage to call a learnt respective member as stupid, he and many orthers have reasons and analysis that brought them to conclusion of their own, on the other hand if you do not agree simply pass on once again look back 20/22 years at PAF and the with-in orginazational white collar hideous pratices took place.
who many days on countdown yaar. i am sick now from last 4 years of wait. when the hell land fist block52 in pakistan.

Expected in this week...........
Cross posting from MRCA thread ...

For all those who havent seen....F16 Block 60 simulator...excellent vid and gives a brief understanding of how a cockpit functions....Enjoy...its ultra cool..

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santro...advance apology if i misunderstood your post.

Your judgement is not finale. Because you take something not destined to your good end notes you brush it aside replace with "worst characteristic" and that is exactly the sort of judgment that jeopardize relations in broader sense among people of different thoughts. And exactly what MastanKhan says "only if they had remembered and lernt from their past", instead such people come up with their incompetence labelling other as stupid. Please mind the language member, this is a professional defence forum your might be flying high these days on this forum that does not give you free passage to call a learnt respective member as stupid, he and many orthers have reasons and analysis that brought them to conclusion of their own, on the other hand if you do not agree simply pass on once again look back 20/22 years at PAF and the with-in orginazational white collar hideous pratices took place.

Yeah you did misread it.. and the only time I actually fly high and is when m doing inverted circuits on my Blade 400 3d.
By stupid.. I meant the Pakistani people in general..and our collective decision making.
Nothing to do with MK..
apology santro..

Agree with you looking at them voting same govts time and again who ripped them off in the past. You explained it in just one simple word.
the AIM9X is a great leap forward to the aim9m that we will be getting. Considering that if we really are US best frined and strong ally we must have tried for AIM9X indeed.
here is some description from not so authentic source, that is, wikipedia but trust me it is fine enough when it comes to such less detiled description of systems. i mean no one bothers to edit such harmless info....;) :lol: so here you go!!


These newer and improved IR missiles have flare-rejection logic built in. Reducing your heat signature is huge. Still, the best answer is to not get shot at in the first place.

The Pk (probability of kill) is high. All I can say is to look to the Falklands, where 24 missiles were fired, and 22 kills resulted. And that was the AIM-9L. Now we have the M and the X --the latter is said to be formidable -- meaning if we get these then it will provide a HUGE boost to our offensive/defensive capabilities

In the 1980's, the AMRAAM had a little brother, the ASRAAM. The ASRAAM program was killed when they realized that there was little to improve upon with the AIM-9 series.

Best answer of all - kill them first or get killed. That comes from good radar methodology and a longer-ranged missile like AMRAAM.

You could put a AIM-9 on a jeep if you wanted, and it'll work, if you can get the seeker pointed at the heat source. It's an IR missile, no radar required.

Still, for optimum results on any platform, there needs to be an indication of where the seeker is looking, the seeker field of view, or FOV. The FOV is narrow. You can't just roughly point it and shoot, it'll go ''bonkers''
I think the ASRAAM saw the light of day.. and is still referred to as the AIM-132. It was not killed, but the US military wanted TVC on their next-gen dogfight missile. While the brits were comfortable with the clipped delta design fins which afford good maneuverability and allow for a longer range sue to their lift generating side effect. difference in operational demands let to parting of ways.

Most kills made in falklands were on aircraft trying to flee, since usually thee aircraft were on the edge of their combat radius and would be sitting in the drink if they tried fighting it out. Also, most of the AAF aircraft had little in the way of countermeasures.. that however does not detract from the 9L's record in the PAF's engagements with the DRAAF and VVS against targets maneuvering and usually within VERY strict ROE's.

Which reminds me, if the PAF's current fit of missiles on the falcon for CAP's has changed.. or is it still 2L's and 2P's??
4 Block-52 F-16s to arrive on Saturday 26th June.
I think the ASRAAM saw the light of day.. and is still referred to as the AIM-132. It was not killed, but the US military wanted TVC on their next-gen dogfight missile. While the brits were comfortable with the clipped delta design fins which afford good maneuverability and allow for a longer range sue to their lift generating side effect. difference in operational demands let to parting of ways.

Most kills made in falklands were on aircraft trying to flee, since usually thee aircraft were on the edge of their combat radius and would be sitting in the drink if they tried fighting it out. Also, most of the AAF aircraft had little in the way of countermeasures.. that however does not detract from the 9L's record in the PAF's engagements with the DRAAF and VVS against targets maneuvering and usually within VERY strict ROE's.

Which reminds me, if the PAF's current fit of missiles on the falcon for CAP's has changed.. or is it still 2L's and 2P's??[/QUOTE]

2Ms and 2Ps i think! - i think all sidewinders are being upgraded to the 9M standard!
Pakistan Air Force to get latest four F-16 Block-52 aircraft
June 22, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Forces is all set to receive four latest F-16 Block 52 jets from US at Shahbaz Airbase in this week.

US will deliver 18 F-16 jets to Pakistan and four of them will reach Shahbaz Airbase, Jacobabad this week.

Shahbaz Airbase has been converted into latest operational airbase before arrival of these jets. Eight pilots of PAF have already completed their F-16 training in US.

Sources said that US is also providing additional technical assistance to PAF regarding F-16 jets. The addition of these jets will boost the operational capabilities of the air force.

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JF-17 cockpit is not much far behind F-16E/F cockpit
The only thing is that Russia would intervine. This is their aircraft (Su-27) and they have already threated to sue if China did sell these aircrafts to Pakistan. That is my only consurn. Also It has a huge radar signature. The Indian Su-30MKIs were deticted very quickly because they are so big what would we do about that? Also if we did get just the J-10 we need to do a lot of upgrades of our own to meet our needs dont you guys think.

the aircraft j-11 that china has manufactured is not the actual su-27 flanker.. it is only a copy of the 4.5th gen aircraft. it is solely manufactured in china. but the chinese government hasnt officially decided to sell this aircraft to pakistan as talks for the chengdu j-10 aircraft continue. however china has agreed to soon provide the PAF with 100 j-10's. the big advantage for this aircraft's addition is that pakistan can save the cost of upgrading the old versions of the f-16s...........!furthermore russian government hasn't posed any threat on the chinese government concerning the selling of any j-11s to pak.

Fatman I also read initially that we were getting the 9m-8/9 ....now I hear its the 9-M-1/2 ....any idea which is it?
Fatman I also read initially that we were getting the 9m-8/9 ....now I hear its the 9-M-1/2 ....any idea which is it?

will you pardon to elaborate, what is it????
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