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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

i am curious to find out if our MLU are going to be have MAW system which means change in structure.
extract from AFM March-2010 issue

Arizona F-16s - Forging Friendships

....the international training mission came to arizona in 1989.....the largest of the wings three squadrons is the most diverse.Pilots of the 195th Fighter Squadron 'the warhawks' fly 29 blk 25 F-16s to train students from Norway, Pakistan, Poland and Singapore.

....and they are always getting more students. The Pakistan Training Program is the Wing's newest. The first eight Pakistani students arrived in Tucson in October 2009. As experienced F-16A blk 15 pilots, the students came to the 195th to get C-model training in order to fly the blk 52s recently purchased by Pakistan.

"we are traing these eight pilots so that they can return home and be instructor's themselves and teach others to fly the new F-16s"...."even though we are training them on blk 25s they will still be able to operate their blk 52s back home. when they leave here, they will get training from Lockheed-Martin in Texas on the differences"......"the two blks fly the same, its essentially the employment of weapons that makes the difference".....
extract from AFM March-2010 issue

Arizona F-16s - Forging Friendships

....the international training mission came to arizona in 1989.....the largest of the wings three squadrons is the most diverse.Pilots of the 195th Fighter Squadron 'the warhawks' fly 29 blk 25 F-16s to train students from Norway, Pakistan, Poland and Singapore.

....and they are always getting more students. The Pakistan Training Program is the Wing's newest. The first eight Pakistani students arrived in Tucson in October 2009. As experienced F-16A blk 15 pilots, the students came to the 195th to get C-model training in order to fly the blk 52s recently purchased by Pakistan.

"we are traing these eight pilots so that they can return home and be instructor's themselves and teach others to fly the new F-16s"...."even though we are training them on blk 25s they will still be able to operate their blk 52s back home. when they leave here, they will get training from Lockheed-Martin in Texas on the differences"......"the two blks fly the same, its essentially the employment of weapons that makes the difference".....

There is another batch of PAF technical and ground staff currently being trained at Lockheed Martin, Fort Worth, Texas. I have heard that the number is around 60. I have not yet met any of them personally but many in the Fort Worth community have met them at Jummah prayer.
Boeing To Convert Old F-16s to Targets
Published: 9 Mar 2010 17:40

The U.S. Air Force has begun replacing its dwindling supply of QF-4 target drones with QF-16s, according to a March 9 Boeing announcement.

With the supply of venerable F-4 airframes running low after years of use as target drones, the air service has given Boeing a $69 million contract to convert up to 126 of the service's oldest F-16s in storage at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., into aerial targets, according to the announcement.

Design work on the drones will be done at Boeing's St. Louis facility while production will be done in Jacksonville, Fla.

Boeing To Convert Old F-16s to Targets - Defense News
Boeing To Convert Old F-16s to Targets
Published: 9 Mar 2010 17:40

The U.S. Air Force has begun replacing its dwindling supply of QF-4 target drones with QF-16s, according to a March 9 Boeing announcement.

With the supply of venerable F-4 airframes running low after years of use as target drones, the air service has given Boeing a $69 million contract to convert up to 126 of the service's oldest F-16s in storage at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., into aerial targets, according to the announcement.

Design work on the drones will be done at Boeing's St. Louis facility while production will be done in Jacksonville, Fla.

Boeing To Convert Old F-16s to Targets - Defense News

Well if they are short on target drones they should purchase Karakurum planes from us and give us the F16 ? WIN WIN SITUATION
F-16 Fighting Falcon Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft, USA


Wingspan 10m
Length 15m
Height 5m
Empty Weight 8,500kg Type1 x P&W F100-PW-200/220/229 or General Electric F110-GE-100/129
Maximum Speed 1,500mph (Mach 2)

Full specifications

The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, the first of the US Air Force multi-role fighter aircraft, is the world's most prolific fighter with more than 2,000 in service with the USAF and 2,000 operational with 25 other countries.

The F-16 and the F-15 Eagle were the world's first aircraft able to withstand higher g-forces than the pilots. The Fighting Falcon entered service in 1979. The last of 2,231 F-16 fighters for the US Air Force was delivered in March 2005. The first two-seat F-16D version was accepted by the US Government in January 2009.

Outside the US, Lockheed Martin had a backlog of around 95 F-16 aircraft during the first quarter of 2009.

Recent orders include Bahrain (ten delivered), Greece (60 block 52 all delivered), Israel (50), Egypt (24 block 40), New Zealand (28), United Arab Emirates (80 block 60, first delivered 2005), Singapore (20), South Korea (20 block 52 all delivered), Oman (12, first delivered August 2005), Chile (ten block 50, first delivery 2006) and Poland (48 block 52, delivered March 2006 – December 2008).

"The F-16 Fighting Falcon is the world's most prolific fighter."Israel, with the world's largest F-16 fleet outside the USAF, has ordered 110 F-16I aircraft, of which the first was delivered in December 2003. These aircraft have Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 engines, Elbit avionics, Elisra electronic warfare systems and Rafael weapons and sensors, including Litening II laser target designator pods. Italy has leased 34 aircraft until the first tranche of Eurofighter deliveries are completed. Hungary will acquire 24 ex-USAF fighters.

In December 2005, Greece ordered a further 30 block 52+ fighters (20 F-16C single seat and 10 F-16D two-seat) to be delivered from 2009. Under the Peace Xenia IV purchase programme, the total number of fighters ordered by Greece's HAF(Hellenic Air Force) rose to 170. The first Peace Xenia IV F-16 block 52 advanced aircraft was delivered on 19 March 2009. The remaining will be delivered in 2009 and 2010.

In June 2005, Pakistan requested the foreign military sale (FMS) of 36 F-16C/D block 50/52 aircraft. In June 2006, the Pentagon notified congress of its intention to agree the sale and Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for 12 F-16C and six F-16D block 52 aircraft in December 2006. The aircraft will be armed with AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles and the Sniper targeting pod. The planned order of the second 18 aircraft has been cancelled.

In September 2006, Turkey requested the sale of an additional 30 advanced block 50 F-16 aircraft. The order was signed in May 2007. The aircraft will be delivered in 2011 and 2012. The total cost of these additional aircraft could be more than $2.9bn excluding Turkey's $1.1bn upgrade programme for its existing F-16 fleet.

In June 2007, Taiwan requested 66 F-16C/D aircraft but the US government has indicated that approval is unlikely to be granted before 2009.

In December 2007, Morocco requested the sale of 24 F-16C/D block 50/52 aircraft. The deal includes the aircraft, mission equipment and a support package provided by Lockheed Martin and other US and international contractors. The Royal Moroccan Air Force (RMAF) placed a $233.6m order in June 2008.

The F-16IN Super Viper, which is a development of block 60, has been designed for the Indian Air force. It is a fourth-generation fighter that meets the medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA) requirements. It includes Northrop Grumman APG-80 AESA radar and General Electric F110-132A engine with 32,000lb thrust.

Various F-16 upgrade and modernisation programmes are underway in Turkey, Pakistan and Jordan, and within the US Air Force. Future upgrades include air refuelling probes, auxiliary power unitu, auto ground collision avoidance systems and automatic manoeuvring attack.

F-16 common configuration implementation programme (CCIP)

650 USAF block 40/50 F-16s are being upgraded under the common configuration implementation programme (CCIP). The first phase of the programme (first aircraft completed in January 2002) provides core computer and colour cockpit modifications.

The second, which began in September 2002, involves fitting the advanced AN/APX-113 interrogator / transponder and Lockheed Martin Sniper XR advanced FLIR targeting pod.

The third, which started in July 2003, adds Link 16 datalink, the Boeing joint helmet-mounted cueing system and an electronic horizontal situation indicator. Operational testing of the M3 upgraded fighters was completed in September 2004. Deliveries are planned to complete in 2010.

"Israel has the largest F-16 fleet outside the USAF."A216 block 40/50 F-16 aircraft of the Turkish Air Force are to be upgraded with elements of the CCIP, under an agreement reached in April 2005. Lockheed Martin was awarded the contract to supply the modernisation kits in December 2006. The upgrade is scheduled for completion in 2016.

The export version of the Sniper XR pod, the PANTERA, has been ordered by the Royal Norwegian Air Force. The first was delivered in November 2003.

Block 50/52 is the eighth major modification block of the F-16 that incorporates colour cockpit displays, new electronic warfare suite, advanced weapons and sensors and more powerful engines.

Block 60 upgrade

The block 60 F-16E/F, which is being developed for the United Arab Emirates, features extra payload and range, in part due to the new F110-132 engine being developed by General Electric, which produces 145kN of thrust.

New avionics for the block 60 includes a higher-speed mission computer, a new display processor, three large colour LCD displays, advanced data transfer unit with a fibre-optic data transfer network. Precision targeting is achieved by the Northrop Grumman integrated navigation FLIR and targeting FLIR system using mid-wave infrared arrays and Northrop Grumman's APG-80 agile beam active electronically scanned (AESA) radar.

Northrop Grumman is providing the integrated electronic warfare suite. First flight of the block 60 aircraft took place in December 2003. Deliveries of 80 block 60 aircraft to the UAE began in May 2005 and are scheduled to conclude by 2009.


Advanced equipment being fitted on the current build of the F-16 includes Honeywell colour flat-panel liquid crystal multifunction displays, digital terrain system, modular mission computer, colour video camera to record the pilot's view of the head-up display (HUD), a colour triple-deck video recorder and an enhanced programmable display generator.

Under the USAF project Sure Strike, the F-16 is being equipped with an improved data modem (IDM), which automatically provides target data to the HUD using data transmitted by a ground observer.

The seat-back angle of the aircraft has been increased from 13° to 30° to provide increased comfort for the pilot.

"USAF F-16 aircraft are scheduled to receive the Boeing joint helmet-mounted cueing system (JHMCS)."A follow-on programme, project Gold Strike, integrates an upgraded IDM for the transmission of images to and from a range of sources, including ground units and unmanned aircraft. The system can transmit images from the LANTIRN targeting pod and display video imagery to the cockpit.

USAF F-16 aircraft are scheduled to receive the Boeing joint helmet-mounted cueing system (JHMCS), currently in full-rate production. Deliveries of production systems began in 2004, although the system has been deployed operationally during Operation Iraqi Freedom.


The aircraft has nine hardpoints for weapons payloads: one at each wing tip, three under each wing and one centreline under the fuselage. The ordnance is launched from Raytheon LAU-88 launchers, MAU-12 and Orgen bomb ejector racks. The port wing is fitted with a 20mm General Electric M61A1 multi-barrel cannon and the gunsight is interfaced to the cockpit HUD.

Air-to-air missiles which have been carried on the F-16 include the Lockheed Martin / Raytheon AIM-9 Sidewinder, Raytheon AMRAAM, Raytheon Sparrow, MBDA (formerly Matra BAe Dynamics) Skyflash and ASRAAM, and the MBDA R550 Magic 2. In April 2004, the F-16 first fired the new-generation AIM-9X Sidewinder, which is in full-rate production for the USAF.

Air-to-surface missiles carried on the F-16 include Maverick, HARM and Shrike missiles, manufactured by Raytheon, and anti-ship missiles include Boeing Harpoon and Kongsberg Penguin. Flight tests with the Lockheed Martin joint air-to-surface stand-off missile (JASSM) are being conducted from the F-16.

The first guided launch of the new joint direct attack munition (JDAM) was successfully carried out from an F-16. The F-16 was the first USAF aircraft to be fitted with the joint stand-off weapon (JSOW) in April 2000.

The F-16 can be fitted with Lockheed Martin wind-corrected munitions dispenser (WCMD), which provides precision guidance for CBU-87, -89, and 97 cluster munitions. The system corrects for launch transients, ballistic errors, and winds aloft.

The F-16 will be the first aircraft to use the USAF's new weapon rack, the Edo Corporation BRU-57. The BRU-57 is a vertical ejection rack which doubles the aircraft's capacity for precision-guided weapons like JDAM and WCMD.

All-weather stand-off weapons such as the AGM-84E stand-off land-attack missile (SLAM) and the AGM-142 Popeye II are planned to be included in future upgrades to the aircraft. Other advanced weapons include MICA, IRIS-T, Python IV, Active Skyflash air-to-air missile, ALARM antiradiation missile, Apache multimission stand-off weapon, autonomous free-flight dispenser system and AS30L laser-guided missile.


The F-16 carries the Lockheed Martin LANTIRN infrared navigation and targeting system. This is used in conjunction with a BAE Systems holographic display. Block 50/52 aircraft are equipped with the HARM Targeting System, AN/ASQ-213 from Raytheon.

US Air National Guard F-16 aircraft are fitted with Northrop Grumman Litening II / Litening ER targeting pods.

"Air-to-surface missiles carried on the F-16 Fighting Falcon include Maverick, HARM and Shrike missiles."In August 2001, Lockheed Martin was selected to provide the Sniper XR as the new advanced targeting pod for USAF F-16 and F-15E aircraft.

Sniper XR (extended range) incorporates a high-resolution mid-wave FLIR, dual-mode laser, CCD TV, laser spot tracker and laser marker combined with advanced image processing algorithms. Deliveries began in March 2003.

F-16 fighters for Oman will be equipped with BAE Systems advanced airborne reconnaissance system. Those for Poland and Morocco will be equipped with the Goodrich DB-110 reconnaissance pod.


Current block 50 F-16 aircraft for the USA are equipped with the Lockheed Martin superheterodyne AN/ALR-56M radar warning receiver. The F-16 is also compatible with a range of jammers and electronic countermeasures equipment, including Northrop Grumman AN/ALQ-131, Raytheon AN/ALQ-184, Elisra SPS 3000 and Elta EL/L-8240, and the Northrop Grumman ALQ-165 self-protection suite.

Lockheed Martin ALE-40 and ALE-47 chaff and infrared flare dispenser systems are installed in an internal flush mount. ALE-40 is pilot-controlled but the ALE-47 installed in block 50 can be operated in fully, semi-automatic or manual mode.

F-16s for the Greek Air Force are being fitted with the Raytheon advanced self-protection integrated suite (ASPIS) II which includes Northrop Grumman ALR-93(V) threat warning system, Raytheon ALQ-187 jammer and BAE Systems ALE-47 chaff / flare dispenser.

F-16s for Chile and Pakistan are fitted with the ITT AN/ALQ-211 (V) 4 electronic warfare suite.


The Northrop Grumman AN/APG-68 radar provides 25 separate air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, including long-range, all-aspect detection and tracking, simultaneous multiple-target tracking, and high-resolution ground mapping. The planar antenna array is installed in the nose of the aircraft.

An upgraded version of the radar, AN/APG-68(V)9, has begun flight testing. The upgrade features: 30% increase in detection range, five times increase in processing speed, ten times increase in memory, as well as significant improvements in all modes, jam resistance and false alarm rate.

Navigation and communications

The F-16 was the first operational US aircraft to receive a global positioning system (GPS). The aircraft has an inertial navigation system, either a Northrop Grumman (Litton) LN-39, LN-93 ring laser gyroscope or Honeywell H-423.

"The F-16 Fighting Falcon carries the Lockheed Martin LANTIRN infrared navigation and targeting system."Other navigation equipment includes a BAE Systems Terprom digital terrain navigation system, Gould AN/APN-232 radar altimeter, Rockwell Collins AN/ARN-118 tactical air navigation system (TACAN) and Rockwell Collins AN/ARN-108 instrument landing system.

The communications systems include the Raytheon UHF AN/ARC-164 receiver / transmitter and Rockwell Collins VHF AM/FM AN/ARC-186 together with AN/APX101 identification friend or foe (IFF) and encryption / secure communications systems. The AN/APX-101 is being upgraded with BAE Systems AN/APX-113.


The aircraft is powered by a single engine: the General Electric F110-GE-129 or Pratt and Whitney F100-PW-229. The fuel supply is equipped with an inert gas anti-fire system. An inflight refuelling probe is installed in the top of the fuselage.

Lockheed Martin has completed developmental flight testing on new conformal fuel tanks (CFT) for the F-16, which will significantly add to the aircraft's mission radius. First flight of the F-16 equipped with the new tanks was in March 2003. Greece is the launch customer for the CFT.
Interesting article, that even though is in the perspective of a confrontation between China and Taiwan, sheds some light on the capabilities of F-16 C/D.

Only F-16 jets strong enough to repel China: Reports

Taiwan is trying to obtain upgraded F-16 C/D jets from the U.S.

Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2010-03-09 12:00 AM

Only the United States-made F-16 fighter jets were strong enough to help Taiwan repel an attack from China's more sophisticated aircraft, reports said yesterday.

The Chinese-language Liberty Times daily said internal Ministry of National Defense reports showed the air force's Indigenous Defense Fighters and French-made Mirage 2000 jets were not up to the standards of China's most recent aircraft.

Taiwan has been trying to obtain upgraded F-16 C/D jets from the U.S., but the Obama Administration has so far failed to agree on the deal.

One Russian-supplied Sukhoi-30 from China's air force was the equivalent of 2.8 Mirages or 1.7 IDFs, the MND report said, according to the Liberty Times.

The F-16 would draw level with the Su-30, making the U.S. jet the strongest aircraft in Taiwan's arsenal, the paper said.

The performance of the air-to-air missiles used by the fighter jets reportedly played an important part in determining the rating of the planes in the survey. Taiwan's F-16s use the AIM-120, the IDF are equipped with the locally made Sky Sword- 2, while the Mirages come with the Mica.

The French missiles only had a range of 60km, compared to at least 100km for all the other missiles used by either Taiwan or China, according to the Liberty Times. The paper quoted an unnamed pilot who said the distance did not matter too much because it was only possible to recognize whether another aircraft was friend or enemy from 50km or less.

The pilot said the Mirage was excellent in escaping enemy-fired missiles, and that the military report might have been written to pave the way for the purchase of the new F-16s. The MND nevertheless felt the report was a simplification of real situations that might occur because it failed to take several factors into account, including the quality of the pilots, the battle environment and interference from anti-air missiles, the paper said.

The ministry also denied a Liberty Times report that the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou had abandoned a project to assemble 66 F-16s in Taiwan, thus losing a NT$25 billion deal.

The Ma government would import the completed planes directly from the U.S. instead of having them assembled by the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, as the administration of former President Chen Shui-bian had planned, the Liberty Times said.

The ministry said it would stand by its rule that for each international defense deal reaching US$5 million, industrial cooperation would amount to at least 40 percent of the final value of the agreement.
Viper Driver

Name Sqn.Ldr. Mustafa "Lightening" Orakzai
Country Pakistan

Unit 11th squadron "Arrows"
Flying F-16s
Viper Hours 1050
Commissioned in 1996. Have flown f-7p, f-7PG and currently F-16s. Total hours on chinese Migs is 850 hours.

Viper Driver

Name Air.Cmd. Ashfaq Arain (Ret.)
Country Pakistan
Unit N/A
Flying F-16s
Viper Hours 2000
Commander Arain is currently serving as the Air Advisor in the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, India where he's living with his wife and two children (untill 2005).

He also commanded no. 9 squadron
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