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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Well it looks like the US/Lockheed Martin just lost a customer due to financial issues.

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana on Thursday said the Philippines is unlikely to acquire Lockheed Martin F-16 jet fighters for its multi-role fighter (MFR) program for now due to budgetary constraints.
Philippines also refused to buy Apache or AH1z offered by Trump administration due to budgetary constraints
They should be replaced by 100+ J-31/J-35 when they are ready.
It cannot be PAF
It can be process will happen but not in public domain both houses will keep eye on it no other country needs secrecy when buy arms from US
US upgraded Saudi Apaches before but kept it as anonymous
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omg/lol/Oh no/please no- lets not start this - The American president cannot be arsed to talk to the Pakistani Prime Minister but somehow Pakistan an order for billions of dollars? Nah ... Not Pakistan for sure.

Lets not forget what Blinken said about Pakistan recently - or how the Pentagon did not want USAF planes to train with PAF recently during joint exercises..
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Can these fire AMRAAMS? I heard they cant
If not mistaken, PAF doesn't have the model of or access to the AIM-120 that these can use. Can't recall the model, it is in one of the post's on this forum.
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