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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

PAF should negotiate with the USA on a possible purchase of 34 F-16 from Iraq that would be upgraded in USA to Block -70 level and later 18 F-16 from PAF inventory too.

So, PAF will have a total of 52 F-16s Block -70

Moreover, some more used F-16s A/B models can be bought from USA and a program for avionics upgradation of the Block-15s of PAF can also be carried out in the USA to bring it near to Block-70s.

As, Pakistan is negotiating with USA over some presence of Troops in Pakistan. Then it's the best time to ask USA these stuff.
Great Plan!! Small problem though, US is not ready to play ball or finance/underwrite any Pak acquisition of US weapons.

I think a deal could be done on basing. If the US were to lease 2 bases Pak could in return demand release of CSF or ask for EDA. As it's Army involved in these negotiations I expect some quid pro quo is the bases do go ahead. No way would we let a foreign country operate out of Pak while the same foreign country denies us weapons systems. If the basing negotiations fail then expect US to try and come down hard on us.
Things are very different from 2001. A lot has changed. Collective mindset of the nation has evolved. Thought process suggesting giving bases and getting equipment/benefits in return is based in naivete.

It will be political suicide of any party who agrees to this and will turn the country into hellhole again where bomb blasts were happening everywhere.
Things are very different from 2001. A lot has changed. Collective mindset of the nation has evolved. Thought process suggesting giving bases and getting equipment/benefits in return is based in naivete.

It will be political suicide of any party who agrees to this and will turn the country into hellhole again where bomb blasts were happening everywhere.

One or two bases will not turn Pakistan to Civil War, also it is in our interests we do not destabilise Afghanistan and keep some sort of US relationship. Could be it is agreed and actioned and very few people will ever know till much later.

On the equipment side I think US know that 10-15 years from now Pakistan will be almost completely free of US military equipment, so that leverage is falling away fast.
One or two bases will not turn Pakistan to Civil War, also it is in our interests we do not destabilise Afghanistan and keep some sort of US relationship. Could be it is agreed and actioned and very few people will ever know till much later.

It's not the count rather the optics that matter. There is close to zero acceptance of US in the public now. People have not forgot what happened when Pakistan complied to US demands. Secondly, you don't want the wrath of Afghans turned towards you by giving them an excuse of US using Pakistani bases to attack them.

It's 2021. How can you even assume that American presence on Pakistani soil will go unnoticed and can be kept secret.
It's not the count rather the optics that matter. There is close to zero acceptance of US in the public now. People have not forgot what happened when Pakistan complied to US demands. Secondly, you don't want the wrath of Afghans turned towards you by giving them an excuse of US using Pakistani bases to attack them.

It's 2021. How can you even assume that American presence on Pakistani soil will go unnoticed and can be kept secret.

Wrath of Afghans!? You think that is what decides Pak policy? Pak Mil can keep a lot secret from the nation when it wants to. Anyway, I bow to your insider knowledge
I think a deal could be done on basing. If the US were to lease 2 bases Pak could in return demand release of CSF or ask for EDA. As it's Army involved in these negotiations I expect some quid pro quo is the bases do go ahead. No way would we let a foreign country operate out of Pak while the same foreign country denies us weapons systems. If the basing negotiations fail then expect US to try and come down hard on us.
I expect they coming down hard on us

Expect more tightening from IMF AB WB

But then again IMF AB WB have been particularly useful to us recently

going harder with sanctions will have strong long term repurcussions incase something bad happens so i doubt usa will go that way

it will be very unpopular for IK to say yes..so i doubt it will be acknowledged openly

Same happened in 2001 noone knew till 2011

But truth comes out never the less
Wrath of Afghans!? You think that is what decides Pak policy? Pak Mil can keep a lot secret from the nation when it wants to. Anyway, I bow to your insider knowledge

Of course while sitting in UK you doesn't feel the need to give weightage to Afghan sentiment while drafting a policy related to Afghanistan nor have you witnessed or felt the "wrath" our nation went through for 10-12 years.
I see Pakistani's are real quick to part their legs like the Red Sea --
Yes, is there a name for those who provide services for money or expensive gifts (watches, clothes, shoes, a few block 70s)?
Everyone here is quick to criticise but not so good at providing alternatives.

What if Pakistan refuses? What then? Are people aware of the amount of shit that can befall us?

Forget spares for F-16s or any new missiles for them

Expect pressure on European suppliers like Germany and Italy to stop supplying us

Expect a ton of shit from IMF/WB/FATF

Expect a possible state sponsor of terrorism designation

Expect India to jump and host US Forces.

But sure. instead of thinking about these things lets just carry on and make stupid prostitution analogies....
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