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Pakistan exempts taxes on import of solar panels

you want solar panels? they are temporary and expensive and can only be used as a backup energy source
you couldn't be more wrong.

and it wont run your whole house, and wont run heavy appliances, unless you are ready to really get your wallet light
5 lakh worth of panels would power your whole house.

Electricity from Solar panels considering their life time,

can be much much much much more expensive especially for small home size units.

This is why home solar stations cannot be feasible even in USA unless gov subsidizes them.
in the usa its just outrageously expensive... in pakistan its cheap.
renewable energy is a fraud in america just like the healthcare system.

This will ruin solar industry in Pakistan. Only importers will make money.
samething i was thinking, its a bad move....

Where is manufacturer in first place, they simply assemble it.
Akhter Solar PLC
just 2 manufacturers i found real quick
you couldn't be more wrong.

5 lakh worth of panels would power your whole house.

in the usa its just outrageously expensive... in pakistan its cheap.
renewable energy is a fraud in america just like the healthcare system.

samething i was thinking, its a bad move....

Dealer are claiming 5 KVA system with 3000 watt solar panels. that is not possible. By simple calculation it may be 1 KVA for 24/7 solution.

Solar panels are not expensive but complete solution is too expensive.
Basic problem is batteries that you have to replace after some time and required rigid electronic devices to convert DC to AC etc as this system will remain on 24/7. These rigid deceives also expensive.
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This is very good news especially because we are making a few solar farms. It is things like these which make me like shariff dynasty more and more everyday.
you couldn't be more wrong.

5 lakh worth of panels would power your whole house.

in the usa its just outrageously expensive... in pakistan its cheap.
renewable energy is a fraud in america just like the healthcare system.

samething i was thinking, its a bad move....

Akhter Solar PLC
just 2 manufacturers i found real quick

They just import kit & assemble them. In India Moser Baer purchase Solar Thin Film Technology due to their deep pocket
No one is ignoring....I never talked about its price...I am talking about its power...

Price depends on how much you can afford and govt only pays 50% (or less- depending which country) while in Pakistan govt STARTED with taxing it....hence why my happiness the bald head evolved a brain!

The problem is that when you IMPORT solar cells, "as a user/local customer" you may pay in rupees.

but the Pak gov has to pay in precious dollars to the overseas suppliers.

So even if you pay some tax on them, you are being subsidized due to rupees vs. Dollar conversion fees and other inherent costs.

The problem with Pakistani educated elite is simple.

They think Pakistani gov can print dollars / euors and thus act just like USA and Germany.

These educated but utterly unaware people don't realize that it is not the case.

Pakistani gov has to EARN those dollars mostly from loans and bonds and thus pays dearly for everything Pakistani fatsos educated elite import.

Hope you see the diff now.

Thank you.
The problem is that when you IMPORT solar cells, "as a user/local customer" you may pay in rupees.

but the Pak gov has to pay in precious dollars to the overseas suppliers.

So even if you pay some tax on them, you are being subsidized due to rupees vs. Dollar conversion fees and other inherent costs.

The problem with Pakistani educated elite is simple.

They think Pakistani gov can print dollars / euors and thus act just like USA and Germany.

These educated but utterly unaware people don't realize that it is not the case.

Pakistani gov has to EARN those dollars mostly from loans and bonds and thus pays dearly for everything Pakistani fatsos educated elite import.

Hope you see the diff now.

Thank you.
Loans are not earnings...They are LOANS!

As for the import....When PAKISTANIS Import they pay not the govt...When govt imports it pays what are you going on about? I am talking about the import taxes when PAKISTANIS import not when govt imports!

They duties are decided by each govt and it IS helpful if Pak govt doesnt put a tax on WHEN Pakistani PEOPLE import!
Loans are not earnings...They are LOANS!

As for the import....When PAKISTANIS Import they pay not the govt...When govt imports it pays what are you going on about? I am talking about the import taxes when PAKISTANIS import not when govt imports!

They duties are decided by each govt and it IS helpful if Pak govt doesnt put a tax on WHEN Pakistani PEOPLE import!

No need to get into verbal dual here bibi

With basic comprehension you would know what I meant by "earning".

Again you fail to understand that dollars leave state bank in case gov imports or Pakistani citizens import.

It is the same place from dollars are paid from Pak gov reserves.

Please update your analysis.

No need to start a war on this topic.





before posting.
Loans are not earnings...They are LOANS!

As for the import....When PAKISTANIS Import they pay not the govt...When govt imports it pays what are you going on about? I am talking about the import taxes when PAKISTANIS import not when govt imports!

They duties are decided by each govt and it IS helpful if Pak govt doesnt put a tax on WHEN Pakistani PEOPLE import!

If even 10-15% of people start paying taxes and >50% electricity bills ,the problem will be solved for pakistan.
Are they doing it??hell no
Are they gonna do it when imran khan comes??hell no.

So how exactly will u finance projects without money??
No need to get into verbal dual here bibi

With basic comprehension you would know what I meant by "earning".

Again you fail to understand that dollars leave state bank in case gov imports or Pakistani citizens import.

It is the same place from dollars are paid from Pak gov reserves.

Please update your analysis.

No need to start a war on this topic.





before posting.
I am not sure how much economics you have studied...For the sake of arguement yes dollars leave the country....But that is the man's own earning and not until we can support ourselves DOLLARS/ Rs WILL CONTINUE LEAVING! Hence why the dire need for electricity to start industries!

Now if dollar was leaving for buying electricity instead of for alternative electricity generators then THAT would be a bigger loss, dont you think?

What verbal dual? Its either I use caps or diff colours...for emphasis!

If even 10-15% of people start paying taxes and >50% electricity bills ,the problem will be solved for pakistan.
Are they doing it??hell no
Are they gonna do it when imran khan comes??hell no.

So how exactly will u finance projects without money??
One was supposed to think about that when making a plan...not after plans fail...

Now this electricity crisis didnt start overnight...And the very fact that some dept are running WITHOUT paying bills is shameful ...when such shit happens govt is seen as a hypocrite when pointing at people when its own arms and legs are showing a bad example!
One was supposed to think about that when making a plan...not after plans fail...

Now this electricity crisis didnt start overnight...And the very fact that some dept are running WITHOUT paying bills is shameful ...when such shit happens govt is seen as a hypocrite when pointing at people when its own arms and legs are showing a bad example!

When people themselves are as corrupt and shameless as the government and super hypocrite too then u cannot just blame system and ganja.
When people themselves are as corrupt and shameless as the government and super hypocrite too then u cannot just blame system and ganja.
Well actually you can....We were told 3 mths mein bijli ki prob khattam ...that too from CHIEF MINISTER....

When even CM is unaware of what he is saying when drunk maybe he shouldnt drink?!

ON serious note, not everyone is corrupt however the whole system from bottom up and top to bottom is corrupt....SO basically the poor man who IS PAYING his taxes DESERVES questions to HIS ANSWERS!
If even 10-15% of people start paying taxes and >50% electricity bills ,the problem will be solved for pakistan.
Are they doing it??hell no
Are they gonna do it when imran khan comes??hell no.

So how exactly will u finance projects without money??

I understand what you say bro

But remember this.

No country in the WORLD ever got rich by taxing its own citizens.

Any country with soft currency (rupees etc. ) wastes a lot of effort by taxing its own citizens.

Think about this.

When you were a child, you got pocket money? Rigght.

what if your mum dad gave you 50 rupees pocket money,

then turned around and said, give me 10 rupees back as income tax.


They could have given you 40 rupees to begin with. What's up with this hera phairee?

Now if a country has hard currency being used by its citizens, or gold coins etc., then taxes make sense.

Then the gov can take your dollars or your gold and pay for the imports and other international obligations.

So just remember this.

--- Taxes in rupees: mum dad taking 10 rupees back.
--- Taxes in dollars/euros: Yes they do make sense to some degree.

Sorry I cannot cover the hold tax gammot in one post.

Pakistan's issue is not with availablility of rupees. We have reasonable supply.

Our problem is lack of dollars/euros/gold.

And pak gov cannot collect dollars/euros/gold via taxation system you propose.
SO basically the poor man who IS PAYING his taxes DESERVES questions to HIS ANSWERS!

Not many are there in pakistan and india.
On topic-------Even imran khan is doing rhetoric of naya pakistan,,,its normal for politicians.

But public should be wise before voting.
...For the sake of arguement yes dollars leave the country....But that is the man's own earning

Again the same old mistake.

Unless you work overseas, or export from Pakistan,

your income is in rupees and not dollars.
Not many are there in pakistan and india.
On topic-------Even imran khan is doing rhetoric of naya pakistan,,,its normal for politicians.

But public should be wise before voting.
Well all those dharnas to educate the people about their voting rights seemed to have gone in 1 ear and out the other :unsure:

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