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Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

This is a sure shot downer for PTI hopefuls. Is the blame truly to be laid at the feet of Punjabis or was it because of something that was found to be lacking in PTI's manifesto/campaign/track-record..etc.?

No its not the disappointment at all. PTI did well. much better than expected :)

Punjab has majority seats so obvioulsy their vote changes the scenario.

and NO blame in my personal opinion. This is democracy and everything is part of it.
No its not the disappointment at all. PTI did well. much better than expected :)

Punjab has majority seats so obvioulsy their vote changes the scenario.

and NO blame in my personal opinion. This is democracy and everything is part of it.

One thing's for sure, PTI's come a long way- it got the second highest votes right? That's saying something being the youngest party around and all. I guess that's what you're referring to. Still, not that I had a horse in the race, but IK seemed genuine and absent the usual political snark- at least to an outsider.
Nawaz poised to form strong government after Pakistan poll

ISLAMABAD: Toppled in a 1999 military coup, jailed and exiled, Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif has made a triumphant election comeback and looks set to form a stable government capable of implementing reforms needed to rescue the fragile economy.

Nawaz may not win enough seats to rule on his own but has built up enough momentum to avoid having to form a coalition with his main rivals, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

The steel magnate held off a challenge from Imran, who had hoped to break decades of dominance by Nawaz’s Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) and the PPP, led by the Bhutto family. The two parties have formed governments whenever the military, the most powerful force in the nuclear-armed nation, has allowed civilian rule.
Imran put up a strong fight and he is likely to remain a force in politics, possibly becoming the main opposition figure. The PPP, which led the government for the last five years, has done badly and could come in third place.

Television channels said of the results declared by midday on Sunday, Nawaz’s PML-N had captured 88 of the 272 contested National Assembly seats.

Based on trends, it was likely to get around 130, and should easily be able to make up the required majority of 137 with support from independents and small parties.

PTI has secured 34 seats while PPP won 32.

Once it established a majority, Nawaz’s party would be allocated a majority of 70 other parliamentary seats that are reserved for women and non-Muslim minorities.[/B]“Nawaz now appears to have both a genuine mandate as well as a grasp of the direction Pakistan needs to be steered in,” said political analyst Cyril Almeida.
In one sense, the polls were a democratic landmark, marking the first time one elected government was to replace another in a country vulnerable to military takeovers. Pakistan is also battling an insurgency by militants although many of its people oppose its alliance with the United States against Taliban insurgents in neighbouring Afghanistan.

But Saturday’s vote failed to realise the hopes of many that the hold of patronage-based parties would end after years of misrule and corruption.

Nawaz, 63, from the prosperous and most populous province of Punjab, declared victory in a jubilant speech to supporters late on Saturday even as votes were still being counted. He is almost certain to become prime minister for a third time.

Nawaz also believes Pakistan should reconsider its support for the US war on militancy.

Nawaz, who advocates free-market economics, is likely to pursue privatisation and deregulation to revive flagging growth. He has said Pakistan should stand on its own two feet but may need to seek another bailout from the International Monetary Fund to avoid a balance of payments crisis.

The PML-N leader has said he could do business with the IMF, meaning he may be open to reforms like an easing of subsidies and a widening of Pakistan’s tiny tax base to secure billions of dollars from the global lender.

But his main job will be to ease widespread discontent over endemic corruption, chronic power cuts and crumbling infrastructure. He has described Pakistan as a “mess” and said the key to moving forward is speedy growth.

Nawaz will likely press for negotiation with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP), whose bombing attacks failed to derail the election, but he could run into resistance from the military which has lost thousands of soldiers fighting the insurgency.
Despite Pakistan’s history of coups, the army stayed out of politics during the five years of the last government and threw its support behind the election.

However, some fear the military could step back in were there a repeat of the incompetence and corruption that frustrated many Pakistanis during the last government’s rule.

In the end, cricketing hero Imran did not have the momentum needed to trip up Nawaz despite his popularity among urban youths, many of whom were voting for the first time in an election that saw a robust turnout of around 60%.

They had rallied behind Imran’s calls for an end to graft and a halt to US drone strikes against suspected militants on Pakistani soil, widely seen as a violation of sovereignty.

Nawaz, who was toppled in a 1999 bloodless coup by former army chief Pervaiz Musharraf, may take steps to improve ties with Pakistan’s arch-enemy, India. Efforts to boost trade between the neighbours have stalled due to suspicion on both sides.
Nawaz poised to form strong government after Pakistan poll – The Express Tribune
This is a sure shot downer for PTI hopefuls. Is the blame truly to be laid at the feet of Punjabis or was it because of something that was found to be lacking in PTI's manifesto/campaign/track-record..etc.?

I can't really understand blaming the Punjabis; Punjab was by-far the best Governed province in Pakistan...by far ! A Punjab controlled by PTI would have been awesome. But the people of Punjab thought to stick with PML N & almost wiped out PPP from Punjab.

The other 3 provinces didn't do anything to have the moral position to criticize anyone ! Baluchistan didn't give a single vote to PTI but instead voted for a patch work of parties including PML N...with the largest party therein being the Baluchistan face of ANP called the Pukhtoonkhwa Mili Awami Party - Another Pukhtoon Nationalist parties whose supporters introduce themselves as Afghans ! Followed by religious parties with Baluch National Parties being neither here nor there.

Sindh, almost befuddles me with their choice of electing PPP & MQM as the two largest parties in Sindh with very little seats for PTI ! PPP & MQM were the last Governments for the past 5 years.

KPK is the only province that has any right to look anyone else in the eye because they at least elected PTI as the largest party even if they gave only so many votes to PTI to be just the largest party but well short of the majority thats needed there to form a Government. If PTI enters into an alliance therein it would be with JUI-F & JI - the former is led by someone whose corruption earned him the nickname Maulana Diesel whilst the latter are the Taliban in a more cultured & mild form. Heck even PML N is reported to have gotten 10 seats from KP & were they to rope in the other parties & dangle the proper carrots even they could form a Government in KPK !
One thing's for sure, PTI's come a long way- it got the second highest votes right? That's saying something being the youngest party around and all. I guess that's what you're referring to. Still, not that I had a horse in the race, but IK seemed genuine and absent the usual political snark- at least to an outsider.

i am and am sure many will be sad for the fact that Bhutto legacy has died.

unfortunate. Bhuttos were intelligent educated people
This one time greed had ruined future of MMA and now future of ANP. so if the winning candidates join hands for greed then they are doomed.

whereas those who worked for people will win . Just take example of MMA's Mufti Kifayatullah as i had been mentioning him for his last win, he won again and that too against PML N candidate in Hazara :)) although his party lost big time last time and this elections as well

Whom do you think JUI-F is going to join hands with ? PTI...? If they do...does anyone really think that Maulana Diesel is going to let PTI do half the things that need to be done ? If ANP with their 4-5 seats join PTI too how do they plan on forgetting their past habits of being chronically corrupt ?

And how does PTI plan on winning the Independents over without compromising with them on anything ? Now...no ones afraid of the tsunami & they'd demand something in return for a coalition with PTI.

JI is the Taliban with a milder face !

Tou I'm not filled with a lot of hope.....we lost & we lost big time !
its amazing how you guys are crying since 24 hours about karachi rigging, i can also show you video of PTI guy inserting bogus votes in ballet box

your 90% energy was invested in punjab and what did you get, try to cry on the real thing where you really lost?, PTI has no chance of winning in karachi except na 250 and maybe few others

So what are you waiting for....bring up the evidence......???

2nd thing we might not have chance to win in all over Karachi......but my dear how could you justify 97%-98% voting in-favour of MQM......
Let's admit that PTI's criticism on just PML-N gave impression to rural areas that it has joined hand with Zardari, they also gave importance to urban areas only. Sindh & Baluchistan ignored totally, to become a true national party and to win with absolute majority so that they can execute their plans they needs to be present on every street and corner of Pakistan. I hope PTI will correct her mistakes and in next election they will bounce back with majority from every province, so that they shouldn't require to shack hand with corrupts to form govt. Maybe this loss is good for PTI in long term.

I agree with what you say but look what PPP had done to us in 5 yrs ? Do you think we can survive for another 5 yrs when this dog is ready to suck us up ? 5 yrs is a long time bro.The situation Pakistan is into we cannot give 5 months to incompetents like zardari and NS. It was the perfect time and we lost it badly :(
Whom do you think JUI-F is going to join hands with ? PTI...? If they do...does anyone really think that Maulana Diesel is going to let PTI do half the things that need to be done ? If ANP with their 4-5 seats join PTI too how do they plan on forgetting their past habits of being chronically corrupt ?

And how does PTI plan on winning the Independents over without compromising with them on anything ? Now...no ones afraid of the tsunami & they'd demand something in return for a coalition with PTI.

JI is the Taliban with a milder face !

Tou I'm not filled with a lot of hope.....we lost & we lost big time !

i will prefer PTI sitting in opposition in KPK :)

Diesel belongs to JUI -F not JI.

JI is far better than JUI -F. JI atleast has some democractic and better candidates in its ranks in terms of mindset.

alliance with ANP Is a BIG NO NO.
PTI would easily form govt in KPK. There are a lot of independents and independents usually join the largest party.

But JUI has 15 and PML 12, they can join together and the independents might go there, then add the Sherpao and some others and they have some chance.

But PTI is in driving seat with indep and JI onboard.
Breaking News on Duniya
NA 56
IK won taking 80K
Hanif Abbasi 67K

Congrats.... IK :)
i am and am sure many will be sad for the fact that Bhutto legacy has died.

unfortunate. Bhuttos were intelligent educated people

so what is in store for PPP now ? Only Sindh ? i don't think they can ever come back to power in the centre again. They don't have the leaders or the appeal.
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