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Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

Yups, seems Khakis/ECP once again hand-in-glove with Nawazoo. Mukk-mukka zindabad. Everything looks so perfectly engineered. Sala, yeh mulk kabb sudhray ga? :blink:

Army's new endeavor: Good Political Taliban = Nawaza ganja & Co.

Wont achieve a thing. Since the Fauj is ok with the feudals and vice versa.
you know PTI can get another shock. what if these winners leave pti for N league for ministries. like what happened with Q league in 2008 elections. This could really dent PTI.
Yups, seems Khakis/ECP once again hand-in-glove with Nawazoo. Mukk-mukka zindabad. Everything looks so perfectly engineered. Sala, yeh mulk kabb sudhray ga? :blink:

Army's new endeavor: Good Political Taliban = Nawaza ganja & Co.

Wait until pml-n give big dada into Fauj then we'll see Fauj is ok with feudals.
the elections were not rigged much Pakistani society hasn't change much sit accept the fact

Elections were rigged this is fact, it is so obvious. PTI membership is 10 million, every TR had at least 20 new voters yet in Punjab the loss it too huge where in some areas electricity, intimidation and rigging was used. Its up to you, but people should come out, because if we start a revolution then it will force the Army to intervene.
Dude, trust me. I'm just coming back from Pakistan: Saw "Pak-Fauj" from up close. They are nothing you would expect. They are one of the BIGGEST harram-kay-pillay on the planet. They are the new sheriffs of wild-wild-west, they consider themselves Gods of Pakistan. God damn it. There is no way to save our beloved land anymore.

Fauji Plan: Create Taliban -> Kill Taliban and take over Pakistan using Good/Bad logic.

Wait until pml-n give big dada into Fauj then we'll see Fauj is ok with feudals.
Wait until pml-n give big dada into Fauj then we'll see Fauj is ok with feudals.

I seriously ... SERIOUSLY ..doubt that.
Because this time Nawaz will make sure he has a meek guy or someone with lots of interests in DHA or Bahria Town...and by that I mean has relatives or otherwise in posts.
The only way you are seeing this nation fixed.. is bloody revolution WHICH IS NOT COMING.
A slow and tedious change is in progress but doctor Im afraid the patients vitals are falling.
MQM - the only party in the world that defeats its opponents by 50,000 votes to nil (0)...... Amazing!

Another place....Straight 1 lakh Vote - MQM FTW! Kiya baat hai !!

Nabeel Gabool of MQM won by 1 lakh, 80,000 votes....how did they even count within 4 hours?

For KPK, Does it mean that Punjab, Sindh, Baloch has been celebrating Eid on wrong day all the time?

So KPK voted for PTI because a lot of innocent people died in the drone strikes and IK was against drone attacks... and Punjab didn't give a **** because the drones never made it to Punjab? issey kehtay hein nazzriyay kee taqleed.

Congratulations to PTI for getting almost double the seats than what MQM has ever managed and putting themselves forward as the third or second biggest force for sure.

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