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Pakistan Economy can be worth Trillions $$$$$

It would be a great sucess for the pakistani economy, when it is not dependent on usa or china.
educate people , build roads everything will follow.
I feel India has to be a part of it. Pakistan should connect silk route with GT road and onwards connect them to the gulf. On one side of Pakistan there are half of the human resources of the world and on the other side there are half of the natural resources of the world.
ya u r absolutely right bro, but i doubt weather th western forces wit vested interests wil allow tat 2 happen.
based on this logic even Iran can say their economy can be trillion+ $$$$ . They also have all advantages what Pakistan have in terms on port on Arabian see , and they even have oil money to fund operation not like Pakistan
based on this logic even Iran can say their economy can be trillion+ $$$$ . They also have all advantages what Pakistan have in terms on port on Arabian see , and they even have oil money to fund operation not like Pakistan

Iran doesn't share a border with the largest populated country on earth, that wants to use this port, to bring oil and other resources into its very large and populated country.

Pakistan also has tons of oil and gas especially near the Pak-Iran border and near the Pak-Afghan border. Those areas are not stable yet, therefore we can not take advantage of the abundant natural resources Allah has gifted Pakistan with.
India already has 19 deep sea ports like Gwadar .

Really Pakistanis get over excited even in minute developments .
Why did u stop at trillion GDP ??
You should have written Zillions .
Your GDP currently is not even 180 bill $

India has no geo-graphic value whatsover. Your two biggest neighbours are Pakistan and China, both countries that you have bad relations with and see as enemy countries. Your other neighbours are Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Bangladesh and Myanmar already have access to the Indian Ocean, and China is also helping these countries with constructing sea ports, while only Nepal and Bhutan need access to sea ports.

Pakistan has Central Asia and Middle East to its west, a friendly China to its north-east, and India to its south-east.

Central Asian countries are all landlocked countries that need access to sea ports and China needs a faster way to import its oil and other resources from the Middle East. Thats where Gwadar Port comes in. The largest populated country using Gwadar Port will make this Port very busy and bring a lot of money to this part of Pakistan.
India has no geo-graphic value whatsover..

Are you OK?

Do you know how we can trouble the maritime assets of countries (if we wanted to) that use the Indian Ocean ?

If China was geographically where India is today, Diego Garcia would have had long gone, instability would have ruled the Indian Ocean, a primary trade route.

A stable India with peaceful relations with the West and the East is ensuring that Indian Ocean continues to play a major role in world trade.
y not pakistan will be the top 1 economy by 2025. :pakistan:
economy about 100 trillion $ with gwadar port
Are you OK?

Do you know how we can trouble the maritime assets of countries (if we wanted to) that use the Indian Ocean ?

If China was geographically where India is today, Diego Garcia would have had long gone, instability would have ruled the Indian Ocean, a primary trade route.

A stable India with peaceful relations with the West and the East is ensuring that Indian Ocean continues to play a major role in world trade.

Well Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bangladesh all have access to the Indian Ocean and all are very friendly towards China and China is building sea ports in all of these countries.

And the Indian Ocean is not controlled by India. The Indian Ocean is mostly controlled by the United States these days. Although the Indian Ocean doesn't belong to any particular country under UN law.

If India disrupts trade route, then dont expect other countries to just sit quiet.
Well Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bangladesh all are near the Indian Ocean and are very friendly towards China and China is building sea ports in all of these countries.

And the Indian Ocean is not controlled by India. The Indian Ocean is mostly controlled by the United States these days. Although the Indian Ocean doesn't belong to any particular country under UN law.

If India disrupts trade route, then dont expect other countries to just sit quiet.

Building a port is no big deal, Chinese ships will have to circum navigate India to reach Gwadar, a very big disadvantage if relations between countries go bad.

And I am not referring that India block routes for all countries, we can apply pressure on the maritime vessels of certain countries only, example those of Pakistan.

US controls Indian Ocean :lol:, who told you that? They may have A/C's and other warships in the region but they depend on the Indian navy for many of their tasks. Google it and you will find that US navy wanted Indian navy to give protection to their ships passing in the area.

India can play games in the Indian ocean if it wants too, not with all countries but with some of them, very easily.
India has no geo-graphic value whatsover. Your two biggest neighbours are Pakistan and China, both countries that you have bad relations with and see as enemy countries. Your other neighbours are Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Bangladesh and Myanmar already have access to the Indian Ocean, and China is also helping these countries with constructing sea ports, while only Nepal and Bhutan need access to sea ports.

Pakistan has Central Asia and Middle East to its west, a friendly China to its north-east, and India to its south-east.

Central Asian countries are all landlocked countries that need access to sea ports and China needs a faster way to import its oil and other resources from the Middle East. Thats where Gwadar Port comes in. The largest populated country using Gwadar Port will make this Port very busy and bring a lot of money to this part of Pakistan.

i know that china is biggest country but pakistan?? on what basis population,size or economy or terrorist. well india is not considering china and pakistan as enemies but just aware from threat that can come from you both
Building a port is no big deal, Chinese ships will have to circum navigate India to reach Gwadar, a very big disadvantage if relations between countries go bad.

Both Pakistan and China dont need India for anything:



As I said India has no geo-strategic value, and there is nothing unique on where India is located on the world map. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh all have easy access to the Indian Ocean and all are friendly to China. The Indian Ocean doesnt belong to any particular country.
^ You dont get it.

The direct link that you show is the land route. Now I dont want to go into the advantages and disadvanatages of land and sea routes , the cost factor and all that stuff, will make this post very lengthy.

Bottom lime is neither Pakistan nor any other country can avoid passing through India.

And hey, I never India owns the Indian Ocean but we do have strategic importance given our geographic location.
Bottom lime is neither Pakistan nor any other country can avoid passing through India.

Take a look at the map we can even avoid passing through India if we want to reach your neighbour Bhutan, thats if we go through China.

Take a look at the map we can even avoid passing through India if we want to reach your neighbour Bhutan, thats if we go through China.

Ok, just one question.

Do you realize and understand the differences between a land route and a sea route?

And why just Bhutan, if you are talking about land routes, you can even reach Malaysia, just check your own map, all those countries are not unfriendly to Pakistan.
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