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Pakistan draws redlines for joining Saudi alliance

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Lone Ranger

Oct 5, 2013
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided to draw certain ‘redlines’ for becoming part of the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance against Terrorism (IMAT) in an effort to avoid the negative fallout of its participation in the initiative that has potential to undermine ties with neighbouring Iran.

It was thought that the government had already joined the alliance when in April it granted permission to former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif to lead the 41-nation counter-terrorism alliance.

Officials, however, clarified that the final decision had not yet been taken.

What compelled Pakistan to have a second thought was the recent Arab Islamic-US summit in Riyadh where statements from Saudi authorities suggested that the alliance was meant to counter Iran as well as fighting terrorism.

The government in principle agreed to be part of the Saudi initiative if its sole purpose was to fight terrorism and extremism, officials insisted. The final decision, however, will be taken once the terms of reference (ToRs) of the alliance are finalised, officials added.

The ToRs would be finalised during the meeting of defence ministers of the participating countries.

A senior official familiar with the development told The Express Tribune that Pakistan would present its set of proposals during the defence ministers meeting scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia in coming weeks.

Pakistan, according to the official, would recommend that the alliance should have clear objective that is to fight terrorism. Any deviation from this goal will not only undermine the alliance but also lead to more divisions in the Muslim world.

“We are very clear that we will join this alliance only to fight terrorism,” the official emphasised, adding that the government would stick to its stance.

Foreign office spokesperson Nafees Zakria also indicated that Pakistan had yet to take a final decision on the Saudi alliance.

“What we need to understand is that the Terms of Reference (TORs) of the alliance are yet to be finalised. The defence ministers of the participating countries will meet and discuss the modalities of the coalition. We must wait until we have all the information to comment on its outcome. We shouldn’t indulge in speculations,” Zakria clarified at the last weekly briefing.

The government already gave a public commitment that it would not become part of any initiative whose aim is to target any other Islamic country, including Iran.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on the floor of National Assembly assured that Pakistan would withdraw if the Saudi alliance turns out to be sectarian in nature.

Even Gen (Retd) Raheel before accepting the foreign job reportedly told Saudis that he would lead the grouping only if its main purpose was to fight terrorism and not aimed at any other Islamic country.

In order to avoid any strain with Iran, Pakistan pushed for mediation between Tehran and Riyadh. Islamabad even mooted the idea of inclusion of Iran in the alliance.

However, all those efforts could not succeed since Saudi Arabia and Iran have serious differences on regional disputes particularly the current hotspots in Middle East.

Main opposition parties—Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Peoples Party—have been calling for maintaining ‘neutrality’ in Arab-Iran rivalry.

But given longstanding strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan is unlikely to completely withdraw from the alliance. Nevertheless, its participation would only remain confined to counter-terrorism efforts, officials stressed.

we didn't fight in Yemen for the lazy arabs amd we shouldn't fight against Iran either.
for Pakistan both Iran and the Saudis are just as bad as each other. let them kill each other and make uncle sam money and Israel happy.
This will be a mistake. The last thing Pakistan needs is another hostile neighbor on its border. Afghanistan and India are already enough.
The question really is your leadership capable to draw redlines when the crème de la crème is indebted to the Royal family.
The question really is your leadership capable to draw redlines when the crème de la crème is indebted to the Royal family.
A short answer No. However they only have a year and next year would be election year so they would not want to upset the Shia community which is also a large chunk of the society in Pakistan. Hopefully the next government in Pakistan would heed caution specially if its of Imran Khan.
It's not about being a slave to someone, it's about balancing relationships

If the Iranians can be cool with Pakistan's worst enemy and also try to balance relations with Pakistan then Pakistan can be cool with the Saudis and balance relations with Iran.

Works both ways and there should be no hard feelings.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided to draw certain ‘redlines’ for becoming part of the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance against Terrorism (IMAT) in an effort to avoid the negative fallout of its participation in the initiative that has potential to undermine ties with neighbouring Iran.

It was thought that the government had already joined the alliance when in April it granted permission to former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif to lead the 41-nation counter-terrorism alliance.

Officials, however, clarified that the final decision had not yet been taken.

What compelled Pakistan to have a second thought was the recent Arab Islamic-US summit in Riyadh where statements from Saudi authorities suggested that the alliance was meant to counter Iran as well as fighting terrorism.

The government in principle agreed to be part of the Saudi initiative if its sole purpose was to fight terrorism and extremism, officials insisted. The final decision, however, will be taken once the terms of reference (ToRs) of the alliance are finalised, officials added.

The ToRs would be finalised during the meeting of defence ministers of the participating countries.

A senior official familiar with the development told The Express Tribune that Pakistan would present its set of proposals during the defence ministers meeting scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia in coming weeks.

Pakistan, according to the official, would recommend that the alliance should have clear objective that is to fight terrorism. Any deviation from this goal will not only undermine the alliance but also lead to more divisions in the Muslim world.

“We are very clear that we will join this alliance only to fight terrorism,” the official emphasised, adding that the government would stick to its stance.

Foreign office spokesperson Nafees Zakria also indicated that Pakistan had yet to take a final decision on the Saudi alliance.

“What we need to understand is that the Terms of Reference (TORs) of the alliance are yet to be finalised. The defence ministers of the participating countries will meet and discuss the modalities of the coalition. We must wait until we have all the information to comment on its outcome. We shouldn’t indulge in speculations,” Zakria clarified at the last weekly briefing.

The government already gave a public commitment that it would not become part of any initiative whose aim is to target any other Islamic country, including Iran.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on the floor of National Assembly assured that Pakistan would withdraw if the Saudi alliance turns out to be sectarian in nature.

Even Gen (Retd) Raheel before accepting the foreign job reportedly told Saudis that he would lead the grouping only if its main purpose was to fight terrorism and not aimed at any other Islamic country.

In order to avoid any strain with Iran, Pakistan pushed for mediation between Tehran and Riyadh. Islamabad even mooted the idea of inclusion of Iran in the alliance.

However, all those efforts could not succeed since Saudi Arabia and Iran have serious differences on regional disputes particularly the current hotspots in Middle East.

Main opposition parties—Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Peoples Party—have been calling for maintaining ‘neutrality’ in Arab-Iran rivalry.

But given longstanding strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan is unlikely to completely withdraw from the alliance. Nevertheless, its participation would only remain confined to counter-terrorism efforts, officials stressed.


so? thats a good thing,iran can never be trusted and never was our friend and never will be.
Does Foreign Office of Pakistan even knows that it has signed a declaration of Riyadh Summit which specifies TORs indicating Iran as terrorist sponsoring country and how to denounce Iranian Regime? All i can say that there is no use of crying now Mr. Foreign Office of Pakistan. Water has flown beneath the bridges. Now they are giving such statements just to clam down opposition.

  1. Pakistan signed the declaration denouncing Iranian regime
  2. Pakistan signed the declaration announcing contribution to joint force to fight terrorism whereas Iran is singled out as terror sponsoring regime
  3. Pakistan's ex army chief is already serving/ leading the IMFAT coalition
and here for domestic audience they announce red lines, making fool out of opposition. Well played FO well played.


When will Pakistan ask Iran about RAW wings operating from Iranian soil against Pakistan ?
Furthermore about the Iranian themselves recruiting Pakistani terrorist ?

What kind of balancing is Pakistan looking for ?
This will be a mistake. The last thing Pakistan needs is another hostile neighbor on its border. Afghanistan and India are already enough.
you are right but neither the afghanistan nor the iran are paying us in riyals and we always follow the one who has wealth in his pockets.
All cosmetics it appears....

Mr. Sharmodi (Sharif+Modi) had hard time in Pak upon his return from KSA... so the spin docs started spinning hot air!

If Mr. Sharmodi can allow himself as Pak PM be relegated to the back rows when the party was going in KSA and allow Pak to be indirectly held responsible for indian victimhood... then all is possible.

All KSA has to do is send a prince...and everyone will be at the airport to recieve the royal guest.

Empty words...
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