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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia’s anti-Iran alliance


You frigging COWARD pakistanis---now was your chance to permanently NEUTRALIZE India for good.

You 100 k force in suadi and Yemen would have changed the playing field---. The threat of imminent war from india would have dissipated and you would have been able to put india right in its place----.

With the saudi and emiratio air force at your disposal----you could have dictated the terms.

With your force allocated for the region---you could have sigend a nato like treaty---you could have asked for more jobs---releasing indians and replacing pakistanis----you could have done a million and one things---.

You know----this was the true moment to prove the claims that you guys made--of being the sons and daughters of fierce warriors----conquerors of lands unknown----.

Now look at them---whimpering and cowering down----ohh pretty please---this is not my war---.

Pakistanis are proving to be sell outs----the saudis and emiratis stood by them thru thick and thin---and what a shameful payback.
Sir in the war zone Pakistan can beat India, but when issue raise in international level, then Pakistan has no and non support from anyone. Just look at trade volume between India - Saudia, India- Dubai, India- Turkey, India-Iran etc etc....we are broke like a joke. China gave us opportunity in the form CPEC , now look at rift between the provinces and on top other foreign forces are busy to sabotage this life line of Pakistan. Now countries look at their interest first. Anyway non of Muslim country in good shape. Oil market is rock bottom. all are in bad financial condition anyway.
Sir in the war zone Pakistan can beat India, but when issue raise in international level, then Pakistan has no and non support from anyone. Just look at trade volume between India - Saudia, India- Dubai, India- Turkey, India-Iran etc etc....we are broke like a joke. China gave us opportunity in the form CPEC , now look at rift between the provinces and on top other foreign forces are busy to sabotage this life line of Pakistan. Now countries look at their interest first. Anyway non of Muslim country in good shape. Oil market is rock bottom. all are in bad financial condition anyway.


So---were you thinking that if you donated 150K troops to the gulf----they would be for free----like no funds---.

Pappy----it was like a close to a 100 billion dolllars deal for the next 15 to 20 years.

Pak military could have gotten in the range of 20 billion dollars to startup a complete battle group---infantry---spec ops---armor---artillery---navy---air force---a total and completely independant fighting force.

Which means that Gen Shareef could have done a coupe and screwed the u s sanctions goodbye----like Sisi did---.

And there is nothing about war with Iran.

I am not talking about beating india---but I want to take that daily threat away---. I also want to take away this back stabbing and drama queen staged attacks---.

When you made the deal for the 150 K troops you also made a deal that how many indian it professionals and engineers will be kicked out and replaced by pakistanis----.

Saudis are desperate for a deal----. Pakistan can take control of the situation ---but the problem is---the Coward of all Nawaz Sharif----.

He will sell the country to look good in india----. In his previoous stint---he used to call I K Gujral at odd hours at nite when he the the prime minister and used toi complain about the pakistani military all the time.

Somone very near and close to I K Gujral was a patient of my uncle who was a doctor at that time in UK---. That person would tell stories to my uncle about Nawaz and how he used to beg in fron to Gujral---and now some people talk of Nawaz as a saviour the likes of which we have not seen before.
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So---were you thinking that if you donated 150K troops to the gulf----they would be for free----like no funds---.

Pappy----it was like a close to a 100 billion dolllars deal for the next 15 to 20 years.

Pak military could have gotten in the range of 20 billion dollars to startup a complete battle group---infantry---spec ops---armor---artillery---navy---air force---a total and completely independant fighting force.

Which means that Gen Shareef could have done a coupe and screwed the u s sanctions goodbye----like Sisi did---.

And there is nothing about war with Iran.
Sir ji, Gen Raheel ki extension in jeopardy ..Both PPP and PML n trying to clip his wing. You already listen Khawaja Asif speech in NA. Our politicians has internally admitted the defeat from India, without playing first ball.
Sir ji, Gen Raheel ki extension in jeopardy ..Both PPP and PML n trying to clip his wing. You already listen Khawaja Asif speech in NA. Our politicians has internally admitted the defeat from India, without playing first ball.


It is not a defeat---they have sold out their interests in pakistan to india.

India desperate;y wants the TRADE ROUTE----afghanistan was a farce---the true trade route it wants is cpec----from lahore---.

It is not a defeat---they have sold out their interests in pakistan to india.

India desperate;y wants the TRADE ROUTE----afghanistan was a farce---the true trade route it wants is cpec----from lahore---.
Our economy is so week, the day they give route to India, they will wash out small businesses from Pakistan. But, if look at the quality of Indian vegetable , its very bad. Because , Lahore market is full of Indian tamator piaz. But, Royal King Nawaz want to import product in Punjab from India.

So---were you thinking that if you donated 150K troops to the gulf----they would be for free----like no funds---.

Pappy----it was like a close to a 100 billion dolllars deal for the next 15 to 20 years.

Pak military could have gotten in the range of 20 billion dollars to startup a complete battle group---infantry---spec ops---armor---artillery---navy---air force---a total and completely independant fighting force.

Which means that Gen Shareef could have done a coupe and screwed the u s sanctions goodbye----like Sisi did---.

And there is nothing about war with Iran.

As I said earlier, that Pakistan's policy in middle east is based on only one interest which is to avoid sectarian war within own country. If our citizen were loyal to state than we should have been deciding to support side which benefit us more (be it KSA or Iran) or get benefit from both to remain neutral. But unfortunate our idiot nation don't deserve any kind of respect at world stage, and it gets what it deserves i.e. kick on a$$ from every tom, d!ck and harry despite being nuclear power and having strong armed forces.
Well, but in US perception is totally different. Now people are not ready to tolerate hijab and mullah looking person, exported from middle east.

I dont understand why Pakistani lick up to Iranians..I have been with a number of their ayatollahs and their view of Pakistanis is below human!
It was always going to happen bcz the devil was in the details. We have offered and told Saudi Arabia that we will protect their integrity and the holy cities. The entire coalition was going to fail bcz it didn't explain anything. The anti terror coalition had no explanation on what constitutes a terrorist attack, what magnitude is Required to force military intervention ? What is the definition of a terrorist? What would be the budget of this alliance and in what capacity can one support? Are troops on ground necessary or monetary or moral support also can be sufficient? If a nation does not agree to our military intervention to combat terrorism then what would be the course of action of the coalition? Would we still intervene or go to war with the host nation? How will we defend our military actions in the UN and get their approval for the actions of the coalition. Would our definition and set up match theirs?

These are serious questions that need to be answered.. If they answer then we should first of all also expect the alliance to send troops with our forces to track and kill mullah radio to end ttp hideouts in Afghanistan... Would they aid us in that?

The idea was very good. In fact it was brilliant but they screwed it up. Of they wanted an anti iran alliance similar to the anti Russian alliance called NATO then they should have focused on that model and should have given great incentives to nations to join block trade and relations with Iran in return for this and this....

Couldn't pull anything off.
As I said earlier, that Pakistan's policy in middle east is based on only one interest which is to avoid sectarian war within own country. If our citizen were loyal to state than we should have been deciding to support side which benefit us more (be it KSA or Iran) or get benefit from both to remain neutral. But unfortunate our idiot nation don't deserve any kind of respect at world stage, and it gets what it deserves i.e. kick on a$$ from every tom, d!ck and harry despite being nuclear power and having strong armed forces.


The loyalty also needs to be earned as well---and when someone started threatening to break up the nation like 'east pakistan'---they should have been hung by their necks---their properties confiscated---and their families and children put in political correctness camps.

Now---paksiatn can start by taking out anti shia element on the run---and within 30 days----you see the skies start to clear---. There is a way to do things for the nations---but you need a lots of guts to take out the naysayers---.

You think the saudis are going to object if some of those on their payroll were being taken out---they would care less at what happens to them----. The saudis want to take care of their own issues.

The loyalty also needs to be earned as well---and when someone started threatening to break up the nation like 'east pakistan'---they should have been hung by their necks---their properties confiscated---and their families and children put in political correctness camps.

Now---paksiatn can start by taking out anti shia element on the run---and within 30 days----you see the skies start to clear---. There is a way to do things for the nations---but you need a lots of guts to take out the naysayers---.

You think the saudis are going to object if some of those on their payroll were being taken out---they would care less at what happens to them----. The saudis want to take care of their own issues.

For that you need someone with vision and balls like Ataturk..... We don't have any at the moment.
As I said earlier, that Pakistan's policy in middle east is based on only one interest which is to avoid sectarian war within own country. If our citizen were loyal to state than we should have been deciding to support side which benefit us more (be it KSA or Iran) or get benefit from both to remain neutral. But unfortunate our idiot nation don't deserve any kind of respect at world stage, and it gets what it deserves i.e. kick on a$$ from every tom, d!ck and harry despite being nuclear power and having strong armed forces.

Dear as per ur thoughts Pak nation is at lowest grade in the world but that's not the case it's the only Muslim country which is stable enough and facing even oppression of so called brotherly Muslim countries. As for Dick and Harry old quote so far only dick and harry are Iran and KSA kicking whole Umma. Unfortunately some portions of our nation have sold their souls to Iran and KSA. They are sectarian beasts ready to destroy their own fellows.
Perhaps u know better than me using Irani flag.
Meri jan, read between the lines..... Pakistan will protect only the "Holy Sites"...... meaning, the messes Kingdom creates for itself are not our problem. They never were. It's only the two holy cities that we shall protect at all costs, that DOES NOT translate to protecting the infidels.

Source is very biased. News is being reported out of context as it was favouring Iran. I have looked up on internet it is true that Pakistan has decided to be neutral but at the same time they vowed to protect Saudi Arabia if ever holly cities come under attack. Pakistan has already welcomed Anti terror alliance but it is only restricted to anti terror ops and that has been made very clear since day one. We are not favouring anyone here which is a very wise move.

Let Saudis and Iranians pluck their own feather we shouldnt get involved in this egoistic dicck measuring contest.
Meri jan, read between the lines..... Pakistan will protect only the "Holy Sites"...... meaning, the messes Kingdom creates for itself are not our problem. They never were. It's only the two holy cities that we shall protect at all costs, that DOES NOT translate to protecting the infidels.

True. Well like i said Let them be the Titar and Batair we should concern ourself with them
Correct decision , while Pakistan respects Saudi ties , we can't start more wars and blood shed like what happened in Syria NO MORE

iRan has population of 80-90 Million people if war started and people migrate it will not be possible for Pakistan to handle the influx

Groups like ISIS would take advantage of the crisis so , good decision

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