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Pakistan Day Parade: Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and Saudi Special Force’s Participation

China women army march, they look like clones from far away. They also make sure to have people of almost same height.


in comparison o_O

Sino-Pak Brother & Sisters in Arms, moving together as One Force!

And so emerges the new Equation of Eurasian integeration...

Onwards and forwards, a new world awaits,
Onwards and forwards, to Community of Destiny & Prosperity ahead...
Onwards and forwards, for Peace and Shared Proserity..

Apart from Russia where did the Chinese troops go for marching?

Onwards and forwards, to defeat belligerences and Chaos,
Onwards and forwards, to Achieve Human Dignity!!!!

All the very best to Pak Friends with their National Day Celeberations!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sino-Pak Brother & Sisters in Arms, moving together as One Force!

And so emerges the new Equation of Eurasian integeration...

Onwards and forwards, a new world awaits,
Onwards and forwards, to Community of Destiny & Prosperity ahead...
Onwards and forwards, for Peace and Shared Proserity..

Apart from Russia where did the Chinese troops go for marching?

Onwards and forwards, to defeat belligerences and Chaos,
Onwards and forwards, to Achieve Human Dignity!!!!

All the very best to Pak Friends with their National Day Celeberations!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A powerful China means a secure Pakistan.
I have not heard of the Russians but Saudi special forces are meant to be participating.
The full dress rehearsals took place today, still waiting for more images to come out.

I wish Chinese and Turkish special forces would've been invited instead to make this occasion prominent and more noteworthy. Nobody knows the Saudi special forces. They are not really a hardcore recognized true fighting force like many out there. Saudi's always need foreign help to protect them.
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