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Pakistan court grants bail to 26/11 accused Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi: Reports

Nope, for charity purposes like threatening India with revenge, Asking for Jihad against India.. His humanitarian missions need money and government is ready to give it to him..

That sympathy is not for you but for the for the families who lost their children..

Still fake.
Do you think you know how things work in Pakistan better than most of us? We're not so organized as you may think, and not every one takes a dump thinking and plotting against India.

You give us way too much credit. In reality, it's difficult for us to go through normal chores of our lives on a day to day basis.

Read @Irfan Baloch's post above....... read between the lines...... the government will challenge the decision..... this has been done many times before, to no avail, want to blame anyone, go ahead blame the courts and this ineffective judicial due process.

Yeah but your flaws really are fundamental. Forget terrorists, you should have disarmed EVERYONE. In India anyone with an AK 47 on the roads can expect to be cooked alive by law enforcement. Your situation will not get fixed if you just remove a few radicals, you need to disarm everyone and make the population 'docile'- I know that would be the advise that, say, the RAW chief would give the ISI chief.
Just days after the PM said they will be no distinction between good and bad terrorists; we have bail being granted to a high profile terrorist.

However, there is an appeal process that can be made and I believe the state will take up such an appeal. If not, Pakistan risks looking disingenuous within the global community. The timing could not be worse for brand Pakistan.

I have full faith in the better angels within Pakistan's politico to correct this unfortunate mistake.
The "judiciary" has let go of terrorists who have been plotting to blow up places in Pakistan, lead assaults against the state and so forth.

This LT guy is just another in a long line. The courts are useless and full of terrorist sympathisers.
The "judiciary" has let go of terrorists who have been plotting to blow up places in Pakistan, lead assaults against the state and so forth.

This LT guy is just another in a long line. The courts are useless and full of terrorist sympathisers.

Pakistan needs a special 'secret' anti terrorism court to support the judiciary. Protections that give the judges the space needed for making lawful decisions, without fearing for their personal security.
That is a HUGE mistake and shows the complete immaturity of your policy makers. Holding radicalized people on your soil should not have been done under any circumstances. Your army talks about Mukti Bahini? Maybe they should've also told you that we wrapped up that entire operation in 8 months flat and then dumped the whole crowd in Bangladesh, away from our towns and cities- to their fate. Your govt should have done that as soon as USSR broke. Instead they continued to harbor them in your cities and towns until your larger population got poisoned.

i sort of agree with them else there will be a serious back lash in Pakistan
There is a reason why we are giving all the accused bail one by one and the reason is india hanging kasab prematurely
Bare with me while i try to explain this

I say prematurely because the case of the other 7 revolves around kasabs statement. According to pakistan law of evidence ( qanun e shahadat order1984) " if a witness has to give any statements against any person or has to be the eyewitness against any accused the witness must present himself infront of court. Alternatively the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or judge"

As per pakistani law kasab had to appear in a pakistani court and be cross questioned, or the person who took kasab's statement as well as allow him or herself to be cross questioned. However due to the relations between the two countries this was not going to happen. Therefore pakistani law presented an alternative. If the above conditions could not be met then a judicial commision could travel to where kasab was and record his statement. In march 2012 pakistan sent a commision under the impression that india would allow it to meet kasab or the magistrate which took kasab's statement but on the last minute india refused! Not only was india hesitant in not presenting kasab to the judicial commision india also disallowed presenting the magistrate and verifying the statement made by kasab through cross questioning.
Question for indian here before continuing.
Why would india do that?

Moving on pakistani courts could have easily used either statement to used against the 7 accused in jail but sadly this didnt occur. Pakistan tried again several times but india refused. Then in november he was hanged and this was the final nail in the judicial commision. Together with limited findings and the lead witness dead the judge was left with no option but to release the accused on bail
I hope that clarifies everything thanks to all who read the whole thing
There is a reason why we are giving all the accused bail one by one and the reason is india hanging kasab prematurely
Bare with me while i try to explain this

I say prematurely because the case of the other 7 revolves around kasabs statement. According to pakistan law of evidence ( qanun e shahadat order1984) " if a witness has to give any statements against any person or has to be the eyewitness against any accused the witness must present himself infront of court. Alternatively the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or judge"

As per pakistani law kasab had to appear in a pakistani court and be cross questioned, or the person who took kasab's statement as well as allow him or herself to be cross questioned. However due to the relations between the two countries this was not going to happen. Therefore pakistani law presented an alternative. If the above conditions could not be met then a judicial commision could travel to where kasab was and record his statement. In march 2012 pakistan sent a commision under the impression that india would allow it to meet kasab or the magistrate which took kasab's statement but on the last minute india refused! Not only was india hesitant in not presenting kasab to the judicial commision india also disallowed presenting the magistrate and verifying the statement made by kasab through cross questioning.
Question for indian here before continuing.
Why would india do that?

Moving on pakistani courts could have easily used either statement to used against the 7 accused in jail but sadly this didnt occur. Pakistan tried again several times but india refused. Then in november he was hanged and this was the final nail in the judicial commision. Together with limited findings and the lead witness dead the judge was left with no option but to release the accused on bail
I hope that clarifies everything thanks to all who read the whole thing

Thank you clarifying the whole situation. !

The first paragraph of the interview undermines your assertion of Indians' hypocrisy entirely:

Why the heck should India stall its own due process just because Pakistan can't get its act together on this case? Your claim of Indian "hypocrisy" is nonsense to say the least. Kesab was executed as per Indian law and justifiably, no doubt as much information as possible was got out of the scumbag prior to his date with the noose.

To start pointing fingers at India for your own judiciary's failings is beyond absurd.

Oh right, the lawyer of the accused said that his client is innocent. Wow, that has never happened before in the history of law. Of course, the most unbiased and objective person we should listen to is the lawyer of the defendant. Why didn't we think of that before? Such hypocrites we are, for not taking Lakhvi's lawyer's accusations as gospel truth. I am ashamed to admit it, but we also did not believe Kasab's lawyer when he argued that Kasab came to India to work in Bollywood, and on that night was watching a cinema, simply because Kasab was captured on camera shooting people. Damn, Indians don't know the due process of law - we must learn it from Pakistanis.

Just days after the PM said they will be no distinction between good and bad terrorists; we have bail being granted to a high profile terrorist.

However, there is an appeal process that can be made and I believe the state will take up such an appeal. If not, Pakistan risks looking disingenuous within the global community. The timing could not be worse for brand Pakistan.

I have full faith in the better angels within Pakistan's politico to correct this unfortunate mistake.

Read post No. 191. When a white police men was let go off for killing of a black child,because law was in favour of white police man. When India didn't co-operated with us on Ajmal kasab interrogation, A judicial loophole formed which was expertly exploited by the defense team. Now tell me when murderers and killers in america are let go off due to such judicial loopholes, do you regret in same manner as well by thinking better angels with American system would correct this unfortunate mistake ?
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In Pakistan we believe Mumbai was a drama.

Ajmal Kasaab interview is a proof of that. His accent is from anywhere but Okara. Indians can go and complain Washington, when Obama lands there.

And why would ISI involve itself in an attack in heartland of India when it can do much devastating attacks in occupied Kashmir? To get censure of the whole world? Do you think Pakistan and ISI is this stupid?

There is a reason why we are giving all the accused bail one by one and the reason is india hanging kasab prematurely
Bare with me while i try to explain this

I say prematurely because the case of the other 7 revolves around kasabs statement. According to pakistan law of evidence ( qanun e shahadat order1984) " if a witness has to give any statements against any person or has to be the eyewitness against any accused the witness must present himself infront of court. Alternatively the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or judge"

As per pakistani law kasab had to appear in a pakistani court and be cross questioned, or the person who took kasab's statement as well as allow him or herself to be cross questioned. However due to the relations between the two countries this was not going to happen. Therefore pakistani law presented an alternative. If the above conditions could not be met then a judicial commision could travel to where kasab was and record his statement. In march 2012 pakistan sent a commision under the impression that india would allow it to meet kasab or the magistrate which took kasab's statement but on the last minute india refused! Not only was india hesitant in not presenting kasab to the judicial commision india also disallowed presenting the magistrate and verifying the statement made by kasab through cross questioning.
Question for indian here before continuing.
Why would india do that?

Moving on pakistani courts could have easily used either statement to used against the 7 accused in jail but sadly this didnt occur. Pakistan tried again several times but india refused. Then in november he was hanged and this was the final nail in the judicial commision. Together with limited findings and the lead witness dead the judge was left with no option but to release the accused on bail
I hope that clarifies everything thanks to all who read the whole thing

Thank you so much. Indians will not understand and will keep repeating their stupid logic about Hafiz Saeed being a terrorist and blah blah blah..
In Pakistan we believe Mumbai was a drama.

Ajmal Kasaab interview is a proof of that. His accent is from anywhere but Okara. Indians can go and complain Washington, when Obama lands there.

And why would ISI involve itself in an attack in heartland of India when it can do much devastating attacks in occupied Kashmir? To get censure of the whole world? Do you think Pakistan and ISI is this stupid?

Thank you so much. Indians will not understand and will keep repeating their stupid logic about Hafiz Saeed being a terrorist and blah blah blah..

Innocent people gunned down by terrorists considered a drama in Pakistan? Do you even think before you type?

Explain this to me and how its related to this bail.

What is his status right now?
The timing is rather peculiar. I wasnt expecting this to happen at a time like this. Why grant him bail now? This is a message but why? Does Pakistan feel that the recent attack had Indian hand? If so why so secretive. The nation deserves the right to know who facilitated such an attack.

Though i believe this guy was in prison for over 4 years but there was no progress w.r.t evidence from the prosecution and ultimately the court had to grant bail.

Do you actually believe there was no evidence. Then why 7 judges excused themselves or transferred during ongoing trial for past 5 years. If your judges are so afraid to conduct a fair trial then you have to move these terrorist related cases to military courts for speedy trial.
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