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Pakistan counters Taleban advance?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan counters Taleban advance

The Pakistan government has sent troops to tackle Taleban militants who have advanced into a region just 100km (67 miles) from the capital, Islamabad.

Officials say the forces will protect government buildings in Buner district, where insurgents have begun patrolling the streets and mounting checkpoints.

As the troops moved into the region, insurgents launched an attack on their convoy, killing at least one soldier.

The militants advanced from the Swat Valley, a region they largely control.

The BBC's Mark Dummett in Islamabad says if the government is trying to reassert control over the region, its efforts appear to be too little, too late.

The Taleban are reported to have moved several hundred men into Buner from the Swat Valley.

The government sent six platoons - up to 300 men - to deal with the insurgents.

A police official told the BBC that the troops were attacked as they were leaving the village of Totalai in the south of Buner district.

The convoy was heading for Dagar, the central town of the largely mountainous district.


The confrontation comes just weeks after a peace deal was signed by President Asif Ali Zardari allowing the introduction of Islamic law in Swat.

The deal was designed to end a bloody 18-month conflict with the Taleban in Swat by yielding to some of their demands.

But critics say that the militants can now use Swat as a springboard to take over new areas of the country.

The BBC's Ilyas Khan says many people believe Buner could be the next battlefield for the Pakistani security forces after Swat.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier said the insurgency posed a "mortal threat" to world security.

Speaking to a Congress committee, Mrs Clinton said the Pakistani government was "basically abdicating to the Taleban and the extremists".
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I hope that it is a major offensive because I hate this sitting on the fence tactics where soldiers are going to fight one day and stop the other I hope this time that India gives a full support to the cause of WoT by giving a full assurity to the PA and the world that it will maintain the Line of Control and safe guard the people not launch an offensive.
I hope that it is a major offensive because I hate this sitting on the fence tactics where soldiers are going to fight one day and stop the other I hope this time that India gives a full support to the cause of WoT by giving a full assurity to the PA and the world that it will maintain the Line of Control and safe guard the people not launch an offensive.

Not a Major offencive. Some 300 Troops..
And the "Big operation" is merely 300 men (around 6 platoons or half a battalion) sent to Buner to take on 700 Taliban (battalion strength)

Pakistan bid to stop Taleban push

The Pakistan government has sent troops to tackle Taleban militants who have advanced into a region just 100km (67 miles) from the capital, Islamabad.

Officials say the forces will protect government buildings in Buner district, where insurgents have begun patrolling the streets and mounting checkpoints.

As the troops moved into the region, insurgents launched an attack on their convoy, killing at least one soldier.

The militants advanced from the Swat Valley, a region they largely control.

The BBC's Mark Dummett in Islamabad says if the government is trying to reassert control over the region, its efforts appear to be too little, too late.

The Taleban are reported to have moved several hundred men into Buner from the Swat Valley.

The government sent six platoons - up to 300 men - to deal with the insurgents.

A police official told the BBC that the troops were attacked as they were leaving the village of Totalai in the south of Buner district.

The convoy was heading for Dagar, the central town of the largely mountainous district


The confrontation comes just weeks after a peace deal was signed by President Asif Ali Zardari allowing the introduction of Islamic law in Swat.

The deal was designed to end a bloody 18-month conflict with the Taleban in Swat by yielding to some of their demands.

But critics say that the militants can now use Swat as a springboard to take over new areas of the country.

The BBC's Ilyas Khan says many people believe Buner could be the next battlefield for the Pakistani security forces after Swat.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier said the insurgency posed a "mortal threat" to world security.

Speaking to a Congress committee, Mrs Clinton said the Pakistani government was "basically abdicating to the Taleban and the extremists".

Source: BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan bid to stop Taleban push

Referring to British army doctrine:

To attack a section use a platoon

To attack a platoon send a company

To attack a comapny send a battalion

Yet another half cocked effort to take on seasoned terrorists.
And the "Big operation" is merely 300 men (around 6 platoons or half a battalion) sent to Buner to take on 700 Taliban (battalion strength)

Source: BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan bid to stop Taleban push

Referring to British army doctrine:

To attack a section use a platoon

To attack a platoon send a company

To attack a comapny send a battalion

Yet another half cocked effort to take on seasoned terrorists.
Yep, should send at least 2000 troops.
Half assed Intervention.

You don't send 6 Platoons (half a battalion) to take on a Battalion strength enemy!!!!!
Pakistan needs to send in a brigade strength force to take on these guys.

I hope this is just the first phase of deployment.
The situation is reminiscent of what happened in Swat - the government kept ignoring Mullah FM's increasing intransigence, and once he resorted to violence and running the place, they sent in the police and local militias that were decimated.

Next came the Frontier Corp, at that time even less equipped and trained than now, and was also kicked around, and finally the Army was deployed in support of the FC, and eventually took over major operations, before kicking Fazlullah and his men into the mountains.

This isn't a serious intervention to stop the slide in Buner, its the Frontier Constabulary, not even the Frontier Corps.

They'll get routed.
What can such a small force do? Be co-opted or defeated, of course. It's as if someone actually wants to demoralize the PA.
Taliban Seize Vital Pakistan Area Closer to the Capital


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pushing deeper into Pakistan, Taliban militants have established effective control of a strategically important district just 70 miles from the capital, Islamabad, officials and residents said Wednesday.

The fall of the district, Buner, did not mean that the Taliban could imminently threaten Islamabad. But it was another indication of the gathering strength of the insurgency and it raised new alarm about the ability of the government to fend off an unrelenting Taliban advance toward the heart of Pakistan.

Buner, home to about one million people, is a gateway to a major Pakistani city, Mardan, the second largest in North-West Frontier Province, after Peshawar.

“They take over Buner, then they roll into Mardan and that’s the end of the game,” a senior law enforcement official in North-West Frontier Province said. He asked that his name be withheld because was not authorized to speak to the news media.

The Taliban had pushed into the district from the neighboring Swat Valley, where the Pakistani Army agreed to a truce in mid-February and remains in its barracks.

On Wednesday heavily armed Taliban militants were patrolling villages, and the local police had retreated to their station houses in much of Buner, officials and residents said.

The staff members of local nongovernmental organizations have been ordered to leave, and their offices have been looted, they said. Pakistani television news channels showed Taliban fighters triumphantly carrying office equipment out of the offices of the organizations.

“They are everywhere,” one resident of Daggar, Buner’s main city, said by telephone. “There is no resistance.”

The Taliban advance has been building for weeks, with the assistance of sympathizers and even a local government official who was appointed on the recommendation of the Taliban, the senior official said.

It also comes 10 days after the government of President Asif Ali Zardari agreed to the imposition of Islamic law, or Shariah, in Swat, as part of the deal with the Taliban.

A local politician, Jamsher Khan, said that people were initially determined to resist the Taliban in Buner, but that they were discouraged by the deal the government struck with the Taliban in Swat.

“We felt stronger as long we thought the government was with us,” he said by telephone, “but when the government showed weakness, we too stopped offering resistance to the Taliban.”

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she was concerned that Pakistan’s government was making too many concessions to the Taliban, emboldening the militants and allowing them to spread by giving in to their demands.

“I think that the Pakistani government is basically abdicating to the Taliban and to the extremists,” Mrs. Clinton told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Capitol Hill.

She added that the deterioration of security in nuclear-armed Pakistan “poses a mortal threat to the security and safety of our country and the world.”

A senior American official said Mrs. Clinton’s remarks were prompted in part by news of the Taliban takeover in Buner. The officials said that the further erosion of government authority in an area so close to the capital ought to stir concern not only in Pakistan but also among influential Pakistanis abroad.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, arrived in Islamabad on Wednesday for the second time in two weeks, reflecting the sense of alarm in the Obama administration. He was scheduled to meet with Pakistan’s top military and intelligence commanders.

The takeover of Buner (pronounced boo-NAIR) is particularly significant because the people there have tried in the past year to stand up to the Taliban by establishing small private armies to fight the militants. Last year when the militants encroached into Buner, killing policemen, the local people fought back and forced the militants out.

But with a beachhead in neighboring Swat, and a number of training camps for fresh recruits, the Taliban were able to carry out what amounted to an invasion of Buner.

“The training camps will provide waves of men coming into Buner,” the senior law enforcement official said.

The Taliban expansion into Buner has begun to raise alarm among the senior ranks of the Pakistani Army, said a Western official who was familiar with the Pakistani military.

On Wednesday, one of the highest-ranking army officers traveled from Islamabad to Peshawar and met with the officers of the 11th Corps, the army division based in Peshawar, to discuss the “overall situation in Buner,” the official said.

One of the major concerns is that from the hills of Buner the Taliban have access to the flatlands of the district of Swabi, which lead directly to the four-lane motorway that runs from Islamabad to Peshawar, the capital of North-West Frontier Province.

The Pakistani military does not have a presence in Buner, Pakistani and Western officials said. The main government authority in Buner is the police, who have become demoralized by their low pay and lack of equipment in the face of the Taliban, Pakistani police officials say.

The Taliban have set up checkpoints in a number of villages in Buner, intimidating policemen and forcing them into their police stations, residents in Daggar said by telephone.

The militants were patrolling the bazaar in Daggar, residents said. Women, who used to move freely around the bazaars, were scarcely to be seen, they said. Those who did venture out were totally covered.

One of the big attractions of Buner for people from all over Pakistan, the shrine of the Sufi saint Pir Baba, was now in the control of the militants, the senior law enforcement official said.

Last year, the villagers around the shrine kept the Taliban at bay when the militants threatened to take it over.

But in the last 10 days, the Taliban closed the shrine and said it was strictly off limits to women, the senior official said. The militants are now patrolling it.

The Taliban control in Buner came swiftly in the last few days, officials said.

The militants were helped by the actions of the commissioner of Malakand, Javed Mohammad, who is also the senior official in Swat and who was appointed on the recommendation of the Taliban, the senior law enforcement official said.

The Taliban began their assault on Buner in early April, when a battalion of the Taliban militia with heavy weaponry crossed over the hills from Swat to Buner, according to an account in the newspaper Dawn that appeared on Saturday.

The Taliban then captured three policemen and two civilians, and killed them, the newspaper said.

Infuriated by the killings, people in lower Buner and Sultanwas assembled a volunteer force and killed 17 Taliban fighters, the account said.

But soon after that, Mr. Mohammad tried to persuade the local elders to allow the Taliban to enter Buner, the newspaper said.

Soon afterward, Mr. Mohammad ordered the local armies to dissolve, the senior law enforcement official said. The order led many of those who had been willing to stand up to the Taliban to either flee or give up, the official said. Among those who are reported to have fled is Fateh Khan, a wealthy Buner businessman. Mr. Khan had been one of the main organizers and financiers of the private armies in Buner.

In a show of strength, the militants held a feast in the home of a local Taliban sympathizer two weeks ago, and since then the Taliban have fanned out into the district, the senior official said.

Pakistan needs to send in a brigade strength force to take on these guys.

I hope this is just the first phase of deployment.

300 ...does it remind you guys of something???
Are you hinting towards hollywood??

Sadly yes....

Unless this force is a bait sent to form hedgehog and hold fast till its attackers are surrounded by another bigger force, i see no use in sending an understrength detachment when the Taliban have already dug in!

Morale is critical and if intention is to fight, then intention should be to overwhelm and annihilate.

If this is a ploy to make TTP attack just to score a moral victory in terms of breaking the peace agreement...then i am afraid it is an ill advised step since TTP has always easily blamed PA for breaking agreements...you cannot score moral victory over the likes of TTP.

They are scum after all, what to expect?

Pakistani forces deployed to protect Islamabad from Taliban

Pakistani paramilitary forces have been deployed to protect a district near the capital Islamabad from the Taliban.

Officials in Peshawar said that the six Frontier Constabulary platoons arrived in northwestern Buner on Wednesday, where they will help to protect government buildings and bridges.

Their deployment came days after militants who have taken over the neighbouring Swat Valley began infiltrating the area in large numbers, establishing checkpoints, patrolling roads and spreading fear among the civilian population.

The Taliban fighters arrived in the district after the provincial government agreed to impose Islamic law in Swat and surrounding areas in exchange for peace with the insurgents.

President Ali Asif Zardari signed off on the deal last week, heightening concern that the agreement would embolden the extremists to expand their reign in the northwest regions bordering Afghanistan.

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, accused Pakistan's government of "abdicating" to the Taliban.

Syed Mohammed Javed, a senior Pakistani government official who oversees the area covered by the peace deal, confirmed that the platoons had been sent to Buner, but he would not say if it was in direct response to the Taliban infiltration.

He did not specify the number of troops involved, but a platoon typically has 30 to 50 members.

Meanwhile, police said that dozens of militants armed with guns and petrol bombs attacked a lorry terminal in northwestern Pakistan, burning five tankers carrying fuel to Nato troops in Afghanistan.

Pakistani forces deployed to protect Islamabad from Taliban - Telegraph

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