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Pakistan counters Taleban advance?

Yes take action.
Well that is until the media start chasing pictures of shelled homes , refugees and interviewing people who initially wanted the army and then don’t want the army because their house got blown up. The fact it had these militants in it will be ignored.
Public opinion will rage against the army and government again.
The government, been weak, will faultier and pull the army out.

Full circle and nothing gained.

Take action by all means BUT ............?
Having this kind of thinking is very bad that a terrorist organization supporting people or people supporting terrorist organization. Both going to be a disaster for common people , These terrorists do not have any kind of objective but to kill millions to fight against government ! Even I wonder how communist terrorists rule Nepal , Because they do the same thing what Nethas did when in power. I have watched a terrorist leader's interview,
"We don't need any power supply to villages"
"People do not have money to afford it that why"

It will very funny if you ask about their goals which are impossible to accept by any one.
I dont know why we have supporters of Talibans in Pakistan, like Imran Khan!!
We all know what is the agenda of talibans, we all know from where they are getting funds!!
Govt has said that Pakistan is spending $6-8bn annually on war on terror, and ISPR has sain several times that talibans have more weapons and they are using more advanced weapons, even pak army doesnt have that type of weapons!!
So, from where they are getting fundings?? Talibans have no business and no work!
They would not burning the schools if they were muslim pakistani, and LeT is like NGO in pakistan they are working for welfare of pakistani, do u know when india was targeting LeT, pakistani hindus started protests against india, and they were chanting slogans that LeT is pure welfare organization!!

And talibans are trying to fininsh them!!
I know we are not true muslims!!
But atleast we are better then the 8 lac indian army in kashmir, so why taliban dont help local kashimiri peoples??

All part of RAW and CIA big game. Al qaeda and Taliban who are the enemy of US are fighting against US before 9\11, at that time it was difficult for Taliban to strike US because it is far away. Now when Taliban have clear targets in Afghanistan why they want to fight Pakistan army. It shows that these so called TTP are arm by RAW and CIA to destabilized Pakistan and take away our nukes.
Taliban real goal is to eliminate western forces from Afghanistan. Not to kill Muslims in Pakistan.
Yes take action.
Well that is until the media start chasing pictures of shelled homes , refugees and interviewing people who initially wanted the army and then don’t want the army because their house got blown up. The fact it had these militants in it will be ignored.
Public opinion will rage against the army and government again.
The government, been weak, will faultier and pull the army out.

Full circle and nothing gained.

Take action by all means BUT ............?
Slow down man. Not every time military option is necessary when will you western learn. Military option is still open at the moment let GOP handle the problem by talks.
Slow down man. Not every time military option is necessary when will you western learn. Military option is still open at the moment let GOP handle the problem by talks.

This problem will not end till you let the religious feelings control the decesion making in political and milletary matterrs. The hidden soft spot for the terrorists because they rant some islamic slogans and profess to some medivial ideologies.

Take a pragmatic look at state of affairs. Already not enogh of peace deals and talks???
This problem will not end till you let the religious feelings control the decesion making in political and milletary matterrs. The hidden soft spot for the terrorists because they rant some islamic slogans and profess to some medivial ideologies.

Take a pragmatic look at state of affairs. Already not enogh of peace deals and talks???

That takes us back to square one. How will they justify the genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan without the government being Islamic?
Slow down man. Not every time military option is necessary when will you western learn. Military option is still open at the moment let GOP handle the problem by talks.

Well first tell imran khan, post #89, as it was he who said "thank god we take some serious action against them they will never stop we have to stop them".

My comment was to his post, unfortunately it got separated by another post.

Also if you care to look at post #83 it reads as follows:
"ISLAMABAD: A military operation against militants in Swat is to start within 48 hours, military sources said, adding that a troop build-up in the region was ongoing, DawnNews reported."

The small problem you have is that the Mods decided to merge threads hence the discussion got mangled.

So bluntly "Not every time military option is necessary when will you western learn" is meaningless as your government has made that decision so don’t try to push you bias my way.

“let GOP handle the problem by talks”
Yep! Talks got you where you are right now, up Sh!t Creek without a paddle.

Now if you bothered to read what I did write, you will see I advise carefully about military action.
I apologise for being too subtle in my comments, you missed it.:tsk:
This problem will not end till you let the religious feelings control the decesion making in political and milletary matterrs. The hidden soft spot for the terrorists because they rant some islamic slogans and profess to some medivial ideologies.

Take a pragmatic look at state of affairs. Already not enogh of peace deals and talks???

GOP knows what they are doing? That what you Indians wants to fight against each other in the process ignoring the real enemy. Military options is there and when its need we will use it.
Well first tell imran khan, post #89, as it was he who said "thank god we take some serious action against them they will never stop we have to stop them".

My comment was to his post, unfortunately it got separated by another post.

Also if you care to look at post #83 it reads as follows:
"ISLAMABAD: A military operation against militants in Swat is to start within 48 hours, military sources said, adding that a troop build-up in the region was ongoing, DawnNews reported."

The small problem you have is that the Mods decided to merge threads hence the discussion got mangled.

So bluntly "Not every time military option is necessary when will you western learn" is meaningless as your government has made that decision so don’t try to push you bias my way.

“let GOP handle the problem by talks”
Yep! Talks got you where you are right now, up Sh!t Creek without a paddle.

Now if you bothered to read what I did write, you will see I advise carefully about military action.
I apologise for being too subtle in my comments, you missed it.:tsk:
At the moment the west is pushing Pakistan to go with the military option in swat. What the west forgot that to much Pakistani bleed in drone attacks and many of Pakistani thinks that military operation done in the past because of western pressure (and they are right). Because of those military operation in the past done by Pakistan army weaken the Pakistan army image in the public and people are joining these so called Taliban so west must understand that they must not interfere in Pakistan internal affairs and let us handle the problem. These Taliban will terrorize the people of swat in coming day and the local people of swat will understand that real enemy is Taliban and “to away with Taliban”. At that time military option will be best with local support.

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