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Pakistan considering Kulbushan-Mother meeting

exactly what came to my mind as soon as I read the news.
you should be afraid of the truth.

While we have not publicly announced we have already informed Pakistan through back channels he is in our custody for spying.
thus spoke nostradamus.
WTF? This man is responsible for separating hundreds of children from their mothers. Such a request shouldn't even be considered. Death is the only consideration, as soon as his usefulness as leverage over India expires.
Recall how Ajmal Kasab was given a fair trial & how long it took to hang him ?
For political gains..
Pakistanis are so convinced that he is a terrorist. Why delay it - just lay your actual evidence in front of the world. Hold a public trial.
Pakistanis are so convinced that he is a terrorist. Why delay it - just lay your actual evidence in front of the world. Hold a public trial.
We do what we fkn like. Anyways he is an asset to expose India in the world.
We do what we fkn like. Anyways he is an asset to expose India in the world.
Exactly. We are in agreement. Do expose him in the world, till then it is the kangaroo court which convicted him that stands exposed.
Stupid call.
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Exactly. We are in agreement. Do expose him in the world, till then it is the kangaroo court which convicted him that stands exposed.
What are you talking about? What is the logical connection b/w exposing this Hindu terrorist and kangroo courts?
Let the government of Pakistan speaks. We aka public is not the authority to decide that . we can only suggest
Democratic government do what people want it to do.
No need to do it. We should hang this moron and send his body back to his country. He's a killer of lots of innocents and he separated many sons from their mothers.
If that happen we can allow a meeting between Habib Zahir & his mother.

who are you to decide anything you my friend don't speak for 1 billion people so relax like you can do anything. armchair heros
Would the mothers of OBL, Amen Al zaharwi or any "esteemed" terrorist would be allowed to meet their sons?

KY is above all, a terrorist and terrorists dont have any human rights.
Hmm don't know how I feel. The man is responsible for many deaths in Pakistan and his victims didn't get to see their loved ones before being killed; but at the same time his mother is innocent and just wants to see her son before he's hanged :what:

Fuk It! A terrorist should get no goodbyes just like his victims :angry:
Give them visa and it will show the greatness of Pakistan.
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