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Pakistan conducts successful test launch of Shaheen-3 SSM (2750 km)

White color relate it to shaheen(bird)...the actual shaheen has a white color in dominance.. so the missile is also in white color
Does this means the first prototype of new missile series ??? As we saw Shaheen -1 & 2 in white colors for only once???




Shaheen IIII

Warhead HE\NE
Engine Multi-stage Solid-fuel rocket[citation needed]
Propellant Solid-fuel system[citation needed]

2,750 km (1700 miles)[1][2]

Inertial guidance

Transporter erector launcher (TEL)
Transport spaceport or TEL


Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
Place of origin India
Service history
In service
Used by Indian Army
Production history
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO),
Bharat Dynamics Limited(BDL)
17,000 kg[1]
Length 20 m[1]
Warhead Strategic nuclear (~15 kt to ~250 kt), conventional,Thermobaric
Engine Two stage solid propellant engine

4000 km[2][3]

Flight altitude 900 km

Shaheen III weight- 20,000 To 25,000 kg (as its weight is not revealed it can be assuemed its same as that of Shaheen II).

Agni IV Weight- 17,000 KG

Shaheen III Max Range
- 2750 KM

Agni IV Max Range-
4000 km
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and there is a reason you can't work for them, the SATs are there but they are not set upon Pakistan 24/7, and Pakistanis are not dumb enough to carry out a Missile test when there is a SAT right above their head --- go ask your Intel guys for further elaboration

Come out of cocoon.
If you think all those dozens of satellites that are launched in last 5-7 years are to help weatherman, then you are grossly mistaken. Only a few of them are used by MET like Insat-3D and Kalpana.

Just for your thought processing, if India does live movement tracking of its assets, wont it be able to do same for things border across ?

Money that India put into space technology and its partnership with global space agencies have started giving good results and thats one area where pakistan has a big blind spot.
Usually the first test of new system is without any payload. The guidance, the engine, the aerodynamics and related subsystems are tested in first test

1 A and 3

Doesn't both the 1A and 3 have same projectile...just filmed with different camera angles
do you have any prove that it was fired in minimum energy trajectory ... ?? No ... ?? OK leave it .... you are hell-bent prove two thinks

1- That I posted it is fired in depress trajectory
2- Your claim that it is fired in minimum energy trajectory ....

For the first point you still have to prove that I said or posted that it was fired in depress trajectory its not my problem if you have comprehension issue ....

BTW do you even know what a depress trajectory is ....??

allow me to help you to understand it
View attachment 200971
from the above attachment two thing is quit easily understandable

1- S-III was not fired in depressed trajectory as the apogee (692 KM) is greater ten the apogee (350 KM) of comparable class of missile by range i.e. Angi-III

2- Short time of flight is not necessarily dependent on Depressed Trajectory

Now the question is was it fired with minimum energy trajectory ..... answer is no because of the two reasons

First reason
View attachment 200975 on the basis of above attachment S-III should have achieved 550 KM apogee for the distance of 2750 KM (20% of 2750 KM= 550 KM)

but as stated previously in today's test the apogee was 692 KM so it was way above the minimum energy trajectory zone;

It also means that Agni-3 was also not flight tested in a MET .

For 3000km range , apogee in MET should be 600km .

But A3 has an apogee of only 350km ==> depressed trajectory .

Can you please share that pdf file so that I can have a read .

here at this stage I would ask you to watch the video of the missile test shared in previous pages of this thread; the flight pattern appears like this
View attachment 200979
which is similar to the flight pattern of this attachment
View attachment 200980

The second image is of MRV trajectory of Topol-M .

In the first image the smoke is still coming out , means it's still in boost phase .

In boost phase missile will attain more height ..... there is no decline .

It may appear so because of the parabolic trajectory and angle of vision .
Hey please anyone care to answer what is meant by missile in White color???

White is the colour of PEACE so by painting Shaheen missile in white we are actually delivering message of peace to our PEACEFUL NEIGHBOURS, our intentions are very loud & clear and off-course very peaceful as well ....
Pakistan tests missile that could carry nuclear warhead to every part of India

Pakistan conducted a successful test launch of a surface-to-surface ballistic missile on Monday, capable of carrying nuclear and conventional warheads. (Reuters)

By Tim Craig March 9 at 2:47 PM

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan on Monday test-fired a ballistic missile that appears capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to every part of India, another escalation in Islamabad’s effort to keep pace with its neighboring rival’s formidable military advancements.

Pakistani military leaders said the Shaheen-III missile has a range of up to 1,700 miles, which could enable it to reach deep into the Middle East, including Israel.

After the missile was fired into the Arabian Sea on Monday, the head of the military unit that oversees Pakistan’s nuclear program congratulated scientists and engineers for “achieving yet another milestone of historic significance.”

The medium-range Shaheen-III is an updated version of the indigenously produced Shaheen-I and Shaheen-II, which had shorter ranges. “The test launch was aimed at validating various design and technical parameters of the weapon system at maximum range,” the military said in a statement.

Pakistani military leaders are trying to maintain a “credible deterrence” as arch-rival India rapidly invests in military hardware.


In recent years, India has moved toward the creation of a missile defense system and is upgrading its air force and submarine fleet. In 2012, India test-launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile, which it said has a range of more than 3,100 miles.

India’s growing defense budget is largely a result of its uneasy relationship with China. But Pakistan and India have fought three major wars since 1947. Analysts estimate that Pakistan and India possess about 100 nuclear warheads each, and nonproliferation experts say the Indian subcontinent remains a nuclear flash point.

Several Pakistani military analysts said the Shaheen-III has a range greater than that of any other Pakistani missile. The maximum range of the earlier versions of the Shaheen missile was about 1,500 miles, which meant it could not reach parts of India’s eastern frontier.

“Now, India doesn’t have its safe havens anymore,” said Shahid Latif, a retired commander of Pakistan’s air force. “It’s all a reaction to India, which has now gone even for tests of extra-regional missiles. . . . It sends a loud message: If you hurt us, we are going to hurt you back.”

Some analysts caution that the true range of the Shaheen-III could be less than what Pakistani military leaders claim. But Monday’s test could aggravate unease in parts of the Middle East, including Israel. Historically, there also has been some tension between Pakistan, which is overwhelmingly Sunni, and Shiite-dominated Iran.

Mansoor Ahmed, a strategic studies and nuclear expert at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, said, however, that Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions are focused solely on India.

India has a no-first-use policy on nuclear weapons. But Pakistani leaders have repeatedly declined to adopt a similar stance, saying they might be forced to resort to nuclear weapons should India invade Pakistan with conventional forces. The Indian army is more than twice the size of Pakistan’s and has a vast advantage in weaponry such as tanks, aircraft and artillery pieces.

Ahmed said Pakistan’s military is not interested in a “tit-for-tat” arms race with India. Instead, he said, Pakistan hopes to improve “existing capabilities,” including new delivery systems for evading an Indian missile defense shield.

Ahmed said he suspects that Pakistani scientists and engineers are working to equip the Shaheen-III with multiple warheads, which would make the missiles harder to defend against. Pakistan is also seeking to advance its cruise missile technology. Ahmed said the Shaheen-III can be fired from mobile launchers, making the missiles easier to conceal and move around in the event of a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan.

Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear and nonproliferation scholar at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, said Pakistan has been working to make smaller, lighter nuclear warheads. A smaller warhead makes it far more likely that the Shaheen-III can really deliver a nuclear payload up to 1,700 miles.

“You would want to model it, but at first approximation, I would be surprised to learn [the range] would be widely off,” Lewis said.

The timing of Monday’s missile test caught some analysts by surprise. It occurred less than a week after India’s foreign secretary, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, visited Islamabad to meet with Pakistani diplomats in a bid to improve bilateral relations.

Although Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has expressed interest in boosting ties with India, Pakistani military leaders are deeply skeptical of such efforts. And the testing of nuclear-capable missiles has, at times, appeared to serve as an outlet for the military to vent frustrations.

In early February, just days after President Obama signed a deal with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for enhanced civilian nuclear cooperation, Pakistan test-fired a short-range cruise missile.

Pakistan tests missile that could carry nuclear warhead to every part of India - The Washington Post
If thats the case then every missile test should be in White which is not ...
I think this assumption is making more sense that the first test of any new Missile series would be in White ...

Shaheen - 1 700 - 750 KM
Shaheen - 2 1500 -1750 KM
Shaheen - 3 2750 - XXX KM

that was a sarcastic post ..... :dirol:
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