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Pakistan Closes Border with Afghanistan Again

Make just one entry-exit point and seal the whole border and let them get their food from India who they think is a great well wisher of them.
These Afghanis would never be able to live in peace due to their hypocrisy.
Pakistan Must tighten security all over Afghanistan border, Fencing the border is very important step towards counter terror policy and to stop terror activities delivering from Afghanistan's soil to Pakistan.
Pakistani Law Makers and Establishment must understand the ground realities that Afghanistan is not a Brother Islamic state neither a friend of Pakistan. present regime and NDS is totally under Indian control and they are working fully against Pakistan's interests.
Afghanistan Border must remain closed and they must be handled harshly accordingly.
Let them go through alternative. as per Ashraf Ghani's Statement let them go for alternative sources.. we should not care for any alternative way they use or choose for them self.
Pakistan security forces will have to tighten the security, illegal entries from all border of Afghanistan, which is the key terror exporter to our country.
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan Army has announced to close the Pak-Afghan border in order to streamline the border management system, local media reported.

On March 20, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had ordered the immediate reopening of Pak-Afghan border that was closed in the aftermath of a recent string of terror attacks in the country.

In his statement, the Prime Minister had expressed that the border was being reopened as a goodwill gesture. He hoped that Kabul administration would address the grievances cited for the closure of border.

The border at Torkham had been closed on February 16 after a suicide bomber ripped through devotees at Lal Shehbaz Qalandar shrine. Afghanistan-based Pakistani Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar had claimed responsibility for major attacks in the country.
It was close due to missile attack from Afghanistan to Pakistani soul and we must act accordingly. Afghan Govt should show some responsibility and try to stop those idiots which is spoiling relation with two countries
Keep it closed, and if PM orders it to be opened it again, arrest him for treason.
If that's the prevailing opinion then terrorists have again served to win more power for the Pakistani military from Pakistan's civilian government, yes?
If that's the prevailing opinion then terrorists have again served to win more power for the Pakistani military from Pakistan's civilian government, yes?

When the civilian government can utilize their power for the people for Pakistani, instead of personal gains, then we can talk.
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan Army has announced to close the Pak-Afghan border in order to streamline the border management system, local media reported.

On March 20, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had ordered the immediate reopening of Pak-Afghan border that was closed in the aftermath of a recent string of terror attacks in the country.

In his statement, the Prime Minister had expressed that the border was being reopened as a goodwill gesture. He hoped that Kabul administration would address the grievances cited for the closure of border.

The border at Torkham had been closed on February 16 after a suicide bomber ripped through devotees at Lal Shehbaz Qalandar shrine. Afghanistan-based Pakistani Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar had claimed responsibility for major attacks in the country.
Expected after Parachar attack.

‘War on terror’ has cost Pakistan $118bn: SBP

90000 people lost life

and many army personal got martyr while fighting this terrorism

RAW + NDS everyday planing to hurt Pakistan..

Heart of Asia Conference: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Rejects Pakistan's Offer of $500 Million Aid

There are 4000000 afghan refugee in Pakistan..

These are all headlines we are going through for a long time.. To stop this there should be some concrete steps....:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Will never learn the lesson , after so much terrorism inside Pakistan " in the name of Islam".
Ever since power-sharing agreement with General Raheel in the year of 2014, Nawaz Sharif is pretty much puppet when it comes to foreign policy especially Afghanistan. This is Pakistan army written all over it.

I am sure the main establishment must have reason why they ordered the border to lose. They are playing with the leverage for the future since Afghanistan is integral part of Pakistan's long term plan. There is the reason why the main establishment invested more than 500 million in the past and even today $500 million aid sponsored by main establishment rejected officially.

This is Pakistan army decision all along from the opening the border to closing the door. PMLN is just following the order for the sake of stability instead of questioning military stances for the sake of PTI-backed-Terrorist-outfit-aka-TTP-aka-Khawarij.
Make just one entry-exit point and seal the whole border and let them get their food from India who they think is a great well wisher of them.
These Afghanis would never be able to live in peace due to their hypocrisy.

Jesus christ maan....do you have ANY idea...how big the border is...not to mention the terrain ??? how are you going to make it a single point entry ??? a wall could be a possibility....or fencing......but lolz even trump cant build his wall/fence here....do you know how expensive it is to build one ?? not to mention man and maintain it ??? Where are you gonna get the money from ...are you going to make afghanistan pay for it ?

seriously does this forum actually have people from pakistan with background in the armed forces..or is this just a "im going to put a picture of an army dude looking all cool" and post random stuff that makes no LOGICAL sense ? :/
Jesus christ maan....do you have ANY idea...how big the border is...not to mention the terrain ??? how are you going to make it a single point entry ??? a wall could be a possibility....or fencing......but lolz even trump cant build his wall/fence here....do you know how expensive it is to build one ?? not to mention man and maintain it ??? Where are you gonna get the money from ...are you going to make afghanistan pay for it ?

seriously does this forum actually have people from pakistan with background in the armed forces..or is this just a "im going to put a picture of an army dude looking all cool" and post random stuff that makes no LOGICAL sense ? :/
Negative rating in just 44 messages.This shows your intellectual level.You Indians have got a severe obsession with Pakistan.Whenever there is some talk about Pakistan or Afghanistan you cannot digest your food untill poking your baseless comments in.
We have already started fencing our border.
Kid you are new to this forum,do me a favour and think before starting a keyboard war.
Agree with you bro.. on the points.. All troubles are from Afghan Govt. which are just playing in the hand of Hindu Zionist.. In terms of money we are not getting any benefits. Instead we got bomb blast.. So need some very strict and concrete steps to avoid all this..

Till now the whole world don't knows that there is open border where all afghans can enter at their wish.. it is all to create pressure who dance on the tune of India.. :what:
So why not cease all the transportation of DAAL ROTI to afghans from our side and see if their indiot friends can provide them the same stuff we do?? Afghans must be taught a lesson in their own language,The ROD
So why not cease all the transportation of DAAL ROTI to afghans from our side and see if their indiot friends can provide them the same stuff we do?? Afghans must be taught a lesson in their own language,The ROD
Again you failed to address the issue.. main culprit is afghan govt and NDS.. we need to target them not who favors us...:no:
Again you failed to address the issue.. main culprit is afghan govt and NDS.. we need to target them not who favors us...:no:
But I have been watching that common afghans now have as much hatred for pakistan as The Gov and NDS lunatics have.there is no dofference between a common afghan and the government and military.see whats happening at the border.

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