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Pakistan cannot compete with India,the whole world recognizes the strength of India's IT industry : Miftah Ismail

Yeah why would u want to be like Bangladesh, a fast developing country that is independent and sovereign. Ud rather be like Afghanistan and lick those boots clean lolz. By the way have u ever wondered where those Pakistanis ended up? The ones ur lumber 1 left behind along with their pants.

Yeah that's what you types claimed about India as far back as 2000, only to bite your own words 23 years later. If you want to become like the world's second poorest country and world's most densely populated country, go live there by all means.

There are reasons why Bangladesh remained in the stone age while Pakistan become a nuclear power.

But at this population growth rate Pakistan will end up as another sh**thole like Bangladesh. No wonder people are leaving.

Right now given Pakistan's (mostly past) record on terrorism and closeness to China it is unlikely enough IT contracts will come from the West to Pakistan unless you are willing to undercut Indian rivals by 60, 70, 80%

I don't care too much about IT contracts, although it would be beneficial if we did. But most importantly I just want prosperity and sustainability and there are numerous methods to achieve that.

I remember when India launched rockets into space, I argued Pakistan should not waste it's money & resources doing the same when we got so much poverty and internal problems.

The neo-liberal Muhajirs & Sindhis who keep exaggerating Pakistan's military spendings praised the Indian space program. They clearly got double standards. Although I doubt the military spending were as heavy as the Indian space program.
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When many Pakistani YouTube channels asked their people why India is ahead, they clearly pointed to the Indian IT industry as the reason. Later, when asked why India is ahead in the IT industry, he said that IITs are behind it. The glory of IITs is recognized all over the world. That is why many countries want IITs to open their branches here as well. An IIT campus will open in the UAE.

Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) was set to open a branch in Dubai and supply weapons and other equipment to law enforcement across the Middle East.

But it doesn't deflect me from the reality that Pakistan is an overpopulated, impoverished country with typically undesirable living conditions.

Likewise regardless of the IT or other industries, India is still one of the worst countries to live in.

The other thing is most people in Pakistan who praise India & Bangladesh are butt-hurt Muhajir and Sindhi elites. Typically upset over Punjabi superiority with regards to achievement.
I don't care too much about IT contracts, although it would be beneficial if we did. But most importantly I just want prosperity and sustainability and there are numerous methods to achieve that.

I remember when India launched rockets into space, I argued Pakistan should not waste it's money & resources doing the same when we got so much poverty and internal problems.

The neo-liberal Muhajirs & Sindhis who keep exaggerating Pakistan's military spendings praised the Indian space program. They clearly got double standards. Although I doubt the military spending were as heavy as the Indian space program.

The IT contracts & outsourcing is $200 billion per year. Keep in mind the begging bowl carried by Pakistani leaders is for $1 to $5 billion
The IT contracts & outsourcing is $200 billion per year

All the money in the world cannot make up for sustainability and prosperity. In fact endless economic growth threatens prosperity and exploding economies only diminish because there aren't enough resources to sustain them.
All the money in the world cannot make up for sustainability and prosperity. In fact endless economic growth threatens prosperity and exploding economies only diminish because there aren't enough resources to sustain them.

the population growth, migration to foreign lands and remittances are wholly sustainable :enjoy: I won't even get to the begging bowl aspects

India has not headed to the IMF since 1990
There's so much india related posts in PDF lately ? Sorry to say its becoming indian forum. They don't tolerate any Pakistani in their forums, here they are just spamming it
Hmm...you got a point there. I once stumbled upon Indian defence forum while reading some news online . I was actually surprised to see that they are far less tolerant there. It seems the forum is full of ard core Hindus nationalists , the few who dont adhere to that extent are chastised and have to fall in line. Plus they even tolerate/encourage racist name calling of others which i found unacceptable, since it was actually very casual and normalised there..reason i never even bothered registering there. I was surprised by that since though it will even more open and tolerant than PDF. In fact I once went through Sinodefence(Chinese one) forum as well, they are not as bad as Indian counterpart, at least they debate more professionally . However, they also have alot of nationalistic members here, who will condemn you and call you names if you dont always say that everything is positive in China. The one thing nationalists have in common is that they dont tolerate any form of critic. If you do criticise any part then you are either a "sell out, western puppet, traitor etc". The hell even PDF is banned in China. Lol
I suppose Iranian and Turkish ones will be similar with such ultra nationalistic sentiments.

I actually think PDF is doing fairly good job in being more open to others, eventhough there are also times members go overboard , but overall PDF is generally good in this aspect. Guess its the reason its one of the most popular international defence forum with lots of active members from different countries. I guess this shows that openess is always netter than being closed up(Yes, great firewall i'm looking at you. 😂 )
Pakistan hasn’t even attempted to actually compete. If the country properly restructured the way India did in the early 90s, then Pakistan can be judged on an equal field.

For example, how can Karachi be crippled, and be asked to compete with Mumbai. Karachi and the coast should be the location of a rebuilt industrial base for the country; utilizing its location between the GCC and India and China, to integrate into the supply China and utilize the shipping lanes. One industry, Petrochemicals and refineries, the way Singapore did would be a very useful industry for Karachi, especially if the TAP pipeline comes down to Karachi.

In the areas, with large populations, such as the major cities of Punjab, human capital development needs to be prioritized these cities are better suited to recruit the best talent for the IT industry, and R&D for the agricultural industry.

We don’t need to equal India’s exports, but we need to be a major player to maintain our influence. Our goal should be to reach at least equal GDP per capita. With our population set to reach 25% of India’s population in a generation or two, having a GDP 25% of India will allow us to spend enough to maintain our independence and prevent Indian hegemony. A strong economy can also allow us to make diplomatic moves, with other powers in the Indian Ocean, to contain India in certain ways if they try to express hegemonic designs. And before anyone says India won’t have Hegemonic designs or hasn’t gone to war outside their borders, they should study the Chola Indian empire in Southeast Asia.

Frankly, if we were competing we would look to really build solid economic interdependency with the GCC. One example, would be a 300 mile undersea electricity cable to sell (or buy) electricity between Pakistan and Oman and the rest of the GCC. This is similar to the proposed Australia-Singapore electricity cable and the already running electricity cable between Australia and Tasmania.

What ever we didn’t consume we could sell and if we needed electricity in a punch we could buy from the GCC countries. If we had the money, we could finance the rail links to Central Asia and make good on a desire to shift to geo-economics.

If we were really competitions we would make good on the state of the region, work in conjunction with the Saudis (GCC more broadly) and the Turks to reshape Central Asia as well as check if not contain Iran, as had been hoped after the fall of the Soviet Empire. If we were competing we would be finding ways to use that new situation to facilitate the trade and movement of goods, people’s, services, and information between our regional partners. If we were really competing we would have a 50 year plan to be a G8 country, the way JP Morgan projects is possible.


If we were competing, all new areas of our cities would not be single family houses but 5 story building similar to what was envision (and not actually built) in Masdar city in the UAE. If we were competing our public transportation network would be cheap and affordable and ubiquitous. Our agricultural productivity would be high enough our food prices would be the lowest in the region, and our people’s cost of living would be lower than any nation in the region without subsidies, making our workers would enjoy a better standard of living even when paid lower the regional competitors, so as outcompete them for business and investment.

If we were competing even common Indians and Indian businesses would hope our economy continues to grow so they would benefit from the lower costs to do business due to regional growth effect. If we were competing they would be striving to have good relations with us to have a chance to enter our market the way Japan tried to do business as China was rapidly growing over the last 40 years. Part of me is happy India is developing, as it raises the expectations we have for our government to keep pace, especially in human capital development. Our child mortality is horrendous and so many kids die needlessly, had we had a half way decent economy. As a father, that is a thought I remember most as I watch the economy sink even lower. If we were competing our government officials would be earning their Jannah hand over fist, as the lives they would be saving would be counted in the millions if not tens of millions.

If we actually got our act together we could think in visionary ways, and use the 30-50 year demographic dividend to become at least a middle income country, and be a good friend to have for our allies and a nation not to tread on lightly by those nations that have designs on our liberty.

We need to be the best we can, being a people changed, and with that attitude, Allah will give us what he has ordained for us.

Btw, the world isn’t giving India the rosy colored glasses decades to grow its economy on the west’s dime and muscle them out of business opportunities the Chinese have been able to do. They are looking at India with the lessons of China in their mind. Don’t expect India to have the game growth China did.

Most of our growth will probably come from our region, and the Indians know this. We need to get our fundamentals right, and our economy is primed to take off, considering the low hanging fruits of our inefficiencies that can be solved by just bringing the lost modern equipment and the labor intensive industries form China that their demographics and the limits of automation will require them to shed. In return they will have a partner that won’t be as depended on extra-regional pressures.

At the same time if China can manage to keep foreign firms from leaving China and going to India in a large enough percentage, for just the next 20 years, they will have forced India to squander its demographic dividend

To paraphrase Donald Trump, if We are competing, “we are going to send killers to make our deals and not social workers.”

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Pakistan hasn’t even attempted to actually compete. If the country properly restructured the way India did in the early 90s, then Pakistan can be judged on an equal field.

For example, how can Karachi be crippled, and be asked to compete with Mumbai. Karachi and the coast should be the location of a rebuilt industrial base for the country; utilizing its location between the GCC and India and China, to integrate into the supply China and utilize the shipping lanes. One industry, Petrochemicals and refineries, the way Singapore did would be a very useful industry for Karachi, especially if the TAP pipeline comes down to Karachi.

In the areas, with large populations, such as the major cities of Punjab, human capital development needs to be prioritized these cities are better suited to recruit the best talent for the IT industry, and R&D for the agricultural industry.

We don’t need to equal India’s exports, but we need to be a major player to maintain our influence. Our goal should be to reach at least equal GDP per capita. With our population set to reach 25% of India’s population in a generation or two, having a GDP 25% of India will allow us to spend enough to maintain our independence and prevent Indian hegemony.

@ghazi52 This deserves a positive rating for sure
dear..i dont know about any Indian defence forum and how ppl over there treat other nationlists...but i must say, PDF treats everyone equally except when there is some hyper tension between India and Pak...and i m not a good boy when it comes to China u can see my negative😉😁 ratings
PDF has much more international members and more or less treat's everyone equally. That's the reason I am here, to get the perspective from different viewpoints, else if everyone is from the same country/region it becomes an eco-chamber.
At the same time if China can manage to keep foreign firms from leaving China and going to India in a large enough percentage, for just the next 20 years, they will have forced India to squander its demographic dividend

China does not decide where Apple, Dell or General Electric relocate their factories

You cannot pay the bills for 200 million Pakistanis. You want to pay the bills for 400 million Pakistanis
So many things, indian opposition says about india about its real issues, about the situation with minorities and all. You should make threads on them too.

As far as IT is concerned. Ofcourse india entered into IT sector much earlier and it has 6 times larger population and better institutions for IT. Indians who went to US in 70's, 80's or 90's are now leading tech sector and they also contribute a lot in giving business to india.

But having said that nothing remains permanent in course of history. Pakistan has huge potential in IT. It not neccessarily need to beat india in it, but it still can make a fortune out of it.

@waz @LeGenD

There's so much india related posts in PDF lately ? Sorry to say its becoming indian forum. They don't tolerate any Pakistani in their forums, here they are just spamming it.
Going by miftah logic Taiwan should not be a semiconductor giant today since Japan USA EU were established giants when. It started

Ain't saying we can match India volume

But can get good share 0f global market
Previous government like mushataf gov was serious about it not so the PPP and pmln gov s
India IT industry is mostly based on software and coding languages but after emergence of AI Powered tools like Chatgpt which are capable of writing complex codes of web applications in coming years demand for these programmers will decrease as AI tools will mature to a level where they not want human coders for programming these applications. In future those countries will lead IT industry which will focus more on hardware development like highly powered computer chips etc but india stands no where in this sector
the population growth, migration to foreign lands and remittances are wholly sustainable :enjoy: I won't even get to the begging bowl aspects

India has not headed to the IMF since 1990

Damn right it's sustainable: :bounce:


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