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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

Bhartis control it right now but it is only on gunpoint. It doesn't make it "their" territory.
Not really. In Muslims, Laddakh has mostly Shias. They support India and form the backbone of Indian intelligence there. As you can imagine, they are not very fond of Kashmiri Sunnis.
China has claims on Ladakh and wants the areas as per the maps of 1950!

So it's not just Pakistan and India anymore. All agreements between Pakistan-India and China-India were terminated on 5-Aug-19.

UN has no role in this anymore.

Well said brother.

All agreements between China, Pakistan and India are void now.

Chinese have started taking the land what they claim is their.

It is very unfortunate that PMIK and his followers do not get this simple fact.

Pakistan should follow Chinese lead and go on the offensive to take the land from India.

This is the most opportune time to do it but Alas! we have PMIK leading Pakistan. What a tragedy!
fools always act differently then others. that's why it is recommended that fools should stay quiet otherwise they will expose their foolishness.

Awwwwwwww. Idiots don't get a straight message. Something to do with non-existence of working brain cells.
How they can understand point of view of people with confirmed and tested high IQ.
Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

Pakistan can but will NOT.

That is the tragedy of this story.
Get your facts clear.

Musharraf asked Nawaz Sharif to intervene. NS rushed to the US to meet Clinton on the 4th of July. He tried his best to get a face-saving solution, and failed. Bruce Riedel has complete and detailed information on this, as well as Nawaz Sharif's information minister.

Whatever one's personal views on the Kargil (mis)adventure and the role of Gen Musharraf as a hero or treasonous traitor, the real damage to Pakistan was its image that has had many grave repercussions since then. Claiming that other countries conduct covert operations conveniently ignores the facts related to civilian supremacy over the military as a matter of law and reality, and the devastatingly effective Indian campaigns to project its image as the world's largest democracy (notwithstanding the recent hits to that image) compared to a nuclear-armed military holding the country, region and even the world, on occasion, hostage to its demands.

(Please note that I am not opining any views on whether Kargil was the right thing or not for I simply do not wish to cause any retaliatory repercussions here.)
Pakistan can but will NOT.

That is the tragedy of this story.

Well, the reasons are simple, have a look at this thread , you will see many with thousand excuses.
Like I said earlier, the cowards make thousand excuses not to fight. Sad, sad situation. Otherwise the situation presented itself on 26th Feb 2019 and after.
Opportunity is presenting itself now, but nothing would happen.
Yesterday I made a comment about the current General, which didn't go well with some.
Some facts here... The Army, and many officers to date are on the record that the then PM and his advisors was briefed multiple times...

They told the then PM, these were the usual incursions into Indian Occupied Kashmir, nothing like thousands of Pakistani soldiers are being deployed in IOK and they're like going to be bombed with bofors like there's no tomorrow. Further, the soldiers won't be getting any supplies as we're going pretend these are Kashmiri Mujahideen.

It's not PM's fault if Pakistani Army failed to tell the full story to the then PM and have since then spent 21-years trying to brainwash the Pakistani people into believing Kargil was fully conquered but PM didn't want to be seen as the hero of that conquest. What?

Let's just try to remember, Pakistani incursion started on 3rd May 1999 and PM went to the US on 4th July. PakistanI military had 2 full months to defeat the enemy but failed miserably and have never owned up to their blunder like a bunch of losers.
Well, the reasons are simple, have a look at this thread , you will see many with thousand excuses.
Like I said earlier, the cowards make thousand excuses not to fight. Sad, sad situation. Otherwise the situation presented itself on 26th Feb 2019 and after.
Opportunity is presenting itself now, but nothing would happen.
Yesterday I made a comment about the current General, which didn't go well with some.

US does not want Pakistan to fight India. Unless Pakistan gets a leadership which is not pro-US things will continue AS-IS.

Pakistan urgently needs a COAS & PM who are Pro-China instead of Pro-US.
Whatever one's personal views on the Kargil (mis)adventure and the role of Gen Musharraf as a hero or treasonous traitor, the real damage to Pakistan was its image that has had many grave repercussions since then. Claiming that other countries conduct covert operations conveniently ignores the facts related to civilian supremacy over the military as a matter of law and reality, and the devastatingly effective Indian campaigns to project its image as the world's largest democracy (notwithstanding the recent hits to that image) compared to a nuclear-armed military holding the country, region and even the world, on occasion, hostage to its demands.

(Please note that I am not opining any views on whether Kargil was the right thing or not for I simply do not wish to cause any retaliatory repercussions here.)

I completely agree with your analysis. In one sense, Pakistan simply walked into the trap and positioned itself as a universal disturber of the peace. This may have had its further consequences when Musharraf, as de facto head of state, was asked to choose sides in the War on Terror, and found no option but to side with the USA, probably against the better judgement of its decision makers.

The trap, incidentally, was not one made by India; it formed spontaneously around Pakistan's own terribly mistaken action.

You Indians are putrid, now proving all over the world. Your desires and announced aims to "isolate Pakistan" is in tetters. India is getting exposed and isolated.

Your invaluable opinions apart, is there anything you wish to add?

His facts are correct. Musharaf didn't ask Nawaz anything. USA presented Pakistan the satellite evidence that it is not the tribes but Pakistani army which is occupying the heights in Kargil. The traitor started to panic and surrender to Clinton. Clinton was surprised, he thought Nawaz is going to ask for negotiation, but he surrendered. He had to, he was working for the Indians, still is.

Why would he have sought an urgent meeting with the US President in the middle of a major national holiday for the US? Because Clinton wanted to have a coffee with him? You should read up your sources before making such self-incriminating statements in public. You should look at the large number of Pakistani members who think that your account is crap - sorry, garbage.

Rest of your post is garbage as well.

Didn't you know? GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out. You talk garbage, whatever replies you get will seem like garbage to you.

You really have lots to learn. Including spelling.
I completely agree with your analysis. In one sense, Pakistan simply walked into the trap and positioned itself as a universal disturber of the peace. This may have had its further consequences when Musharraf, as de facto head of state, was asked to choose sides in the War on Terror, and found no option but to side with the USA, probably against the better judgement of its decision makers.

The trap, incidentally, was not one made by India; it formed spontaneously around Pakistan's own terribly mistaken action.

Tareekh ke aiwanoon mein hum ney aisa bhi dekha hey
Lamhoon ney ghalati kee sadiyon ney saza payee

(We have seen in the annals of history of how centuries carry the punishments for the mistakes of moments, roughly translated.)
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Bhartis control it right now but it is only on gunpoint. It doesn't make it "their" territory.
Ladakh has hindu major population

i will contest one point here. Brigs are theater planners after larger strategy is decided by Generals.. he must kbow the plans on how to take Ladakh and plan for 100k prisoners

Pakistan can fight a wat for 15 to 30 days based on its economy and reserves. therefore, what the brig said is true.
And what after 30 days when ur reserves r out ?
Buddhist and Muslim population*

And India doesnt have ammo to fight Pak for 20 days let alone Pak + China

Forget about Pakistan+China. India does not have capability and capacity to fight Pakistan alone.

It is criminal that Pakistan is not fighting India.
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