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Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia

Successive governments in any country implement their policies as they see them deem fit. Take Egypt for example, from Russian camp, they moved out and aligned with US, and now in due course they are again eyeing up with East.
It's worth mentioning that it was Pakistan which turned it's back on Russia and became a member of SEATO and CENTO, even then Russia was still able and willing to co-operate and assist Pakistan. Pakistan steel mills, Mil-8 Helicopters and offering MiG-21 and others back in late 60s being some example. The world has moved on and so have the interests, countries learn from their experiences and mistakes and if Pakistan and Russia forge a strategic relationship, it's a win win situation for both.
It probably is but the question is how feasible is this idea?? Southern Afghanistan provinces deal with Pakistani currency that alone shows how closely aligned these two countries are.

That influence can be reduced in time...Thats the entire idea for the iran port. Access will given to world market and Afghanistan is very rich in Mineral deposit. No doubt China ,India and others will gladly invest

But the how the scale will tip depends on TTP and Taliban ....
There is no need to wish , the effect is already being seen . Afghanistan is already leaning towards india to offest Pak influence .Once they gain access to Iran port , things will start rolling faster

And If you think Raw can only wish , you shouldnt shout wolf everytime BLA and TTP pops up

Pushtun of Pakistan and Afghanistan literally have family across the border you cannot pry Afghanistan away from Pakistan no matter how much you money you guys invest. At most you can hope to bribe a few Afghan officials now and then.
NO sir,i wanted to say that Russia wants more n more from U.S and they got missile shield codes from U.s too...
Russians will tak every step to get from U.S and paksitan is part of that deal..

in simple words,Both powers will play game by making pakistan as football.. and russians are in dominating position

And Pakistan has this lump on its head and it can not think through the conspiracy theories. This, despite the fact that Mr. Putin told you so.
That influence can be reduced in time...Thats the entire idea for the iran port. Access will given to world market and Afghanistan is very rich in Mineral deposit. No doubt China ,India and others will gladly invest

But the how the scale will tip depends on TTP and Taliban ....

Mining for minerals will not get started for several more years, all that wealth is useless nobody is willing to get it started until Taliban removes itself as an influence which is laughable at best.

NO sir,i wanted to say that Russia wants more n more from U.S and they got missile shield codes from U.s too...
Russians will tak every step to get from U.S and paksitan is part of that deal..

in simple words,Both powers will play game by making pakistan as football.. and russians are in dominating position

Stop it Singh. India can deal with both sides and it is no problem but if Pakistan makes the overture it is playing a dangerous game on thin ice?? Do you know how stupid and hypocritical that sounds coming from you???
Pushtun of Pakistan and Afghanistan literally have family across the border you cannot pry Afghanistan away from Pakistan no matter how much you money you guys invest. At most you can hope to bribe a few Afghan officials now and then.

Hmm the numbers if news reports showing differences between the Afghan Govt and Pakistan is increasing Day by day ........ you can check this forum itself for that trend ...... thats why i said if this trend keeps up , Pak influence will diminish

Hence TTP and taliban is the scale tipper
If ttp manages to keep Pak engaged for a long long time [ as possibly afghan govt and RAW might be supporting them] ,then Pakistan will not have the time for Afghanistan

And if taliban succeeds in Creating instability in Afghanistan , oh heck then its a Pak victory
Good, if that ensures stability in the region. I feel this cooperation is more likely to be an economic one, rather than the one they're enjoying with India for four decades.
So many indian trolls in this thread :angry:

Pakistan and Russia needs to improve relations on all levels and if Pakistan joins SCO then only India will left in US camp in this region.
There is no need to wish , the effect is already being seen . Afghanistan is already leaning towards india to offest Pak influence .Once they gain access to Iran port , things will start rolling faster

And If you think Raw can only wish , you shouldnt shout wolf everytime BLA and TTP pops up

Sir, India built that port and constructed Zaranj-Dilaram road to link it not only with Afghanistan but also with Central Asia. Firstly, the Chahbahar port is a shallow water port and therefore can not berth bigger ships and secondly, because of US and its allies' presence in Afghanistan, and people of Afghan provinces bordering Iran would not like to enhance trade relationship through Iran.

That is why the pigs would need to fly for this route to get activated.
Hmm the numbers if news reports showing differences between the Afghan Govt and Pakistan is increasing Day by day ........ you can check this forum itself for that trend ...... thats why i said if this trend keeps up , Pak influence will diminish

Hence TTP and taliban is the scale tipper
If ttp manages to keep Pak engaged for a long long time [ as possibly afghan govt and RAW might be supporting them] ,then Pakistan will not have the time for Afghanistan

And if taliban succeeds in Creating instability in Afghanistan , oh heck then its a Pak victory

Yes, Karzai is at odds with the Pakistan government but he does not represent his people. Afghans are sick of him because of his blatant corruption and he will be gone by 2014. Taliban succeeding is not a Pakistan victory that is a misconception, their success will give TTP a safe stronghold across the border with which to continuously attack Pakistan. A Pakistan victory is a elected Afghan government that is pro Pakistan and accepts the Durand line as the border.

Pakistan and Russia needs to improve relations on all levels and if Pakistan joins SCO then only India will left in US camp in this region.

SCO is not as influential as an organization as people try to make it out to be.
And Pakistan has this lump on its head and it can not think through the conspiracy theories. This, despite the fact that Mr. Putin told you so.

then why U.S gave missile codes to russia? ..why russia is offering bases to nato for NDN? ..
and why putin says that Nato should stay in A-stan?...
There is one person who likes your post. I wonder why.

Probably because this one person posted so many pictures in just one thread in a matter of 10-15 minutes that even my head spun.
Not in mood to type long post so posting pic is best way to break the flow in the thread.Anyway a pic is worth the 1000 words.I dont know how express tribume published this pic with its news article......

From Russia, with love – The Express Tribune Blog .................................:D
Stop it Singh. India can deal with both sides and it is no problem but if Pakistan makes the overture it is playing a dangerous game on thin ice?? Do you know how stupid and hypocritical that sounds coming from you???

See,You are stupid if thinking relations b/w two countries alone...
Whole south asia and middle east n gulf is involved in it... :wave:
Your problem is simple i.e taking pakistan alone into every account...

and i dont care wat ever u think,if u r capable to deny my post with scenario in ur mind then i would be pleased..
what ever to ummah brothers of chechanya !
Ps: charity begins at home!
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