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Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia

See,You are stupid if thinking relations b/w two countries alone...
Whole south asia and middle east n gulf is involved in it... :wave:
Your problem is simple i.e taking pakistan alone into every account...

and i dont care wat ever u think,if u r capable to deny my post with scenario in ur mind then i would be pleased..

Pakistan moves forward with their own interests in mind, what other states feel about this is irrelevant. Will this have a geopolitical influence on the region and abroad?? Maybe it will but that is not Pakistan's concern, the concern of Pakistan is to ensure they have good relations with all power blocs that benefit them in whatever way possible.

then why U.S gave missile codes to russia? ..why russia is offering bases to nato for NDN? ..
and why putin says that Nato should stay in A-stan?...

Russia was threatening to bomb the missile sites, the codes were given to prevent a possible outbreak of war.
Hmm the numbers if news reports showing differences between the Afghan Govt and Pakistan is increasing Day by day ........ you can check this forum itself for that trend ...... thats why i said if this trend keeps up , Pak influence will diminish

Enlighten me , what is this so called " Afghan Govt " that you love to refer to as ? :azn: How much control does it have over Afghanistan ? What are the agreements signed with the Mayor of Kabul worth ? :lol:
Yes, Karzai is at odds with the Pakistan government but he does not represent his people. Afghans are sick of him because of his blatant corruption and he will be gone by 2014. Taliban succeeding is not a Pakistan victory that is a misconception, their success will give TTP a safe stronghold across the border with which to continuously attack Pakistan. A Pakistan victory is a elected Afghan government that is pro Pakistan and accepts the Durand line as the border.

How can an elected govt be pro Pak as Afghanis believe that Taliban is supported by Pakistan ......Or is the opposition party Pro Pak ?? I believe TTP is supported passively by the present government .
Enlighten me , what is this so called " Afghan Govt " that you love to refer to as ? :azn: How much control does it have over Afghanistan ? What are the agreements signed with the Mayor of Kabul worth ? :lol:

Hmm control ? ....very less i believe outside main cities , their control is none. but does it matter this government support will increase in time when ppl have the choice of democracy or mullahism . and the basic structure and logistics for the government has already been established .
Feeling enlightened ....Say ooooosa
Hmm control ? ....very less i believe outside main cities , their control is none. but does it matter this government support will increase in time when ppl have the choice of democracy or mullahism . and the basic structure and logistics for the government has already been established .
Feeling enlightened ....Say ooooosa

Sir, if you think the way you've written above, then apparently you may not have much idea about how Afghanistan has been and is being governed.

The Americans followed different strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq they used a deterring strategy and went after the Iraqi insurgents and therefore lost a lot of lives and material, thinking that they'd be victorious sooner - though it did not happen and they suffered a setback. The Iranian influence gained the vacated space and Syria had to be brought down to break the continuity of Iranian arc of influence.

In Afghanistan they followed a strategy more akin to dissuasion, wherein they created safe heavens and sallied out occasionally to strike the Taliban. In doing so, they could only control some of the major cities where they had safe heavens but the remaining Afghanistan was left to Taliban and powerful warlords. In the ensuing environment, while the Taliban re-organized after suffering defeat, Americans thought that Afghan government with support of India, would be able to control the remaining large swaths of territory - this could not happen. And now, we have a situation where even after an almost failed or partially successful surge, the Americans are again re-locating from Afghanistan, though this time they coercively managed to gain a toe hold through an agreement with Afghan government.

So, we go back to square one - Americans will have their safe heavens and the remaining swath will remain with Afghan war lords and or Taliban. The Afghan government, irrespective of having its army strength increased to over 150,000 and police to around 170,000 duly supported by American propaganda and remaining American force, may not be able to accrue any major gains. Political manipulations though will continue but in the absence of persuasive major American, NATO and ISAF support.
Pakistan today is a country that is dependent on foreign aid. Many analysts call it an financially underdeveloped and economically destroyed country. How can this country make Russia anything. I think bollywood is affecting more pakistans than Indians.

US wanted to replace Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan with that of India's.

India has had a long innings with Northern Alliance and was thought to be well placed to spread its influence in remaining Afghanistan.

India pledged lot of monetary assistance and undertook various projects.

Afghan Army was being largely trained by India and India also pledged equipment etc.

India already was diplomatically well paced through its consulates.

Sharing of information by RAW and availability its intelligence apparatus on ground in Afghanistan.

Trust deficit between US and Pakistan, and duly exploited by India.

And all this time I thought Russia is a man!!!

Blind men see black everywhere in the darkness, even during pitched sun shine.

Pakistan today is a country that is dependent on foreign aid. Many analysts call it an financially underdeveloped and economically destroyed country. How can this country make Russia anything. I think bollywood is affecting more pakistans than Indians.

It is a Russian written article printed in Russian media.

Your bollywood may be affecting the Russians this time, in Hindi.
US wanted to replace Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan with that of India's.

India has had a long innings with Northern Alliance and was thought to be well placed to spread its influence in remaining Afghanistan.

India pledged lot of monetary assistance and undertook various projects.

Afghan Army was being largely trained by India and India also pledged equipment etc.

India already was diplomatically well paced through its consulates.

Sharing of information by RAW and availability its intelligence apparatus on ground in Afghanistan.

Trust deficit between US and Pakistan, and duly exploited by India.

Blind men see black everywhere in the darkness, even during pitched sun shine.

It is a Russian written article printed in Russian media.

Your bollywood may be affecting the Russians this time, in Hindi.

ticker watch this video :)

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Blind men see black everywhere in the darkness, even during pitched sun shine.


Anyways mate just realized after seeing your post that even a bit of humor to ease the tension is NOT acceptable. No wonder I only see majority of posts here with blatant negative word usage from people of your caliber (this includes all the countries, before you get any other ideas). Trust me for one thing, with a smile and light heart if you will discuss something the output quality of that interaction will always be better (works in real life too).

Anyways I am sorry if any of the aforementioned words/phrase/sentence/paragraph did hurt you genuinely.


:stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop:
Russia was threatening to bomb the missile sites, the codes were given to prevent a possible outbreak of war.

Sir, if this is true this will be a very very big news. Can you please provide me some details of link or sources where I can refer the same in details.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Ticker..the Only way to quell an insurgency is to have massive physical presence. India is probably the only nation on the globe that has had so many insurgencies and has not only survived but thrived. We have been successful in quelling most insurgencies and partially successful in others.

We know it. US knows it. They wanted India to deploy troops. We refused. Failing that U.S. understands that India can not change the scene on ground.
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