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Pakistan calls for Israel to stop ‘land grabbing’ in Palestinian territory

maybe to you, but not to the people who live in those areas.

The people who live in those areas said that They think India is behind those events to incriminate China and Pakistan.
So please get rid of your US, Israeli and French so called friends , as soon as possible.
For the 19,23,54,785 th time Maoists are not demanding secession. They want a communist India, as is.

Anyway we are ready to extend the courtesy if you do the same for Balochis, Pashtun nationalists and Sindhi nationalists.

Please extend your own courtesy to Indian Muslims by giving them the lands they where they live in India, we will be very grateful.
It would be a good idea to look at your backyard..balochistan is not that far away.

They took care of balushistan, it is done, you are talking too much in the past and repeating yourself or you are trying to hurt someone without success.
Stop it please.
Oh the funds to pay off the stone throwers. After the guns era did no yield the desired results against the Indian Army ;)

O....just for record our PM is a Sikh (the Khalistanis you were babbling about), out COAS elect is a Sikh (again the Khalistanis)....and our VP is a Muslim with our Chief of Air Staff being a Christian.

So please....If they are not enough to convince you then I would not be convinced about your Sindh,Shiite, Seraiki etc.

No wonder there is so much pulling and tearing in Indian affairs, if you don't let Sikhs in they will kill your prime minister, a VP position is usually decorative and if I was your Chief of air staff I'll be very worried about my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan has done a right thing here by raising voice against injustice, but why aren't the rest of the Muslims states, especially the ''Great Saudis'' vocal about it ?

They have paid 4 billions for the reconstruction of Gaza, and Jews keep annexing and destroying.
Vocal !!! Why loose energy with deaf people.

please mate, you do this raising-voice-against-injustice act to make pakistan look good in front of Arab brothers, while on the other hand pretty much same amount of violence happens in Balochistan, Xinjiang and Tibet and you dont utter a word. Infact you guys here support Chinese when they kill non-Arab muslims just on basis of suspicion.

Wrong again, India is behind it all !!!
Funny how Indians are talking about Balochistan when they need to peer into their own backyard (Kashmir).

After all, you don't want someone writing "Indian Dogs Go Back".
Nicky Larkin is a zionist from mossad, infiltrated Palestinians and Irish resistance and got exposed -
Why should your spewings merit respect, SC? Because they are anti-Zionist or because they are carefully researched? I think Zionism is something Pakistanis need to embrace fully, so Pakistan can become a "normal" country; distinguishing fact from made-up stories is part of that.
Israel is holy land for jews and U.S is here to protect it.It does not matter if anybody supports it or not.
i guess,pakistan have enough to mind their own business and it was just lip service.

If you know about Zionism you might be aware that the hole planet and beyond is the holy land of Jews, this was only one tribe of hundreds of tribes mainly Arabs who lived and dwelled on this land called Palestine for thousands of years.
If you read everywhere, you'll find that Jews hate Christians and Christians hate Jews while at the same time they have this Judeo-Christian brotherhood, this is outright hypocrisy.
For Jews if you didn't know, God =The Devil or 666=666, so how can anyone speak of anything holy to them, these are only Zionist godless policies to control the minds and opinions of the gullible and naive or mooches as they call them.
who is interfering first muslim world or israel or america . israel had come in palastine in 1948......real jews and muslims had been already living there for thousands years..........if u kill to innocent people ,will they not take action against u or they will keep watching ur face ...pakistan will interfere because israel is also interfering to muslim world including pakistan
who is interfering first muslim world or israel or america . israel had come in palastine in 1948......real jews and muslims had been already living there for thousands years..........if u kill to innocent people ,will they not take action against u or they will keep watching ur face ...pakistan will interfere because israel is also interfering to muslim world including pakistan

Muslim world.

Yes, It started killing innocent people way way back even before so called America was discovered or Jewish state was founded.
Why should your spewings merit respect, SC? Because they are anti-Zionist or because they are carefully researched? I think Zionism is something Pakistanis need to embrace fully, so Pakistan can become a "normal" country; distinguishing fact from made-up stories is part of that.

All Pakistanies know how to handle USA ... actually USA life lines comes from israel and Zionism , we hit the heart and where it hurts more..
palestinians should stop terror strikes against israel through proxy groups and should engage with israel in peace efforts on table.
hamas like groups fire rockets and israelis reply hard.The result is more palestinains causalities of innocents.

and pakistan have no right in interfering in the matters of other country.let them resolve bilaterally.

You stop the Action, the reaction will end itself. Have some courage to hold Israel responsible for the unrest please.. sometimes I wonder for the love of whom you guys drop your entire intellect, wisdom, rationality and sensibility and present pathetically scum arguments as an excuse. Common guys call spade a spade.. or should I stop expecting mere traces of justice from you guys?
please dont make mockery of your self:rolleyes:

lol as i am showing you your right face???? israel is a false state and Palestine is the real one ....
every power in this world have come to an end and same is the fate of USA :) ....

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