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Pakistan calls for Israel to stop ‘land grabbing’ in Palestinian territory

USA became a superpower because of you? And China is going to become a superpower because of you? I think you might be giving yourself too much importance. You have been used fully by USA and now its your turn to be used by China. Thats all that is happening, even a blind person can see it.

if we cut out our help of USA in Afghanistan they will lose war soon ,,, but if we continusly give our help to them they will lose but after 3 5 year :) ... now do u have any objection noww ?????

we are the superpower in the world but we know ONLY ALLAH almighty is a Superpower :)
if we cut out our help of USA in Afghanistan they will lose war soon ,,, but if we continusly give our help to them they will lose but after 3 5 year :) ... now do u have any objection noww ?????

we are the superpower in the world but we know ONLY ALLAH almighty is a Superpower :)
they lost that war long time ago :rofl:
This all shows that you work for money.

come with some thing better:)

dude u just purchased our currpt leader not whole country :)

n Pakistan's Common Man is not for sell i cant say abt our leader coz may be they can sell their mothers

but a Common man alwys abouse USA's Anti-Muslim Strgidy

and this superpower receives aid from U.S

u say that aid we say that stretcher money,,,,,

we dont neend that but our leader use it for their's enjoyments :P
We all know Israel built upon suffering of Palestinians

How long will the world stand by those massacres and injustice done to Palestinians by Isreali ? How many more lives would have to be lost, shattered, displaced, destroyed by the Israeli machine of war before the World reacts?

Didn't the UN members all signed the Fourth Geneva Convention? Didnot they read it before signing it?

NO justice no peace

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Same to you..you people should be awaken by the likes of Indian Jatt, Prism etc..Atleast there no "....Liberation Armies" and "....Republican Armies" waging an armed struggle in Indian Punjab and blowing up pipelines.

no you're right i'd say Punjab seperatism (like Baloch seperatism) saw their zeniths in 1970s but since then it's largely just loose talk from a few wealthy overseas people with a lot of political baggage attached to them

but you're still left with 27 other ''republican armies waging an armed struggle'' ......i heard what those naughty naxalites are up to in that northeast of yours ;)

you forgot, or you just dont read the morning paper?
no you're right i'd say Punjab seperatism (like Baloch seperatism) saw their zeniths in 1970s but since then it's largely just loose talk from a few wealthy overseas people with a lot of political baggage attached to them

but you're still left with 27 other ''republican armies waging an armed struggle'' ......i heard what those naughty naxalites are up to in that northeast of yours ;)

you forgot, or you just dont read the morning paper?

Naxalites are not separatists. They are communists. They want to replace a democratic secular government (current govt system) with a communists govt(like the one in China). In all honesty, they are probably more pro-Indian then the current govt India has.
Naxalites are not separatists. They are communists. They want to replace a democratic secular government (current govt system) with a communists govt(like the one in China). In all honesty, they are probably more pro-Indian then the current govt India has.

I'm Sindhi shia and have friends that are Balochi Pushtoon and if you ever talk about seperatist movements this itself should be a slap to your face.
I'm Sindhi shia and have friends that are Balochi Pushtoon and if you ever talk about seperatist movements this itself should be a slap to your face.

Comprehension problems? Who are you replying to? Maybe read what I said again? I never talked about any separatist movements in Pakistan :what:
palestinians should stop terror strikes against israel through proxy groups and should engage with israel in peace efforts on table.
hamas like groups fire rockets and israelis reply hard.The result is more palestinains causalities of innocents.

and pakistan have no right in interfering in the matters of other country.let them resolve bilaterally.

Negotiations for more than 40 years with negative results for the Palestinians , better no negotiations at all and outright war one day or another.
Remember what begin said: I can negotiate with the Palestinians for 20 years without any substance.
And when you say let them negotiate bilaterally, you are really meaning kalashnikov negotiating with F-15, it is not on an equal footing.
Pakistanis are Palestinian brothers in Islam, so one day or another Israel and its supporters will have to deal with the Muslim Nation or Umma like we say, and that day will be too late for Israel to negotiate anything.
palestinians should stop terror strikes against israel through proxy groups and should engage with israel in peace efforts on table.
hamas like groups fire rockets and israelis reply hard.The result is more palestinains causalities of innocents.

and pakistan have no right in interfering in the matters of other country.let them resolve bilaterally.
So the USA has the right to interfere in Syria's business and the rest of the world?
Callous as well as backward.

Nicky Larkin: Israel is a refuge, but a refuge under siege

Through making a film about the Israeli-Arab conflict, artist Nicky Larkin found his allegiances swaying

Sunday March 11 2012
I used to hate Israel. I used to think the Left was always right. Not any more. Now I loathe Palestinian terrorists. Now I see why Israel has to be hard. Now I see the Left can be Right -- as in right-wing. So why did I change my mind so completely?

Strangely, it began with my anger at Israel's incursion into Gaza in December 2008 which left over 1,200 Palestinians dead, compared to only 13 Israelis. I was so angered by this massacre I posed in the striped scarf of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation for an art show catalogue.

Shortly after posing in that PLO scarf, I applied for funding from the Irish Arts Council to make a film in Israel and Palestine. I wanted to talk to these soldiers, to challenge their actions -- and challenge the Israeli citizens who supported them.

I spent seven weeks in the area, dividing my time evenly between Israel and the West Bank. I started in Israel. The locals were suspicious. We were Irish -- from a country which is one of Israel's chief critics -- and we were filmmakers. We were the enemy.

Then I crossed over into the West Bank. Suddenly, being Irish wasn't a problem. Provo graffiti adorned The Wall. Bethlehem was Las Vegas for Jesus-freaks -- neon crucifixes punctuated by posters of martyrs.

These martyrs followed us throughout the West Bank. They watched from lamp-posts and walls wherever we went. Like Jesus in the old Sacred Heart pictures.

But the more I felt the martyrs watching me, the more confused I became. After all, the Palestinian mantra was one of "non-violent resistance". It was their motto, repeated over and over like responses at a Catholic mass.

Yet when I interviewed Hind Khoury, a former Palestinian government member, she sat forward angrily in her chair as she refused to condemn the actions of the suicide bombers. She was all aggression.

This aggression continued in Hebron, where I witnessed swastikas on a wall. As I set up my camera, an Israeli soldier shouted down from his rooftop position. A few months previously I might have ignored him as my political enemy. But now I stopped to talk. He only talked about Taybeh, the local Palestinian beer.

Back in Tel Aviv in the summer of 2011, I began to listen more closely to the Israeli side. I remember one conversation in Shenkin Street -- Tel Aviv's most fashionable quarter, a street where everybody looks as if they went to art college. I was outside a cafe interviewing a former soldier.

He talked slowly about his time in Gaza. He spoke about 20 Arab teenagers filled with ecstasy tablets and sent running towards the base he'd patrolled. Each strapped with a bomb and carrying a hand-held detonator.

The pills in their bloodstream meant they felt no pain. Only a headshot would take them down.

Conversations like this are normal in Tel Aviv. I began to experience the sense of isolation Israelis feel. An isolation that began in the ghettos of Europe and ended in Auschwitz.

Israel is a refuge -- but a refuge under siege, a refuge where rockets rain death from the skies. And as I made the effort to empathise, to look at the world through their eyes. I began a new intellectual journey. One that would not be welcome back home.

The problem began when I resolved to come back with a film that showed both sides of the coin. Actually there are many more than two. Which is why my film is called Forty Shades of Grey. But only one side was wanted back in Dublin. My peers expected me to come back with an attack on Israel. No grey areas were acceptable.

An Irish artist is supposed to sign boycotts, wear a PLO scarf, and remonstrate loudly about The Occupation. But it's not just artists who are supposed to hate Israel. Being anti-Israel is supposed to be part of our Irish identity, the same way we are supposed to resent the English.

But hating Israel is not part of my personal national identity. Neither is hating the English. I hold an Irish passport, but nowhere upon this document does it say I am a republican, or a Palestinian.

My Irish passport says I was born in 1983 in Offaly. The Northern Troubles were something Anne Doyle talked to my parents about on the nine o'clock News. I just wanted to watch Father Ted.

So I was frustrated to see Provo graffiti on the wall in the West Bank. I felt the same frustration emerge when I noticed the missing 'E' in a "Free Palestin" graffiti on a wall in Cork. I am also frustrated by the anti-Israel activists' attitude to freedom of speech.

Free speech must work both ways. But back in Dublin, whenever I speak up for Israel, the Fiachras and Fionas look at me aghast, as if I'd pissed on their paninis.

This one-way freedom of speech spurs false information. The Boycott Israel brigade is a prime example. They pressurised Irish supermarkets to remove all Israeli produce from their shelves -- a move that directly affected the Palestinian farmers who produce most of their fruit and vegetables under the Israeli brand.

But worst of all, this boycott mentality is affecting artists. In August 2010, the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign got 216 Irish artists to sign a pledge undertaking to boycott the Israeli state. As an artist I have friends on this list -- or at least I had.

I would like to challenge my friends about their support for this boycott. What do these armchair sermonisers know about Israel? Could they name three Israeli cities, or the main Israeli industries?

But I have more important questions for Irish artists. What happened to the notion of the artist as a free thinking individual? Why have Irish artists surrendered to group-think on Israel? Could it be due to something as crude as career-advancement?

Artistic leadership comes from the top. Aosdana, Ireland's State-sponsored affiliation of creative artists, has also signed the boycott. Aosdana is a big player. Its members populate Arts Council funding panels.

Some artists could assume that if their name is on the same boycott sheet as the people assessing their applications, it can hardly hurt their chances. No doubt Aosdana would dispute this assumption. But the perception of a preconceived position on Israel is hard to avoid.

Looking back now over all I have learnt, I wonder if the problem is a lot simpler.

Perhaps our problem is not with Israel, but with our own over-stretched sense of importance -- a sense of moral superiority disproportional to the importance of our little country?

Any artist worth his or her salt should be ready to change their mind on receipt of fresh information. So I would urge every one of those 216 Irish artists who pledged to boycott the Israeli state to spend some time in Israel and Palestine. Maybe when you come home you will bin your scarf. I did.

Nicky Larkin's 'Forty Shades of Grey' will premiere in Dublin in May;

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Nicky Larkin

Nicky Larkin is a zionist from mossad, infiltrated Palestinians and Irish resistance and got exposed, notice how many times he changed his opinions in this article. he expects Palestinians to be Ghandhi, while the latter had hundreds of millions of people behind him and all of them stopping the economic machine to get rid of the Brits, the Palestinians have no control for the moment of any form of economic or otherwise matters of Israel to play Gandhi's song.

Sorry to say, first maintain peace within your country rather than worrying about the world :enjoy:

You first!
Yes USA can poke its nose in internal affairs of other nations and can give them dictations but Pakistani cannot give moral support to those peoples who are being oppressed by Israeli on daily basis. The fact of the matter is, no legitimate state or country can be built on an unjust invasion. Palestinians are supposed to sit back and take the oppression, the control, the violence as its crime to show resistance
What's up with Pakistan and its interest in "core issues"..Kashmir, Palestine etc.

Why not keep terror emanating out of its own land as the "core issue" for once, just once ?

The core issue is the way you and Israel treat Muslims -mainly civilians- that is called oppression, the day you will face the armies of Islam on you own you will regret your oppressive apartheid like behaviour. Rest assured of this fact.
And please try to look inside your frontiers, or is it so ugly that you prefer to look at other people small problems and see them as big as yours.
Palestine is now 'core issue' for pakistan ? :cheesy:

anyways good job, next - speak up against atrocities being committed by your chinese friends.

I have heard there was Indian terrorism in Nepal!
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