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Pakistan Breaks Ground on a 2,200-megawatt Nuclear Plant Project With China.

Good if finazled. So now we will see increase in rented terrorism in Karachi & this also means no more Kala Bagh, Bhasha Dam & Thar Coal power project, which are one of national assets of Pakistan.
Yes bhai,
These are based on Toshiba/Westinghouse design that is among the most reliable in the world.
China paid cash for the design and the first 4 units back in 2006.

So Pakistan still need Nuclear waiver from US & Japan for this Nuclear Power plant construction?

As for liability,

ask your Russian friends as to how they handled Chernobyl.

Thats why we asking liability for our new reactors from Russia how about yours?
Installed 2000 MW 2 X VVER-1000 nuclear unit for cost around 2.79$ B.
To be exact they are VVER-1000/412 (AES-92) and comply with EUR.Fall under 3+ Generation.

So Pakistan still need Nuclear waiver from US & Japan for this Nuclear Power plant construction?

Thats why we asking liability for our new reactors from Russia how about yours?

No China has developed the design further and now owns the IP rights and export rights to these reactors.
$8 billion for 4400 mega watts (high side of estimate) cash can do wonders to Toshiba/Westinghouse in 2006
Yes bhai,

These are based on Toshiba/Westinghouse design that is among the most reliable in the world.

China paid cash for the design and the first 4 units back in 2006.

As for liability,

ask your Russian friends as to how they handled Chernobyl.

Are you mad bro??
You want to compare historic price with of 2013...?
2006: Dollar Rate = 59 Rs
2013: Dollar Rate =109 Rs

Welcome to 2013!!
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Are you mad bro??
You want to compare historic price with of 2013...?
2006: Dollar Rate = 59 Rs
2013: Dollar Rate =109 Rs

Welcome to 2013!!

If rupee drops you need lesser amount of dollars and not more. Why on earth you bring in Rs-dollar exchange ratio?

From the very beginning I have kept the comparison in dollars.

So if you want, add a markup for drop in dollar and not drop in Rupee.

Learn something before starting a discussion.

Thank you.
So Pakistan still need Nuclear waiver from US & Japan for this Nuclear Power plant construction?

Probably not.

Chinese paid cash for the design so they are free to make as many as they want.

I have not read anywhere that such deals came with restrictions for re-export. But who knows. You gotta check with Chinese.

Thats why we asking liability for our new reactors from Russia how about yours?

Indian and Pakistani baboos have same mentality and same approach. So expect the same kind of conditions for liability too.

Although I'd consider Toshiba/westinghouse design as superior and safer than Russian cr@p.

No China has developed the design further and now owns the IP rights and export rights to these reactors.

It is not developing further thingy.

Chinese paid cash for the design. When you buy design you are allowed to copy.
Probably not.

Chinese paid cash for the design so they are free to make as many as they want.

I have not read anywhere that such deals came with restrictions for re-export. But who knows. You gotta check with Chinese.

Indian and Pakistani baboos have same mentality and same approach. So expect the same kind of conditions for liability too.

Although I'd consider Toshiba/westinghouse design as superior and safer than Russian cr@p.

It is not developing further thingy.

Chinese paid cash for the design. When you buy design you are allowed to copy.

Actually, developing It further and replacing IP restricted components have allowed them to independently market and export these reactors otherwise there would be restrictions on exports.
Actually, developing It further and replacing IP restricted components have allowed them to independently market and export these reactors otherwise there would be restrictions on exports.

What "components" are we talking about?

Just a general idea will be OK.

Thank you
If rupee drops you need lesser amount of dollars and not more. Why on earth you bring in Rs-dollar exchange ratio?
Why are you neglecting other factors..
If Oil price rises, you need higher amount of dollar for project. Plus ,Wages of labor, cements, rent of machinery, and Now, price of same inputs involved in 2006, their prices are double or more than thrice in 2013...

Are you somnambulist?? Mate what happened to you?
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When this project/construction of the power plant will be finished ready ? ?
You are still neglecting other factors..
If Oil price rises, you need higher amount of dollar for project. Plus ,Wages of labor, cements, rent of machinery, and Now, price of same inputs involved in 2006, they are double or thrice in 2013...

Are you somnambulist?? Mate what happened to you?

Looks like you got your new 20 words vocab assignment today :lol:

I have quoted prices as a reference. You bring your references.

Giving me dollar to rupee ratio is not going to help your case.
Giving me dollar to rupee ratio is not going to help your case.
Assuming the same price of All inputs involved in 2006 for 2013, This is helping you.. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

B/w , what was your salary and rent of house in 2006?
What is your salary and rent of house IN 2013....
What was petrol price in 2006?
What is petrol price in 2013 :bunny::bunny:
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Assuming the same price of All inputs involved in 2006 for 2013, This is helping you.. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

B/w , what was your salary and rent of house in 2006?
What is your salary and rent of house IN 2013....
What was petrol price in 2006?
What is petrol price in 2013 :bunny::bunny:

in rupees obviously the jump will look huge.

This is why it is important to use dollars then add inflation.

$1.25 billion in 2006 cannot become $5 billion in 2013. No matter how you cut it.

yeah. so?

It depends if Toshiba/Westinghouse was allowed to compete in the bidding and if the price + loan was favorable.

Lots of factors budd lots of them.
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