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Pakistan Bans Entry To Afghans Holding Visas For India

That's a right step because of the high possibility of their connections with terrorists and Indian agencies so totally agreed and justified. It is Pakistan and it should control who enters Pakistan.
I think it's not necessary, because only a small portion of our population chose to go for medical purposes to Pakistan and those are:

1, Afghans living in the bordering provinces to Pakistan
2, Afghans in those^ provinces are poor and cannot afford to come to Kabul for treatment (because cost of travel, stay and treatment will cost them 3 folds compared to Pakistan)
3, Afghan refugees inside Pakistan

I have seen a very few people from major Afghan cities to go to Pakistan for treatment, many of them are treated in our cities and rest who don't trust Afghan medical facilities or elites visit India, Turkey or UAE for treatment.

Pakistan is not the most trusted and visited country for Afghans to go for treatment.

But still they visit on medical and other grounds and get involve in other activities favoring indian agenda.

But what will happen if india is telling pakistani patients that ' you are not welcome here'.Many of them can't have money to get treatment in US or UK, which will be 10 times the cost compared to india !

There is some thing called 'humanity' and so the rule of law have exemptions for cases dealing with life.

@Jf Thunder @muhammadali233 @damm1t @django @Kambojaric @salarsikander @mike2000 is back @nadeemkhan110 @PaklovesTurkiye @Devil Soul @IceCold @Silent Knight

Yes we show humanity for the sake of humanity. we can not allow indian agents to disguise like patients.
If they have valid indian visa , than they are suspected because Pakistan is in War against indian sponsored terrorism near Afghan Border area, and we have a right to take security measures.

But Imran Ji what happend to your Muslim ummhaa, they are your brothers why this behaviour ?

You are asking this? Don't you know that Pakistan is already entertaining more than two Million Afghan refugees from last 40 years?
Don't you know that indian agents with afghan nationality try to enter Pakistan for indian planned terrorism?
Don't you know that Pakistan is in war against indian sponsored terrorim near afghan border and from Afghan soil.
How innocent you people become and try to ignite the fire , but certainly your lungi will get fire too.
Afghans eat more beef than mutton. I am sure they'll keep doing so in their new 'second home'. I know Baniya can accept a donkey as his father if he can get a petty benefit from doing that. Let's see how Baniya would react when Afghans douse their lust on his mata cow.
Point to be noted PM modi and indians
Afghanistan gave India Kader Khan. So if we can get more folks like him, I'm all for it. :enjoy:

There are 3 million afghan refugees in Pakistan we are dying to give to India..please take them!
Well India is offering free visas, the price of tickets has gone down, the quality of medical care is far better so I am at loss why those who can fly will go to Pakistan. Those who can't afford flights will use ground routes to come to Pakistan.

Bottom line you and I my friend will see more hostility and in turn we will blame each other and still be laughin stock of the rest of the world.

Plain stupidity .

I think you have summarized it well in a another thread, we are both idiots ( no offense). At the end of the day we will have the next generation at each other's throats while we can't run away simply being neighbours.

Afghanistan will have to and eventually find alternative routes but the hatred between us and you will be here to stay.

If we really want to conclude this objectively. The bigger blame goes to Afghans. They have been hosted in Pakistan for more than 3 decades now but still they hate Pakistan and they would always always vote for India in favor of Pakistan. So there has to be a limit to it, and I guess Pakistan has had enuff of it!!
See you go to US or Canada and you apply leave indefinite or citizenship there. Now after the govt. lets you live there and you still keep on hating these countries and their people. You are involved in drug trafficking, suicide bombing, your home country is showing hatred every second. What do you expect Canada/US to do in that case.
If we compare it, I can bet you Pakistan has still acted in a way more civilized and forgiving way then many countries on this planet
It is not stupidity. It could be security measures, because it is very obvious that india is using Afghanistan to create trouble inside Pakistan or Afghans have surrendered themselves to india to create trouble in Pak area. So it is tit for tat

And they both should visit their newly developed Uncle "USA" for mental treatment.

We don't give a shit. Since you always supported northern alliance and every regime that was against Pakistan , that is why they always dance on your music. So it is obvious if those snakes are out of government than Afghans will get closer to Pak again. So it is up to them, we are not that eager to get them back, we are only concerned for our homeland security from both of you.

Same like you people treat Pakistan? Look who is talking. You don't even need a reason. It is inherited in your nation.

Pakistan is not teasing afghanistan, Its the Afghan Government (Northern Alliance) policies pumped by india to destabilize Pakistan. So it is our right to retaliate.

Would you like to comment on raiding on hospitals in indian occupied Kashmir and using pallet guns on Kashmiri people and making them blind.
First look at your county's policies in a disputed area and than poke your nose in our affairs.

We would be delighted if you do so. Lolz.
Pakistanis were coming to india because there were some legal issues in Transplant law which have been covered now, that is one of the reason why pakistan became the 4th country to send largest foreign reserves to india.
pakistan is not disputed area.. and most of it is safe I think... why cant you give medical visa for people who need it. you can stop the rest of afgans...
Afghans should not complain, its a win win
1) for Afghans it will be experience to see stark contrast india they see in bollywood fairy tale vs how actual india looks like and how afghans will be treated. Will afghan woman be allowed to wear burkha in india?
2) for india - afghans; long awaited indian brothers will be coming to visit them with dolla and gifts of organic powder supply produce straight from fertile afghan soil. For that matter, Iran can expect same gifts once Chabahar opens to afghans.

Can not wait to see how story unfolds.
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Was this announced before hand? I mean these Afghans should not have been allowed to board the Pakstan bound carriers in the first place. Deporting them without warning them seems a bit harsh.

Now how is India going to respond? By issuing stapled visas to Afghans and not stamping their passports?

you should communicate these to the airlines ahead of time

If we really want to conclude this objectively. The bigger blame goes to Afghans. They have been hosted in Pakistan for more than 3 decades now but still they hate Pakistan and they would always always vote for India in favor of Pakistan. So there has to be a limit to it, and I guess Pakistan has had enuff of it!!
See you go to US or Canada and you apply leave indefinite or citizenship there. Now after the govt. lets you live there and you still keep on hating these countries and their people. You are involved in drug trafficking, suicide bombing, your home country is showing hatred every second. What do you expect Canada/US to do in that case.
If we compare it, I can bet you Pakistan has still acted in a way more civilized and forgiving way then many countries on this planet

if pakistan stops supporting the taliban they might not be mad at you. they might even pack their bags and return to their country

Afghans should not complain, its a win win
1) for Afghans it will be experience to see stark contrast india they see in bollywood fairy tale vs how actual india looks like and how afghans treated. Will afghan woman be allowed to wear burkha in india?
2) for india - afghans; long awaited indian brothers will be coming to visit them with dolla and gifts of powder supply produced from fertile afghan soil. For that matter, Iran can expect same gifts once Chabahar opened to afghans.

Can not wait to see how story unfolds.

some indian muslim women wear burkhas. it is not an uncommon sight
pakistan is not disputed area.. and most of it is safe I think... why cant you give medical visa for people who need it. you can stop the rest of afgans...

This is 100% our internal matter to whom should we give visa and to whom should we refuse.
You don't have to worry about it. If still it gives a cut to your heart than ask your government to give them the free tickets, as they already have valid indian visas.
Was this announced before hand? I mean these Afghans should not have been allowed to board the Pakstan bound carriers in the first place. Deporting them without warning them seems a bit harsh.

Now how is India going to respond? By issuing stapled visas to Afghans and not stamping their passports?


We will simply recommend them to come and seek medical care in our country.

Win-win for both.
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