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Pakistan awaits Singh visit: FM

As far Bangladesh its usher failuer for India that depsite their clevr plan they failed to anex it with India, Bangladesh is soverign Muslim Country and its petty now India has created such a mess for them to achieve own goals
The was nothing to stop the 'clever' plan. India never wished to annex Bangladesh. Aim of the 1971 war was to find a end to the refugee crisis plagueing India and placing a massive strain on our economy.

Well indeed only Kashmir can not put india economically backward.
A sfar ur millitary in Kashmir well depsite all these equipment and sure u will ready to fight freedom fighters in Kashmir but ur armymen will continue to shoot each other and commite suicides there. Just day before yesterday another indian soldier in Ori committed suicide.
The IA faces less suicides per 1000 men than western armies. The British army faces twice as many suicides as the IA.

Development in IOK ?:)
yeh provided if Indian army stop kiiling Kashmiri youth in fake-encounters they will get jobs :lol: Muslims all over india generally are unemployed they have lost of employment problesm and BJP is not willing support job quota for them and u are talking about development in Indian Held Kashmir.
What do you know about the economic conditions in Kashmir except for what's been fed to you. I do hope that you visit Kashmir one of these days. The only once who hurt the local economy have been terrorists who have stifled the tourism industry.

Well civillian government in Paksiatn wil be nightmare for India on Kashmir it was only Musharraf who had made concession to India otherwise NS or BB i can bet it would be easy for us to engage them in hard stance on Kashmir
Hard stance? If worse comes to worse India will carry out strikes at training camps across the LoC.

Incidently day before yesterday 10 people (including 6 tourists) were injured severely when militants tossed a grenade at them. This is the latest in a sequence of attacks by terrorists on tourists in Kashmir.
You ask what India will do to retaliate other than war? What do u think is happening in Balochistan? What do you think is happening in other areas of Pakistan? What do u think HAPPENED in the Bangladesh liberation war?--->RAW. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If Pakistan decides to pursue Kashmir, India will decide to further pursue these areas. This is a 2 way street: causing strife and rebelions in foreign countries. Thus both countries can play this game.

Both nations can't play this game because you lack the means to do it. A few irate Baloch marxists won't suffice, and good luck with in dealing with the Waziri I'm sure they would be receptive of your idol worshipping selves.

And of course, all this time Pakistan has been largely holding off its most powerful weapon - the Indian muslim.

Why cannot India become a major power? My friend India ALREADY is a major power in the S.A region. This status is a relative term wrt to other countries in the region. In S.A Which country can challenge India economically or militarily? Sure, we have an abundance of problems, but that does not dispute the raw facts.

India is not a major power in south Asia, for that to happen you need to assert control over other nations in the region. You can't even impose your presence on Bangladesh or Nepal, let alone Pakistan or China.

What India wants is to become a major power in the global arena. And it is a misconception that Kashmir will not let us be one. Our economy grows. Our military grows. By gods grace, i hope they cross the 3% GDP barrier in defense. Our influence grows. That is what takes to become a major power. As regards to Kashmir on this issue, the more economy grows, the more capabilities we give to our army. The better equipment we have, the better they fight terrorists. We have already seen the difference just a few night-vision devices had in the region. There will be more fencing, there will be better surveilance. The more easily army can stay there. The less they will bleed. We dont mind sacrificing soldiers for the country. Hell if its a matter of country, i'l go there and fight the damn terrorists myself.

Whatever you do, don't go Kashmir yourself - the Kashmiris will eat you alive.

You also conveniently forget the world pressure on Musharraf to stop terrorism. Do you know how much positive effect the removal of Taliban has caused. The manpower or the recruiing area of ISI has dropped. The world forces Musharraf to do something. Even unwililngly, he is doing many things. These are all long term solutions, and they will bear fruit. No matter how much you want otherwise. These are the 'ground realities' as Mushrraf puts it. Accept them.

Most of the international community couldn't care less about what India says about terrorism in Kashmir. You've been bleating on about it for 50 years and nothing has happened. Once bin Laden and his merry men are caught and executed, things will be back as they were before.

Now, why let me tell you ONE of the reasons why the govt wants to putKashmir on the backburner. They expect that as India grows, as it develops, Kashmir will develop too. Modern education systems are slowly put in place, madrassas removed. young Kashmiris will automatically see that their salvation lies not in forming another country or joining with Pakistan, but with India. The same way how the US settled its disputes with Mexico. The people themselves will want to remain in India because of the development here.
This is a long term solution. To eradicate the base of religious extremism. The path China is also following in many cases. This is a sureshot method. It will take time certainly, but that is why the govt is not letting anything happen.

I don't know what picture of Kashmir you have, but only a small number of Kashmiris go through madrassas, and I doubt the numbers would change had Kashmir become richer.

Now, why let me tell you ONE of the reasons why the govt wants to putKashmir on the backburner. They expect that as India grows, as it develops, Kashmir will develop too. Modern education systems are slowly put in place, madrassas removed. young Kashmiris will automatically see that their salvation lies not in forming another country or joining with Pakistan, but with India. The same way how the US settled its disputes with Mexico. The people themselves will want to remain in India because of the development here.
This is a long term solution. To eradicate the base of religious extremism. The path China is also following in many cases. This is a sureshot method. It will take time certainly, but that is why the govt is not letting anything happen.

Let me make a point clear to you. The Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with economic benefit. Heck, if we wanted to, we (Kashmiris) could make a deal with the Indian government paying each Kashmiri $500,000 in return for accepting Indian rule - and your government would gladly accept.

You obviously are young because you believe this strategy to be new, but any one wiser will point out this has been India's policy from the start. Old wine in a new bottle.

Well...like i said in my earlier post, tit for tat in everything that the Pak govt does. ANd btw i dont mind that status quo. neither does the govt, neither does my country. You dont know many things. Like the fact that terrorists have lost their base support in Kashmir now. The people there want peace, not violence. Give it another deacade and a host of factors will make insurgency stop there.

There can be no tit for tat, because an equivalent does not exist in Pakistan. Balochistan unrest is nothing more than a bunch of marxist tribals - and most of that has been put down.

I don't know whether you are just saying that or you genuinely believe it, but you should read Kashmiri newspapers once in a while. Greater Kashmir would be a good place to start - they had coverage of (Shaheed) Suhail Faisal's funeral a few days ago, and there was certainly no shortage of mourners.

Also i hope you know, how many teroristss die wrt to the soldiers there. lol. There will be dearth of terrorists, not Indian soldiers. Unless pakistan starts sending its own citizens forcibly.

The only terrorists that die are the Indian soldiers. We will have martyrs, but no freedom struggle is without them.

Well...i can send you some excelelent darjeeling tea if you want. India too cannot survive without Kashmir.

India had no problem surviving without Kashmir before 1947.

In any event, it isn't for India to decide whether Kashmir remains part of it, it's Kashmir's. If Kashmir leaving the Indian Union leads to it's destruction as you purport, so be it.

And no govt here will ever do a 'sell-out' and leave kashmir alone. For they are democratically chosen. They represent the people who voted for them. For they CANNOT do it even if they want. The bill wiill have to be passed through the parliament, which represents India, and bill cannot pass. Fail proof mechanisms everywhere.

If you're asking for the mechanisms, it doesn't matter how it's done so long as you leave.

As regards to Muslim unemployement. There is no discrimination on jobs by anyone. If me and a Muslim guy goto a job interview, the one with better credentials will get the job. There is no question on that. Its just that the school enrolment rate, etc are bad in Muslims, so obviously, there is lesser job oppurtunities. I hope the govt takes immediate steps for this.Quto is not a solution. They want to encourage Muslims to goto school, college's etc. Giving jobs is not the answer and that is what the govt is doing. The report of the Sachar panel has been tabled in the parliament today. Religion based quota is a bad thing. Quota on Economics is a better thing. So we suppor thwoevre is poor, hindu or muslim or sikh or whatever.

Well statistics recently released to the media disagree with your account.

But whatever the situation is, Pakistan has found a large number of sympathisers among the ranks of the Indian muslims - call them a fifth column if you will. How many is not important, if a civil war ever started in India it would be Hindu against muslim.

I think we should be gearing towards this soon, say by 2010. The bombs you've witnessed in India (although tragic) are just a taste of things to come.

We never wanted to TAKE Bangladesh. It was never an intention to incorporate Bangladesh into India. It was just to break Pakistan. So that they have lesser size, lesser population, lesser resources, thus lesser capabilities to develop and lesser war potential relatively. That is achieved. Had Pakistan been unified, imagine, the resources they would have had!!, from gas to strategic locations. Had India fought, it would have been attacked from both sides. Who cares now if Bangladesh is anti India or not. Atleast its not Pakistan.

Then why are Indians killing Bangladeshis on the border?

Now about the present rule in Pakistan. I personally would prefer any civilian govt any day over Musharraf, the mastermind of Kargil. How can the govt trust some1 who tried to goto war with India. NS and BB atleast were chosen by YOU people. Represent what YOU want no matter what it is, and did not try to goto war with India or annex its territories.

Fortunately for us, your preferences having no influence on who leads Pakistan.

And the fact that Musharraf failed to go to war with you when the opportunity arose is one of my dislikes of him.

The was nothing to stop the 'clever' plan. India never wished to annex Bangladesh. Aim of the 1971 war was to find a end to the refugee crisis plagueing India and placing a massive strain on our economy.

The refugees were a drop in an ocean given the widespread poverty that existed in India (and still does).

The IA faces less suicides per 1000 men than western armies. The British army faces twice as many suicides as the IA.

I don't know where you found that statistic although I'd be very interested - I've never heard of any recent British suicides, yet plenty of IA soldiers have committed suicide over the last couple of months alone.

If it is true, it's because the overall size of the army dilutes the statistic, even though the entire army isn't stationed in Kashmir. You look at the suicide rate there and I think you'll be in for a shock.

What do you know about the economic conditions in Kashmir except for what's been fed to you. I do hope that you visit Kashmir one of these days. The only once who hurt the local economy have been terrorists who have stifled the tourism industry.

I haven't visited but plan to - I have friends living there who have invited me.

Hard stance? If worse comes to worse India will carry out strikes at training camps across the LoC.

That's a lie, and you know it. India lacks either the capacity or the will to launch an attack across the LoC.

Incidently day before yesterday 10 people (including 6 tourists) were injured severely when militants tossed a grenade at them. This is the latest in a sequence of attacks by terrorists on tourists in Kashmir.

Well your cowardly army deliberately put posts in concentrated areas like markets and near schools to deter attacks.
Oh the Kashmir talk has been done time and again. The Pakistani line is:
Give up or we will bleed you and force you to compromise on your long term goals

In India, we think this is a bluff and we've called it. The peak of Kashmir was from 1989 to 1996, a period in which the Indian economy grew, while everything deteriorated in Pakistan.

The Indian policy is as long as the Army rules Pakistan and the regime's aim is to bolster up militarily and cause harm to India ("bleed India"); Pakistan will itself have a heavy price to pay.

And while we can foot the bill, in the long term without China and Uncle Sam pumping in billions, Pakistani's will grow tired of the proxy war and will want their Govt.'s to serve them rather than wage a costly hundred year war.
Both nations can't play this game because you lack the means to do it. A few irate Baloch marxists won't suffice, and good luck with in dealing with the Waziri I'm sure they would be receptive of your idol worshipping selves.

And of course, all this time Pakistan has been largely holding off its most powerful weapon - the Indian muslim.

India is not a major power in south Asia, for that to happen you need to assert control over other nations in the region. You can't even impose your presence on Bangladesh or Nepal, let alone Pakistan or China.

Whatever you do, don't go Kashmir yourself - the Kashmiris will eat you alive.

Most of the international community couldn't care less about what India says about terrorism in Kashmir. You've been bleating on about it for 50 years and nothing has happened. Once bin Laden and his merry men are caught and executed, things will be back as they were before.

I don't know what picture of Kashmir you have, but only a small number of Kashmiris go through madrassas, and I doubt the numbers would change had Kashmir become richer.

Let me make a point clear to you. The Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with economic benefit. Heck, if we wanted to, we (Kashmiris) could make a deal with the Indian government paying each Kashmiri $500,000 in return for accepting Indian rule - and your government would gladly accept.

You obviously are young because you believe this strategy to be new, but any one wiser will point out this has been India's policy from the start. Old wine in a new bottle.

There can be no tit for tat, because an equivalent does not exist in Pakistan. Balochistan unrest is nothing more than a bunch of marxist tribals - and most of that has been put down.

I don't know whether you are just saying that or you genuinely believe it, but you should read Kashmiri newspapers once in a while. Greater Kashmir would be a good place to start - they had coverage of (Shaheed) Suhail Faisal's funeral a few days ago, and there was certainly no shortage of mourners.

The only terrorists that die are the Indian soldiers. We will have martyrs, but no freedom struggle is without them.

India had no problem surviving without Kashmir before 1947.

In any event, it isn't for India to decide whether Kashmir remains part of it, it's Kashmir's. If Kashmir leaving the Indian Union leads to it's destruction as you purport, so be it.

If you're asking for the mechanisms, it doesn't matter how it's done so long as you leave.

Well statistics recently released to the media disagree with your account.

But whatever the situation is, Pakistan has found a large number of sympathisers among the ranks of the Indian muslims - call them a fifth column if you will. How many is not important, if a civil war ever started in India it would be Hindu against muslim.

I think we should be gearing towards this soon, say by 2010. The bombs you've witnessed in India (although tragic) are just a taste of things to come.

Then why are Indians killing Bangladeshis on the border?

Fortunately for us, your preferences having no influence on who leads Pakistan.

And the fact that Musharraf failed to go to war with you when the opportunity arose is one of my dislikes of him.

The refugees were a drop in an ocean given the widespread poverty that existed in India (and still does).

I don't know where you found that statistic although I'd be very interested - I've never heard of any recent British suicides, yet plenty of IA soldiers have committed suicide over the last couple of months alone.

If it is true, it's because the overall size of the army dilutes the statistic, even though the entire army isn't stationed in Kashmir. You look at the suicide rate there and I think you'll be in for a shock.

I haven't visited but plan to - I have friends living there who have invited me.

That's a lie, and you know it. India lacks either the capacity or the will to launch an attack across the LoC.

Well your cowardly army deliberately put posts in concentrated areas like markets and near schools to deter attacks.

Idol worshipping or not, it is their religion..please dont degrade yourself,your country and your religion by talking like that..thank you. Intolerence shown to other religions is main reason why Islam is looked upon skeptically by other communities, same as Christians in the medivial times, the great salauddin respected other religions when his adveseries did not. Learn from it. and please there are other religions here who are prominent enough, thank you. Otherwise my identity in this country is not valid in your viewpoint.

Simple fact of life, Pakistan cannot win against india,and if at all India Muslim ever rises up, which i doubt they ever will..against the union. they will be crushed..even if they are christians or hindu..nobody will be allowed to go against the union...Country first.. Just for a valley or for the people in it, india wouldnt disintegerate, you are experiencing a small dosage of Iron Hand in kashmir. They are better of in india, atleast here muslims dont kill muslims...if at all there people who dont like the concept of india, its secularism they can go to pakistan, wasnt it the very reason it was created... No Muslim will support pakistan period,They are indians first....
We have a good enough media and the interenet has kind of educated them on what happens to indian muslims as well as lower muslims in pakistan, The Hindu carried out an editorial on Dr.Abdul Sammad and his life, isnt he a ahemddiya

You can live in denial, but again simple fact of life is even China wouldnt go overtly against india..India has grown in military, political influence and most of all econmic influence in the past 15 years. The only constant thing in Life is Change.

Even if the Kashmiri want independence and they are the majority feeling, they are not going to get it...might not be fair and un-democratic, but we are only concerned about the greater good of india.,
.simple fact of life...Status Quo as of now will remain.Better accept it and move on.

I agree our Babu's are a torrid lot, but when it comes to ultimate moment,where the national integrity is at stake, they always come together, otherwise the people would lynch them...democracy its a ***** aint it..47,62,65,71,99 are a evidence to that... when we lost 62, the ever utopian idiotic nehru, even he had to change his love all policy and come up with a national defence strategy.... look at us now, pakistan nor china can defeat us,democracy maybe slow but it works...it works like a charm

Neo, i have a lot of respect for you, since i have been reading your posts in WAb for a year now, forgive me as a new comer if i have gone lil overboard. I just cant stand intolerent idiots especially when it comes to religion, they are the main cause of problems in this tiny world.And they are not goin to understand love..Iron hand is what we need against em.
Both nations can't play this game because you lack the means to do it. A few irate Baloch marxists won't suffice, and good luck with in dealing with the Waziri I'm sure they would be receptive of your idol worshipping selves.

Oh yeah, what do you think made Mukti Bahini revolt?
Read PAKISTANI edotorials about such things, international opinions, RAW fuelled the fire, armed BUkti Bahini against Pakistani injustice. While we DID what we had to do in one go, Pakistan has been bleeding itself economically trying to do th same thing for over a decade now. Every movement starts our slow. And if it was just SOME marxists in Balochistan, then we wouldnt be adingabout rocket attacks on gas pipelines and plants everyday there. Wait and watch the game. India has already retaliated for Pak's proxy war in many terms adn your own govt agrees to it. If Pakistan continues, we will continue too.

And of course, all this time Pakistan has been largely holding off its most powerful weapon - the Indian muslim.

Well...go read, there are VEERY VERY few Pakistani sympathisers in India. Most muslims are Indians as they should be. Being a muslim does not automatically mean that they support Pakistan. It is THIS PRECISE flaw in your thinking that Pakistan is the home for muslims has been Pakistan's own undoing.

India is not a major power in south Asia, for that to happen you need to assert control over other nations in the region. You can't even impose your presence on Bangladesh or Nepal, let alone Pakistan or China.

Thats simply because our foreign policy till now and even now has not wanted to dominate or control these countries like the US does to Pakistan. Nowhowever, slowly the perception is changing in the govt and it will take another 5-10 years for this concept to fully mature, that we should do whatever it takes to have control over the countries surrounding us. You can see the signs slowly and steadily now. If you cant, then your an ammature in this game.

Whatever you do, don't go Kashmir yourself - the Kashmiris will eat you alive.

Kashmiris wont eat me alive, they will welcome me. The PAKISTAN TRAINED TERRORISTS will try to kill me. And by gods bname dont over estimate their ability. They are shot like dogs in most encounters. Its not the kashmiris who are laying the bombs, its terrorists sent from pakistan.

Most of the international community couldn't care less about what India says about terrorism in Kashmir. You've been bleating on about it for 50 years and nothing has happened. Once bin Laden and his merry men are caught and executed, things will be back as they were before.

You think so? i can see your a nationalistic kid who doesnt realise how the international arena is changing. Most of the internationalcommunity did not care earlier before 9/11. Since then the world has recognised the problem and look at every damn world leader worth his salt says to musharraf that he should do more. Musharraf has had to publicly denounce support. They cant openly support terrorists now. He had to ban Let and JeM. They changed their names that is a different thing. The US has broken the suppply and logistics chain of terrorists. Frozen their accounts. These are the declining days of terrorism. The peak was the 90's. Wait and watch how the game i played now. See Musharraf now has to target the terrorists everywhere in his country. Bin laden wont ever be caught, this WoT will go on now. The next war will be a clash of civilisations. And you know which civilisations i am talking about. Pakistan was the epicentre of the world of terrorism and the world has recognised Pakistan as such. The heydays when the US supported you are gone.

I don't know what picture of Kashmir you have, but only a small number of Kashmiris go through madrassas, and I doubt the numbers would change had Kashmir become richer.

Oh yeah, goto Azad Kashmir and then come to Indian Kashmir. There is a stark contrast. The Indian Kashmir is far far better off than Azad Kashmir. Just google is dammit and you will see for yourself. Kashmir is better of with us and they will remain with us. Nothing you or other such extremists can change that no matter how hardyou try.

Let me make a point clear to you. The Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with economic benefit. Heck, if we wanted to, we (Kashmiris) could make a deal with the Indian government paying each Kashmiri $500,000 in return for accepting Indian rule - and your government would gladly accept.

Oh im sure you could. Terrorism in any form is always because of basic causes like poverty, education, etc. They are being eradicated in a proper manner. In any case, i bet that within 10 years, pakistan ceases all support for terrorists and within a year of pak ceasing to support them, it will die.

You obviously are young because you believe this strategy to be new, but any one wiser will point out this has been India's policy from the start. Old wine in a new bottle.

India has lots of money now which can be spent wherveer she choses. India will spend more and more money now to develop Indian Kashmir. We did not have money before this. Now our economy is strong.

There can be no tit for tat, because an equivalent does not exist in Pakistan. Balochistan unrest is nothing more than a bunch of marxist tribals - and most of that has been put down.

Oh yeah!, even Bukti Bahini started out small. Wait and watch how RAW also conducts more blasts in Pakistan,fuels its separatist movements. There will be new separated movements also. Huh. Like i said This is a two way street. And India is starting to stop playing by the rules. As i said above, its realising that there are no moral stands, do whatever is in the best interest of the nation. You will India slowly go this way.

I don't know whether you are just saying that or you genuinely believe it, but you should read Kashmiri newspapers once in a while. Greater Kashmir would be a good place to start - they had coverage of (Shaheed) Suhail Faisal's funeral a few days ago, and there was certainly no shortage of mourners.

I dont care for faisal. There maybe no shortage of moruners, but remember, the average kashmiri is tired of terrorists who kill people like him for a cause they say is for him. Terrorists now have the lowest public support ever in their history. And this will surely continue.

The only terrorists that die are the Indian soldiers. We will have martyrs, but no freedom struggle is without them.

Well then, i'l say this, there are martyers in Balochistan too. And if there are none, we will create some.

India had no problem surviving without Kashmir before 1947.

In any event, it isn't for India to decide whether Kashmir remains part of it, it's Kashmir's. If Kashmir leaving the Indian Union leads to it's destruction as you purport, so be it.

You cant take Kashmir from US. No1 in the world can. It is ours to keep forever. Pakistan is no match for India, militarily, economically, in whatever sense. PAKISTAN certainly cannot take kashmir.

If you're asking for the mechanisms, it doesn't matter how it's done so long as you leave.

I can see your just a nationalistic kid. These mechanisms MEAN that Kashmir cannot be given.

Well statistics recently released to the media disagree with your account.

But whatever the situation is, Pakistan has found a large number of sympathisers among the ranks of the Indian muslims - call them a fifth column if you will. How many is not important, if a civil war ever started in India it would be Hindu against muslim.

No it would not. There would be no civil war in India. This is what Pakistan has wanted. And this will not happen. It has not happened in the past 50 years, it will not happen in teh next 50. As a nation, we are prsperous. We care not for Pakistan, or what it does. We care to enhance our economy and compete on the global stage. That is our desire. You may find that hard to digest but the avergae Indian does not care about Pakistan., all he cares about is how to prosper and make the nation prosper. google and read these reports. Pakistan actually occupies a very very small space in Indian minds and Indian media unless there is a bomb blast.
I think we should be gearing towards this soon, say by 2010. The bombs you've witnessed in India (although tragic) are just a taste of things to come.

Then why are Indians killing Bangladeshis on the border?

Indians are not killing any Bangladeshi's on the border. There are border disputes in which there was firing, etc, some died, but its peaceful now.

Fortunately for us, your preferences having no influence on who leads Pakistan.

Really!! if you rememebr when Mushy came to power via a COUP, the firs tthing he tried to do was soothsay India, that he wanted peace for ever, wnted to resolve conflicts, etc. For India is the SINGLE MOST important country that has to recognise the Pakistani dictator for tthe world to recognise him. I dont know how young you were then. But if you were not, you should remember these things accurately. India has to recognise that dictator, otherwise the world will not.

And the fact that Musharraf failed to go to war with you when the opportunity arose is one of my dislikes of him.

Really? why would you want to get killed?? Pakistan cannot win militarily from India. Even Pakistan knows that. That is why all their strategies are to give India a good punch in the defensive mode. Pakistan's military is centred around a credible defense against India. You actually think that Pakistan will go for a full scale war against India?? and then WIN??
haha:lol: . Leave the nationalistic pride kid. be real.

The refugees were a drop in an ocean given the widespread poverty that existed in India (and still does).

Yeah India has more poverty, cuz its far bigger, 7 times Pakistan's size LOL!

I don't know where you found that statistic although I'd be very interested - I've never heard of any recent British suicides, yet plenty of IA soldiers have committed suicide over the last couple of months alone.

Like i said, cuz Pakistan is obsessed with India. India constantly occupies space in Pakistan's mind. Whereas hard for you to accept but generally Indians dont care about whats happening in Pakistan. There is hardly any report in the media about Pakistan. we simply dont care, majority dont. It is a very small percent who still know what is hapenning in Pakistan.

If it is true, it's because the overall size of the army dilutes the statistic, even though the entire army isn't stationed in Kashmir. You look at the suicide rate there and I think you'll be in for a shock.

We'll we'r prepared to handle the number of suicides. we have a very big army.Twice your size :D :D

I haven't visited but plan to - I have friends living there who have invited me.

On this note, i will be positve. When you do come here, look at Delhi and compare any Pakistani city you wish with it.There is no coparison. Look at our airports, whatever. Do come, and see how most dont care whoever is the current Prime minister or what ever of Pakistan.

That's a lie, and you know it. India lacks either the capacity or the will to launch an attack across the LoC.

Wait and watch. Who says we lack the capacity.

Well your cowardly army deliberately put posts in concentrated areas like markets and near schools to deter attacks.

Oh!, so that is yoru argument now?
We will put OUR army wherevr we damn please in OUR land.

Within 1 decade if its reforms, India has literally changed. You cannot recognise it. Now wait another 1 decade. And you wil see her influence.
Well your cowardly army deliberately put posts in concentrated areas like markets and near schools to deter attacks.
And who bombed the Pashtun kids in the madrassa while they were sleeping at night?
yeah, is lower than the national average!, so its a very very very very very very small number! Atleast they are doing a good job over tehre and making their country proud of them!
yeah, is lower than the national average!, so its a very very very very very very small number! Atleast they are doing a good job over tehre and making their country proud of them!
You don't need to defend. Just ask them to look at themselves. It is a country which is in war with itself.
You don't need to defend. Just ask them to look at themselves. It is a country which is in war with itself.

If killing few terrorists, and hunting for more makes it a war, then let it be one. ;)
If killing few terrorists, and hunting for more makes it a war, then let it be one. ;)
No. Not criticizing the WoT, I think it is good that Pakistan is finally taking some action.

But I am tired of Pakistanis wanting us to give moral justifications defending the democracy that we have, I don't think you guys have a right to talk to us about democracy unless you get democracy in place in Pakistan.
Oh the Kashmir talk has been done time and again. The Pakistani line is:
Give up or we will bleed you and force you to compromise on your long term goals

In India, we think this is a bluff and we've called it. The peak of Kashmir was from 1989 to 1996, a period in which the Indian economy grew, while everything deteriorated in Pakistan.

The Indian policy is as long as the Army rules Pakistan and the regime's aim is to bolster up militarily and cause harm to India ("bleed India"); Pakistan will itself have a heavy price to pay.

And while we can foot the bill, in the long term without China and Uncle Sam pumping in billions, Pakistani's will grow tired of the proxy war and will want their Govt.'s to serve them rather than wage a costly hundred year war.

Wrong, what you mean to say is that is how YOU perceive it. There's a big difference. The Pakistani stance has simply been to arm and train the Kashmiri groups that come to Pakistan for support, and to supplement their numbers with a few Pakistani militants (albeit a minority, even by IA statistics)

Even if it's costly, it's damn worth it. I'd rather the government bankrupt the country funding the Kashmiri insurgency than bankrupt it on the communist policies your government seems keen to perpetuate.

Idol worshipping or not, it is their religion..please dont degrade yourself,your country and your religion by talking like that..thank you. Intolerence shown to other religions is main reason why Islam is looked upon skeptically by other communities, same as Christians in the medivial times, the great salauddin respected other religions when his adveseries did not. Learn from it. and please there are other religions here who are prominent enough, thank you. Otherwise my identity in this country is not valid in your viewpoint.

Simple fact of life, Pakistan cannot win against india,and if at all India Muslim ever rises up, which i doubt they ever will..against the union. they will be crushed..even if they are christians or hindu..nobody will be allowed to go against the union...Country first.. Just for a valley or for the people in it, india wouldnt disintegerate, you are experiencing a small dosage of Iron Hand in kashmir. They are better of in india, atleast here muslims dont kill muslims...if at all there people who dont like the concept of india, its secularism they can go to pakistan, wasnt it the very reason it was created... No Muslim will support pakistan period,They are indians first....

We have a good enough media and the interenet has kind of educated them on what happens to indian muslims as well as lower muslims in pakistan, The Hindu carried out an editorial on Dr.Abdul Sammad and his life, isnt he a ahemddiya

You can live in denial, but again simple fact of life is even China wouldnt go overtly against india..India has grown in military, political influence and most of all econmic influence in the past 15 years. The only constant thing in Life is Change.

Even if the Kashmiri want independence and they are the majority feeling, they are not going to get it...might not be fair and un-democratic, but we are only concerned about the greater good of india.,
.simple fact of life...Status Quo as of now will remain.Better accept it and move on.

I agree our Babu's are a torrid lot, but when it comes to ultimate moment,where the national integrity is at stake, they always come together, otherwise the people would lynch them...democracy its a ***** aint it..47,62,65,71,99 are a evidence to that... when we lost 62, the ever utopian idiotic nehru, even he had to change his love all policy and come up with a national defence strategy.... look at us now, pakistan nor china can defeat us,democracy maybe slow but it works...it works like a charm

First I wasn't disrespecting your idols, I was giving you the point of view the Waziri wahabbis would give - you were saying you [India] would collude with them.

You really think India will be able to withstand a combined Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (all those Tamils need to be resettled after all...) assault, while 150 million muslims are revolting?

And spare me the 'Indian muslims are Indian first', nonsense. I'm not a naive American. I've met enough Indian muslims to know where their loyalties will lie in the event of a war.
Even if it's costly, it's damn worth it. I'd rather the government bankrupt the country funding the Kashmiri insurgency than bankrupt it on the communist policies your government seems keen to perpetuate..

Whatever p[olicies our govt has taken has made us prosper.

You really think India will be able to withstand a combined Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (all those Tamils need to be resettled after all...) assault, while 150 million muslims are revolting?.

We still have 850 million fighting,that will do the job.

And spare me the 'Indian muslims are Indian first', nonsense. I'm not a naive American. I've met enough Indian muslims to know where their loyalties will lie in the event of a war.

So dont blame us if we slaughter a few more of those....:eek:
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