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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

enjoy the curves .... ;)
Oplot Tank [Turret top view]-1.jpg
Do you know the type-99 drives with a 1500HP engine, a tank which the VT-4 borrows off heavily? The VT-4 has a 1300HP engine for sure, which tips mobility and speed heavily in its favour over the T-90MS i.e. power to ton.
VT-4, ZTZ-99, ZTZ-99A, and ZTZ-96B are all using the 150HB series engines.
Its still obsolete and the design flaws still exist in mark II. The same obsolete tank gun, same old engine, same frontal gapping hole, more weight added, and so on.

The only addition are perhaps:

Missile firing capability
Better FCS
Remote operated anti aircraft gun

All these and more werent present in mark I, while even baseline AK had these capabilities.

The roof armor is cardboard thin, no freaking side armor and their pride and joy Kanchan is just a copy of t72s composite armor offering freaking 315mm frontal protection. Hull has no composites, just steel sheets. No blowoff panels despite Indians shouting.

Take that for national pride. :Rofl:
A comparison of performance between Oplot-T and VT-4 operated by Thailand. (Via friend from China)

-Oplot is lighter by 1 tonne.
-VT-4 has smaller profile.
-VT-4 has more powerful engine (in the case of Thailand).
-Oplot has higher off-road speed.

-VT-4 has stronger gun barrel.
-Oplot has better recoil.
-VT-4 has digital operated autoloader vs. older hydraulic controlled autoloader in Oplot.
-Oplot carries more ammunition.
-VT-4 can fire ammunitions at higher initial velocity.
-VT-4 has better accuracy and penetration
-Oplot has better tank launched missile
-Oplot's weapon station comes with stabilizer
-VT-4 has significantly better gunner's sight, main gun stabilizer, IR imaging, beam rider and laser range finder.
-VT-4 has auto target tracking, Oplot does not.
-VT-4 has auto gun calibration, Oplot does not.
-VT-4 has full electric gun control system.

-Oplot has better protection from all aspects except sides of turret.
-VT-4 has better laser warning system (provides more details).
-Oplot has lower heat signature in terms of engine compartment.

-Oplot has smaller engine and lighter mass.
-VT-4 can withstand higher torque.
-VT-4 has more efficient motor oil consumption.
-VT-4 has better gearbox.
-VT-4 has better turning capability.
-VT-4 has integrated power package, which can be replaced more easily during maintenance.

-Oplot has better suspension system.

-VT-4 has significantly more advanced information management system and guidance.
-VT-4 has milliwave IFF
-VT-4 has better situation awareness with more cameras and multifunction display.

Overall, in case of Thailand which operates both tanks, VT4 is better tank.
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What are the differences, improvements beside the known better ERA FY4 on Pakistan version compared with Thailand
I am currently engaged in protecting VT4 from Gulalai Ismail and Ahmad Waqas Goraya... Both are cursing Army for spending billions on weapons, while as per them 'Rest of World is reducing defense spending' for fighting Corona crisis. :lol:
Pakistan has deployed Army in all major cities to help civil infra with COVID 19 since Civil defence is almost non existent.
Mango is the standard round with 460mm penetration.Its not sufficient to penetrate frontal armour at max ranges of only khalid and t-80UD.All the rest of PA not a problem.Its a cheap round though obsolete.The israeli rounds have around 500 mm.Main attack round is invar with 25000 in stock.We already have a new round with 520-550 mm which passed trials and now entered production,covid permitting.
Arjun already had 500 mm round and now new round is under work.

Ajeya can actually fire mango.And yes the 1000 upgraded ajeyas have israeli fire control system.Our main focus is fleet logistics and indigenization at this point.We are already making the barrels of both T-72 and T-90.We recently fully indigenized the engines,and are making a new engine.We use our own composite armour on T-90 turrets derived from arjun's kanchan.And we also have now no need to import kontakt-5 blocks either.

This will replace the older ERA blocks on upgraded T-72s.
New homemade cannon guided missile for tanks is almost ready,though its being amde for FRCV project and arjun mk2.We have also made our own remote control firing station.
Also bharatforge is to make a new gun for T-series and FRCV.We learnt our lesson with OFB .Private sector is in now.L and T delivered the K-9 vajras ahead of time.We also now use homemade mine ploughs.APU is also underway.

As for new APFSDS round,its already underway.This time to private players.600-800 mm target.



You are living in the past and behind the times.In 10 years the indian military industrial complex will have private players at its forefront.They have already started taking over in infantry equipment.Aerospace is going out of HAL which has now become assembler to private subcontractors.Artillery has been taken over by kalyani.The happy days of competing with OFB is over.

Now since this thread is about VT-4 if you want to continue i suggest a new thread.

We are getting things into gear, commensurate with what we achieved, achieve (and will achieve) in vetted science+engg output and international patent application (finally but inevitably).

It is basically about figuring out that less govt babus involved the better (esp in mid to final production)...and harnessing private sector for that instead. They really made some big goof-ups in lot of the the early decisions (on certain core features) of lot of projects started in 80s and 90s that are now inherited for the further dev...but serve as good lessons for genesis of new projects starting and planned.

But others can get stuck to copy-pasting from "red effect" YT analysis (which was very good and frank one along with AK) and claim they "knew" all along....and get echo chamber likes and back-pats. It is also after all commensurate with what they accomplish in the science and patent realm too....along with them forgoing improving that.

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