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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

They had to deal with obsolescence of a large number of units all together. So they bought what they could, modified some others, and made sure they had a force in existence. At every opportunity, they try to improve their capabilities. It is prohibitive for them to replace everything at one go.

Very unlikely. This purchase hardly affects the balance of power. It is not just a fresh intake, the PA will be retiring a number of older models over time.
Highly unlikely...FC has started developing its own armored units. The older tanks will refurbished & handed over to FC for service along the afghan & iranian border. The upgraded T59s proved destructive against terrorist targets & decisive in victory, imagine what the refurbished ones would do.

Am sure you don't what happened to VT4 engine during its trial in the desert. You'll be surprised.
Can you share what happened? Or classified?
K-2 extremely expensive. T-90(also one of the contenders for this project) was trialed by PA, metallurgy was found to be the best amongst all three, but was found wanting in optronics and Battlefield management systems, ease of maintenance and most importantly line of credit. Russians only deal in Hard Cold Cash. VT-4 version that we are getting I can claim on record here is much better than T-84 Oplot, T-90AM and T-90S.

It stands out in optics,Fcs/gcs, and netcentric ability. Very digital.

@Dazzler @LKJ86 which areas will be covered by the FY-4 ERA.


Any good upgrades relative to AK-1.

The good thing is AKs are not going anywhere. Hit will keep improving and churning in bits.
Happened first time round with the second set of trials it performed very well, hence the buy.

Funny, they just tweaked it and viola. Hope it doesn't repeat the same problems.
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