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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Most of the time Wikipedia is right. Not all the time though.
Most of the time it is extremely inaccurate. Anybody can edit it. The only time it is right is when someone who knows what they’re doing edits it, before it’s put back to the false information by the lately Indian admin team. At least that’s the case with anything related to China and Pakistan.

This is the best MBT in South Asia right?
By quite a margin.
Most of the time it is extremely inaccurate. Anybody can edit it. The only time it is right is when someone who knows what they’re doing edits it, before it’s put back to the false information by the lately Indian admin team. At least that’s the case with anything related to China and Pakistan.

By quite a margin.

Hi Bro,

I have read through the comments. I appreciate your knowledge about Tanks & PA. Have you served in the PA or worked with HIT ?

I also noticed various comments about Tank being an obsolete weapon and purchase of VT-4 is not liked by many for the same reasons.

I myself couldn't understand the urgency in buying Tanks but my reasons are different then most. I don't write-off tanks completely especially in Indo-Pak scenario. I understand we do need Tanks given our situation with India. But my concern is about Pakistan armed forces setting its priorities right. I would not have bothered, if we had surplus money and we would have replaced all of our F-7s, Mirages plus already would have invested heavily in drones and We would have bought modern gunship helis etc. But prioritizing the tanks over all those critical weaponaries does not make sense to me. What I think is that given our dire economic conditions, we should have focused only on critical weapon systems which we cannot build at home like Air / Naval platforms and relied locally on Tanks & APCs etc. So, in other words ideally, we should have relied on Al-khalid and improved it locally as much as possible. We already have huge number of tanks in our inventory. We also know, a war in 21st century will not always end up in tank vs tank battles. The list of vulnerabilities for tanks is grown exponentially lately. Every kind of drones have spurred out. Even saw video of Quad-ropters carrying a single anti-armour rocket in exhibition in china. Bigger UAVs carrying upto 16 anti-tank missiles, Gunship helis likes of Apaches are nightmare for armoured divisions, Air-power / air-force is another massive threat, mines and even shoulder fired ammunitions.. So I could be wrong, but my thoughts are that we should have relied on AL-khalids and invested this huge amount of $$ on somewhere else maybe gunships or maybe for air-force for more J-10Cs or JFB3s. You know our economy. Economy is seriously is at dangerous level. Again, I would not have critisized VT-4 inductions had our economy be great. But it bothers me seeing the priorities of PA.

What are your thoughts on it. Why PA believed that prioritizing Tanks was necessary ?

Also, I may have other questions, how can I communicate without going-off the topic. Is there a way to communicate one to one? if you like and if its possible.

This is a VT-4 tank thread

And China is not your father, get your own shit done

In fact, China quite likes the Sharif brothers
Leave them,they derail every thread with there usual bs.
Leave them,they derail every thread with there usual bs.
I don't usually interact with people who derail threads or trolls, but just sometimes I wish Pakistanis would see the bigger picture from an objective point of view, so many of them are naive and think China is their daddy who would come to save the day for them.
I don't usually interact with people who derail threads or trolls, but just sometimes I wish Pakistanis would see the bigger picture from an objective point of view, so many of them are naive and think China is their daddy who would come to save the day for them.
There is a senior member here that thinks every Chinese weapon is available for export to Pakistan😂 Including nuclear submarines, J-20, ICBM's etc...
Last I time I did that, I got straight up IP banned from wikipedia
I spent several hours fixing the Pakistan army’s equipment page on Wikipedia, fixed the numbers, added sources etc etc. Was reversed by an Indian moderator within minutes and I was banned from the page. Did the same with the PAFs page over a year later, got IP banned.
I spent several hours fixing the Pakistan army’s equipment page on Wikipedia, fixed the numbers, added sources etc etc. Was reversed by an Indian moderator within minutes and I was banned from the page. Did the same with the PAFs page over a year later, got IP banned.
Well...I guess the Indian knows the Pakistan military better than Pakistanis.
Most of the time it is extremely inaccurate. Anybody can edit it. The only time it is right is when someone who knows what they’re doing edits it, before it’s put back to the false information by the lately Indian admin team. At least that’s the case with anything related to China and Pakistan.

By quite a margin.

I don't bother with Wikipedia or these open sources, as it's just Indian-run and garbage.
Hi Bro,

I have read through the comments. I appreciate your knowledge about Tanks & PA. Have you served in the PA or worked with HIT ?

I also noticed various comments about Tank being an obsolete weapon and purchase of VT-4 is not liked by many for the same reasons.

I myself couldn't understand the urgency in buying Tanks but my reasons are different then most. I don't write-off tanks completely especially in Indo-Pak scenario. I understand we do need Tanks given our situation with India. But my concern is about Pakistan armed forces setting its priorities right. I would not have bothered, if we had surplus money and we would have replaced all of our F-7s, Mirages plus already would have invested heavily in drones and We would have bought modern gunship helis etc. But prioritizing the tanks over all those critical weaponaries does not make sense to me. What I think is that given our dire economic conditions, we should have focused only on critical weapon systems which we cannot build at home like Air / Naval platforms and relied locally on Tanks & APCs etc. So, in other words ideally, we should have relied on Al-khalid and improved it locally as much as possible. We already have huge number of tanks in our inventory. We also know, a war in 21st century will not always end up in tank vs tank battles. The list of vulnerabilities for tanks is grown exponentially lately. Every kind of drones have spurred out. Even saw video of Quad-ropters carrying a single anti-armour rocket in exhibition in china. Bigger UAVs carrying upto 16 anti-tank missiles, Gunship helis likes of Apaches are nightmare for armoured divisions, Air-power / air-force is another massive threat, mines and even shoulder fired ammunitions.. So I could be wrong, but my thoughts are that we should have relied on AL-khalids and invested this huge amount of $$ on somewhere else maybe gunships or maybe for air-force for more J-10Cs or JFB3s. You know our economy. Economy is seriously is at dangerous level. Again, I would not have critisized VT-4 inductions had our economy be great. But it bothers me seeing the priorities of PA.

What are your thoughts on it. Why PA believed that prioritizing Tanks was necessary ?

Also, I may have other questions, how can I communicate without going-off the topic. Is there a way to communicate one to one? if you like and if its possible.

Tanks are not obsolete, me and other members have explained why several different times, but for the perfect sum-up, I recommend Nicholas Moran’s (known as “TheChieftain” on YouTube) video on the same topic. This applies even more so to the Pak-Ind theatre and doctrines. That video should also answer your questions related to all these technologies that will apparently render tanks more vulnerable. Every time a new advancement in anti-tank warfare has been made since the 1910s, people have said that tanks will become obsolete, and yet here we are, in a world where everyone is still spending billions on them. You know the tank was originally made for trench warfare? Do we have trenches now? But we still have tanks. And don’t you think the biggest advocate for the retirement of the tank would have been an ATGM? Well 40 years since those were made, and we still have tanks.

a VT-4 is more important to the Pakistani army than a JF-17 and a J-10, because guess what, the army doesn’t fly jets, the Air Force does. They have separate budgets, separate priorities and separate requirements. We cannot view them as a single component.
Yes, In times of need the navy and Air Force have cut down their budgets to allow the army more money to operate, as in the war on terror, but the army is always going to be less keen on reciprocating that due to more than just tactical reasons.

The vast majority of the tanks in the PA are decades older than the oldest F7 in the PAF. I know that analogy doesn’t really work given the entirely different machines, but it should give you a sense of why there’s an urgency to replace the older tanks as well. And I simply don’t see how a JF-17 or a J-10 or a gunship or a drone is more important or urgent as compared to a tank, they all serve completely and entirely different roles. What good is a modern gunship if the tanks it’s covering are obsolete? What good is a drone when the enemy can simply push through your defensive lines or obliterate your offensive lines (again, tanks)? What good is a fighter jet if there are no tanks and troops on the ground to take and hold land or defend an airbase to operate out of?

The PA invested in modern gunships far before it invested in the VT-4, twice, the deals didn’t work out do to several other reasons, buying or not buying VT-4s wouldn’t have affected them. There isn’t just a set amount of money that the forces get to buy new weapons, they hardly get any, the weapons are bought on long term loans and installments, the VT-4 deal doesn’t effect the J-10C deal, and neither of them effect the T-129 deal. It’s much much more complicated than simple 2+2.
And what about drones? The Pakistani forces have one of the most versatile and capable drone fleets on the planet. If there’s anything they have literally put all their money on, it’s drones. WL-1, WL-2, CH4B, Akinci, TB-2, Anka, Shahpar 2, Luna, Burraq, Uqab NG is there any type of drone on planet earth PA/PAF/PN hasn’t bought?

And then let’s discuss the point everyone seems to be bringing up, why a new tank? Why not more work on the Al-Khalid? So let me just put it this way. The Haider will be more Pakistani-made eventually than the Al-Khalid ever was and could ever be. The Haider IS the next Al-Khalid. Just think about it, it’s the same basic platform but with a bunch of improvements, let’s say we didn’t buy the VT-4 and HIT made an AK-2, guess what engine it would have? The same one as VT-4. Guess what ERA and armor HIT would put on it? The same one as VT-4. Basically, if HIT made an AK-2, it would literally be a VT-4, so why bother when the work is already done? It would cost significantly more to develop the AK into what would essentially just be another VT-4 than to start making the VT-4 locally, which is exactly what we are doing.
Another point people seem to be confused over is how Pakistani the AK is and how not-Pakistani the VT-4 is, well, let me put it this way, the Al-Khalid is a lot less Pakistani than people keep thinking it is and the VT-4 (Haider) a lot more so (in typical Pakistani fashion, all we did was reverse engineer, and assemble with little development and innovation)
The PA isn’t just ordering VT-4s from China, they bought TOT for it, the same production lines that made the AK will now make the Haider, and maybe we will see a Haider I and Haider II someday, For all intents and purposes, the Haider IS the next Al-Khalid. There are Some important things I simply cannot say here that would make PAs VT-4 acquisition make a lot more sense.

You can ask all the questions you want, but responses are not guaranteed, I don’t always have the time. As for direct messages, you can post on my profile, open a new thread, ask a moderator, there’s plenty of ways.
Tanks are not obsolete, me and other members have explained why several different times, but for the perfect sum-up, I recommend Nicholas Moran’s (known as “TheChieftain” on YouTube) video on the same topic. This applies even more so to the Pak-Ind theatre and doctrines. That video should also answer your questions related to all these technologies that will apparently render tanks more vulnerable. Every time a new advancement in anti-tank warfare has been made since the 1910s, people have said that tanks will become obsolete, and yet here we are, in a world where everyone is still spending billions on them. You know the tank was originally made for trench warfare? Do we have trenches now? But we still have tanks. And don’t you think the biggest advocate for the retirement of the tank would have been an ATGM? Well 40 years since those were made, and we still have tanks.

a VT-4 is more important to the Pakistani army than a JF-17 and a J-10, because guess what, the army doesn’t fly jets, the Air Force does. They have separate budgets, separate priorities and separate requirements. We cannot view them as a single component.
Yes, In times of need the navy and Air Force have cut down their budgets to allow the army more money to operate, as in the war on terror, but the army is always going to be less keen on reciprocating that due to more than just tactical reasons.

The vast majority of the tanks in the PA are decades older than the oldest F7 in the PAF. I know that analogy doesn’t really work given the entirely different machines, but it should give you a sense of why there’s an urgency to replace the older tanks as well. And I simply don’t see how a JF-17 or a J-10 or a gunship or a drone is more important or urgent as compared to a tank, they all serve completely and entirely different roles. What good is a modern gunship if the tanks it’s covering are obsolete? What good is a drone when the enemy can simply push through your defensive lines or obliterate your offensive lines (again, tanks)? What good is a fighter jet if there are no tanks and troops on the ground to take and hold land or defend an airbase to operate out of?

The PA invested in modern gunships far before it invested in the VT-4, twice, the deals didn’t work out do to several other reasons, buying or not buying VT-4s wouldn’t have affected them. There isn’t just a set amount of money that the forces get to buy new weapons, they hardly get any, the weapons are bought on long term loans and installments, the VT-4 deal doesn’t effect the J-10C deal, and neither of them effect the T-129 deal. It’s much much more complicated than simple 2+2.
And what about drones? The Pakistani forces have one of the most versatile and capable drone fleets on the planet. If there’s anything they have literally put all their money on, it’s drones. WL-1, WL-2, CH4B, Akinci, TB-2, Anka, Shahpar 2, Luna, Burraq, Uqab NG is there any type of drone on planet earth PA/PAF/PN hasn’t bought?

And then let’s discuss the point everyone seems to be bringing up, why a new tank? Why not more work on the Al-Khalid? So let me just put it this way. The Haider will be more Pakistani-made eventually than the Al-Khalid ever was and could ever be. The Haider IS the next Al-Khalid. Just think about it, it’s the same basic platform but with a bunch of improvements, let’s say we didn’t buy the VT-4 and HIT made an AK-2, guess what engine it would have? The same one as VT-4. Guess what ERA and armor HIT would put on it? The same one as VT-4. Basically, if HIT made an AK-2, it would literally be a VT-4, so why bother when the work is already done? It would cost significantly more to develop the AK into what would essentially just be another VT-4 than to start making the VT-4 locally, which is exactly what we are doing.
Another point people seem to be confused over is how Pakistani the AK is and how not-Pakistani the VT-4 is, well, let me put it this way, the Al-Khalid is a lot less Pakistani than people keep thinking it is and the VT-4 (Haider) a lot more so (in typical Pakistani fashion, all we did was reverse engineer, and assemble with little development and innovation)
The PA isn’t just ordering VT-4s from China, they bought TOT for it, the same production lines that made the AK will now make the Haider, and maybe we will see a Haider I and Haider II someday, For all intents and purposes, the Haider IS the next Al-Khalid. There are Some important things I simply cannot say here that would make PAs VT-4 acquisition make a lot more sense.

You can ask all the questions you want, but responses are not guaranteed, I don’t always have the time. As for direct messages, you can post on my profile, open a new thread, ask a moderator, there’s plenty of ways.

Thank you for your time. Good to know your point of view & valid points. I just wanted to know the urgency PA felt with such dire economic situations that they give priority to the tanks.

Another questions below about VT-4 or tanks in general deployments. Reply whenever you get time. Thanks in advance.

Where these VT-4s are deployed in PA? I mean which division. Also, Where actually Army keeps its Tanks in General ? I mean like for airforce, we can see each airbase from gmaps satellite view and see the hangars and we know here the fighter jets are located. For, the army or armoured divisions, I am unable to locate such. All I see is cantonments, residential areas and buildings / some sheds. So is it intentional setup that the enemy may not know exact location where the armoured vehicles & Tanks are located ? However, I do see a dozen or so hangars in the Gujranwala Cantt (from the satellite view). They look quite obvious for armoured corp. So, I am bit curious where the rest of huge number of tanks & APCs?. Also, another related question that Most of the cantonments are now almost within the cities. So this military gear is usually inside the cantonments / inside cities ? Or these are stationed outside the cities for easy access towards the border / action area ?
I am asking these layman questions because out of curiosity I spend lot of time seeing LOC through the maps. So a layman's concept is that Army is sitting around the LOC and guarding the borders. But infact, in the peace times there's nothing around LOC. All I see is a small posts (maybe for 10-15 soldiers) after every 20-30 kms and nothing to back it up with a bigger military base. So, I assume the most of military is sitting within the cities parameters (within the cantonments) ? Am I right ? or do we have bases / tanks positioned forward at the LOC ?.

and last question about PA strength. Common knowledge is that its about 600,000 active troops. So my question is this 6 lacs army is all combat units ? Or does it include the personal staff, PAs, sectaries, drivers, gardeners, plumbers, golf courses maintenance staff, the staff at various CMH (hospitals) etc. Because an institution as large as PA needs to employs all non-combat staff as well. So total no of employees is 6 Lacs OR the combat units only are 6 lacs. If grand total is 6 lac then how many are the combat units.

Few stuffs that IMO should be incorporated into Al Haidar:
  • ASELSAN AKKOR or PULAT type active hard-kill protection.
  • STM ALPAGUT or DELI type loitering kamikaze munitions.
  • STM Kargu-type mini UAVs for 24/7 situational awareness within 3 to 5km range.
  • Net centric environment with other land and aerial assets, especially tactical UAVs flying under the HALE UAVs.
  • EW suits including anti-drone, mine etc. jammers.
  • Being alone and Ahmak are the same. Korkut type AD systems with programmable munitions (ASELSAN ATOM) are a must in the formation to shoot down the enemy loitering munition like dumb ducks! If necessary AI based load sharing can be done to use the resident remote controlled machine guns in the tanks for firing ATOM type munitions in a net centric environment to collectively face loitering munitions in a distributed sensor fusion manner.
  • Etc.
Bottom line: spare the Turkish assymeyric technologies, spoil your tanks. Losers do their best, winners fill their Harems with concubines from the beautiful Rajput or Byzantine princesses.
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The Pakistani forces have one of the most versatile and capable drone fleets on the planet. If there’s anything they have literally put all their money on, it’s drones. WL-1, WL-2, CH4B, Akinci, TB-2, Anka, Shahpar 2, Luna, Burraq, Uqab NG
What is the reason and logic behind of inducting this many type of drones?
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