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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

mostly agreed with this list, realistically speaking, no need to glorify a tank (Type 99A) which the design was dated back ten years ago, and see no major upgrade, it fit PLA's need and they are not in a hurry to replace it atm.
The 99A was an excellent tank for its time, The Chinese forces have been focusing their money where needed; on their Air Force and navy. They don’t really need better tanks right now since they’ve got no use for them, their ZTZ-99As are still arguably the best tanks in the region.

It’s not that China can’t make a better tank. It’s that they don’t need it, and the current ones they have come from an Era where China wasn’t fully capable of making its own designs unlike it is now, that’s why the designs are dated.

I’m sure they’ll replace or Upgrade their tank sooner or later, whenever they feel the need for it.
Considering how much China has advanced in other technologies, the new design will probably be comparable to its western and Russian counterparts as well.
AFAIK There are not three versions of the ZTZ-99, only two. ZTZ-99 and 99A. I would place Pakistan specific VT-4s only slightly behind the 99A. The former leads in technological and C4I aspects while the latter leads in firepower and protection. I would place both above the Leclerc because the XLR
variant of it apparently still isn’t in service, which is quite an upgrade for the aged tank.

You’re right to say that the K-2 is mostly just a guess. There isn’t enough on it. I’d place the T90MS provyv 3 above all those tanks except the T-14, the Leo 2A6/A7 and the M1A2CSEPV3. Russian metallurgy, ERA and ammunition are still some of the best.

I’d place challenger 2 at the bottom of the list due to its rifled gun, however the improved challenger 2/Challenger 3 would place pretty high up with the armor improvements and the 130MM smootbore.

My list would look something like (speaking purely from a capability standpoint)
Leo 2A7+
T90MS Provyv 3
Challenger 3 (not in service yet)
VT-4P/AMX Leclerc/Merkava IV Windbreaker (the trophy APS plays a big part here)
ZTZ-99/VT-4/Challenger 2/T-84 Oplot M.
Arjun MK-1A
And all the legacy tanks below these.

I don’t put Japanese tanks in the list because they’re very specific in their roles. If anything any list like this is purely speculative and redundant because tanks unlike fighter jets or ships don’t fight in a single, level playing field. The air and the sea remain pretty much the same, the ground on the other hand changes a lot. Each country designs tanks with their specifications, terrain, logistics and economy in mind, so while one tank may be better for one country, it certainly won’t be for another.

Secondly, if you go into detail on these tanks, you’ll see that literally none of them is balanced apart from the top 3-4 tanks. Each has some major flaws and some redeeming qualities.

Design wise I’d say Chinese and Chinese origin tanks lack the most, while protection remains an issue is basically every Asian tank (especially side protection). Ukraine has very weak ammunition even if they improve their tank. Russia (before the T-14) has had rather poor transmissions in its tanks.
The countries that are mass-introducing Hard kill APS systems are taking a massive leap in regards to tank protection, which would make even a mediocre tank a massive threat to a much better one.

No there are three Type 99 versions.

The first one was laminar welded turret of Type 98 plus modular wedge section with frame for ERA.



This came around year 2000 if I remember correct. You can see the sort of convex turret top which is similar to Type 98's.

Then the second version with the exact same designation but a production improvement as the first one didn't have that many maybe only 100 to 200?


Bottom image. This one had a different turret.





And finally of course after that the 99A which actually totally redesigned the turret but has a similar geometry and overall shape. The 99A is 5 to 10 tonnes heavier than the previous 99 (second version and first version roughly the same weight).


I don't think VT-4 is just below 99A because 99A has 1500hp engine while VT-4 uses 1200hp and the 99A is 55T to 58T while VT-4 is 50T to 52T. Chinese sources claim 99A is actually closer to 60T than claimed 55T. 99A certainly offers slightly better top and side protection compared to VT-4 and equal or slightly better front protection to VT-4.

VT-4 has some nice features like RWS which 99A can take as well but PLA doctrine emphasize numbers and a totally different kind of tank warfare than VT-4 customers would be using. Same applies to APS. Apparently according to reputable Chinese sources, GL-5 is not PLA's APS and PLA while not using APS in typical peacetime setting, for urban warfare PLA tanks can take on an APS system that is not GL-5, something better. In any case 99A keeps the dazzler system from Type 98 and onwards but much improved for 99A.

So mobility between the two is roughly equal with VT-4 I think having possibly slightly better range. Protection is better on 99A (after all it does have many many tonnes more armor) and firepower is also better on 99A as it features the best sensor, communication devices, and fire control along with turret and gun mechanism that China has bothered to develop. It also has a slightly longer gun whereas VT-4 uses the same gun as Type 96A I believe (although I'm not sure on this).

Second version of 99 is roughly equal to VT-4 simply because I accounted cost. VT-4 has RWS advantage and some more modern electronics than second version of Type 99 since that version stopped being produced back in 2010! So yes VT-4 has much more modern equipment but mechanical stuff is about the same level. However, VT-4 costs nearly twice as much (if PLA bought it like for Type 99 second) so this surely should balance the two out quite a lot. VT-4 however is much better than 96A with better mobility, protection, and firepower.
The 99A was an excellent tank for its time, The Chinese forces have been focusing their money where needed; on their Air Force and navy. They don’t really need better tanks right now since they’ve got no use for them, their ZTZ-99As are still arguably the best tanks in the region.

It’s not that China can’t make a better tank. It’s that they don’t need it, and the current ones they have come from an Era where China wasn’t fully capable of making its own designs unlike it is now, that’s why the designs are dated.

I’m sure they’ll replace or Upgrade their tank sooner or later, whenever they feel the need for it.
Considering how much China has advanced in other technologies, the new design will probably be comparable to its western and Russian counterparts as well.

Yes exactly and to be honest my personal opinion on Chinese tanks is that it is lowest priority, even lower than Mengshi vehicles (there are 20 types of Mengshi vehicles!) with EW variants, air defence, anti tank, modified for more troops and so on. This is tactically and even strategically more important than something to carry a 125mm to a fight lol.

So 99A represents a high tier of Chinese tanking efforts just to keep that industry alive and working on something but funding for it is so much lower than other projects. 99A is a good tank. It is in fact "too good" for PLA and PLA's doctrine. 96A is truly the perfect tank for PLA's needs and general Chinese military budgeting. Space, air, sea, cyber, electronic, domains are far more important and far more important to spend effort to lead and dominate... exactly as we are beginning to see now.

96A is really quite rubbish in comparison with so many world MBTs lol. Except of course the T-72s the T-80s the Arjuns. All these are really low tier stuff. VT-4 is really an export and polished up version of second gen 99 but with more modern electronics and equipment and a more modern powertrain. 99 always represented the rare and high tier of PLA tanking.

As for you list:

Leo 2A7+
T90MS Provyv 3
Challenger 3 (not in service yet)
VT-4P/AMX Leclerc/Merkava IV Windbreaker (the trophy APS plays a big part here)
ZTZ-99/VT-4/Challenger 2/T-84 Oplot M.
Arjun MK-1A

I think K-2 you have underestimated a lot. Challenger 3 doesn't belong since it is nowhere near service. I would also move T-90M down a lot because it's protection simply isn't close to even 99A and roughly similar to VT-4. Furthermore it's firepower isn't better than VT-4. I can guarantee this. Mobility has weaker engine but also around 50T. Sensors and equipment all roughly equal to those two Chinese types. Challenger 2 also should be ahead of Type 99 (second version)... better firepower and protection but inferior mobility... in fact Chally 2 is famous for crappy mobility and extremely underpowered.
No there are three Type 99 versions.

The first one was laminar welded turret of Type 98 plus modular wedge section with frame for ERA.

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View attachment 815065

This came around year 2000 if I remember correct. You can see the sort of convex turret top which is similar to Type 98's.

Then the second version with the exact same designation but a production improvement as the first one didn't have that many maybe only 100 to 200?

View attachment 815066

Bottom image. This one had a different turret.

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And finally of course after that the 99A which actually totally redesigned the turret but has a similar geometry and overall shape. The 99A is 5 to 10 tonnes heavier than the previous 99 (second version and first version roughly the same weight).

View attachment 815071

I don't think VT-4 is just below 99A because 99A has 1500hp engine while VT-4 uses 1200hp and the 99A is 55T to 58T while VT-4 is 50T to 52T. Chinese sources claim 99A is actually closer to 60T than claimed 55T. 99A certainly offers slightly better top and side protection compared to VT-4 and equal or slightly better front protection to VT-4.

VT-4 has some nice features like RWS which 99A can take as well but PLA doctrine emphasize numbers and a totally different kind of tank warfare than VT-4 customers would be using. Same applies to APS. Apparently according to reputable Chinese sources, GL-5 is not PLA's APS and PLA while not using APS in typical peacetime setting, for urban warfare PLA tanks can take on an APS system that is not GL-5, something better. In any case 99A keeps the dazzler system from Type 98 and onwards but much improved for 99A.

So mobility between the two is roughly equal with VT-4 I think having possibly slightly better range. Protection is better on 99A (after all it does have many many tonnes more armor) and firepower is also better on 99A as it features the best sensor, communication devices, and fire control along with turret and gun mechanism that China has bothered to develop. It also has a slightly longer gun whereas VT-4 uses the same gun as Type 96A I believe (although I'm not sure on this).

Second version of 99 is roughly equal to VT-4 simply because I accounted cost. VT-4 has RWS advantage and some more modern electronics than second version of Type 99 since that version stopped being produced back in 2010! So yes VT-4 has much more modern equipment but mechanical stuff is about the same level. However, VT-4 costs nearly twice as much (if PLA bought it like for Type 99 second) so this surely should balance the two out quite a lot. VT-4 however is much better than 96A with better mobility, protection, and firepower.
The first and second version are considered mostly the same as the sensors, ERA, engine, gun and many other components are assumed to be the same. It also doesn’t have any designation AFAIK (it Likely does within the PLA, but it’s not known externally). They’ve only been referred to as ZTZ-99 (first two) and ZTZ-99A (last one).

Secondly, i was specifically talking about Pakistans VT-4s when I compared them to ZTZ-99A. PAs VT-4s use 1500HP engines (the same ones from ZTZ-99A). Regular VT-4s use 1300HP engines.

As for armor. I have no doubt 99A has better armor than the VT-4, it’s simply heavier, it also has a better design; a smaller lower front plate and a slightly better frontal arc (still poor by modern standards, but an improvement nonetheless). Side armor is too poor on both tanks to matter, but 99A’s would be naturally thicker. Armor in PAs VT-4s is improved by addition of FY-4 ERA instead of FY-2. (same ERA as 99A). Normal VT-4s use FY-2 ERA and don’t have it on the roof unlike PAs ones. Still, the armor advantage would go to the 99A.

For firepower, AFAIK all Chinese tanks except the ZTZ-99A use the same gun, a 125MM, 48 Calibre ZPT-98. PAs VT-4s use a different barrel but the same gun. They all use the same ammo as well, DTW-125 APFSDS. 99A uses DTC-10-125. So it definitely has better firepower, but I wouldn’t not say by a large margin, since the gun and ammo are only slightly bigger. An advantage nonetheless.

For C4I, sensors and electronics. I would give PAs VT-4s the lead, they’re simply newer and have the latest of what China has to offer, again, this is specific to PAs VT-4s as they have different internals and an entirely new stabilizer system. The Sights on both tanks as well as the FCS appears to be the same, if not better on VT-4. VT-4 also has RWS which China doesn’t use due to doctrine, as well as an option for a hard kill APS. Which is better than any form of dazzler/soft kill system. The other stuff such as automatic bore sight sensors, LWRs etc are shared on both tanks.

Obviously this is all Chinese technology, they can put this stuff on the ZTZ-99A anytime they want, it’s just that the tank came out a little while ago so it doesn’t have it. PAs VT4s likely weight closer to 54 tons.
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Yes exactly and to be honest my personal opinion on Chinese tanks is that it is lowest priority, even lower than Mengshi vehicles (there are 20 types of Mengshi vehicles!) with EW variants, air defence, anti tank, modified for more troops and so on. This is tactically and even strategically more important than something to carry a 125mm to a fight lol.

So 99A represents a high tier of Chinese tanking efforts just to keep that industry alive and working on something but funding for it is so much lower than other projects. 99A is a good tank. It is in fact "too good" for PLA and PLA's doctrine. 96A is truly the perfect tank for PLA's needs and general Chinese military budgeting. Space, air, sea, cyber, electronic, domains are far more important and far more important to spend effort to lead and dominate... exactly as we are beginning to see now.

96A is really quite rubbish in comparison with so many world MBTs lol. Except of course the T-72s the T-80s the Arjuns. All these are really low tier stuff. VT-4 is really an export and polished up version of second gen 99 but with more modern electronics and equipment and a more modern powertrain. 99 always represented the rare and high tier of PLA tanking.

As for you list:

Leo 2A7+
T90MS Provyv 3
Challenger 3 (not in service yet)
VT-4P/AMX Leclerc/Merkava IV Windbreaker (the trophy APS plays a big part here)
ZTZ-99/VT-4/Challenger 2/T-84 Oplot M.
Arjun MK-1A

I think K-2 you have underestimated a lot. Challenger 3 doesn't belong since it is nowhere near service. I would also move T-90M down a lot because it's protection simply isn't close to even 99A and roughly similar to VT-4. Furthermore it's firepower isn't better than VT-4. I can guarantee this. Mobility has weaker engine but also around 50T. Sensors and equipment all roughly equal to those two Chinese types. Challenger 2 also should be ahead of Type 99 (second version)... better firepower and protection but inferior mobility... in fact Chally 2 is famous for crappy mobility and extremely underpowered.
VT4 is not related to the 99 series design wise at all, it uses the design of the VT1 and ZTZ96 series (basically an evolution of the type 85 just like Al Khalid, VT1 and ZTZ-96) with technology from the ZTZ99A.

PAs VT4s have several upgrades over the ones offered to other nations.
The 99A was an excellent tank for its time, The Chinese forces have been focusing their money where needed; on their Air Force and navy. They don’t really need better tanks right now since they’ve got no use for them, their ZTZ-99As are still arguably the best tanks in the region.

It’s not that China can’t make a better tank. It’s that they don’t need it, and the current ones they have come from an Era where China wasn’t fully capable of making its own designs unlike it is now, that’s why the designs are dated.

I’m sure they’ll replace or Upgrade their tank sooner or later, whenever they feel the need for it.
Considering how much China has advanced in other technologies, the new design will probably be comparable to its western and Russian counterparts as well.
the good thing is the chief designer of Type 99A has confirmed that the next gen is under development, but we are not sure about its priority though.
Yes exactly and to be honest my personal opinion on Chinese tanks is that it is lowest priority, even lower than Mengshi vehicles (there are 20 types of Mengshi vehicles!) with EW variants, air defence, anti tank, modified for more troops and so on. This is tactically and even strategically more important than something to carry a 125mm to a fight lol.

So 99A represents a high tier of Chinese tanking efforts just to keep that industry alive and working on something but funding for it is so much lower than other projects. 99A is a good tank. It is in fact "too good" for PLA and PLA's doctrine. 96A is truly the perfect tank for PLA's needs and general Chinese military budgeting. Space, air, sea, cyber, electronic, domains are far more important and far more important to spend effort to lead and dominate... exactly as we are beginning to see now.

96A is really quite rubbish in comparison with so many world MBTs lol. Except of course the T-72s the T-80s the Arjuns. All these are really low tier stuff. VT-4 is really an export and polished up version of second gen 99 but with more modern electronics and equipment and a more modern powertrain. 99 always represented the rare and high tier of PLA tanking.

As for you list:

Leo 2A7+
T90MS Provyv 3
Challenger 3 (not in service yet)
VT-4P/AMX Leclerc/Merkava IV Windbreaker (the trophy APS plays a big part here)
ZTZ-99/VT-4/Challenger 2/T-84 Oplot M.
Arjun MK-1A

I think K-2 you have underestimated a lot. Challenger 3 doesn't belong since it is nowhere near service. I would also move T-90M down a lot because it's protection simply isn't close to even 99A and roughly similar to VT-4. Furthermore it's firepower isn't better than VT-4. I can guarantee this. Mobility has weaker engine but also around 50T. Sensors and equipment all roughly equal to those two Chinese types. Challenger 2 also should be ahead of Type 99 (second version)... better firepower and protection but inferior mobility... in fact Chally 2 is famous for crappy mobility and extremely underpowered.
I hope we’re talking about the same T90M here since it has a few version in itself. I’m talking about the ones delivered to the Russian ground forces recently
I don’t think there’s any way they have worst protection than VT4 or ZTZ99. Weight isn’t everything, armor composition and design matters a lot more. I have no doubt the base armor of the T90M (without any ERA) is already better than the base armor on both the VT-4 and the ZTZ-99 due to better composition. You’d be surprised how good Russian composites and armor is, just take a look at the base armor figures for the older T90S.

The T90M has a much better frontal arc than any Chinese tank, the front 90 degrees of the tank are covered with the thickest armor, this is less than 60 degrees in the Chinese tanks (and even less in the VT-4) due to poor design. It also has a smaller lower front plate (much smaller than VT-4 and slightly smaller than ZTZ-99). It has a better turret silhouette and much better ERA coverage on the turret.
Both the Chinese tanks have no side armor except for basic steel, which is rather thin on the sides. T90M has spaced, composite and ERA armor on its side. Not to mention the Relikt ERA on it is much newer and much more potent Than they FY-4 on the Chinese tanks. T90M is also offered with a Hard kill APS. T90M also has a rear turret bustle with blowout panels and an armored carousel, while in ZTZ-99 the ammo is still stored in the crew compartment while the carousel remains the same as T72.

All three tanks have similar generations of thermal sights. All have CITVs, LWRs and all the other basics. T90M has RWS.

As for ammo, The best Chinese ammo is the DTC-10-125 that the ZTZ-99A uses. It’s a short rod penetrator, it’s good but nothing special. VT-4 uses DTW-125, it’s not as good as the DTC-10-125, but still above average.
Russia has had comparable ammo since the early 2000s in the form of Svinets series and now has the vacuum series (which is probably not compatible with T90M as it was made with the T-14 but the Svinets series is).

Where the Chinese tanks are likely ahead (and by a good margin) is electronics, C4I, software and maybe also FCS/GCS systems. Mobility is hard to say, T90M has a weaker engine and a rather poor transmission. But Is also lighter, however I’d still give that to the Chinese tanks simply because of the transmission. However that does depend on wether Russia has started equipping T90M with its new automatic transmissions or not.

The T90M is easily better than the VT-4 and will probably outclass a ZTZ-99A in most metrics.
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Yes exactly and to be honest my personal opinion on Chinese tanks is that it is lowest priority, even lower than Mengshi vehicles (there are 20 types of Mengshi vehicles!) with EW variants, air defence, anti tank, modified for more troops and so on. This is tactically and even strategically more important than something to carry a 125mm to a fight lol.

So 99A represents a high tier of Chinese tanking efforts just to keep that industry alive and working on something but funding for it is so much lower than other projects. 99A is a good tank. It is in fact "too good" for PLA and PLA's doctrine. 96A is truly the perfect tank for PLA's needs and general Chinese military budgeting. Space, air, sea, cyber, electronic, domains are far more important and far more important to spend effort to lead and dominate... exactly as we are beginning to see now.

96A is really quite rubbish in comparison with so many world MBTs lol. Except of course the T-72s the T-80s the Arjuns. All these are really low tier stuff. VT-4 is really an export and polished up version of second gen 99 but with more modern electronics and equipment and a more modern powertrain. 99 always represented the rare and high tier of PLA tanking.

As for you list:

Leo 2A7+
T90MS Provyv 3
Challenger 3 (not in service yet)
VT-4P/AMX Leclerc/Merkava IV Windbreaker (the trophy APS plays a big part here)
ZTZ-99/VT-4/Challenger 2/T-84 Oplot M.
Arjun MK-1A

I think K-2 you have underestimated a lot. Challenger 3 doesn't belong since it is nowhere near service. I would also move T-90M down a lot because it's protection simply isn't close to even 99A and roughly similar to VT-4. Furthermore it's firepower isn't better than VT-4. I can guarantee this. Mobility has weaker engine but also around 50T. Sensors and equipment all roughly equal to those two Chinese types. Challenger 2 also should be ahead of Type 99 (second version)... better firepower and protection but inferior mobility... in fact Chally 2 is famous for crappy mobility and extremely underpowered.
Challenger 2 has a rifled gun which means it automatically takes a hit in firepower. That’s why they’re replacing it in the new version. It’s mobility is also an issue as you mentioned.

I don’t know enough about the K-2 to really comment on its positioning, so I could totally be wrong there.

I know Chinas main focus isn’t tanks, that’s why they stick to their ZTZ-96A/Bs, the ZTZ-99A is still a very impressive tank, it was never bad, it’s just slightly beginning to show its age, something China can easily fix with an upgrade.
I hope we’re talking about the same T90M here since it has a few version in itself. I’m talking about the ones delivered to the Russian ground forces recently
I don’t think there’s any way they have worst protection than VT4 or ZTZ99. Weight isn’t everything, armor composition and design matters a lot more. I have no doubt the base armor of the T90M (without any ERA) is already better than the base armor on both the VT-4 and the ZTZ-99 due to better composition. You’d be surprised how good Russian composites and armor is, just take a look at the base armor figures for the older T90S.

The T90M has a much better frontal arc than any Chinese tank, the front 90 degrees of the tank are covered with the thickest armor, this is less than 60 degrees in the Chinese tanks (and even less in the VT-4) due to poor design. It also has a smaller lower front plate (much smaller than VT-4 and slightly smaller than ZTZ-99). It has a better turret silhouette and much better ERA coverage on the turret.
Both the Chinese tanks have no side armor except for basic steel, which is rather thin on the sides. T90M has spaced, composite and ERA armor on its side. Not to mention the Relikt ERA on it is much newer and much more potent Than they FY-4 on the Chinese tanks. T90M is also offered with a Hard kill APS. T90M also has a rear turret bustle with blowout panels and an armored carousel, while in ZTZ-99 the ammo is still stored in the crew compartment while the carousel remains the same as T72.

All three tanks have similar generations of thermal sights. All have CITVs, LWRs and all the other basics. T90M has RWS.

As for ammo, The best Chinese ammo is the DTC-10-125 that the ZTZ-99A uses. It’s a short rod penetrator, it’s good but nothing special. Russia has had comparable ammo since the early 2000s in the form of Svinets and now has the vacuum series (which is probably not compatible with T90M, but the Svinets series is).

Where the Chinese tanks are likely ahead (and by a good margin) is electronics, C4I, software and maybe also FCS/GCS systems. Mobility is hard to say, T90M has a weaker engine and a rather poor transmission. But Is also lighter, however I’d still give that to the Chinese tanks simply because of the transmission. However that does depend on wether Russia has started equipping T90M with its new automatic transmissions or not.

The T90M is easily better than the VT-4 and will probably outclass a ZTZ-99A in most metrics.

Ahh yes I ignored the frontal geometry. Indeed T-90M has much better frontal arc than Chinese tanks which place no emphasis on that. PLA tank commander once said that if you find yourself in a position where shots can be coming from anywhere except front on, then the mission planning and support is a failure. So all armor up front and rest only can deal with 30mm as maximum. T-90M has overall better protection due to better arc but frontal shot only, 99A and VT-4 wins I guarantee. By a big margin too. Different doctrines here. Russian composites is not that good. No reason to be significantly better than others. We all have more than half a century of experience now and similar length of time playing with the same generations of materials and design types like laminated and welded turrets.



When you do the maths it is over 100mm of difference (and comparing with internal photos which for 99A we do not have but can guess based on 99's)

The spaced armor voids are similar. But of course frontal is not everything just different doctrines and different preferences.

I ranked Arjun lowest out of the good MBTs because it is far too underpowered for over 60T of weight. The first generation is also a poor turret design and similar poor arc design (Russians do this actually the best). Arjun places so much emphasis on protection but forgot that protection is last priority out of the three and protection is the last one to fill only after you have excellent firepower and mobility achieved. Then you give your tank protection only if you can give it even more mobility to compensate for extra weight. Indians did not have the drivetrain and powertrain technologies developed to even take 50T let alone nearly 60T part of the trial failures were due to mobility concerns and range.

Indians also strangely gave their tank rifled gun for HESH but this is for 1970s to 1990s and no longer effective after 2000s era. HESH is defeated and obsolete type of round now like Shtora is obsolete passive defence system because newer generations of missiles work on totally different guidance principles.

Arjun after all that also still does not have the absolute leading armor, or ammunition. Nor are the Indian industry even experienced in ordinance. Contrast with China having over 70 years of ordinance and artillery making of several hundred different types since then and exported to all over the world for over 50 years. I just don't think Arjun's firepower given all those reasons are match for those others and it's super poor in mobility and its protection while 60T+ would suggest is good, the armor is questionable due to no experience and the first gen's design has the same turret shape as the 1970s Leopard 2 design. Now they've modified it and it's much better but has poorer firepower and much poorer mobility compared to the rest. What's the point of even perfect protection if your tank cannot kill the other tank and cannot move to where it needs to be effectively.

We forgot Merkava 4 which is middle of the list and K2 should really be number 2 on the list. T-14 is only there as a new generation of tank and superior in doctrine and technology.

Japanese Type 90 is now even worse than Arjun 2 and Type 10 has great firepower and mobility but protection is as poor as Type 96A or T-80s, unless the Japanese upgrade Type 10 with advanced ERA which they currently do not have. Type 10 desperately needs better armor but it's expensive due to using some extremely high tensile steels. It's a very poor way to improve protection. While others are using exotic ceramic and composite armor on laminated and spaced composites and welded turret, Japanese have not really developed much in armor technology. Well they have always really been down on armor historically because Japanese war philosophy has always been to place everything on firepower and cut the enemy down quickly and brutally. Since ancient times they were low on armor, high on power and even WW2 same thing, planes, ships, tanks.

Challenger 2 has a rifled gun which means it automatically takes a hit in firepower. That’s why they’re replacing it in the new version. It’s mobility is also an issue as you mentioned.

I don’t know enough about the K-2 to really comment on its positioning, so I could totally be wrong there.

I know Chinas main focus isn’t tanks, that’s why they stick to their ZTZ-96A/Bs, the ZTZ-99A is still a very impressive tank, it was never bad, it’s just slightly beginning to show its age, something China can easily fix with an upgrade.

I think China will continue developing MBTs but it's the lowest priority military projects but still will be keeping that industry going and developments going if at least for export market potential.

K-2 has APS, adjustable suspension, top firepower, I would say even better than T-14. The sensors and equipment on K-2 is the best stuff. L55 rheinmetal gun as well. 55T and excellent drivetrain and powertrain. Overall just the best of the best in this generation. Separation storage and autoloader too. The Koreans wanted the best and certainly spent top money to develop K-2 and buy K-2. It is a $8M tank like T-14 and Type 10 (very overpriced) for own military purchase... nearly 4 times the price of 99A and twice the price of NATO modernized MBTs.

Yeah 99A is a decent all rounder that conforms to PLA strategy which is full of planning for tanking. Like PLA commanders mentioned, the networked doctrine combines helicopters, satellites, drones, and artillery support for coordination of attacks and battle management. There is no position where PLA tanks meet enemy in inferior numbers or in unexpected engagements. PLA will always meet tank fights where PLA chooses and the support is so great that the tanks really are not doing that much except wearing infantry fire and lighter firepower so nothing like 120mm or artillery. Basically all PLA needs from its tanks is mobility and to be able to fire that 125mm at odd targets that do show up somehow.

99A however is not 96A and is capable of much much more.
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Ahh yes I ignored the frontal geometry. Indeed T-90M has much better frontal arc than Chinese tanks which place no emphasis on that. PLA tank commander once said that if you find yourself in a position where shots can be coming from anywhere except front on, then the mission planning and support is a failure. So all armor up front and rest only can deal with 30mm as maximum. T-90M has overall better protection due to better arc but frontal shot only, 99A and VT-4 wins I guarantee. By a big margin too. Different doctrines here. Russian composites is not that good. No reason to be significantly better than others. We all have more than half a century of experience now and similar length of time playing with the same generations of materials and design types like laminated and welded turrets.

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When you do the maths it is over 100mm of difference (and comparing with internal photos which for 99A we do not have but can guess based on 99's)

The spaced armor voids are similar. But of course frontal is not everything just different doctrines and different preferences.

I ranked Arjun lowest out of the good MBTs because it is far too underpowered for over 60T of weight. The first generation is also a poor turret design and similar poor arc design (Russians do this actually the best). Arjun places so much emphasis on protection but forgot that protection is last priority out of the three and protection is the last one to fill only after you have excellent firepower and mobility achieved. Then you give your tank protection only if you can give it even more mobility to compensate for extra weight. Indians did not have the drivetrain and powertrain technologies developed to even take 50T let alone nearly 60T part of the trial failures were due to mobility concerns and range.

Indians also strangely gave their tank rifled gun for HESH but this is for 1970s to 1990s and no longer effective after 2000s era. HESH is defeated and obsolete type of round now like Shtora is obsolete passive defence system because newer generations of missiles work on totally different guidance principles.

Arjun after all that also still does not have the absolute leading armor, or ammunition. Nor are the Indian industry even experienced in ordinance. Contrast with China having over 70 years of ordinance and artillery making of several hundred different types since then and exported to all over the world for over 50 years. I just don't think Arjun's firepower given all those reasons are match for those others and it's super poor in mobility and its protection while 60T+ would suggest is good, the armor is questionable due to no experience and the first gen's design has the same turret shape as the 1970s Leopard 2 design. Now they've modified it and it's much better but has poorer firepower and much poorer mobility compared to the rest. What's the point of even perfect protection if your tank cannot kill the other tank and cannot move to where it needs to be effectively.

We forgot Merkava 4 which is middle of the list and K2 should really be number 2 on the list. T-14 is only there as a new generation of tank and superior in doctrine and technology.

Japanese Type 90 is now even worse than Arjun 2 and Type 10 has great firepower and mobility but protection is as poor as Type 96A or T-80s.

I think China will continue developing MBTs but it's the lowest priority military projects but still will be keeping that industry going and developments going if at least for export market potential.

K-2 has APS, adjustable suspension, top firepower, I would say even better than T-14. The sensors and equipment on K-2 is the best stuff. L55 rheinmetal gun as well. 55T and excellent drivetrain and powertrain. Overall just the best of the best in this generation. Separation storage and autoloader too. The Koreans wanted the best and certainly spent top money to develop K-2 and buy K-2. It is a $8M tank like T-14 and Type 10 (very overpriced) for own military purchase... nearly 4 times the price of 99A and twice the price of NATO modernized MBTs.

Yeah 99A is a decent all rounder that conforms to PLA strategy which is full of planning for tanking. Like PLA commanders mentioned, the networked doctrine combines helicopters, satellites, drones, and artillery support for coordination of attacks and battle management. There is no position where PLA tanks meet enemy in inferior numbers or in unexpected engagements. PLA will always meet tank fights where PLA chooses and the support is so great that the tanks really are not doing that much except wearing infantry fire and lighter firepower so nothing like 120mm or artillery. Basically all PLA needs from its tanks is mobility and to be able to fire that 125mm at odd targets that do show up somehow.

99A however is not 96A and is capable of much much more.
I mean no offense but I highly doubt China can make better composite armor than the Russians (keep in mind by this I mean China 10~ years ago when ZTZ-99A was being worked on), not because Chinese composites are bad, but because Russian metallurgy and experience is simply better.
Up until the mid-2000s China was still using basic steel composites. Which while effective are not innovative.
And I also mean no offense to the Chinese tank commander, but if getting shot from the side was no concern, than every other country than China wouldn’t be putting emphasis on side armor.

The biggest threat to tanks on a battlefield aren’t other tanks, it’s infantry with anti-tank armor which will almost always try to engage from the side or the front, and with Chinese tanks the issue is such that not even the front 1/3rd of the side is covered, meaning any enemy at even a 30 degree angle can take a shot at the side and achieve penetration. That’s after the fact that China is still using Last Gen ERA and that the ERA coverage on the 99A has a massive gap on the side. (FY-4 is comparable to later iterations of Kontakt-5 these are both 2nd Gen, Relikt is 3rd generation ERA) China also doesn’t employ hard kill APS systems which basically make most armor thickness discussions irrelevant because you cannot engage the tank with most projectiles. Even the GL-5 doesn’t protect against Top-attack projectiles like trophy and ARENA. And there’s also the fact that crew survivability would be poor in the Chinese tanks due to unarmored carousel and ammo in the storage compartment, something the T90M has fixed. It also has protection against HE projectiles for its engine. So it’s not just about thicker armor, there’s a bunch of factors that go into tank protection, the T90M covers a lot more of them than ZTZ-99 or VT-4.

Just to clarify again; I don’t think China can’t make a good tank, if they prioritized tanks as much as say Russia and put in as much money, I’ve got no doubt they’d probably make one of, if not the best tank in the world, but it’s just not their priority as you said. I still think they’ll upgrade the ZTZ-99A soon as it’s beginning to show its age. That will be an interesting sight to see.

I don’t doubt the Arjun is trash, I agree with all your points there lol.

The may have underestimated the K-2 however. I still have some questions about it’s protection but I’ll do some more research on it, it sounds like a very potent tank.

As for the Merkava, i wouldn’t place it any higher on the list simply because of its design once more, it has its engine in the front, any hit achieving penetration, while probably not hitting the crew, will put the tank and all its systems out of action. The ammunition/penetration is also average at best. It’s definitely above average, but not better than the Leo or the Abrams. It’s massively helped in protection by the very common usage of Trophy APS.
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I mean no offense but I highly doubt China can make better composite armor than the Russians (keep in mind by this I mean China 10~ years ago when ZTZ-99A was being worked on), not because Chinese composites are bad, but because Russian metallurgy and experience is simply better.
Up until the mid-2000s China was still using basic steel composites. Which while effective are not innovative.

China puts lower level stuff on tanks just so they can be made more cheaply and in greater numbers. It doesn't mean it was still using steel composites in mid 2000s (please let me know the source of this info) because it only has ability to use this. If it was effective and cheap, they wouldn't bother putting something more expensive and only slightly better on tanks.

Type 99 is longer than T-90M. The distance between lower wedge corner and edge of interior space on commander side is much longer than that distance on T-90M. Of course material matters but for each gram, the performance of the overall armor pack of the two are comparable because the scientific and technological level between these two are comparable. There is really no reason to believe that 99A's was treated the same as 96A.

T-90M is roughly 50T and 99A is close to 60T. Let's say there's 5T total of pure armor difference. With T-90M it spreads its armor more whereas the 99A focuses almost all that armor for pure frontal. And then there's 5T difference still. PA would have been demonstrated VT-4's frontal in live testing with just mechanical turret being shot at by various things. I'm not sure if the Russians would have offered such things but T-90 is not hard to shred through. Better arc but side shot is as lethal anyway. Angled shots is where T-90 does better.

Anyway the whole argument there is similar to saying even up to mid-2000s the US was still using B-52. It ignores the big picture and ignores cost saving efforts. It doesn't go towards proving the whole country is only technologically capable of that level.

But generally Chinese tanks do take compromises upon compromises due to cost saving, preference for higher numbers of units built, and doctrine of how the tanks are used which brings us to the next point below.

And I also mean no offense to the Chinese tank commander, but if getting shot from the side was no concern, than every other country than China wouldn’t be putting emphasis on side armor.

Every country has different circumstances and doctrines. China's is building and sending a lot of tanks. The idea is to always outgun and have better protection than whatever the tank is facing. In China's case really it is just Type 96A since that is the majority tank force. 96A has no hope against any of the tanks on that list but doctrine again here is important. 96A will never face an equal number of superior tanks. Not even close. The whole PLA commander's point is that helicopters, long range artillery and things like drones have reduced the capability of the enemy so much that PLA tanks will not be driving into artillery fire or even anything more than 30mm fire. If there is the odd tank or anti tank infantry then the far superior numbered force overwhelms that.

Every country is in a different position with what else they have. It is never just about a tank itself.

In the PLA's case the never getting shot from the side is the task of this support which is the largest in the world and at least the second most well equipped (only talking about home turf or neighboring area). Urban fighting for tanks is already when strategy has fallen apart and not something China if defending China would need to do much if any of. If that is the case APS becomes much more useful and necessary.

The biggest threat to tanks on a battlefield aren’t other tanks, it’s infantry with anti-tank armor which will almost always try to engage from the side or the front, and with Chinese tanks the issue is such that not even the front 1/3rd of the side is covered, meaning any enemy at even a 30 degree angle can take a shot at the side and achieve penetration. That’s after the fact that China is still using Last Gen ERA and that the ERA coverage on the 99A has a massive gap on the side. (FY-4 is comparable to later iterations of Kontakt-5 these are both 2nd Gen, Relikt is 3rd generation ERA) China also doesn’t employ hard kill APS systems which basically make most armor thickness discussions irrelevant because you cannot engage the tank with most projectiles. Even the GL-5 doesn’t protect against Top-attack projectiles like trophy and ARENA. And there’s also the fact that crew survivability would be poor in the Chinese tanks due to unarmored carousel and ammo in the storage compartment, something the T90M has fixed. It also has protection against HE projectiles for its engine. So it’s not just about thicker armor, there’s a bunch of factors that go into tank
protection, the T90M covers a lot more of them than ZTZ-99 or VT-4.

Yes T-90M has a better all around protection but in urban and against anti-tank infantry all are equally dead if shots come from top or purely to the side. No matter what MBT, a pure side shot using latest anti-tank weapons are all 100% kills. Of course older RPGs will not penetrate but I'm talking the latest dedicated anti-tank weapons that can nearly get through the front.

So anyway that's all decisions for the army. Do they want that extra protection that's useful in 1% to 20% scenarios or place that to supplement frontal protection even more. All compromise in available armor. All of this comes down to engine. Which is why western tanks are the best in mobility + protection balance. The engine determines how much you have to play with and the level of compromise between these.

T-90M may cover a lot more angles better but also dead in pure side shot or top shot. Arena is Russian, Trophy is Israeli. I don't think any of these three APS are designed for top attack missiles. Only T-14's APS is designed to also engage top attack missiles. APS is most important against infantry and urban setting. So the APS itself matters more than the tank in these settings. It is actually rare for non-urban fighting where infantry is fighting tanks. Infantry are too easily detected by networked military. Urban is different and every war in recent decades where infantry have gone up to effectively kill tanks has been in urban environment. China truly does not prepare for this where geurilla fighters or infantry are shooting them in city. Maybe Taiwan scenario but I doubt China wants to commit to military solution. It is only to prevent Taiwan from declaring independence so clearly it works only as a deterrence. Neither side want that but lets say if that is happening, then you can bet PLA will lose many tanks if Taiwanese are armed with many anti-tank missiles or PLA will refrain entirely from using tanks and send only anti-infantry drones and robots.



And many different types of anti-infantry methods from expensive to efficient.

Just to clarify again; I don’t think China can’t make a good tank, if they prioritized tanks as much as say Russia and put in as much money, I’ve got no doubt they’d probably make one of, if not the best tank in the world, but it’s just not their priority as you said. I still think they’ll upgrade the ZTZ-99A soon as it’s beginning to show its age. That will be an interesting sight to see.

I doubt China will bother to make a top tier tank that is better than 99A in terms of relative position in that league of tanks when next generation tanks come out. I think even NATO countries don't have new generation tank programs but want to keep upgrading this generation... only Russia for some reason chose to pour money and energy into that path because of particular situation and wider strategy of expected and planned wars. China is developing some replacement but just in trials and sort of conceptualizing. If it does, it would need to be much better to justify the spending. 99A is middle ground. Sacrificing side armor and angled shot survival for pure frontal armor and guaranteed shot survival for frontal. Infantry and top attack missiles yeah it doesn't seem to care much about but mostly due to doctrine where it doesn't plan on using them in situations where they are in that kind of environment, if so then they will put on the best APS they can develop just for protection against top attack missiles.

It's very expensive to achieve this like T-14. Need much more electronics and software to integrate AESA panels with those APS. Chinese tank philosophy is very different and partly due to not having been in that sort of fighting unlike Russia has with tensions with Europe, Chechnya, and US France and Germany have with wars in middle east and north africa where their tanks have been used. Of course also the tensions with Russia from their side. China just views tanks as this mechanical thing to carry that gun while wearing 30mm shots from all angles and 120mm/125mm from front. The rest is drones drones drones and helicopters, artillery support (China really really does emphasis artillery and anti-surface missiles) and even electronic warfare. Tanks is too one dimensional to Chinese planning and consideration.

I don't think China will bother with something like leading tank battle innovation like T-14 for example. Instead drones kill tanks 99 times out of 100 and tanks kill helicopters and drones 1 time out of 100 if it is lucky.

Infantry is a different consideration and PLA thinks when fighting any enemy in China, it has infantry advantage and all the supply line advantage too.

For Taiwan scenario, I doubt China wants to go to war and has no need as long as Taiwan doesn't declare independence. The military threat is there to prevent Taiwan from declaring independence but the real strategy for reunification and ending the Chinese Civil War is through total economic victory. Economic victory means industrial victory and science and technology victory. Then military advantage is even greater in 20 years, more in 50 year, too undeniable in 100 years etc. Resolved of course before that but it is already clear the trends.

I don’t doubt the Arjun is trash, I agree with all your points there lol.

The may have underestimated the K-2 however. I still have some questions about it’s protection but I’ll do some more research on it, it sounds like a very potent tank.

As for the Merkava, i wouldn’t place it any higher on the list simply because of its design once more, it has its engine in the front, any hit achieving penetration, while probably not hitting the crew, will put the tank and all its systems out of action. The ammunition/penetration is also average at best. It’s definitely above average, but not better than the Leo or the Abrams. It’s massively helped in protection by the very common usage of Trophy APS.

Arjun is an example of extremely poor planning and unwillingness to shift design as time dragged on. They kept 1970s and 1980s concerns and considerations into the 1990s and so on.

K-2 is just excellent against tanks, networked warfare (since South Korea itself is pretty strong in networked warfare and supporting assets are there), and infantry. It is good at urban fighting too due to AESA and APS. RWS and more cameras and sensors.

Merkava 4 is old. It's quite good but far from invincible I mean even farmers and geurillas have taken out Leopard 2A5, M1A1/2, Leclerc, and many Merkavas. This is partly why China prefers drones and other aspects of army (not even counting those other domains) over just pure cool and top tier MBT.

Arjun however is fcking expensive for what it is.
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Interesting visual demonstration




T-90S in first and second picture and T-90MS third picture. T-90MS core turret is actually the exact same geometry as T-90 and T-90S. It has some containers which are not armor but can be packed with modular armor surely just like Type 96-99 can have side chambers packed with modular blocks that are simply bolted down well.

If you look at T-90S side you will see the side armor itself is actually less than 5cm if even that. However, the arc design shields this very well for every gram of armor placed. This is really the mathematically perfect way to lay out finite armor as engineering compromise with engine, mobility, weight, range, and so on.

Now keep in mind T-90 is a much smaller tank than Type 99. In fact the T-90 is actually the same size (but shorter) than Type 96A.

This is 99A from the top.


Now both use layered composites and spaced armor where the physics is the same and I suspect the placement is roughly similar of internal armor panels. However T-90M underneath ERA wedge looks like this.


It is only this that is armor pack with wedge carrying only ERA.


Between the wedge is empty space.



Very similar to Leopard 2A5 and Type 99 series where wedge is empty and frame for ERA.

With 99 first and second, the armor pack is like this in red.


HOWEVER this second 99 has a wedge modular section that includes top ERA pieces! But in this illustration, the armor pack is that thickness just minus the top surface layer which is lifted as part of the wedge structure.


Type 99A however changed again. Each 99 changed the turret production. The whole thing stripped down still keeps the same shape. It changed with changed doctrine and what 99A is to be used for and what kind of engagement and damage it can expect to take. It isn't using the same modular method as 98, 99 I and II. This entire front end is partly why it is around 5 tonnes more than Type 99 I and II. The whole front section is core armor pack similar to those others for example 98's and 96s two images below.



The length of armor for 99A is THICK. Sacrificing side and angles. ERA attachment method is very different to 99 I and II.


This distance is more than 100mm more than T-90M's. Keeping in mind Type 99A is MUCH bigger than T-90M when you consider scale.

However T-90M protects from these shots far more than 99A and any PLA tank.


But 10 degrees more to the side than this angle the T-90M is just as dead.

So previously with Leopard 2A5 as first to use modular wedge shape, Type 99 used a similar approach but used the wedge as a frame for ERA and once damaged, the whole thing is lifted away just like non-wedged Type 98 core armor pack. Leopard 2A5's wedge section is to try and deflect certain types of ammo but sabot never cares about angle and geometry only after it starts penetrating does the geometry come into play but that is purely a^2 + b^2 = c^2 on the straight line, except sabot does not go straight due to the physics of penetration where armor plate type matters A LOT!



For example it is easier to rip through a substance once the tear is done, the strategy with layered composites is to demand the sabot to penetrate again and again to use energy and material to rip through a new surface every 1cm or so it travels. Empty space between this is even important and actually useful too.

The shape of the sabot's tip matters. Sharp tip actually bounces off. Rounded and cut tip can cause penetrator rod to dig in and change trajectory as it enters. Most APFSDS are seemingly sharp tip but when you look closely it is slightly rounded right at the end.

No penetrator bounces these days unless impact angle is less than 10 degree or something like that. Rounds also come in in parabolic arc so impact angle is further enhanced making bounce off a thing of the long past.

So why they use wedge? This is 1. for geometry to enhance the effective thickness of material most statistical shots have to travel through and 2. to allow driver access to hatch. There is no such thing as a shot trap as talked about in the past. Nowadays penetrator andd armor do not allow shot trap to even be physically possible as in the deflection caused type. However the armor between turret and hull in these wedge designs are exposed and thinnest but very rarely does this get presented to an incoming round because incoming rounds 99% of the time are coming in parabolic arc like a negative parabolic function and simply cannot land between this.

The core armor behind Leopard 2A5+'s wedge section is the same as old Leopards. The one behind Type 99 I and II are similar to Type 98's. Type 99A is totally redesigned turret. The entire wedge shape is core armor pack and ERA is simply on top. It is a very different ERA to Type 99 I and II's and may be partly why they chose this new design. Also the way these tanks are used are very different. Perhaps PLA only wishes to use 99A against higher tier adversary and does not expect easy modular replacement of armor pack like with 98 and 99 I and II. Where 99A gets into fight against opponents which can basically penetrate those other tanks but 99A is designed to withstand that but require total replacement of entire armor pack after shots.

Clearly 98, 99 I and II are from an era that expects lower energy threats or different opponents completely.

Underneath VT-4's ERA is unknown whether it's like 99A or 99I and II.
Considering the presence of older models of other tanks , still room to grow VT-4 numbers or even bring in the Turkish Tank

VT-4 increase figures by 100%
Altay : 25% <Place an Order 300 Units> and retire the very old platforms in equal amount

Would be nice to fill this gap between VT-4 and Al-Khalid Tanks
VT-4 Numbers are quite modest figures

**The older platforms could also be moved to Western Front across the Pakistan/Afghanistan border or Supporting FC role in Balochistan

Since there are almost 3 Tank platforms which ideally should be retired due to Technological advancement on battlefield , we need to induct at least 1 more Modern Platform in order to compensate the numbers on the battle field
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