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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

You mean like pakistan produces Alkhalid (and JF-17) ? One shouldn't belittle the enemy. They are ahead of us in everything military production related. We are making efforts too but we really need to work a lot harder.

T-14 has had numerous production delays and issues, the last deadline was again delayed recently. It’s not the only thing Russia is having production issues with either, as for the tank going to India? Not before 2030, even the Indians won’t buy something that is that unfinished.

Also, just to let you know, india doesn’t produce T90S tanks entirely, it produces some of their parts and assembles them. They don’t have full ToT, they still rely on Russia for some very major parts of the tank.
India has had its hands burnt with the Su-54E already and is preferring to focus on local projects. They have evaluated the Leo2 as well but their infrastructure will require a lot of update to bring it into manufacturing it locally. There is also some hesitation on their part to completely abandon the Arjun - it is not far fetched to see a Leo esque Arjun Mk.3 come out.
India has had its hands burnt with the Su-54E already and is preferring to focus on local projects. They have evaluated the Leo2 as well but their infrastructure will require a lot of update to bring it into manufacturing it locally. There is also some hesitation on their part to completely abandon the Arjun - it is not far fetched to see a Leo esque Arjun Mk.3 come out.

LEO's from Germany?
You mean like pakistan produces Alkhalid (and JF-17) ? One shouldn't belittle the enemy. They are ahead of us in everything military production related. We are making efforts too but we really need to work a lot harder.
When did I say we make 100% of the JF17 or Al Khalid by ourselves though? It’s not nice to put words into peoples mouths.

I know the Indian defense industry is ahead of ours, but funnily enough that actually isn’t true for a lot of their ground-related defense industries, Pakistan has managed to innovate a lot with the Al-Khalid series; local FCS, GCS, auto-loader, ammo, guns, armor (the list goes on). India cannot make these things for either the Arjun or the T90S, so maybe you need to stop belittling the Pakistani industry all the time too?

Despite their mistakes, Credit where it is due to HIT, the Al-Khalid is a genuinely impressive program which would have seen us probably developing a tank comparable, if not better, to the VT4 (in the form of the Al Khalid 2) if the war on terror hadn’t taken away funding. Add on top of that all the projects they had planned in the form of MRAPs, APCs, trucks etc that all got shelved due to either bad purchase decisions or a lack of funding, it’s not the designers at HIT that are the issue, it’s the circumstances.
India has had its hands burnt with the Su-54E already and is preferring to focus on local projects. They have evaluated the Leo2 as well but their infrastructure will require a lot of update to bring it into manufacturing it locally. There is also some hesitation on their part to completely abandon the Arjun - it is not far fetched to see a Leo esque Arjun Mk.3 come out.
India is really confused about tanks right now, they have no local upgrades available for their T90S, they canceled an order for T90MS to buy more T90S (that’s like PA ordering Stock Al Khalids in 2021), they can’t decide which design to go for next, and their local FMBT designs seem like vaporware compared to how hard they’re working on their Tejas and AMCA designs.

I personally feel that IAF and IN are a lot more open to buying local than IA, which is why Indian ground industry lags behind the other two.
When did I say we make 100% of the JF17 or Al Khalid by ourselves though? It’s not nice to put words into peoples mouths.
And I never said that you said anything like that about Alkhalid/JF-17. So i wasn't putting words in your mouth rather I was pointing out that like india, we also don't make any major military hardware on our own. Rather they are actually ahead of us, and we actually lag behind, and that's why we need to redouble our efforts. That was the point of my post.
I know the Indian defense industry is ahead of ours, but funnily enough that actually isn’t true for a lot of their ground-related defense industries, Pakistan has managed to innovate a lot with the Al-Khalid series; local FCS, GCS, auto-loader, ammo, guns, armor (the list goes on). India cannot make these things for either the Arjun or the T90S,
Actually it IS true for ground related defense industries also. For example they license produce Korean Self Propelled artillery, it may not be indigenous but it's ahead of anything we have achieved in SPH area. Tanks are not the only ground related item. Sure we may be doing better in tanks due to their failure re the arjun but they are doing better in other areas.
so maybe you need to stop belittling the Pakistani industry all the time too?
I don't think saying we need to do better constitutes belittling at all, but where does the "all the time" come from?? When have I belittled pakistani industry like this? Don't you know it's not nice to put words into peoples mouths? :P
Despite their mistakes, Credit where it is due to HIT, the Al-Khalid is a genuinely impressive program which would have seen us probably developing a tank comparable, if not better, to the VT4 (in the form of the Al Khalid 2) if the war on terror hadn’t taken away funding. Add on top of that all the projects they had planned in the form of MRAPs, APCs, trucks etc that all got shelved due to either bad purchase decisions or a lack of funding, it’s not the designers at HIT that are the issue, it’s the circumstances.
And I didn't say anything specific about HIT. My point was about us a country. And mostly to blame is our governments. Whoever is to blame doesn't change the fact we are far behind from where we should be.
T-14 has had numerous production delays and issues, the last deadline was again delayed recently. It’s not the only thing Russia is having production issues with either, as for the tank going to India? Not before 2030, even the Indians won’t buy something that is that unfinished.

Also, just to let you know, india doesn’t produce T90S tanks entirely, it produces some of their parts and assembles them. They don’t have full ToT, they still rely on Russia for some very major parts of the tank.
Agreed it dosent mean that prodution is slow wont get faster in future sir
I don't know where you are getting your stats from......At the moment state tests are still pending, 100 units are slated to be delivered to Taman division by 2022 and you are providing infrastructure to India....
Did i said today im providing definately it takes time of next ten years

Before writing understand what i said to you

No sene india will get it tomorow every one knows

Act is india are in talks to get it
That’s why we buy the VT-4 and make the Al-Khalid-1. Though to be fair, the VT-5 is only average at best itself when it comes to light tanks.

In fact China doesn’t make any tank that’s comparable to the best of what’s available in the west or Russia, the ZTZ-99A is also average at best. It improves upon firepower and protection a little bit over the VT-4, but falls behind in technology, so it ends up at the same place. but don’t take it from me, I’m far too biased.
Since we are going to talk about VT-4, let me bring some schooling for some members since I dont know what is wrong with PA for doing such bad PR which their citizens even has zero clue of what weapon they are buying. While some will acting as some pro giving casual passing remarks which definitely show the shallow knowledge they have .

Let me adress the first issue. Some claim VT-5 is average when comes to its light tank category. May I know which 33-36tons tank has a 1000hp full auto transmission gearbox diesel engine tank? Just a single factor alone will tell you VT-5 is not your average tank. Many countries until now still struggle to come out an automatic transmission gearbox for their diesel tank engine that included South Korea, Russia and Ukraine.

Not to mention the stabilizer of VT-5 is so good I dare Western tank dont even dare to challenge Chinese feat. These tank go thru very rough plank terrain while the high center of gravity slim shell didnt even fall during the whole process.

If somebody think VT-4 cant even match the best of what Russia build I guess some are insulting the wisdom of PA authority who make some decision. Why not build more Al Khalid tank since VT-4 is not gonna take out the Indian Russia T-90S?

VT-4 powerpack are very advance, in fact the handling experience is so good that anyone who knows how to drive an automatic car can starting driving this VT-4 in minutes. Is the same level as Leopard 2 or K2 panther. This is something which Al Khalid and T-90S still struggle semi - auto transmission.


The powerpack and trans mission gear box of VT-4 are integrated. Meaning they can be replaced quickly and revive easily while on battlefield if engine is knock out. Another thing which T-90S and Al Khalid struggle to match. Just the disassemble of both engine will take even up to half a day to complete.


VT-4 just like any western tank, they are network and can communicate with UCAV, or command control to have situation awareness. VT-4 gun control is also able to handle low flying helicopter threat with ATGM able to take out slow moving helicopter if approach.

As for VT-4 and Type99A, main different is not just on armour, protection. The laser dazzler system counter measure which is exclusive on Type99A only has never approved for export.
Since we are going to talk about VT-4, let me bring some schooling for some members since I dont know what is wrong with PA for doing such bad PR which their citizens even has zero clue of what weapon they are buying. While some will acting as some pro giving casual passing remarks which definitely show the shallow knowledge they have .

Let me adress the first issue. Some claim VT-5 is average when comes to its light tank category. May I know which 33-36tons tank has a 1000hp full auto transmission gearbox diesel engine tank? Just a single factor alone will tell you VT-5 is not your average tank. Many countries until now still struggle to come out an automatic transmission gearbox for their diesel tank engine that included South Korea, Russia and Ukraine.

Not to mention the stabilizer of VT-5 is so good I dare Western tank dont even dare to challenge Chinese feat. These tank go thru very rough plank terrain while the high center of gravity slim shell didnt even fall during the whole process.

If somebody think VT-4 cant even match the best of what Russia build I guess some are insulting the wisdom of PA authority who make some decision. Why not build more Al Khalid tank since VT-4 is not gonna take out the Indian Russia T-90S?

VT-4 powerpack are very advance, in fact the handling experience is so good that anyone who knows how to drive an automatic car can starting driving this VT-4 in minutes. Is the same level as Leopard 2 or K2 panther. This is something which Al Khalid and T-90S still struggle semi - auto transmission.


The powerpack and trans mission gear box of VT-4 are integrated. Meaning they can be replaced quickly and revive easily while on battlefield if engine is knock out. Another thing which T-90S and Al Khalid struggle to match. Just the disassemble of both engine will take even up to half a day to complete.


VT-4 just like any western tank, they are network and can communicate with UCAV, or command control to have situation awareness. VT-4 gun control is also able to handle low flying helicopter threat with ATGM able to take out slow moving helicopter if approach.

As for VT-4 and Type99A, main different is not just on armour, protection. The laser dazzler system counter measure which is exclusive on Type99A only has never approved for export.
As I say , Russia until now still struggle with automatic transmission gearbox. To some unknowledgeable people they think such things is insignificant and no sophistication is needed.

Even South Korea struggle with this big hurdle for their indigenous version.

Not to mention the stabilizer of VT-5 is so good I dare Western tank dont even dare to challenge Chinese feat. These tank go thru very rough plank terrain while the high center of gravity slim shell didnt even fall during the whole process.
Watch this:

One should be humble in his claims. Thanks.
Watch this:

One should be humble in his claims. Thanks.
LOL.. I do know this video and its far away from what VT-5 can do. And I am very humble. The Leo 2 is using a beer with a broad base which gives it high center of gravity.

Do you know why the Chinese presenter pick a tall shell instead of beer bottle? If you know a bit of physic, I dont think I need to tell u the answer. Be humble and acknowledge the twin stabilizer of VT-4 and VT-5 gun are much superior.
You can try to push down a shell and push down a cup of beer,and find out which is harder.
Precisely, there is no comparison. Try show this Leo video is another poor attempt to discredit feat of VT-4/ VT-5.
LOL.. I do know this video and its far away from what VT-5 can do. And I am very humble. The Leo 2 is using a beer with a broad base which gives it high center of gravity.

Do you know why the Chinese presenter pick a tall shell instead of beer bottle? If you know a bit of physic, I dont think I need to tell u the answer. Be humble and acknowledge the twin stabilizer of VT-4 and VT-5 gun are much superior.
The video I shared is 1980s Western technology. You can imagine the situation now. Just be humble in your claims.
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