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Pakistan army vs Nawaz Sharif

The recent tensions are to be blamed on Indian media.

Never knew it drives the national policy.

Big problem with Indians is that they have essentially, en masse, bought whatever is spoon-fed by their political class. It is true that Musharraf went against Sharif by launching Kargil in 1999; Musharraf's rationale was that the Sharif-Vajpayee Lahore declaration had basically buried the Kashmir conflict and that, according to Musharraf, there can't be a durable peace until and unless Kashmir is resolved.

But that was in 1999!

Since then the 'security state' of Pakistan is much weakened due to the consequences of 9/11 inside Pakistan. Indeed, it was Musharraf himself who, in 2003/4, went even further than Sharif and turned off the ****** faucet into Kashmir, for which Musharraf has been literally targeted and much maligned. But what Musharraf did was not the action of one person--but of the military and political class.

Thick-headed, war-mongering Indians fail to appreciate that! They fail to understand that Pakistan has enough problems inside and so starting an unnecessary front against India is NOT in Pakistan's interest at all. However, it is very much in India's interest to take advantage of Pakistan's current huge problems.

This thread is bogus. But continue to believe in your damn propaganda. You are only going to either end up with a hugely unstable Pakistan with spillover into your country or a Pakistan where peaceniks will shrink greatly in number, if you follow the same course of action.
I had a good laugh reading the above. Elections are near and it will be no surprise if one of those Mumbai style drama bazi is repeated again. Indians are smart people.They are testing the waters to see Pakistani response. First violations by the air force, then drone, now this.
The good news for Indians is that they will have NS to deal with who will be much more willing and subdue to Indian demands perhaps even one or two surgical strikes at MuridK. The bad news is he might end up with a boot up his *** by the next COAS however the current leadership of the army is no less complicit in his policies. In fact it was very clear from the get go who will form the next government in Pakistan at least till the americans are here.
Indians will find no better opportunity then this to put another embarrassment mark on Pakistan after 71. Good luck in your future endeavours.
when one party literally ran away from mosquitoes, what are you trying to compare.....
What about Ratistan. You have Bjp. IA, Civil and media. I think we ceasefire with ttp and send them to Kashmir.
another sensationalist article with no basis to it....

the LoC incident is taking place because indian soldiers violated the LoC and kidnapped Kashmiri villagers - much to the angst of not merely the military but more relevantly - Kashmiri nationals who are livid over it (on both sides).

our side only fires when fired upon
i am tired of this bullshit ..india dont want to engage in talks...that is why they come up with this stupid stuff ..

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